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04x13 - Body of Water

Posted: 02/04/09 20:36
by bunniefuu
Previously on Ghost Whisperer.

You move between the world of life and death.

You don't know the price.

What price?

No! please, not you!

You have to cross over.

I don't want to.

I saw Jim's ghost step into Sam's body.

You're back!

Do I know you?

I see the same guy that you see, Different hair, nose, eyes. It's not Jim.

He's in there somewhere.

He just has to be.

You're not gonna tell me that you think I'm your husband reincarnated.

Because your are the only sane person I've met since I woke up.

It's not much. But maybe you could help me finish my garage.

And you could live there while you do the work.

Just until you figure out your next move.

That's strange. I've been hoping for a clue.

Something to tell me who I was.

I bought that less than a month ago.

Question is, who did I buy it for?


Oh, my god. It's true. You don't know who I am, do you?

You must be Nicole.

The fiance?

She is not his fiance until he puts a ring on her finger.

Ok. So where are they now?

I don't know. He hasn't been home all day.

But he's with her? Nikki.

I assume so.

How much time are they actually spending together?

Well, he's not working, and she's in town. so...

You didn't tell me they were spending whole days together.

What about the nights? Is she still staying at the hotel?


But they're spending all day together.

I'm really trying not to think about it.

I thought he was just trying to get in touch with her So that he could explain to her what happened and then say goodbye.

Well, guess what. They're saying hello.

I think I hear them.

No. No. No. They're just gonna see you.

Oh, yeah. That's a lot better.

Did she see me?

Can I?

No. - Hold on a second, Sam.

Uh, Melinda?

This is nuts.

Hi. I am Delia.

Hi, Delia. I'm Nikki.

I was looking for Melinda.

Found it! -Oh, gosh!

Nikki, Delia. Have you met Delia?

Yes. We did.

I found it. - Oh, great.

I'm so sorry we had to come all the way back here for just this.

No. It's great.

Hey, Melinda.

Hi, Sam.

Uh, Nikki left her cell phone here. So...

Right. So...

I guess I'll be taking you back...

Well, actually that's why I wanted talk to you.

Melinda, the hotel that I booked is really nice.

It's fine and everything.

But I'm actually going to be spending a little bit more time than I originally planned.

And I really want to help Sam out as much as possible.

But I was only able to get a week off from work.

And I don't want to waste a minute that I could spend with him.

So, you are here. And just if you didn't mind?


Just 'cause obviously I couldn't stay with Sam.


No. No.

Because we're really just getting to know each other.

Yeah. Yeah. Of course.

Really? It's ok. I can stay with you?


Great. - Great.


We were walking around the house into the back.

And we get there.

And her grandmother and grandfather are there.

Oh, my god!

What are you doing?


Are you crazy? What are you thinking?

Paula, come on, it's freezing!

No way!

She's going in.

No. - Catch me if you can!

Paula, don't go out there.

Oh, my God! This is no£¡

Is she serious?

I'm not going in there, no way!

Paula, come back!

Mark, do something.

Paula, come on! Wait!

Paula, come on! It's freezing.

Seriously, come on!

Paula, come on, it's freezing.

Where is she?

Mark, look down.

Fish, oh, gross. - Oh, sick.

Paula, come back, ok?

Very funny, we get it. Just come back, seriously.

Come on.

Come on, guys. The water's great.

Come on, Paula. - All right, let's go.

Paula, come back.

Yeah, Paula. It's not funny. Seriously.

What was that?

Oh, my god. I think there's...

Paula, look, I'm worried! Paula! Hold that.

She's not kidding, get her out of there!

Oh, my god, what's going on?

Get her out of there!

Oh, my god!

I think something's in there! What is that?!

What's the matter?! Hurry! Oh, my god!

Swim this way, come on! Mark, get her!

Oh, my god.

Hurry, hurry, get out! What the hell was that?

Here, give me your coat. - Here, put this on.

Hey, it's ok. You're ok now.

Just get me out of here.

Ok, I enjoy hiking like the next girl but why are we out here?

Getting your mind off the fact that your husband's dating your roomie.

She is not my roomie. Ok?

I was in such a fog, I didn't know what I said yes to.

You're literally the girl that can't say no.

Should've made you very popular in high school.

Hey! I can say "no."

Then what are you doing up here with me?

You said you needed a favor.

And I need a favor, too. Ok?

Just please keep working with Sam...

No matter what it takes to get his memory back... before Nikki convinces him that he loves her.

Just please help us.

Of course. I'll do whatever I can.

But now my favor.

Ew. Do you smell that?

Dead fish everywhere.

A biologist at the university's doing some tests in the water.

But I thought you might get results faster.


A student of mine was up here swimming with some friends last night.

The whole experience freaked her out.

And not just the dead fish.

She said something was pulling her under.

She called it a presence.

Look, I know it's a long shot, but her father died earlier this year...

What was his name?

Edwin Hathaway.

He's here.

But do you hear that?

He's not alone.

Tell no one.

You're sure that's the ghost you saw?

I think so. He responded to his name, anyway.

According to his obituary, he was 52.

Died of a stroke.

Well ,that's weird. 'cause ghosts usually appear one of two ways.

How they looked at the moment of their death, or how they looked in life.

Half these ghosts were rotting and decomposing.

It says here he died at the hospital.

What was he even doing at the lake?

Sometimes spirits gather. I've seen it before.

But it's usually around the place of their death.

So this is where they all died?

You'd think, but I couldn't find any mass deaths in the vicinity.

Do you remember the plane crash a few years ago?

Yeah. But that was almost 20 miles away.

So what are they doing there?

Keeping a big fat secret. "Tell no one."

Not a lot of subtext there.

Unfortunately, our instructions came a little bit late.

It's the biologist I told you about from the university.

He found heavy concentrations of a particular pathogen in the water.

The same pathogen found in the waters filled with bodies after hurricane Katrina.

So they're actually in there?

We'll know soon enough.

Health department's gonna dredge the lake.

Oh! That's my appointment with Sam.

Well, go! Go. Get out of here.


No, but I want it back. Give it back!

You gave it to me.

I did not give it to you.

Give it.

Well, here look. If you want it so badly.

Well, I just wanted to show you the article.

You always do this.

Hey, Eli.


This is Nikki.

Hi. It's nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.

Ok. Buddy. Take care.

Well, listen. Thank you so much for helping us out.

Oh, sure. Um...

Is this going to be a joint session?

No, it's just me. But we were running so late, I didn't have a chance to take Nikki back...

It's fine. Don't worry about it. Not a problem.

I'll just grab a cup of coffee and meet you afterwards.

Thank you.

Past-life regression is just a kind of hypno-therapy.

With all due respect, I just don't get how discovering that I had a past life Is going to help me find this one.

All right. The one that I lost.

It loosens the subconscious.

My subconscious?

Do you want to know what my subconscious is telling me?

It is telling me that something off.

Good, that's good. Keep going.

Well, Nikki for example. Ok?

She's beautiful. She's smart. She's blonde?

Blonde? You're into blondes?

No. That she has nice hair.

I remembered how it felt when I put my arm around her.

I mean, I remember how it smelled.

Well, then why can't I remember at all jerking her around for 10 years?

Maybe you just didn't want to marry her.

Ok. So I was Mr. Can't Commit.

That's what everyone says.

You know what I think? I think I remember wanting to get married.

I feel like that I had finally met the right person and then...

Tell me about her.

Well, that we wanted to have kids.

I mean, maybe we were even trying.

If that's true, then why isn't she telling me about that?

By she you mean...?

Nikki. Who else?

You tell me.

Nikki can't be the only person you dated.

I want you to consider that maybe...just maybe...

There's someone else.

Wait, someone more important than the woman I spent half my adult life with?

Look, I just think that's kinda hard to imagine.

Look, I...I really gotta talk to her.

But thanks. This has been a big help.

Did they find anything?

Yeah. Plenty.

A reporter said that it's 8 victims and counting.

Victims? Is that what they are?

Paula's father died in a hospital.

Yeah, well that's what his obit said.

Maybe the paper got it wrong.

Anyway, it looks like they're going to be out here a while.

I don't hear anything.

They're here.

So how'd it go with Sam? - So-so.

As his shrink there's only so much I can tell you was. what I almost told him.

Which was?

That he's Jim, your husband.

And anything he remembers about anyone he loved is you.

So he remembered something?

Just that he wanted to have kids.

Well, that's huge!

He thinks he wants to have them with her.

What am I going to do?

You've disturbed us. All of us.

All we asked for was your silence.

I couldn't stop this if I wanted to.

It's the health department and the police.

They want answers.

Edwin, we know you have a family that cared about you.

They deserve to find out what happened to you.

Just tell us how we can help.

What is it that you want...

To protect the living.

From what?

Got another one.

What if they just all died of the same thing?

Some chemical, toxic-something?

In the lake?

I think the C.D.C. would say that the dead people are the problem.

And bothers me is not how they got there, but why they stayed.

Your Latte, and the cappuccino. - Thanks.

Well, they were just hanging around their bodies, right?

Yeah. That's the upside.

That's an upside?

You know, it just means as spirits they weren't lured there by someone or something.

What do you mean? Like some kinda ghost cult?

No. More like the ghosts in the tunnels, you know, or the watchers.

The watchers?

A group of spirits who made all the threats about Jim.

They said that there would be a price to pay for what I can do.

Ahh. There's Sam.

And no Nikki. And he's heading toward the store.

Go. Go be with him.

I don't know if I'm up for being his "good friend" right now.


All right. Ok.


Hey, Melinda. That's funny.

I was just coming to see you.

Do you have to go back to work or can you talk for a bit?

No. I'm good. - Great.

Thanks for, you know, letting Nikki stay with you.

Oh, yeah. It's no problem.

I didn't even see her last night.

Yeah, she said you were still asleep when she came in.

And she was asleep when I left. So.

Yeah. She's a night person.

I mean, at least that's what she tells me.

I guess both of us were.

She'd do crosswords. I would read the sports pages.

We'd stay up... I hate crosswords.

I don't even remember.

Although, you know it's funny.

I do remember Ryan Howard's 2006 batting average...


Wait. How do you know that?

You hear something enough times it kinda sticks.

Look, Melinda, what I wanted to ask you is, How is it I remember something as stupid as sports trivia But I don't remember something that Nikki and I fought about for years?

In my head, I remember wanting to have kids.

And Nikki didn't?

No, she says she did.

So this big memory breakthrough I'm having is wrong.

And she's gotta be right.

I mean, she sounds right.

I'm being the typical guy, dragging my heels.

Not all guys are like that.

My husband wasn't.

I was always the one dragging my heels.

But Jim, he...

He wanted everything that you're remembering... which has to mean something, right?

What to me and Nikki?

No, to you.

It's none of my business.

But maybe you...maybe you shouldn't listen to what everyone else says, not about the stuff that really matters.

You know who you are.

When you start believing that, you'll get back to you, to...

To what? To being the guy like your husband?

Committed, confident enough in himself, In the world, to bring another human being into it?

But you see, I wasn't.

So pretending that I was is just wishful thinking.

Thank you so much for coming.

Of course, you seemed upset.

I don't understand.

I tell you something weird happened at the lake, And then the next thing I know I get a call from the health department recommending that I should go on a course of antibiotics.

And then I turn on the TV and see them pulling dead bodies out of water that I was just swimming in.

I know this must be scary...

It's disgusting.

I wish I could make you feel better.

But unfortunately, I think I'm about to make you feel worse.

What are you talking about?

I need to ask you about your father.

First I need you to consider the possibility that parts of us may exist after our bodies have stopped.


Because I've talked to your father's ghost.

He was up at the lake.

He's there...

No, this is...this is crazy.

Paula, you said you felt a presence, You think my dad is one of the corpses They're pulling out of that water?

Look, I know this is hard to accept...

No, literally. There's no way.


He's right here.

Your father was cremated...where?

I was done with my body.

I wanted my family to be done with it, too.

I thought, somehow, it would be easier for them.

And now they have to feel your loss all over again.

"Protect the living."

You meant, from what happened to you.

We were betrayed.

Look what's become of us.

It's just how you see yourselves.

No. It's how they'll see us too.

My wife, my daughter.

They'll be forced to...

No. No. You can talk to them.

You can help them through this.

And they'll remember you just as you were.

And then you can move on.

We're not going anywhere.

We've waited.

There's business to finish.

What is it that you want to finish?

You mean who.

If they went to the movies they should been back by now.

Or if they went to dinner...

I don't know where they are.

And I don't want to know.

Well, you should want to know When your competition looks like this.

It's tough love, girlfriend. And you gotta hear this.

Ok. So what do you want me to do?

Get into the game!

You gotta fight fire with fire!

Look, it's not like I can throw on a bikini and mud wrestle for the guy.

Well, you can't just sit around and do nothing.

Does it look like I'm doing nothing?

No, it looks like you're helping another ghost.

Not just one ghost, a lot of them.

Ok, and they left loved ones behind.

And if I don't figure out who dumped their bodies...

I am not suggesting that this work isn't important.

I'm just saying that ghosts can keep.

I'm not so sure Sam can.

Yeah. Neither am I.

Then why don't you do something about it?

Because nothing...

Nothing I can do will get him to remember me...

Or choose me.

All I can do is have faith.

That's all I have right now.


It's so nice to meet you.

Carl gets so few visitors lately.

Not that we're surprised in his business.

Who wants to watch someone dying?

When did he close the funeral home?

When the cancer made it impossible for him to work.

Did he take care of your family?

No. He...helped some friends of mine.

I keep wishing someone close might get through to him.

He doesn't listen to me anymore.

Get through to him?

He has so little time, and he's in such pain...

But he won't take the pills they give him.

I guess he's afraid it'll make the end come sooner.

But really, why go on like this?

Do you want me to talk to him?

Thank you.

Come on.

My name is Melinda Gordon.

I don't know you.

What do you want?

I came to talk about the lake.

What lake?

Where the bodies are.

Where you put them. Didn't you?

Part of me hoped I would die before this day.

And the other part?

What if they're waiting for me?

Why did you do it?

I thought I had no choice.

What do you mean?

The big mortuary chains kept calling to get me to sell.

But my great grandfather built that place from nothing.

And I was proud.

And I wanted a better price.

What happened?

What always happens.

They undercut me. I couldn't compete. The money ran out.

And when the furnace finally broke down, I was desperate.

It's no excuse.

Sometimes I think...

The cancer is a punishment.

All this pain.

Your wife said there's pain medication that you won't take.

I feel evil.

Carl, you made a mistake. You're not evil.

No. No. I feel evil around me.


You're right. Carl, they're here.

All the ghosts of the bodies that you threw into that lake.

Oh, no.

I see them.

Oh, please.

They're angry because of what you did. But I can help.

Please just give me the names of all the people that you threw into the lake.

I can talk to their families. I can help them heal.

To help them suffer, you mean.

Then they'll drop their anger, ok?

Not until he's suffered like we have.

You need to go into the light.

There's forgiveness there.

Carl, take your medicine.

I went back and looked where he told me to.

Back to the funeral home?

Wow, you're a glutton for gruesome.

Yeah well with Mary sunshine bunking at my house, I already feel like formaldehyde girl.

Formaldehyde girl, that's funny.

Sorry. Not funny.

Did you get the list of names?

Yeah. I'm just trying to see if their I.D.s match what we found.

Hey, here's Paula's dad.

Was everybody on the list scheduled for cremation?

Cremation, cremation.

Yeah, it looks like they were meant to be...

Cremated. I'll call you back.

How are you?

I'm fine.

Um, do you have a minute to talk about Sam?

Sure. What about him?

Well, first of all, I want to apologize for imposing on you at your house and here at work now.

But I really...honestly, I didn't know who else to go to.

You know how you grow up imagining what it'll be like to be in love?

You picture your boyfriend, your husband.

And not just the good times...

But the fights and the problems, too.

Yeah. Sure.

Could you ever have imagined something like this happening?

A guy that you loved just wakes up one day and then suddenly has no idea who you are?

No. Never.

Really? Not at all?

I...I don't understand.

I guess I was so blown away by what happened to Sam that I really didn't notice it at first, but, uh...

Do you think it's a little odd that he's staying in your garage?

The same garage he was supposed to be doing designs for?

And where are the plans? I haven't seen any of those.

What are you driving at?

When I first came here, my idea was a quick in and out.

Let Sam know that he was forgiven, maybe fill in a few memory blanks, and then say goodbye.

But now that I've seen who he is, this new Sam who wants kids, who's ready to settle down.

I...I don't want to let him go.

What does that have to do with me?

That's what I'm trying to find out.

Shouldn't you be asking Sam?

You're not gonna make this easy, are you?

I thought I just did.

Thank you.

Mrs. Sessick, you startled me.

I apologize for coming by without calling.

I thought you'd want to know.

Carl died, a few hours ago.

I'm so sorry.

I don't know what you said, but after you left, he seemed to change.

He relaxed, and decided to take his pain medicine.

After a few hours later, he took my hand.

Then his eyes opened wide, like he saw something amazing.

And that was it.

That look in his eyes, he must have just seen the face of his maker.

Don't you think?

That's a lovely notion.

Thank you so much, Melinda, for giving my husband peace.



How did I get here?

Oh, no! No. Melinda!



Oh, please god, anywhere but here.

For you, there's nowhere but here.

Forgive me.

Please, I'm begging you.

I'm begging you for forgiveness.

Please! Please!

That's not what you'll find here.


Help me!

Tell me, how can I help you?

Mom, you wanted to talk about this.

No one is mad at you, Mom.

Speak for yourself.

When Edwin had his stroke, he was jogging a few miles from home.

He had no wallet, no ID.

So the hospital needed someone to say that it was him.

I went.

But I couldn't do it.

I just...I couldn't look at him.

Paula was there by then, so she did it.

I made my own daughter go in and look at her dead father.

Mom, I didn't mind doing it.

There was no shame in what happened to him.

Why couldn't I just look at him?

Marlene, there's no shame in what you did, either.

Most people never see their deceased loved ones ever.

My daughter, she said that you knew something about Edwin's spirit.

He is stuck here? He can't move on?

That's right.

He and the others spirits whose bodies were put in the lake, They're earthbound, which means they haven't been able to cross over into the light.

Why not?

They don't want you to know what happened to them.

Out of shame.

That's why your husband tried to scare Paula away that night at the lake. - Can we help them?

You might.

But right now, they're very angry.

Until the right moment comes...

If Edwin's ghost is still here, then that means he saw what I did when he died.

Please give me the chance to make it right.

Sam, please don't sneak up on me like that!


I'm sorry. The door was open.

Look, I took Nikki to a hotel last night.

And, um, I just wanted to come by and see if you were ok.

I'm fine.

Are you sure? Because you seemed a little tense, and frankly, so did Nikki.

No, really. I'm fine.


Well, then I'll go back to the hotel.


I mean, she's been here almost a week, so what are you going to do?

I don't know. It's weird.

I feel things when I'm with her.

Nice things.

Her smell is familiar.

I recognize the feel of her hand when I hold it.

You know, it's comfortable.


Melinda,not everybody can have what you had with your husband.

All right? And given my track record, I'm not sure I'd even be capable of that.

Of course you are.

Maybe you don't know me as well as you think.

And, look, if suddenly I feel like I should take a chance, you know, get some feelings back, maybe that's progress.

Maybe that's a good thing.

Maybe I should reach out with both hands.

All right.


Don't what?

You can do better for yourself than


or "maybe getting some feelings back."

Hold out for more.


What am I holding out for?


Hold out for everything.

You know, that's easy for you to say.

You had everything.

Who's there?

Carl, why are you here?

You said there would be forgiveness for me, you lied.

Did you look into the light?

I saw it, but they told me I couldn't go in.

Why not?

Because of my shame.

But you apologized.

I mean, you tried to make things right.

You can come out of the shadows now.

No, I can't. They're looking for me.

They want me to go with them.

Those spirits are angry because of what you did.

Nobody can keep you from the light.

It's not them. It's the others.

The others?

Spirits I've never seen before.

But they said they know you.

They know me?

They said they gave you a warning, but you didn't listen, And something you cherished was lost.


They said you believed in things that weren't right, And trusting those things might hurt others...

And you.


I'm here.

What do you want from me?

What did I do to offend you?

You did nothing.

Then why did you take my husband away?

Fate did that, not us.

You came to me and you said That death would touch something that I loved.

And before I knew it, he was dead.

We just warned you to be careful.

Yeah. 'cause that's what you were doing was warning me With all your lies and threats.

We don't lie or make threats.

You told Carl that he couldn't cross over.

The light has never denied anyone.

The light doesn't make the choice.

We each do.

We? You mean you.

No, each of us for ourselves.

You wondered why these lake spirits stayed earthbound.

Well, it's the same reason that Carl did.

When the light opens, we each see ourselves reflected back.

So Carl's shame kept him here.

When spirits feel unworthy, sometimes we choose to stay back to work together for the living. to make ourselves worthy.

What spirits stay back to do that?

I haven't seen any.

You're meeting four of them now.


Why do you think we're still here?

So when Carl said that you asked him to join you...?


They explained it to me, and I understand now.

This is what I want.

Are you sure?

Because they said it's your choice.

You can move on now.

I want to be one of them.

All right.

Will you help me fix the wrongs I did?


By taking away their shame.

Thank you all for coming tonight.

We'd asked for family and friends, And I just never realized how many friends we have.

Hey, Eli. - Hi, Sam.

I wasn't sure what to say, So I asked my darling english major Paula for some help.

And she wrote down some thoughts for me.

Paula? Don't be shy.

"Tonight we send our loved ones

"to where we thought they'd already gone.

"It seems like a detour, "an embarrassing wrong turn.

"but the truth is, we never knew where they were going.

"We pretended we did, and that made us feel better.

"But every path leads to the unknown.

"some paths join others, and some split off on their own.

"we want to know where they all go, but maybe we shouldn't.

"maybe the more we insist on knowing, "the less we'll be able to learn from life's twists and turns.

"I know what you're thinking, "that the unknown is scary.

"But that's ok.

"we're human.

"maybe before we feel free, "we're supposed to feel fearful.

"Maybe it means more that way.

"So let's all say goodbye now.

"and remember, that no matter what we're feeling, "there's no shame.

No shame at all."


Oh, hey, Sam.

Nikki's downstairs.

She wanted to talk to you first.




Heh, I...I don't know why you've been so nice to me.

Letting me stay here in your house, when obviously...


It's not easy to say this, We have our whole lives ahead of us.

And whatever you're feeling right now, I hope you can understand why I did what I did.

Someday maybe you'll see that it was for the best.

You don't have to...

The weirdest part is Sam is this whole other guy.

He's a grown-up who realizes he wants more.

He talks about holding out.

And that's sort of amazing, because everything I've been holding out for, He is ready to give.

And I don't know why, but I feel like I have to thank you for that.

No hard feelings, I hope. deserve every happiness.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thanks for coming.

Please, uh...

Just be happy.

