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03x06 - The Ghost, the Mouse, and the Motorcycle, Part 1

Posted: 11/27/22 15:58
by bunniefuu

[CHARLI] This is so cool.

Should we be doing this?
You two aren't even supposed to be here.

If we don't go back soon,
we could get in trouble.

My dad could get in trouble.

Whoa. A tunnel!

But where does it go?

[SAMIR] What are you looking for?

Footprints. But I'm not seeing any.

What do you think? Flip a coin?

Heads, we go... that way?

A coin, you say?


[SAMIR] What was that?

Tails. We go back to the library.


[SIGHS] What is taking so long?

I don't wanna be stuck
in this blind spot all night.

That makes two of us. [SIGHS]


Okay. I told my dad I'd meet
him out front in five. Let's go.

Wait. We need to
check the logbook first.

W-What? No.

We know whoever stole the EP checked

it out with the pelican painting.

We can get a name for our thief.
It'll only take a sec.


Checking. Checking.

It's not here.

That's not good.

That's not even our worst problem.

How do we get back into the tunnels
to keep looking around?

Let's go. My dad's waiting.

We'll just have to come back.

We can't.
This place is closed to the public.

So, what do we do?

Just tell the private investigator
your mom hired

- and hope she figures it out?


"Iron grate"?

Maybe he meant like a sewer grate?
To get back into the tunnels.

Can you just open those?

Don't you need special tools?

Hey, I found something
about the tunnels.

A lot of old schools used to have them.

They were used to walk
between buildings during the winter.

Most of them are sealed off
and abandoned now.

Samir. I need you
to come and watch Idris for me.

- [CHARLI, NIA] Hi, Mr. Yousef.
- Hi, Nia, Charli.

We'll figure this out tomorrow.

I better get going too.

See ya.

Excuse me.

Oh, hi! Uh, you're Nia, right?
President Barnes's daughter?

That's me.

Um, I was wondering,
do you have any books on Rosa Parks?

Of course. Come.

Okay, here we go.

Um, are you looking
for anything in particular, or...

No, just looking.

Okay, well, just holler
if you need any help.


Yeah, it was great meeting you too.

I can't wait. Uh... Thank you. Bye!

Syd, you'll never believe this.

Someone at the birthday party
I performed at

liked my magic show so much
they want me to do another one!


This is big. I gotta up my game.

I need more tricks and props.

Ooh, and a table to put them on.

Ooh! Ideally one with a trapdoor.

- I could help you build the table.
- Are you serious?

We could use the design workshop
on campus.

That would be amazing!

Okay, so for the top, I was thinking...


Hey, Amber!

Brutal spin class yesterday, huh?

Still can't feel my legs. [CHUCKLES]

That makes two of us. [CHUCKLES]

Would you want to take a quick

break and grab a coffee with me inside?

I thought it was members only?

Well, you would be my guest.

Be right back, okay?

Welcome to Hawthorne.

Stay right there. I have to sign you in.


First time here?



You think, um,
we're allowed to take the candy?

I don't know. [CHUCKLES]

- Maybe they're just decorative?



Studying before school, huh?

Big math test.

I'm proud of you.

I know schooling in the refugee camp
could have been better,

and you struggled when we got here.

- But you're doing so well now.
- Thank you.

When you were with your
friends yesterday in the bookstore,

were you studying then too?

You all looked very serious. [CHUCKLES]

Uh, y-yes... [CHUCKLES] ...studying.

I'll tell you what.

My shift got moved today.

How about I take Idris to the park later
so you have more time?

Oh. Uh...

It's settled. Don't worry about it.

School comes first.


[CREATURE SCREAMS] No! I won't have it!

I'm too young
to be dumped out with the trash!


A talking mouse.

Hey, little guy. [STAMMERS] It's okay.

Who are you?
What happened to the other boy?

Wait... What'd you do
with the motorcycle?

- Motorcycle?
- I fell into the wastebasket with it.

Not my fault.
The phone rang and startled me.

Where do you think you are?

The Mountain View Inn. Room .

Oh, no! This must be
where they take out the trash.

[DAD] Samir! Time to go!

Psst! Hey, buddy!

How about getting me out of here?

[GROANS] Just a sec!

W-What's your name?


Ralph. I'm Samir.

Listen, you'll have to stay in this

room until I'm back from school, okay?

W-What will I eat?

- [SAMIR] Here.

Huh! How about two?



And, hey, thank you
for not picking me up before.


You let me walk out of that wastebasket
on my own.

With some pride and dignity.

Samir, I believe you are all right.

[DAD] Samir!

I have to go.



[NIA] Hmm.

It's blank.

I knew it the second Samir texted me.
What else could it be?

- [CHARLI] The Mouse and the Motorcycle.
- [NIA] With no mouse.

I love this book.
Beverly Cleary's a genius.

Here. I brought my copy too
so we can actually read it.

Well, what's it about?

So, there's this mouse named Ralph
who lives in a hotel room.

And he's super sheltered
because his mom's a big worrier,

but he wants some adventure.

And let me guess, he gets a motorcycle?

Yep. And it's a toy that he can bring

to life by making the engine sound.

Like "vroom vroom."


Well, maybe Oliver released Ralph
to help us explore the tunnels.

He would fit through an iron grate.

That's what I was thinking.
Did you bring the motorcycle?

Oh! Yeah. Uh, here!

I'm glad something good
will come out of my model-making phase.

Check it out.
I made a helmet for the little guy.



So, you want me to explore these tunnels

to figure out which way the crook went?

Yes. And if you help,
there's a big surprise for you.

Oh, what? Like cheese?

It's better than cheese.

- [RALPH] I highly doubt that.

- [NIA] Hey, Samir.
- [CHARLI] Hey.

[SAMIR] Hey, guys. Come on in.

Nia, Charli, this is Ralph. [CHUCKLES]

You are so cute.

- Is that your motorcycle?
- It is.

Would you look at the chrome on that!
What a beauty!

You wanna ride it?

Sure, that would be... fine.


Solid grips. The levers work.

I would've preferred red,
but this, this is a good machine.

All right, Samir. Yeah! You got me!

[LAUGHS] It's better
than cheese! I'm in!

Thanks, Ralph. [CHUCKLES]

Well, go on. Take it for a spin.

It occurs to me,
I don't actually know how to start it.

[CHARLI] Look, it's no biggie.

The bike's easy to start.
Uh... You just need to make the sound.

Like "vroom vroom!"

- That sounds like a car.
- [CHARLI] Oh.

Maybe it's more like...

[RALPH] You a sick dinosaur?

Just hang on. I'll find it.

Need to consult the, uh,
motorcycle manual.

Motorcycle manual?

Found it.

Pb-pb-b-b-b-b, pb-pb-b-b-b-b-b?

Do it again.


[RALPH] It's like
music. Can you hear it?

Highways and speed. Distance and danger.

Whiskers blown back by the wind!

Whoever wrote that manual is a poet!


Whoa, whoa, whoa!


- Whoo-hoo!
- It worked!

Now we just need to find the iron grate.

[RALPH] Whoo-hoo!

I have an idea for that,
but it's a little wild.

There is a mouse riding a motorcycle
in my apartment.

Yeah, I wouldn't sweat the "wild" part.

[RALPH] Whoo-hoo!

[NIA] Well, what do you think?

[SAMIR] Okay, that could definitely be
the tunnel down there.

- It's right by the library.

Wow! Neat-o!

Oh. I brought my doll's TV news camera.

So, you want Ralph to bring it to life,
go down and film for us?

Just so we're clear, this still
involves the motorcycle, right?

Yes. Just tape the camera
to the helmet for now.

Now, here's the crazy part. [GRUNTS]

When I was younger,
I wanted to be an astronaut.

My parents loved it so much they

built me this mission control center.

[SAMIR] Nice.

I thought this screen could
be like a GPS to track Ralph.

And the feed from Charli's camera
could go here.

Now, in the motorcycle manual,

it only talks about
bringing toy vehicles to life.

But I thought
if Ralph could do that, then...

Maybe he could
bring all this to life too.

Okay, what sound does it make?

When I was little, I used to say,
"beep, boop, beep." [CHUCKLES]

Beep, boop, beep, boop, beep?


- [RALPH] Yeah. Beep...
- I can't believe it!

- [SAMIR] It's working.
- The video from my camera!

[RALPH] Beep, boop, beep
Beep, ba-doo, beep ♪

- Beep, boop ♪

And check out the map!

- [SAMIR] That's where we are now!

You know, my whole life, I never left

room of the Mountain View Inn.

I always wondered, what's in the hall?

What's downstairs?
What's in the parking lot?

This is the adventure
I've been waiting for!


- Here I go!
- Wait! Ralph! I brought a rope to...

lower you down. [SIGHS]


Whoo! Whoo!

- Screech!

[SAMIR] Ralph, are you okay?

I'd say so.

[RALPH] Boy, it's a
real maze!


- Screech!

[NIA] We lost the
signal. We need to move!




No, that's a dead end.

We got the signal back, but where is he?

Looks like the Edison building?

- I'll add it to our map.
- I don't get it.

These tunnels go, like, all over campus,

but they're sealed off at every end.

So where did the thief go?

We just have to keep looking.

Hey, I'm running low on fuel.

What does he mean?
Th-The bike doesn't use fuel.

I'm hungry!


In the book, he loves
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.


We got you, Ralph.


Mmm. Mmm! Oh, my!

You know, I've had bread crumbs
and peanuts before.

And, like, part of
a rotten strawberry once.

- But this is perfection!

- Samir.

Your father told me how hard you've

been studying for your big math test.


Well, I can watch Idris tomorrow
afternoon if you need more time.

O-Oh. Uh... A-Aren't you working?

It's my day off.

I was just going to be
paying bills anyway.

I can manage.

You focus on you, huh?

Are you okay?

That math test my mom mentioned...

I already took it.

You failed?

No. I got an A.

Then why didn't you tell her?

Ever since I became friends
with Nia and Charli

and started working on this mystery,

I don't have as much time to watch
my little brother or do my chores.

I could never ask for help, though.

My parents are already doing so much.

I know what it's like
to be afraid to ask for something.

My mom's a big worrier, right?

So I could never bring up
a motorcycle with her.

Hey, you think I could ride around
that bookstore downstairs tonight,

after it's closed?

No. You need to rest.

You've got plenty of riding
ahead of you tomorrow.

Nia, this is Malcolm Turner.

He's the president
of the Black Student Union on campus.

I've seen you around the bookstore.

You're friends with Charli
and Samir, right?


So, uh, your mom told me
about what happened.

I'm sorry you had to endure that.

She also told me
you're looking to organize a boycott

of the bodega near the campus?

Yeah. What do you think?

Um, can I ask what your goals are?

Like, uh, do you want the owner
to issue you an apology?

Do you want him to sign
an agreement not to racially profile?

Do you want to shut down his store?

Really, I just don't want this to happen
to someone else.

I want to feel safe.


Sounds like you're going after something

bigger than just the bodega owner.


I see you got this Rosa Parks book here.

You know, the Montgomery Bus Boycott
wasn't about the driver

who told her to give up her seat, right?

He's right.

It's about a city and a system.

It's about addressing
the r*cist practices and laws

that put all Black people
in the back of the metaphorical bus.

[MALCOLM] Right.

So, my question is,
do you wanna go after one guy

or the whole system?

Why not both?

You mentioned
signing an agreement earlier?

Well, what if we get a bunch of
businesses to sign something.

Like a... anti-racism pledge.

Then, people would know where to shop.

If the bodega owner didn't sign,

folks might just boycott on their own.


- Nia, I like the way you think.

And if these business owners have kids,

- I'd bet they'd really listen.
- Mm-hmm.

You can get your friends
to help spread the word.

Dr. Barnes?

I support you %.


What do you think of this
for the trapdoor?

Once we make a cut,
there's no going back.

- Maybe we should move it...

Oh, hang on.

- Syd, come on.

All right, all right. I'm sorry I

finally made a friend at this place.

Well, great.
You can see her at spinning tomorrow.

- Oh, hey.
- Oh, hey, there.

Uh, what are you making?

A table for my magic act.

Oh, cool.

Oh, um... I ended

up taking a few.

[LAUGHS] I won't tell. [CHUCKLES]

Uh, I gotta get back to my art project.
See ya.


- Fine. Text her back.


Whoa, whoa! Oh!

Hey! Huh?





Screech! Whew!


- You shouldn't eat those.

The humans will notice.

Well, no point in letting this one
go to waste, right?

That is a cool bike. I'm Rosie.

I'm Ralph.

Where are you from?

The Mountain View Inn, California.

[CHUCKLES] California?
Oh, you're on some adventure.

Oh. Yeah, I guess I am.

Hey, how'd you like to meet the others?


Hey, everybody! Come meet Ralph.

- Where'd you get the bike?
- Is he real?

How fast does it go?

- How'd you learn to ride like that?
- [ELDER MOUSE] Silence!


You've been associating
with humans, haven't you?

Just some kids.

Stop roaring around on that motorcycle.

You're liable to expose us.

Um... [STAMMERS] I was just having fun!

You seem to think
that I was never young,

that I never wanted to hop on a
motorcycle and go off adventuring.

Let me show you something.

A human trap did this to me
when I was your age.

- Take a good look!


There's a reason
I'm the oldest mouse in this colony.

I keep to my hole.

I suggest you do the same.

- [SAMIR] Ralph? Ralph?

Ralph, don't.

[RALPH] Samir! Over here!

What are you doing?
I told you not to ride tonight.

Aw, come on!

What's the use of having a motorcycle

if you can't go tearing around,
staying out late?

You don't have a motorcycle.
It's Charli's.

And if I can't trust you with it,
I'll have to take it away.

Now, let's go. Time for bed.





[CHARLI] This is so cool.

I can talk to my parents.
I'm sure they'd sign.

And I can talk to our hardware store
and our paint supplier too.

Samir, you wanna tag along later?

Where I'm from, if you did this,
the government might retaliate.

We had peaceful protests,
and... and they responded with force.

Then the w*r started.

- Listen, Samir, you don't have to...
- No. I want to.

I can talk to our friends
at the Syrian bakery.


Uh, what's up with mission control?

[NIA] It's Oliver.

[CHARLI] "Old Chauncy"?

W-What does that mean?

I've seen those words before.

In my translations of the hieroglyphs
from Oliver's office!

Here. It's the nickname of the
university founder, Charles Wickford.

[NIA] "Old Chauncy."

Right. My mom had to learn all about him
when she took her job.

They say
his ghost still haunts the campus.

[RALPH] Hey, I just hit
another dead end down here.

[NIA] I don't believe it.


He's at my house.

- [SAMIR] Ralph?

- Ralph!
- Where are you, buddy?

- [RALPH] Hello?
- He's in here.

[RALPH] Hello! Hello?

Ralph? Where are you?

- [RALPH] Over here! Hello?
- [CHARLI] Ralph?

- [SAMIR] Where is he?
- [RALPH] Hello?

- [SAMIR] Ralph?
- Shh!

[RALPH] Hello? Ahoy-hoy!

He's here.

There's nothing in there.

[RALPH] Hello!

It's coming from behind.

- [RALPH] Yes! You're close to me!
- Let's move it.

- [SAMIR] Ralph! You're okay.

I squeezed out of the tunnel
through that crack.

It makes sense. This house was built

in the early days of the university.

It must have been connected
to the tunnels.

You know, if this hole were bigger, we

could get into the tunnels with Ralph.

We could look for evidence
to figure out which way the thief went.

Yeah, but you would need a jackhammer
to get through.

Or maybe you wouldn't.


Scrunch! Scrunch!

Scrunch! Scrunch! Scrunch!

Scrunch! Scrunch!

I can't believe my idea worked!

I can't believe they had the sounds
on the box!

[SIGHS] I can't believe we're digging
a giant hole in my basement.

Relax. I help my dad fix
stuff like this all the time.

- Once we're done, I'll help fill it in.
- [SIGHS] You better.

Scrunch! Scrunch!

This could take a while.

Well, we still need to figure out
what "Old Chauncy" means.


Hey. What if Oliver wants us
to talk to this other ghost?

And, what?
Old Chauncy's gonna write to us too?

I don't know, maybe.

Where would we even find Old Chauncy?

[LAYLA] Nia?

Let's go.

Oh! Hey, everyone.

I'm glad you're all here.

That private investigator we hired

would like to interview you all Saturday

about how you discovered
the Eloquent Peasant was fake.

She said it'd be informal. Just
wants to get your account of things.

Is that okay? : a.m.?

Uh, sure.

Okay. I'll let her know.


I'm taking five. Union rules.

Oh. Hey, Samir,

do you think
you could maybe get me cookies

like the bookstore lady has?



So, how was your big night
with your new bestie?

What are you talking about?

Last night. I saw you
sneak out. [SCOFFS]

I assumed you were
hanging out with Amber.

Well, I was studying at the library.

I didn't sneak out.
I just didn't wanna wake Mom and Dad.

Come on! Where'd you go?

Dancing? A big party?

Did you come here?

Look, Charli, I told you where I was.
Now drop it, okay?


Hey, do you know anything
about Old Chauncy?

The university founder?

- Well, yeah, his ghost. [CHUCKLES]

That's a school legend.

- What's the legend?
- I don't know.

That he floats around school at

night, keeping tabs on all the students.

I think he's supposed to live at that

old schoolhouse on the edge of campus.

Relax, Char.
There's no such thing as ghosts.

Oh, ha! Yeah. [CHUCKLES]

[NIA] Was it really necessary
to do this at night?

[CHARLI] That's when Old Chauncy's
supposed to come out.

Well, maybe if we tell him
that's a cliché,

he'll start keeping daytime hours.

How's Ralph doing with the hole?

In his words, he said,
"Twelve mice wide now."

So, almost there?

"The Wickford School."

[NIA] This schoolhouse is where

Charles "Chauncy" Wickford first taught

before establishing the university.

Let's hope he's home.


Hello? Old Chauncy? Are you there?

We're friends of Oliver.

We want to talk.

- What was that?



Maybe this was a bad idea.


Old Chauncy?