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03x09 - All Ghosts Lead to Grandview

Posted: 12/05/07 05:57
by bunniefuu
You know? Don't even call this a short walk going for two miles next to the forest march.

All right, we go to the base camp I give you a nice massage.

Hey, how nice is nice? How long would me marry you to get there?

What's the man doing in our tent? Who's that?

I don't know.

Wait a minute. Is she a...? no, she's not a ghost. She's real.

She's a young girl.

But doesn't she look kind of- yeah. Something's not right.

There's not another campsite for miles.

Oh, we scared her.

No, wait!

Wait a minute!


We don't want to hurt you!

We just want to help!

Wait! Don't-

It's all right. Take it easy, ok?

Let me see your leg. I'm a paramedic.

I can help you.

Let me just look at your leg, all right?

It's nothing.

It just needs to be cleaned and dressed.

Hey, uh, tell us your name.

You must be pretty scared, huh?

Are you in these woods all alone?

Tell you what. I'll make you a deal.

You come back with us to our camp, ok?

Get warm, have a good meal.

I'll split this with you.

Ok. You can have the whole thing.

It's ok.

It wasn't very deep at all.

It should heal quickly.

You know, we really want to help you, but you have to tell us a few things first, like... what's your name?

Where are your parents?

Are you lost?

Maybe if we talk to child services back in town, they could give us some information-


Your name's becca? yeah Ok.

Becca, so... what are you doing here?

Are you hiding from something?

I ran away.

What did you run away from?

Your parents?

I don't have any parents.

They're dead.

Do you live in a foster home?

How long have you been out here?

2 or 3 weeks.

We need to find out where that foster home was so that we can let them know you're all right.


Please. I don't want to go back there.

Well, we're going to do the best we can to keep you safe, but we need to let the police know that we found you.

Don't make me go back there.

I'm begging you.

You know, we don't get any cell service out here, and if we try to hike to the car, it would be dark before we get there, so... ok.

You're going to stay here with us.

We'll keep you safe.

I won't let you leave me.

What's going on?

What's happening to me? hey, look at me, There's nothing here.

You're all right.

She's mine.

Ghost Whisperer Season 03 Episode 09

Becca, I know that you don't really feel safe, but trust me, you are.

I think the best thing for you is just to get a good night's sleep.

I can't.

Well, then, let's talk.

Do I have to?

I know that this is going to sound strange... but have you lost any friends or family lately?


I'm just trying to understand why you're out here.

They hurt me. I left.

I'm not going back.


Why these woods?

How have you been living out here all this time by yourself?

I'm tired.

I'm going to go back to sleep.

Wait. Um, can you hang with me for a minute, just till I fall back asleep?

Of course I will.

Hey, I didn't know you were so good with teenage hard cases.

Well, it helps that I used to be one.

You? Come on.

Yeah. You remember that age.

You're always mad at your parents 'cause they didn't understand who you were.

Well, take all that, add ghosts, and stir.

Do you think that's what happened to becca?

Or maybe she was abused?

I don't know.

What did the ghost say about her?

He just said "she's mine. "

Well, maybe he could be a friend or a brother who was also abused.

Could be.

Well, I guess we'll find out when we know where she belongs.

What if we're just taking her right back to the thing she's running from?

Don't really have a choice.


No. Wake up.

Becca's gone.


I left this in my backpack.

She must have found it in the tent.

Ok. So where could she have gone?

I don't know. Wherever she went, she's staying, 'cause she took most of the food.

Oh, no.


My car keys.


Becca Just watch out. She might get some traction.


Becca, stop it! I'll try get this side You can't go. I need you!

I won't let you go!

Go away!

Leave her alone!

Get out of the car- right now.

Get out of the car.

You could have k*lled yourself.

What were you thinking?

You saw him, too.

You can see ghosts.

So, we'll go downtown later and see if we can get some things that fit better.

So you're not going to call the police or whoever?

Eventually, but if you need some more time, for now... do you need some help with that?

I know how to use a brush.

You know, when my grandma first told me that she could see ghosts, I should have said, "thank god.

You know, there's finally someone else like me. "

All I could say was, "what is wrong with my grandma?"

It might be something you have to get used to.

So, you said that you were hurt by people.

Mostly with words?

Yeah, mostly.


My foster parents.

What happened to your real parents?

They died in a car crash.

How old were you when they died?

I guess I was, like, 5 or 6.

How old were you when you started seeing ghosts?

I don't remember ever not seeing them.

What did you say to your parents after they died?

After they died?

I never saw them.

Your parents didn't die, did they?

And you don't have foster parents.

You made it all up.

Look, you can tell me the truth.

If you do, I can help you.

And if you don't, then you're going to go back home, and nothing's going to be-

they think I'm sick.

They take me to the doctors and they try to make me take pills.

Ok. So then, we'll make them understand.

It won't work.

Well, you can't live in the woods forever, and you don't have to.

Know how to make the ghosts go away?

I know something better.

Yeah, mom. I'm fine. I promise.

I don't know. Just, like, some cuts and stuff, but he's, like, an ambulance guy, and he says I'm fine. So... yeah, I know.

I'm sorry.

They'll be here tomorrow afternoon.

They live in a small town outside st. Louis.

Well, what happens now?

Well, they just talked to the grandview police, who said nice things about us, thank goodness, so I guess she'll stay here until they get here.

How did she get that far from home?

'Cause she's a smart girl.

She took a bus 5 or 6 days and then got off here in grandview.

Ok. And how about this-

another person who sees ghosts chooses grandview.

Why does that keep happening?

I don't know, but I don't have time to think about it.

Right, 'cause you got a ghost to cross over.

No. She does.

I have 24 hours to teach that girl everything I know. has you benn in a touch since you left home? no*******

But the thing to remember is that they're more scared and confused than you.

They're stuck here, for some reason, and most of the time, they don't even know why. and after you've figured out why they've stayed earthbound, you can help them, take care of them.

And they can cross over.

Cross over?

Yeah. Into the light.

So, how do you know it's a better place?

You ever been there?

No, but I've felt it.

There's peace there, and knowing that I gave them that, there's nothing better.

Hey. You must be becca.

I'm delia.

It's ok, honey. I won't bite.

I hear that you are a very special girl.

Uh, you know what? There's some really cool vintage dresses over there.

Why don't you take a look?

Melinda, you know that I believe that you do amazing things.

I have seen you change people's lives again and again.

But this-


Do you really think the best way to help this girl-

Is to give her a crash course in being you?

Delia, she's not just running away from her parents.

She's running away from ghosts.

Can't you teach her how not to be afraid?

I can't stop her from seeing them, which means that I can't stop them from going to her with their problems.

Have you ever tried walking around with a crowd of dead people following you?

It's not fun.

Didn't you say your mom had this gift, and she lived with it?

Trust me, that is not a good argument.


Yeah. I'll be right there.

Look, I had my grandmother, ok?

Becca has no one but parents who don't understand.

I have to teach her how to cross them over.

I'm not going to let her turn out like gabriel¡ª

overmedicated and institutionalized.


Look, I'm sorry, ok?

I know that this is hard.

You don't have to apologize.

I should be used to seeing them.

You have to stop running away from them, else they're going to keep finding you.

You think I don't know that?

Look, that's why you have to face them, ok?

You just have to find out what they need.

It will make them stop.

Ok. I'll try.

Let's start with his name.

Did he give you that?

I think it's daniel.

Has he said anything about how he died?

Um, I think he was in some kind of accident.

He said there were bodies around.

Was there a fire? 'Cause he looked e'like hd been burned.

Honestly, I try not to look.

He talked about that, too.

Ok. I see it a little bit, but for her to be your mini-me, her hair would have to be a lot different.

This is my friend rick payne.

He's a professor. He's also-

oh, my gosh! Those eyes!

Look at those eyes with that
"don't even try lying to me, 'cause I can literally see right through you" look!

A little strange?


The resemblance is uncanny.

Ok. The ghost.

He's a boy, about becca's age. His name is daniel.

There was an accident in the woods.

There were lots of bodies around, so I'm thinking... last year plane crash.

Yeah, he probably wandered off, got separated from the rest of the passengers.

Yeah. The woods are not far from the crash site.

Well, that would explain the bodies.

And the burns on his face.

Ok. Well, I'll check the manifest.

I'll see if his name turns up.

What about the voices?

What voices?

In your basement.

Didn't you hear them?

No, not really.

Wait a minute. You can hear voices that melinda can't?

That would make her more powerful than you.

No. That's just how it works.

In the beginning, you get everything¡ª

you get voices, ghost energy, all of it.

And then, eventually, you learn to tune certain things out so you can function.

Whatever she's hearing, it's probably coming from the tunnels.

Do you still have that giant hole in the wall in your basement?

What tunnels?

Oh, you don't want to know about the tunnels.

Well, why not? What's under there?

What's under there? More like who's under there.

More accurately, who isn't under there.

The amount of trapped souls-

ok. You know what?

Maybe she should focus on the ghost that's haunting her right now, don't you think?

Yeah, ok-yes. I do.

What's my job again?

Check the plane manifest.


You and I have a field trip to go on. come on, Let's go find daniel.


Because this is probably near where he died.

It will help him remember what happened.

But why look for him at all?

I mean, he hasn't bugged me in hours. Maybe he's finished.

No, he's not finished until he crosses over-

until we help him cross over.

How many times did I tell you?

I don't like being left behind!

Becca, talk to him.

Find out what he needs.

Please, don't go.

Ask him what's keeping him here.

Why won't you just leave me alone?

They left me here.

They never said a word!

Were they punishing me?

What was I supposed to think?

Who? Daniel, who left you here?

Who is she, anyway?

I don't like her.

Becca, find out what's keeping him here.

I don't care.

I hate him! I want him to go away! I'm burning Hey, what do you see?

Daniel, talk to me, all right?

I want to help you. She wants to help you!

She doesn't want to help me!

Why should I help her?

Well, then, stop hurting her, all right?

Let her go.


What happened?

I was on fire!

It was horrible.

Look, I know how painful this is, ok?

But look at me.

I'm right here. We're ok.

There's a reason that he told you all of that. Ok?

He was trying to tell you what happened to him, and with that, you can cross him over.

I don't care.

Yes, you do.

You want to help him and yourself.

I don't care about daniel or any of them!

You can't give up.

Yes, I can!

I'm done.

I'm never going to do that again.

Still not hungry?

You know, your parents are going to be here tomorrow, so we don't really have much time.

Has a ghost ever done anything like this to you?

I've seen weird things before.

No one's ever tried to hurt me.

I know how awful this is.

But the vision, it'S... sometimes the only way they can tell you that they need your help.

But why should I help daniel when all he tries to do is scare me?

Look... I know that this is not fair.

Most kids don't have to think about death until they're much older.

But you and me?

Our lives are different.

You want a reason why you should help daniel?

One is because if you don't, he'll never leave you alone.

But the real reason is because you can.


But how?

The vision.

Tell me everything you saw.

There were bodies on the ground.

I'm right here.

I was on fire.

You mean daniel was.

At first, his skin hurt really bad.

Then, he couldn't feel anything.

There was metal burning.

And tires.

And there were cars.

They looked like tinfoil somebody punched really hard.

One of them was on fire.

I think that one was daniel'S.

Can you see a license plate number?

There were letters. M-I-Y... the number 8.

Hey... becca.

No. You did great.

You know what? Let's get out of here.

What do you think?

Let's go... walk amongst the living for a little while.

Can I just be alone?

Hey, melinda?

Were you ever scared?

It's never been easy.

But I had someone who... made me feel brave.

I hope I can do that same thing for you.


How'd the open house for the new listing go?

Oh, people loved the cookies, but not bites on the house.

I brought leftovers.

Thanks for covering.

Where's becca?

She's at home resting.

Jim's there.

How's she doing?

We made some progress.

I think I know who the little boy in the woods is.

He's looking for his parents.

2 cars hit head-on, causing a pile-up.

There were 5
fatalities, including a family¡ª

becca had seen their license plate in a vision¡ª

a mother, father, and a 13-year-old boy named daniel asher.

That's terrible.

Daniel died at the scene.

And his parents died later at the hospital.

You know, maybe they just saw the light and went right into it.

And he's just been waiting there ever since?

He thinks they're still alive?

I'm not sure.

But he needs to know that they've gone, and he should join them.

With any luck, becca will be able to convince him of that.

It would really help them both.

You know what? I really have to go.


You're back!

That's so great.

Um, you could come meet my parents.

So, I was telling them all about how you helped me.

Now, I admit that I was just pretending to see ghosts, just like you did when you were my age for attention.

Melinda. I'm joan cahill, becca's mom.

I don't even know what to say.

Honestly, I don't, either.

Honey, the cahills were able to get an earlier flight.

Um, this is tony.

Tony, this is my wife melinda.

Thank you for saving our daughter-
our whole family, actually.

Well, I don't know if I really helped.

You did.

Look, I don't know how you got through to her, but these things that she was imagining, we didn't know what to do.

Frankly, I felt like we'd lost her long before she ran away.

But... you're back now. Right, sweetheart?

Things are going to be a-ok.

Yeah. A-ok, again.

Thanks for not busting me.

So, what are you going to do now?

Every time you see a ghost, just ignore it?

Kind of already tried that.

Yeah, but it will be easier now.


'Cause I know it's not my fault.

Before, I thought I had something bad in me.

I was making them come to me and nobody else.

They come to you because you can see them.

And because they need your help.

Look, this is who you really are.

It's who we both are.


I'm not brave enough.

You comfortable, sweetie?

You can't hear a word I'm saying, can you?

I could sleep for about
100 years, you know?

Should we try to get a later flight tomorrow?

No. Let's get home.

Thank god, we can throw these away now.

What were we doing, making her take these?

Joan, wait... she wasn't hallucinating.

She never actually saw anything.

I know. I hope it's over, but just in case... it's not just about becca.

It's about that little boy in the woods waiting on parents that will never come back.

Yeah, but becca knows about the light now.

So maybe she's able to help him.

And he knows about you.

He can come to you.

And what about the ghost that haunts her after that?

And then, the one after that?

Honey, no one could have helped her more than you did.


That's what kills me.

No. Get away from them.

I'd give anything just to be with my parents again.

Oh! No, no. Why can't you just leave me alone?

Because then I'd be alone, too.

How'd you like it if I left you in the dark in those woods?

I begged you to.

But you didn't mean it.

Why can't you just be my friend?

Because you're dead!

You'd be dead, too, if I didn't help you find food and water.

I looked out for you.

Every night, I was there, and you knew it.

Ok. Fine. You watched over me. Thanks.

Now, go, please.

I'm still protecting you.

What's that supposed to mean?

Someone knows about you and your friend. That lady.

He found me, and he'll find you, too.


I'm not sure.

He wanted me to come with him, but I wouldn'T.

He said he knows where they're keeping my parents.

I don't understand.

Melinda knows things. You should go to her.

No. She just wants to send me away so I'll never see my parents again.

Becca... please.

You have to help me. only you hear voices Why don't you let me finish that up, huh?

Go on up. that's weird Hey.

We are so sorry to bother you.

Is becca here?

Please tell us she's here.

No, she's not.

Oh, god.

When was the last time you saw your daughter?

Um, we were tired. We fell asleep.

Probably 3 hours ago.

We already called the police.

I woke up freezing.

It always seemed so cold right before I hear her scream.

Becca gets night terrors.

And this time, she didn't call out. She was just gone. becca say anything? Was she talking to anyone?

I heard her whisper something.

She went into the bathroom.

She does that sometimes when she's trying to hide from us.

Yeah, but does she say anything?

I buried my head in the pillow. I couldn't listen.

Ok. She was probably talking to daniel.

And if she went with him, then she's trying to cross him.

I'm sorry. Cross him?

Just take them to the police, all right?

I'm going to go to the woods.

You got it.

Excuse me. What the hell is going on?

You know what? I'm really sorry to have to throw this at you, but your daughter's been trying to tell you for years.

You've tried pills. You've tried doctors.

The only thing you 2 never tried was believing her.

Your daughter sees ghosts, ok?

And I know that because I see them, too.

Look, you both have to understand that my wife has lived her entire life having people tell her she's crazy.

And maybe right now, you think she is, too.

But I'll tell you, she's the only chance you have of getting your daughter back.

You can hear it too, right?

This is where melinda said the trapped souls are.

It sounds like they're hurting.

That's why we have to hurry.


This is guardian-safe.

There's been an alarm activation at your place of business.

Would you like us to dispatch the police?

The tunnels.

Sorry, ma'am, I didn't hear you.

Would you like us to dispatch the police?

No, no, no. It's my husband.

Sometimes he forgets how the alarm works.

I'm so sorry. Thank you.

What? What?



In the square this afternoon, when you told becca about the tunnels, didn't you tell her that she could get to them through the basement?

Oh, gee whiz. You know, I really thought there was going to be a

"sorry I woke you up, professor" mixed in there.

She's in trouble, ok?

She ran away from her parents after they heard her talking to someone.

Was it the ghost daniel?

No, room service.

Well, we know she heard us talking about the hole in the wall in your basement.

But why would they go into the tunnels?

Because you told her that there were spirits trapped there.

Maybe she and daniel think it's the best way to get to his parents.

And by the way, the store alarm just went off.

Oh, boy. Sounds like daniel's up to his old tricks again.


Remember, you asked me to read up on the accident?

Well, the post mortem report says that that kid's blood alcohol level was a few notches above schnockered.

So, he was drunk?


I think your parents are down there.

Look, if you're scared, you don't have to do this.

You can just go.

I'll go alone.

You could get hurt.

I won't leave you.

We can do this.

Becca, you here?








Becca? mom, dad? are you here?

She's here, another one. mom? dad?

Are those your parents?

You. Is it over?

Can I go now?

Who are you?

He has a g*n.

Why did you all come here?

How did you find this place?

It still hurts.

We were promised.

You said... he promised.

Becca, I'm scared.

Who are all these people?

Melinda, see?

Just a few stitches and you're all better.

And we can stop somewhere special on the way home. oh, melinda It's ok, honey.

They're just upset.

Erwe we supposed to help.

I can't understand them.

There's too many voices.

I know.

But if you try, you can hear what's important, the one soul that we need to hear most at that moment.

All we have to do is listen with our hearts.

Where is he?

I can't find him!

Sweet girl, can you help me?

I need to find my husband.

Daniel? I'm here. I'm here. It's ok.

No, it's not.

We can't find my parents.

I know.

I did.

I listened for them.

Then, I heard them calling for you.

Daniel? honey Daniel? Where is he?


I've been waiting for you for so long.

It's ok.

You can go to them.

Daniel, what's wrong?

Daniel. Come.

You said they'd never leave you.

But you didn't believe that, did you?

Not after what happened that night before the accident.

It's my fault.

We never would have been in that car if I didn't screw up.

My friend levi's parents were out of town.

We all said we were sleeping at someone else's house.

And we snuck into their liquor cabinet.

We went outside and started taking out some mailboxes.

Someone called the police.

And then they called us.

At 2 A.M., We're picking our
13-year-old up from the police station.

Blaming ourselves, each other.

Arguing over who was supposed to follow up with levi's parents, still thinking every mistake could be avoided.

If I hadn't done that, if you weren't so tired and worried-

daniel! That car swerved into our lane.


It wasn't your fault.

And even if it was, we would never leave you.

Then where were you?

Your parents died at the hospital.

We didn't understand what happened.

How could we still be here and you not?

And then, we met a man who... told us he could bring us to you.

A man. Who are you talking about?

He didn't say his name- only that we shouldn't go into the light.

If we did, our son would be lost forever.

We're together now.

Do you see it?

It's so beautiful.



I can'T.

I don't see it.

He needs your help.

But how? What's keeping him here?

Just listen with your heart. Ok?

You'll find the answer.

He's staying behind because of me.

I've already hurt my family so bad.

I don't want to leave and hurt you.

Daniel, it's ok-

it's not.

We know that now.

Look around this place.

Who's going to watch over you in the dark?

Daniel, if you do this... you'll be helping becca. You-

you'll prove to her that there's nothing to be afraid of.

Come on, daniel. Just try.

See the light.

For me.

Look at that.



I see it.

Take care of her, will you?

Yes. Yes, I will.

We want to believe you.

You have no idea how much.

But it almost seems impossible.

If you need help explaining anything... dad... there's someone... a man.

He's been wanting me to tell you both something.

He's been asking for a long time.

I was scared of him at first because he looked... he said he died of an aneurysm.

He said you're married because of him.

She's talking about larry.

He introduced us, but becca, he died before you were even born¡ª

he wanted you guys to meet for so long.

But you guys just kept on saying no.

And he just kept saying¡ª

Have a little faith. what if I don't know how they died, or what if I don't know what it is they're really missing?

What if it just-

hey, relax. Ok?

I just saw you do it.

I didn't tell you what it was that daniel needed.

You just listened with your heart.


Can I ask you something?

When you were running away, why did you stop here, in grandview?

I don't know, just a feeling.

The bus stopped, and something told me to get off.

It was just-

something you had to do.

Yeah. well, you know where to find me.

I wasn't sure if you were still in town.

Something told me you were.

Is it really worth it, gabriel?

To break up families just for a few extra souls?

I mean, what could you possibly need them for?

It's not just about gaining or losing a few extra souls.

Of course not, unless you happen to be one of them.

As usual, you're missing the big picture.

What is the big picture?

'Cause you're just a collector.

And please, don't stand there and pretend like you're doing something noble.

Wait a minute.

You didn't want them, did you?

You wanted her.

That's what drew her here, the same thing that drew you.

Please, don't do this.

You have a real choice.

You could work with me, and we can free all of those souls down there-

sorry. I picked another horse.

He's much faster than you.

Then what are you doing here?

You're my sister.

And you have a choice too.

What does that mean?

It means don't be so sure you have all the answers.