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04x21 - Blue's Backyard Ballgame Bonanza

Posted: 11/25/22 17:50
by bunniefuu
Whoa. Nice throw, Blue.

Here, catch.


Hey, we're just about to play

some ball games in the backyard.

Do you want to play, too?

Great. Come on.

See, we're having

a Backyard Ball Game Bonanza!

It's time for... the first event!


What's the first event?

The Roll-A-Rama!

First, Pail rolls the ball to Shovel.

Then, Shovel rolls the ball to Pail.

Ready, Pail?

I'm ready.

You'll help me cheer them on, right?


Let's go, Shovel and Pail!

[barking cheer]

Nice roll, Pail.

Nice stop, Shovel.

Ooh. The ball rolled back to Shovel.

Uh-oh. The ball's supposed to roll upthe hill.

I think Shovel's having a hard time

rolling the ball up the hill.

So, how should Shovel roll the ball

if he wants to get the ball

all the way up the hill?

Roll it harder.

You think rolling it harder

will get it up the hill?

I'll try it!

I did it! I rolled it up the hill!

So, Pail can roll the ball

softly down the hill

but Shovel has to roll it hard

to get it up the hill.


You were a really big help to Shovel

in the Roll-A-Rama.

You're like a coach who helps a player

figure out how to play a game.

Yeah, thanks, Coach!

So, Blue, what ball game

do you want to play?


We'll play "Blue's Clues"

to figure out what ball game

Blue wants to play.

♪ We are gonna play Blue's Clues ♪

♪ 'Cause it's a really great game. ♪

So, remember, Blue's paw print

will be on the clues.

Blue's Clues.

Wow. Bouncing balls.


You know what we need to play "Blue's Clues."

Our handy-dandy... Notebook.

...notebook, right. Come on.

"Blue's Clues"! I'm so excited!

Wow. Nice throw, Side Table.

[giggles]: Thanks, Steve.

Here's your notebook.


Thanks. Here's your ball.

To play "Blue's Clues," we got to find a...

Paw print!

Oh, a paw print, right.

And that's our first...


A clue? A clue!

Then we put it in our... Notebook!

♪ 'Cause they're Blue's Clues

♪ Blue's Clues

♪ We got to find another paw print ♪

♪ That's the second clue

♪ We put it in our notebook, 'cause they're whose clues? ♪

♪ Blue's Clues

♪ We got to find the last paw print ♪

♪ That's the third clue

♪ We put it in our notebook, 'cause they're Blue's Clues ♪

♪ Blue's Clues

♪ You know what do

♪ Sit down in our thinking chair ♪

♪ And think, think, think

♪ 'Cause when we use our minds, take a step at a time ♪

♪ We can do anything


♪ That we want to do.

You know, I can tell

I'm really going to need your help today

trying to figure out

what ball game Blue wants to play.

You will help, right?


Hey, have I ever shown you my invisi-ball?

No? Oh, it's a great way to play catch.

Here, catch.

Nice. Throw it back.


Good arm.

Come on.

♪ We are looking for Blue's Clues ♪


♪ Wonder where they are.

Throw it back.

Oh, I got it.

A clue! A clue!

What? Oh, you see a clue?


That way.

Right there!

There's a clue!

What's it doing?

Yeah, it's rolling.

So, rolling must be our first clue.

You know what we need?

Our handy-dandy... Notebook.

...notebook, right.

So, rolling.

Let' draw a curvy line

with two loops and an arrow.

There. Rolling.

So, we're trying to figure out

what ball game Blue wants to play.

And our first clue is rolling.

So, what ball game

could Blue want to play with rolling?

Maybe. But I think we should find two more clues.

PAIL: It's almost time for the next event.


[barks happily]

Steve, we're practicing for the Bounce-Off.


Blue and I are going to play together.



What's the Bounce-Off?

You drop a ball...


...and count how many times it bounces.


You try to get as many bounces as you can.


Will you help us?

Hey, Coach, will you help them, too?


Sure, we'll help.


Yeah, Blue!

We want a ball

that bounces lots of times!

Okay, so, we have a rubber ball...

a hard plastic ball...

and a sock ball.

So, which ball

do you think will bounce the most

when they drop it?

The rubber ball.

You think the rubber ball

will bounce the most?


Great idea, Blue.

Let's try it and see.

All right, it'll be an experiment.

Let's drop all three balls at the same time...

...and see which one bounces the most.



[barks "oh!"]

The rubber ball bounced the most.

Why do you think that is?

Yeah, maybe it's because the rubber ball

is kind of springy, so that helps it bounce.

Blue, let's use the rubber ball!

[barks happily]

We know we want to use the rubber ball

but where's the best place to bounce it?

Hey, Coach

where should Blue and Periwinkle

drop the ball to get the most bounces?

Um, the grass, the blanket, or the pavement?

The pavement.

The pavement? You think?


Great idea.

Let's try it.




Look at that.

The ball bounced the most on the pavement.

Why do you think that is?

Oh. Maybe it's because

the pavement is the hardest.

The grass and the blanket are kind of soft

so the ball didn't bounce as much.

Thanks again, Coach.

So, we're going to use the rubber ball

on the pavement!


We're almost ready for the Bounce-Off.

Hey, Blue, are you trying to figure out

where to drop the ball from?

Coach, I think we need your help.

So, if Blue wants to get the most bounces

should she drop the ball from...

down low... up high... or in the middle?

Up high.

Blue should drop the ball from up high?

Well, let's try it and see.

All right, we'll all drop the balls from different heights

and see which one bounces the most.



Look at that.

The higher you drop the ball from

the more times it bounces.

Blue, we should drop the ball from up high.

PAIL: It's time for the next event!

The Bounce-Off.

[barks excitedly]

It's time. Let's go.

Are you ready for the Bounce-Off?


We're ready.

Okay, Periwinkle and Blue

are going to drop the rubber ball

onto the pavement from up high.

We'll see how many bounces they get.

Let's count.

[Pail and Shovel]: On your mark... get set...


ALL: One, two, three, four, five

six, seven, eight, nine, ten!


We got ten bounces!


Thanks, Coach.

[chanting]: Periwinkle and Blue!

Periwinkle and Blue!

Wow, you helped Periwinkle and Blue

get ten bounces.

That's the most ever!

You're an amazing coach.

Wow, ten bounces!

I can't... that's... that's a lot of bounces.

A clue! A clue!

Yeah, Periwinkle and Blue!

Periwinkle and Blue!

No! A clue!

Oh, you see a clue.

Right there!

There it is.

There's a clue on these plastic bottles.

You know what we need?

Our handy-dandy... Notebook!

...notebook. Right.

So, plastic bottles.

First, a line that curves

down and around like this for a bottle

then a second bottle, behind the first one.

And a third bottle, on the other side.

There. Plastic bottles.

So, we're trying to figure out

what ball game Blue wants to play.

And our first clue was rolling.

And now, our second clue is plastic bottles.

Well, what ball game could Blue want to play

with rolling and plastic bottles?

Maybe. But I think we should find one more clue.

♪ Mail time, mail time, mail time! ♪

The mail's here!

♪ Here's the mail, it never fails ♪

♪ It makes me want to wag my tail ♪

♪ When it comes, I want to wail, "Mail!" ♪

[Blue barks]

Hey, Steve, I found your Invisi-Ball in the yard.

Ooh, thanks, Mailbox.

Wait, oh!

Ah, got it.

And here's your letter.


We just got a letter.

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter

♪ Wonder who it's from

Look, it's a letter from our friends.

ALL: Hi, Steve.

We're playing with the ball.

ALL: Bye, Steve.


[Blue barks quizzically]

Sounds like Blue. Come on.

[barks happily]


Blue just skiddooed...

into that stadium.

Let's go, too.

♪ Blue skiddoo, we can, too


[triumphant march plays]

I wonder what everyone's cheering about.

Hi, Steve.

Are you ready?

Ready for what?

To get through the obstacle course.

You have to get from the green flag

to the red flag.

Oh, that's the obstacle course.

Uh... uh, hold on.


Will you help me get through the obstacle course?

You will? Great! We'll do it together.

[clears throat]: Yeah, yeah, we're ready.

You start here at the green flag.

When I say "go"

run that way, and pick up the ball.



Ready. Are you ready?

Ready. We're ready.

On your mark.

Get set.


[march playing]

[crowd cheering]

Now what do we do?

You have to bounce the ball into the box.


[drum roll plays]

[dejected trumpet notes playing]

Uh, Coach?

I need your help.

The ball is bouncing straight up and down

but I need to bounce it into that box.

Which direction should I bounce it?


You think I should bounce the ball forward?

Let's try it and see.

[drum roll plays]

[trumpet notes play expectantly]


I bounced the ball forward, and it went into that box.


This way.

[march plays]


Now, you have to roll the ball

against the wall

so that it comes back to you.


Let's try it.

[drum roll plays]

[half-hearted trumpet note plays]

Uh, Coach, I need your help.

I want the ball to roll back to us.

So, how should I change how I'm rolling the ball?

Roll it harder.

Oh, you think if I roll the ball harder

it'll come back further?

Well, let's try it and see.

[drum roll plays]

[rimshot plays]

[stirring march plays]


Great job! You did it.

Brilliant thinking, Coach.

The harder we rolled the ball against the wall

the further back it came.

This way.

[march plays]


This is the last part of the obstacle course.

You have to roll the ball into that hole.


Roll the ball into that hole.

Let's try it.

[drum roll plays]

[trumpet plays half-hearted notes]

Uh, uh-oh.

The ball rolled right over the hole.

So, how should I roll the ball differently

so that the ball can go into the hole?

Roll it softer.

Oh, think I should roll it softer.

Well, let's try it and see.

Okay, here I go.

Nice and soft.

[drum roll plays]

[trumpet note plays expectantly]

[march plays]


We did it. I rolled the ball softly

and it had time to go into the hole.


You did it.

[march plays]

[cheering continues]

You finished the obstacle course.

We did.

We did it, thanks to you, Coach.


Well, we'll see you later, Beach Ball.


You're welcome.


A Clue, a Clue.

Yep, I owe it all to you.

CROWD: No, a Clue!

There's a Clue?

There it is.

On these fallen down, plastic bottles.

You know what we need? Our Handy-Dandy...



[bell dings]Right.

Okay, so, fallen down plastic bottles.

Let's draw the bottle shape laying on its side.

Another bottle shape laying in the other direction.

Now a third.

And there, fallen down plastic bottles.

We have all three Clues.

You know what that means?

We're ready to sit in our...

Thinking Chair!

...Thinking Chair. Let's go.


["Blue Skiddoo" melody plays]

Ah, okay.

Now that we're in our Thinking Chair

let's think...

[bell dings]

You will help, right?

You will? Great!

So, we're trying to figure out

what ball game Blue wants to play

and our clues are...


plastic bottles...

and fallen down plastic bottles.

So, what ball game could Blue want to play

with rolling, plastic bottles

and fallen down plastic bottles?

Well, maybe it's a game with a rolling ball.

Yeah. Yeah, maybe Blue could roll the ball

into the bottles that are standing up.

Then what would happen?


The bottles would... fall down.

Well, what game would that be?


That's it! Bowling.

Blue wants to roll a ball

and make plastic bottles fall down, like bowling.

We just figured out Blue's Clues.

♪ We just figured out Blue's Clues ♪

♪ We just figured out Blue's Clues ♪

♪ We just figured out Blue's Clues ♪

♪ Because we're really smart

Come on.

It's time for the last event...

"Blue's Bowling for Bottles."

Yay, Blue!

Yay, Blue!

It's Periwinkle.

Remember how we helped Blue and Periwinkle

practice for the "Bounce-Off?"

Yay! "Bowling for Bottles."

And remember how we got through

Beach Ball's obstacle course?

[puzzled barking]

Hey, Coach, I think Blue's going to need

a little help, figuring out where to aim.

So, if Blue wants to roll the ball

and knock down all the bottles

where should she aim the ball?

[barks quizzically]

In the middle.

In the middle.

Well, let's try it and see.


[drum roll plays]

ALL: Here we go, Blue.


Here we go, Blue.


ALL: Yay!


Blue hit the bottles in the middle

and all the bottles fell down.

Way to go, Blue.

ALL: Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue...

And cheers to you, too, Coach

for helping everybody out today.

ALL: You, you, you, you...

Thanks so much for coming over. I really... had a ball.

Speaking of... here, catch.

♪ Now it's time for so long

♪ But we'll sing just one more song ♪

♪ Thanks for doing your part, you sure are smart ♪

♪ You know, with me and you, and my dog, Blue ♪

♪ We can do anything that we want to do. ♪

See you later.

[Blue barks "Bye-bye"]

Throw it.

Thank you.