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03x01 - The Underneath

Posted: 10/10/07 03:04
by bunniefuu
We're getting ready.

For what?

For what's coming.

He's been planning this for quite some time.

We're blocking the light.

No, this is bigger than just him.

It's time for you to know who you are.

And to know who your brother is.

He said I have a brother.

Who said this? Who told you you have a brother?

My father.

No, I don't think so.

Definitely a concussion.

So she may feel confused or a little dizzy.

We're talking about an injury that's only a couple of days old, so...


Barring any second impact, she'll be fine. Really.

Look, just hang out, you know, until I make sure the pictures are ok, then you can go.

Thanks, doc.

No problem.

Are you ok?

Yeah, I'm just tired.

I almost lost you up in that field.

If it wasn't for those kids...

I don't know if I could ever thank them enough.

We gotta talk about this.

What is there to talk about?

I told you everything that I saw.

Yeah, but what does it mean?

Do you really think it was your father in the light?

If he's dead, I have to find out what happened.

And if he was telling the truth...

That you have a brother.

What if it is gabriel?

Well, then we'll deal with it.

He hasn't been anywhere in grandview.

He's disappeared again.

Oh, melinda, jim, sorry.

We'll have to take those x-rays again, there was some kind of exposure problem.

It'll just take a second.

So, john, let's just reset and we'll do that first series again.

Then start with the next three.

I'll give you a hand. ok.

~~The Underneath~~

That was the best concert I ever went to.

Hi, mom, it's me.

Um, I just got back from the doctor and everything looks good.

I do need to talk to you, though.

It's kind of important, so call me. Bye.

Here, it's been in and out of so many attics and basements.

I've lost track. I was gonna just chuck it, but...

Oh, never chuck. chucking is bad.


Well, there's a lot of cool stuff, I guess.

Are you kidding? this stuff is great.

Yeah. Yeah, it all belonged to my father.

Are you sure that you want to part with this?

I mean, it all looks pretty personal.

Oh, yeah, yeah, you know, my parents died when I was pretty young, so I didn't really know them.

I don't even know most of the people in those pictures, so...

Oh, I'm so sorry.

oh, don't be.

Don't be. I don't spend much time in the past.

I work in one direction, and that's forward.

So how does this work? like consignment?

Yeah, we'll inventory everything, get some prices, figure out how we want to present it, and then we'll call you when things start to move.

Great, that's awesome. um, let me give you my number.

Oh, great.

Just ask for jennifer billings.

Here you go. thank you.

And talk to you soon?

Yeah, probably by the end of next week.

Great. Thank you.


What's up with you?


Hey, why don't you take the trunk downstairs, and then I can do the inventory on it later.

Ok, well, just let me go through these returns and then I'll bring it down.

Yeah, why don't we just get it out of the way, you know?

Just bring it downstairs, and that way no one will look through it before we're ready.

Are you all right?

Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.

I'm just trying to get everything organized.


Come on!

In recognition of your heroic acts, which saved the lives of many of grandview's children, the town council presents you with this plaque.

I don't know what to say.

I don't really want to say anything.

Thanks, everybody. Melinda really appreciates it.

Let's have some cake, ok?

All right!

Ok, can I just, uh, get one with everybody?

Can you get me out of here?

I gotta go to work.

How about you? Lunch?

If it's a lunch that involves food, yeah, I'm in.

You know, that night when I thought you died, I mean, i...Thought you died right in front of me.

Every feeling inside of me just dropped.

All of them. All the things I wish I could have said to you, I was never going to be able to say to you.

Did we get the check?

Oh, good. That is mine. I asked you.

Ok, well, in that case, I'm still hungry.

So what do you think me seeing this door means?

I mean, it had, like, a viewport and I could hear strange noises coming from behind it, like, wood falling and beams crashing.

Sounds like me doing home repairs.

What could it symbolize?

Well, doors usually mean endings or beginnings.

Certain mythologies believe that the way to the truth is by choosing the right door.

Or maybe that's a game show I'm thinking of.

Something else weird happened to me at the doctor's.

There was a face behind mine in the x-ray.

Do you think it was your father?

I don't know.

Even your x-rays are haunted.

That's hardcore.

When was the last time you saw your father?

When I was 11.

What about gabriel?

Nowhere to be found.

Which proves that this town is too small for 2
people that see ghosts.

Right now I'm just gonna concentrate on what happened to my dad.

How are you going to do that?

Guess I have to talk to my mother.

If she's calmed down enough since the accident.

Well, don't you think she would have told you if she saw him?

Not necessarily.

My mom has spent her whole life trying to deny that she could see spirits.

I just found out she could see them 2 years ago.

She hates talking about my father, and she hates talking about anything that has to do with her real feelings.

So it should be a productive visit, all in all.

Some kind of family, huh?

you should see mine.

All they want to do is talk about their feelings. And they were the happy ones.

I guess we all have our haunted x-rays, one way or the other.


Do you see that?

I don't see anything.

What-- what is it?

I'm not sure.

Uh, I gotta go.

Yeah, I'll call you later.


I'm just asking, when is the last time you saw dad?

I don't remember.

Mom, come on.

I'm serious.

I barely think of him if I can help it.

I know, but this is important.


Would you know if anything happened to him?

What are you talking about?

I think dad's dead.

How do you know that?

Because I saw him.

When I was...

When I died on the field.

Why didn't you tell me this before?

I'm telling you now.

And he said I have a brother.


This is the second serious head injury you have had.

No, don't you do that!

I am sorry, I'm just saying that it is possible that your mind is creating all of this.

Mom, would you please stop it?

I know what I saw and what I heard.

Now, I am being haunted by someone or something and I think it has something to do with him, because he's trying to tell me something.

Tell you what?

I don't know.

But i-- I think it has to do with the underground.

I don't know what you want from me.

I want you to talk to me.

Ok? Do you think that's he dead?

Do I have a brother?

If you're asking me did I have a second child, no.

And far as your father goes, how would I know?

He walked out on us years ago.

It's not exactly like he kept in touch.

Have you seen him?

His spirit?


Mom, is there something that you're not telling me that could help?

Do you know where he was living?

What's the last thing that you rember about him?

The last thing I remember about him is how hard you cried when he left...

For days.

Don't romanticize him, melinda.

He doesn't deserve it.

Hey, what's this?

I had a customer today who's looking to sell a trunk of old stuff.

It made me think of my old stuff.

Maybe there's a clue in here, something I missed.

How'd it go with your mother?

Full metal lockdown, as expected.

Look at you.

Oh, how beautiful. those eyes.

I just keep looking at him, thinking, "what is underneath that smile?"

what does he know, and if he's trying to tell me something right now, then why doesn't he just come to me and tell me?

Am I being obsessive?

Yeah, but with good reason.

Your father dying's a big deal, no matter how you felt about him.

My dad was always this villain in my life, and now, all of a sudden, he's gone, or at least physically gone, and, I don't know, I just feel like there's this big hole.

You didn't really think he was gonna come back, did you?

I used to fantasize about it when I was a kid.

You know, that he'd show up one day after school and have this explanation of why he'd left.

You know, like he'd been kidnapped by spies and they'd burned all the letters he was gonna send to me and then he'd finally escape and fought his way back to me.

Hmm. That's funny.

Your mom thought you might romanticize him.

You know, it's hard to deal with the truth about our parents.

That moment you discover that they're just people, flawed people, it's painful.

Flawed is a kind description of my dad.

But, still, if he would have just come back...

I would have believed anything he said to me.

And I could have forgiven him for anything, you know?

I just...I wanted my dad.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry he hurt you so much, but...

Think about it this way--

you have this beautiful heart, and he couldn't do anything to change that.

Wow. That was kind of heavy.

Yeah, I'm kind of exhausted now.

Are you gonna come to bed?

Yeah, soon.

It was you!

It was you!


It's all right.

You're ok. there's nothing there.

Jim saw this, too?

No, he heard me yelling, and by the time he came out, everything was back to normal again.



Do you think I'm making this up?

No, I do not think you're making this up.

I'm trying to wrap my mind around it.

It's just...You know--

hard to believe.

A little, I guess.

Well, at least you're honest. Gotta love that.

Ok, so you think your dad is connected to all this somehow.

Mmm, I'm not sure, but I won't know until I figure out how he died.

And your mom was no help?

That would be a no.

And every time I go online, I get thousands of hits.

Apparently, tom gordon is a very popular name.

Is there anything I can do?

You're doing it.

Thanks for listening to the rantings of your very weird and haunted friend.

Not to cut short said rantings.

Um, do you mind if I go meet ned at the dentist?

No, go ahead. thanks.

Hey, you want anything?

Ooh, a muffin.

Oh, healthy or disgusting?

Mild disgust.

Mmm! That's my girl.

Oh, hello. feel free to browse.

Let me know if I can help you with anything.

You don't remember me?

Uh, no. I'm sorry.

I was the one taking pictures the other day when you got your little plaque.

Right. What were the pictures for?

And shame the devil.

I'm sorry?

And shame the devil, the blog.

Oh, right, yeah.

All the dirt on driscoll county.

My husband loves that blog. You write for it?

I'm it.

Shame the devil?

Yeah, it's like from an old proverb.

You know, "tell the truth and shame the devil."

Right. Shakespeare. Henry IV.

Um, yeah. Anyways, I have something I want to show you.

These are the pictures I took the other day.

Now, I rember everybody who was there.

I got a quote about you from each person.

But this dude...This dude I do not rember, and he only shows up for like a second, and he's not in any other sh*ts.

Well, maybe it's a--
it's a reflection from somebody walking by outside.

A reflection? Are you serious?

Ok, a light ray on a reflective surface is always reflected at angle equal to the incident angle.

And the angle of incidence is totly equal to the angle of reflection.

And if, and only if--

Ok, you know what, moving on from the whole reflection idea, maybe it's just somebody that we didn't see.

Yeah, but it gets weirder.


Yeah, I enhanced these and turned then into negatives to get a better contrast.

Check this out.

Would you send me these?

Are you sure this isn't a reflection?

Yeah, I can say that I'm reasonably sure that is not a reflection.

Maybe it was someone that was there but you forgot they were there--

Ok, it's a ghost, get over it.

Sweet! I mean, that's great.

That's photographic evidence.

But, wait, why didn't you see this on the day?

I don't know.

Why is he so dirty?

Whoa. What, you think?

I don't know what to think.

I mean, the height and weight, I guess, is sort of similar.

Maybe. I mean, would your father have a reason for being this dirty?

Was he secretly a chimney sweep?

All right, I just...

All I know is that all these hauntings have something to do with things underground.

You know, like, spirits rising from the depths.

Oh, I hate spirits rising from the depths.

Don't get me started!

What'd you tell the blogger kid about this?

I just played dumb, but I don't really think he's gonna let it go.

Especially after he showed me this.

What do you think it is?

A straight, serious answer, please.

I got nothin'.

All of these creepy things around my head, this, the man's face in my x-ray...

Hold on a minute.

Is that shadowy thing on your face all the time?


Were they just there on the day that it happened?

I don't know.

Ay, ok. Look, I'm going to, uh, get a shot of you, and then I'll add the same enhancements that the blogger kid did, then we'll see if that stuff is still on your face, ok?


All right.

Say, "spirit rising from the depths."

Have a good night.

Good-night. see you tomorrow.

You k*lled her.

You k*lled her!

Wait, so now you're saying it's not your father haunting you?

I saw the ghost, and it's definitely not my father.

And I saw the trunk in the haunting last night.

How can that be? it's a solid object.

It hasn't moved since I went through it.

I don't really worry about the physics of it.

I just see what they show me.

Which means the ghost is attached to this trunk.


This is the ghost that's been haunting me, and it's not my father.

It's jennifer billings' father.

But why?

I think he's got me confused with someone else.


Don't tell me you sold it already and now you want more.

Oh, I would love more, although we haven't even put it on display yet. Sometime this week.

I still can't believe that you're willing to part with it all.

Yeah, well, like I said, it just feels like it's somebody else's life, you know?

You know, I was looking through the pictures, and I saw your father.

Or at least, I'm assuming he was your father?

Yeah. Yeah, he was a handsome dude.

The thing is, I think it's possible that I've met him.

Oh, no.

No, he, uh, died in 1982.

Oh. Sorry.

Do you mind if I ask how?


Well, I don't mean to pry, it's just when I was looking at the photos, there was something familiar to me, that maybe i'd, you know, known him somehow.

Well, it was a work. there was an accident.

I was 5, so I don't really rember much.

What about your mother?

She died the same day.

I was an instant orphan.

Just add water and new parents.

The state took me, but I was really lucky.

I was adopted right away.

Dimples or something, I don't know.

He really loved you.


Your father. I could see it in the pictures.

How could they have loved me?

They-- they really didn't even get a chance to know me.

The way he was smiling.

And the way he was holding your hand.

Beaming, really.

Why are you doing this?

I'm sorry, I didn't-- um, fred, could you just take the counter for a second?

I'm on it.
Hey, jennifer!

Jennifer, I am so sorry.

No, no, no, it's just, god, welcome to my pity party, you know?

Oh, I just hate crying.

It's hard to get through life without a few tears.

Well, let's just say I frontloaded all of mine.

Have you always had the trunk?

I got it when I was 18.

They put it in a trust for me, even a little bit of money.

It's funny. I can remember their voices so clearly.

I can remember lying in bed at night and listening to them and feeling just so safe, but I couldn't, um, I couldn't rember their faces.

But you saw the pictures in the trunk.

Yeah, yeah. I just...

I never found one of my mother.

There's the one of me and my father, that one picture, that one where his big, beefy hand is holding mine like a fragile little twig.

And this is gonna sound crazy, but...

Sometimes I swear I can feel that.

You know? I can feel his hand take mine like, out of nowhere.

Doesn't sound crazy.

Not really.

Look, I just need to know...

Did your dad die underground?

He worked for the gas company.

He died in the street cave-in down on the town square.


I-- I've gotta go.

No, please, is there anything else that you rember?

I remember his voice the night before he died.

He was talking to my mom in the kitchen, and he was telling her how much he hated it down there.

He said he thought it was haunted.

Hi. What can I do for you?

Uh, I was just looking for some information about something.

Information on what? I go on lunch in 5 minutes.

Yeah, he's always like that. don't let him intimidate you.

Uh, it's actually about something that happened

25 years ago.


And I was told to come here.

Look, this isn't a library.

We're still trying to get things computerized.

Put your request in writing, give me 2 to 3 weeks, I'll see what I can do.

It's unbelievable. this guy is just the laziest son of a bitch on the planet.

I mean, if I were still working here--

You're not. Um, this is actually a specific event.

Like, 1982.

I can go and find it if--

Name, address, date you're looking for, phone number--

See you in 2
to 3 weeks.



I knew I liked you.

He's going to lunch.

You have to help me find something.

Yeah, well, good luck finding anything in this place.

Why is it such a mess?

Ah, it's not like they don't try.

Even the lazy guy.

But somehow, things just end up getting messed up anyways.

Of course, no one knows this archive like me.

What are you gonna do?

Yeah, whatever. I just have to find anything that I can on the street collapse of 1982.

You think that's how it works?

You just snap your fingers and we do your bidding?


They told me that you might come around here...

Asking questions.

Who told you?

You are so... over your head.

If I were you, I would leave. Now.

And I really wouldn't come back.



Why did you leave?

I had to go, honey.

It didn't mean I wanted to.

I missed you so much.

Did you miss me?

Every day.

I knew it.

I knew it.

Why did you leave us?

You'll understand someday.

Why won't you help me now?

Because you have to find out for yourself.

You always used to give me a hint.

With every riddle, you'd give me one hint.


Ok. But just one.

♪♪♪ Age 15. ♪♪♪

What does that mean?

You already know.

I have to go now.

No! Dad, wait.

Don't go.

Oh, damn it!

Come on!

You were told to stay away, weren't you?

I don't take orders from ghosts!

Oh, but...He is very angry with you, this one.

He wants to take you down with him.

I think I'll let him.

You know, there are a lot of very angry people down here.

I think it's time I let you meet them.

I'm not afraid of you.

I am not afraid of you!

You will be.

GAS EXPLOSIONS RIP GRANDVIEW Mom, I asked you point blank if there was anything you were holding back from me, and you said no.

How could I possibly know that that one incident would mean anything to you?

How about the fact that you lived in grandview?

Did you think that that was going to mean anything to me?

It was a long time ago. It didn't matter.

Of course it matters.

I've been in grandview for, like, 3 years and you never told me that you and dad lived there!

I mean, what else are you hiding?


How did you get this?

I was led to it.

By who?

By dad.

Somehow he's been helping me.

Ok, I see.

So he gets to be the hero, and I am the evil mother.

Well, at least somebody is pointing me towards the truth.

It was a very painful time in my life.

Is that what you want to hear?

Is that the truth you want to know?

You were only a few years old.

We had been there less then a year.

I got out.

I never wanted to think about it again.

Why not?

What other secrets are you hiding?


You have to talk to me.

Ok, you were with this guy the day that he died.

What else do you know about him?

Why is he haunting me, and why is he accusing me of letting someone die?

He still thinks it's 1982.

He thinks you're me.


I k*lled his wife.

Mom. Hat the hell are you talking about?

Your father and I had just moved to grandview.

I knew that I had this ability to do this thing.

I was trying to avoid it, block it--

ok, mom, stop.

Tell me what happened.

I was running errands.

I was still trying to get to know the town, to get to know the people.

There was a gas line break.

It happened deep under the ground.

Somebody help!

Everybody's dead down there!

Help! Please!


I'm ok, I'm right here!


You see me?

You hear me?

No, I can't. Please.

Am I dead?

Please, please...

Talk to my wife for me.

She can't hear me. Please! I have to talk to her!

Excuse me...

Just tell her I'm right here.

Your husband--

My-- my husband? you've seen my husband?

I'm right here.

Yes, he's--

I just couldn't tell her her husband was a ghost.

He's right here.

She thought i'd meant he had made it out of the expl*si*n.

Is he all right?

Jennifer, stay here.

Ray! Ray!

She ran towards the hole.

I-- I should have stopped her.

She got too close.

Mom, there's no way you could have known.

I've never learned to deal with them.

Not the way your grandmother could, the way you do.

I just can't stand to feel their pain.

It stops me cold.

You feel their pain, and you help them anyway.

Is that why you left grandview?

There were a lot of reasons.

I can make this right for you.

Just leave it alone.

Just leave me alone.

Professor payne?

Who wants to know?

Um, I'm justin yates. I'm in the emerging technologies program.

I was actually--
actually, I've been to some of your lectures on the paranormal--

All right. You had me at "um."

What can I do for you, justin yates?

I, uh, I run and shame the devil.

The blog?

Yeah. Ok, cool, so you know it.

Yeah. You have that rate your professor page.

Whoa. Um...

Yeah. Scattered and distracted.

That's what I remember reading about me.

Ok, uh, I'll make this quick, then.

I just, uh, wanted to show you this image I took the other day.

What do you think?

Ahem. I think I look scattered and distracted. Darn.

No, um, I mean--
I mean this.

Dude, he's like not there in every other picture, and he just randomly appears in these two!

Justin, I'm not one to stand on ceremony, but if you call me "dude" again, I'm gonna have to bounce your head off of one of these walls.

Sorry. You don't think this picture means anything?

No. I don't.

You know, uh, I've been asking around about that antique chick, melinda.

People say a lot of weird stuff happens in that store.


Weird stuff happens all the time. Everywhere.

Doesn't it? Maybe you have to get your nose out of the computer screen to learn that.

I have a book for you.

I'll tell you what, justin...

I'm gonna do you a big favor today.

I don't know how much reading you do without scrolling, but they did at one time print words on a page.

Here you go.

This book's gonna change your life.


When you die, it's like time stops moving for you.

Especially when there's a lot of anger.

It's like you're caught in some kind of loop.

I just wanted to say good-bye.

To her, to my daughter.

Why couldn't your mother, why couldn't she do that for me?

She doesn't really accept what she can do.

But she didn't mean to hurt anyone.

Your wife was frantic looking for you.

I keep wondering if she suffered.

What she felt.

What her last thought was.

I'm sure it was you.

Why can't I find her?

Well, if you didn't see her right away after she died, she probably crossed over.

And that's a good thing. She went into the light.

I didn't see any light down there.

What did you see? Your daughter's--

I saw things. I heard things.

It's terrible there underneath.

I don't ever want to go there again.

Yeah, but what did you see?


My daughter.

She...25 years...

She's a grown woman now.

You can feel her. That's probably why you came back from the underground.

There's only one thing left for you to do.

He wants you to know your history, where you came from.

Who the people in these pictures are.

He wants you to know your family.

That's when she was 4.

It was taken at mt. Kisco.

Her mom loved it there.

This was taken at mt. Kisco.

It's one of your mother's favorite places.

Oh. And that's her uncle jerry.

He used to come home from florida once a year, and he'd always bring her those funny sunglasses.

This is your uncle jerry.

He lived in florida, but he would come visit once a year, and he gave you those funny sunglasses.

How could you know this?

How do you know?

It's a long story.

Let's finish this first.

Tell her to go to the last page of that album.

He wants you to go to the last page of this album.

It folds out.

You were 3 months old in that picture.

Your mom couldn't keep her eyes off of you.

Um, you were 3 months old in this picture.

And your mother could not take her eyes off you.

Ray billings crossed over.

He understands what happened.

He doesn't blame you anymore.

I know what you think of me.

That I'm wrong to try and shut this out.

I don't judge you, mom.

I just want the truth from you.

It's the only thing you owe me, that we owe each other.

You want the truth?

You need to leave grandview.

What? Why?

It'll hurt you.

It's not a good place for people like you and me.

No, mom.

I'm not running away, not from what I can do and not from where I make my life.

I knew you wouldn't.