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07x02 - ¡Feliz Dia de los Padres!

Posted: 11/27/22 10:35
by bunniefuu
[Cheerful music]

All: ♪ dora, dora, dora the explorer ♪

♪ Dora, dora, dora the explorer ♪

♪ Boots and super cool exploradora ♪

♪ Grab your backpack

♪ Vamonos! Let's go! ♪

♪ You can lead the way

♪ Lead the way, lead the way ♪

♪ Dora, dora, dora the explorer ♪

♪ Dora, dora, dora the explorer ♪

♪ Swiper, no swiping

♪ Swiper, no swiping

- Oh, man.

All: ♪ dora the explorer!

- Hola, soydora.

And this is my mami.

- Hola.

- Mamiand I are working on a special present

Para mi papi,

Because today is fathers' day.

- Si, es el dia de los padres.

- I'm making papisomething that we love to do together.

It's made out of paper...

- It has a tail...

- And it flies high in the air.

Can you guess what it is?

Yeah, it's a kite.

I'm going to give it to mi papi

At the big fathers' day party today.

All of my friends are going to be there

With their daddies too.

And the party's starting soon,

So we've got to finish my kite fast.

Will you help us?


Let's look inside my art box

For all of the things we need to finish the kite.

We need a crayon to color the heart.

What color crayon can we use?

Yeah, red.

Do you see a red crayon?

There's one!

Now we have a red heart.

Next, we need a tail ribbon.

Which ribbon is longer: the green one or the purple one?

The purple one. Excelente.

And it wouldn't be a present without a bow.

All right, the kite's all done.

- Very nice job.

That's a beautiful kite, m'jita.

- Thanks, mami.

And thank you for helping.

- Papiis going to be so surprised

When he sees his present.

- Yeah, he's gonna love su cometa.

- [Giggles]

You really think your papi's going to like me, dora?

Do you? Do you?

- Por supuesto,little kite.

You're gonna be a great present.

- Yay, yay!

Being your papi'skite is gonna be the best.

I'm going to fly really high for him.

You'll see.

[Both laugh]

- I want to give papi his present now.

¿Esta bien, mami?

Gracias, mami.

See you at the party.

Ready, little kite?

- Yeah, yeah.

Can I fly now, dora?

Can i? Can i?

- [Laughs]

Claro, cometa.

- Mira,dora!

Look how high I'm flying!


- Uh-oh! Here comes a big wind.

[Wind howling]

- Whoa. Whoa!

- Oh, no! The string broke.

- I'm okay, dora.

But come and get me quick, please!

- We're coming, little kite!

Rapido,we've got to find little kite.

Who do we ask for help

When we don't know which way to go?

The map, right!

I need your help.

Will you check the map to find where little kite's going?

You have to say, "map!"

Louder: "map!"

[Jazzy music]

- ♪ Who's the guy you need to know ♪

♪ When you've got a place to go? ♪

♪ What's my name?

All: ♪ the map!

- ♪ Say it again

All: ♪ the map!

- ♪ Who can help you say

♪ "Hey, I figured out the way!" ♪

♪ What's my name?

All: ♪ the map!

- ♪ Say it again

All: ♪ the map!

- ♪ I'm the map, I'm the map ♪

All: ♪ he's the map, he's the map ♪

- ♪ I'm the map!

Happy fathers' day!

Dora needs to find little kite for her papi.

Do you see little kite?

- Here I am. Here I am.


- Yeah, there she is.

Uh-oh, the big wind is blowing little kite away.

She's heading down the rushing river

Then over the racetrack

And all the way to the ocean,

Where it's really, really windy.

[Wind howling]

We've got to catch her fast.

So remember: river, racetrack, ocean.

Say it with me.

River, racetrack, ocean.

River, racetrack, ocean.

River, racetrack, ocean!

So you tell dora: first, you go to the river.

- Where do we go first?

The river, right.

The rushing river.

Is the rushing river

On the first path or the second path?

The first path, correcto.

[Wind howling]

- Dora, come get me, por favor.



Oh, I'm getting splashed.

- Come on, we've got to get little kite back for mi papi,

For fathers' day.

♪ Feliz dia de los padres!♪

♪ Today is fathers' day!

All: ♪ feliz dia de los padres!♪

♪ We each celebrate in our own way ♪

- Diego's giving his papi something that tells time.

He'll never be late, because it has an alarm chime.

What goes, "tick- tock, tick-tock?"

[Alarm bell rings]

Right, a clock.

♪ Feliz dia de los padres!♪

♪ Today is fathers' day!

Both: ♪ today is fathers' day!

- Benny's grandpa loves presents that go in his tummy.

His is made of chocolate and frosting that's yummy.

What did benny bake?

Yeah, a cake!

♪ Got to get mi papi'skite back ♪

♪ That flew far away

All: ♪ feliz dia de los padres!♪

♪ Today is fathers', today is fathers' day! ♪

We made it to the rushing river.

Hmm, we need something to get down this river

So we can get to papi'skite fast.

- Dora, dora!

- That sounds like tico.

Do you see tico?

Yeah, there he is, with his papi.

- Hola,dora.

- Hola.

¿Han visto a una cometa por aqui?

- Si, si.

- The kite went that way.

¿Necesitas ayuda?

- Si, por favor!

- Sube a bordo.

- Life jackets so we can be safe.


- Ay, no. No veo!

- The water is too splashy,

And tico's papican't see in front of him.

We need your help to jump the waves.

In english, we say, "jump the wave."

In spanish, we say, "salta la ola."

Can you say, "salta la ola"?

Muy bien.

So when you see a wave coming, say, "salta la ola."


A wave!

Say, "salta la ola."

Salta la ola.


Another wave!

Say, "salta la ola."

It worked!

Whoa, a really, really big wave.

What do we say?

Right, salta la ola.



Yay, we made it down the rushing river.

Great spanish-speaking.

Feliz dia de los padres.

- Y a tu papi tambien.

- Good luck, dora.

- Gracias,tico.

We've got to hurry to little kite.

Let's see where we have to go next.

River, racetrack, ocean.

We made it down the rushing river: check!

So next is the...

Racetrack, right!

Is the racetrack on the first path,

The second path, or the third path?

The second path, yeah.

- [Giggles]

That tickles.

- Hey, that sounds like little kite.

Look, those butterflies are tickling her.

- [Giggles]

Ven rapido,dora, por favor.

- No te preocupes.

We're on our way, little kite.


We've got to get little kite back for mi papi,

For fathers' day.

♪ Feliz dia de los padres!♪

♪ Today is fathers' day!

All: ♪ feliz dia de los padres!♪

♪ We each celebrate in our own way ♪

- Mei's uncle can't wear his present to bed,

But it blocks out the sun and goes on his head.

What's inside that?

Right, a hat.

♪ Feliz dia de los padres!♪

♪ Today is fathers' day!

Both: ♪ today is fathers' day!

- Camila's wooly present can't be worn on your nose.

The pair of them go on your feet,

To cover your toes.

What's in the box?


♪ Got to get mi papi'skite back ♪

♪ That flew far away

All: ♪ feliz dia de los padres!♪

♪ Today is fathers', today is fathers' day! ♪

- Uh-oh, we need to get past these holes.

Hey, look, there's isa. Maybe she can help us.

Hi, isa.

- Oh, hi.

I'm so glad you're here, dora.

I made my daddy a special fathers' day present,

But I must have buried it when I was planting new trees,

And now I can't find it.

I really need my daddy's present.

- Aw, we'll help you find it, isa.

What does your present look like?

- I made him a purple book

With a picture of our favorite flower,

'Cause we love to read together.

- Let's look really closely at all the holes

To find isa's purple book.

When you see the book, say, "book."

Book! There it is!

- Oh, you found it! You found it!


Now we can cover these holes.

[Both giggle]

- Isa, have you seen a kite?

- Sure did.

It flew that way, toward the track.

Daddy! Daddy!

- Happy fathers' day. See you at the party.

Come on, let's go save little kite.

We made it to the racetrack.

Now we need to find something

To get us down the racetrack fast.

[Horn honks]

And I think someone's coming.

Who is it?

Yeah, it's boots.

Hi, boots.

- Hi, dora.

- Mi papi'sspecial fathers' day present blew away.

I need to hurry and get little kite back.

- Oh, yeah, I saw her fly that way.

Boy, she was sure flying high.

- Can you take me down the track, boots?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah!

I made this race car for my daddy,

And it's really, really fast.

Come on!

- Seatbelts...

Both: so we can be safe.

- These road signs can tell us how fast or slow we can go.



Look, there's a road sign.

What number is on the sign?

Seven, right.

Let's check the speedometer to see how fast boots is going.

The arrow's pointing to the number .

It needs to get to .

So does the arrow need to go up or down?

Up, right!

That means we need to go faster.

Say, "faster, boots!"

- Uh-oh, bumpy bumps!

What do we do, dora?

- What number is on the sign?

Right, .

The arrow's pointing to the number .

It needs to go to .

So does the arrow need to go up or down?

Down, si.

So we need to go slower.

Say, "slow down, boots!"

Look, there's the last sign.

What number is on it?

Yeah, !

The arrow's pointing to the number .

It needs to go to .

Does the arrow need to go up or down?

Up, correcto.

So do we need to go faster or slower?

Yeah, faster!

Say, "faster, boots!"




Yay, we made it past the racetrack!

- And there's my daddy.

Did you see me, daddy?

Did you see how fast I was?

- Aw, yeah, you were really fast.

Let's go again!

This time, I'll let you drive.


- Happy fathers' day.

- Thanks, dora. See you at the party.

- Hope you get little kite back fast, dora.

- Gracias,boots.

We've got to find little kite.

Let's see where we go next.

River, racetrack, ocean.

We made it down the rushing river: check!

We made it over the racetrack: check!

So next is the...

Ocean, right!

We need to get to the ocean.

¿En que camino esta: en el primero o el segundo?

¿Primero o segundo?

El segundo, correcto!

Come on, we've got to get little kite back for mi papi,

For fathers' day.

Mira,there's little kite.

If she goes over the ocean, we'll never get her back.

- Ayudame!

Hurry, hurry, dora.

- Hold on, cometa.

We're coming!

Ooh, I can't reach her!

[Wind howling]

Gracias, papi.

- De nada.

- Just a little higher.

[Wind howling]

- Uh-oh!

- I need your help to get little kite.

Put your hands up in the air like this,

And reach, reach, reach, reach, reach!

We got her!

- Thanks for saving me.

Dora, do I get to be your papi'skite now?

- [Giggles]

You sure do, cometa.


- This is it! This is it!

- Feliz dia de los padres, papi.

- Gracias, mi hija.

I love my kite. It's fantastic.

- [Giggles]

- And the best part of fathers' day is,

I get to share it with you.

- It's time to celebrate

With all of the daddies, grandpas, and uncles.

On fathers' day, we remind them just how much we love them.

Let's all wish them a happy fathers' day.

Say, "happy fathers' day!"


Both: happy fathers' day! - Feliz dia de los padres!

- Happy fathers' day! - Feliz dia de los padres!

- Happy fathers' day.

- Yay, we got back little kite for papi!

- And now we can fly her together.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah!


Both: we did it!

All: ♪ we did it

- ♪ We did it - ♪ we did it

Both: ♪ yeah, lo hicimos♪

- ♪ We did it!

- ♪ The wind blew little kite, and she needed to be saved ♪

♪ We did it both: ♪ we did it

- ♪ We did it all: hooray!

Both: ♪ we said "salta la ola" to jump over the waves ♪

♪ We did it - ♪ we did it

Both: ♪ we did it

- ♪ We checked the road signs to go down the track ♪

- ♪ And reached up really high

- ♪ To get me back!

All: yeah!

- ♪ We did it! - ♪ We did it!

All: ♪ we did it! - ♪ Yeah, lo hicimos♪

- ♪ We did it all: ♪ we did it

- Yeah!

We had such an exciting fathers' day adventure today.

What was your favorite part of the trip?

I liked that too.

- My favorite part

Was when I got to fly really, really high

With dora and papi.

- [Giggles]

My favorite part was saving little kite

And giving her to papi for fathers' day.

We couldn't have done it without you.

- Thanks for helping.

- Gracias.

[Cheerful music]