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02x21 - The Prophet

Posted: 05/15/07 23:23
by bunniefuu
previously on ghost whisperer.

How come you can see me and they can't?

That's a long story.

There's a better place for you.

Well, that means there's someone else out there...

Like me?

I know!

It's the 5 signs.

The dead dove on the doorstep.

The bee.

The writing on Jim's back.

The dead will walk.

And now, the forgotten have returned.

Wait, so, all 5 of those things have happened.

Not the writing on your back.

It was latin.

It translates to, "death of a loved one."

What is this?

What are you doing with all these spirits?

We're getting ready.

For what?

For what's coming.

He's been planning this for quite some time.

No, this is bigger than just him.


You shouldn't be here.

Why not?

This is your fault.



Hey, sorry, I got lonely.

Everybody's healthy in grandview tonight.

I got no work.

I can't believe I have a week of this.

What time is it?




I have to call you back.


It's melinda, I'm so sorry.

What time is it?

10 after 4:00.

I'm so sorry, I just... I need to know that you're ok.

Well, I'm not.

You're not?

No, I'm awake at 10 after 4:00.

Why are you doing this to me?

Ok, i'm--i'm sorry.

Go back to sleep.

Ok, wait, are you ok?

I'm fine.

Forget I called.

All right, good night, good morning, good bye.

Once again you have proven to be my best customer.

This is a birthday gift that ned will never expect.

You know, do you think he's going to get it?

I mean, will he know what it is?

Oh, yeah, this is all making a comeback.

Because they discovered vinyl produces a better sound than digital.

Can you believe that?

Do they still make vinyl?

Well, you know, it's hard to find, but it's out there.

Besides, I still have my whole collection in a box somewhere.

Right, I bet ned can't wait to listen to tom jones and neil young.

Ok, so, we'll skip my collection, but a lot of bands are releasing on vinyl these days.

You know what?

I think it's great, totally original.


Did I dream that phone call last night?

Yes, you did.

Oh, you are such a liar.

What was that?

Were you sleep-dialing?

Nothing, I just... I just had a weird dream.

About me?

I don't remember what it was about.

But don't worry, ok?

Now, when are you going to give this to ned?

Oh, well, tim is trying to find some really cool records.

Before his birthday, I hope.

So, that's going well?

Yeah, I mean, I don't know, it just kinda feels comfortable.

You know?

Even if we're just sitting there, not even talking, it just feels right.

That's great.

Yeah, well, baby steps.

Hey, do you mind if I hide this in the back?

Uh, if you can find a place for it in the black hole back there, be my guest.


You know what?

I'm going to go get some coffee, do you want something?

Yeah, that'd be great.

Surprise me.


Who are you?

They told me you would know.

Who told you?

They said you would help.

I don't understand.

Mary o'connell.

Mary o'connell?

That was the beginning.

The beginning of what?

You remember what happened, don't you, lynn?

Don't you remember?

That day, the accident?

Your dad tells me you've been making these drawings ever since.

Well, tell me, please, why have you been making these drawings?

'cause I have to.

But why do you have to?

It's in my head, isn't it?

Every day, I have to.

Same as it never was.

Hey, it's me, I'm looking right at you.

I forgot to ask if you wanted anything from java?

Uh, no, I'm good.

You go ahead.

You know, I think i'll wait.

I want to try and get a head start--


I am so sorry.

Are you ok?

I didn't even see you.

No, it really was my fault, I wasn't even paying attention.

Stay off cell phones.

Delia, are you all right?

Do you want to just go sit for a minute?

No, I'm ok, really, please, I'm fine.

It was a close call, but that's it.

Hey, everything's fine.

Next show is 2 p.m.

I'm going to be here all week.

It's fine, please, I'm gonna just, um...

I'm going to go sit down in the shop.

Ok, I get it.

It's about water.

All right, so this woman died on a ferry 2 years ago, or maybe she didn't, maybe she doesn't know how she died, and you have to tell her, I don't know.

It sounds simple to me, whatever.

Yeah, but what about the visions of impending death?

You think they all refer to delia?

Look, there were

5 signs this past year.

The dead dove, the bee, the dead will walk, the return of the forgotten.

The only thing that hasn't happened is death of a loved one.

Don't you think that it--it could be related?

How do I know?

You're the one that gets all the neat visions.

You drink the champagne, I only get the hangover.

Sorry, guess I caught you at a bad time.

Oh, no, no, you caught me at a great time.

You seem to be packing.

Yes, I'm packing.

I am going on a sabbatical.

I have a fantastic opportunity to do research in a peruvian jungle.

Just like that, up and gone?

Just like that.

Nothing supernatural, either.

Although, I should check and see if jungle insects have souls, i'd hate to be haunted by an earth-bound cicada.

You know we never really...

We never got to talk about everything that happened.

Talking's not always the best thing.

I'm in that odd place where I may speak the unadulterated truth about everything I think and feel.

Can't have that.

No, we can't have that.

Anyway, nope, this is going to be great.

Really a--just a great time for me to take a break.

I mean you do this

10 times a week.

You know, you talk to ghosts, argue with ghosts, you get your heart broken by a ghost, but for us mere mortals, come on.

Hey, hey, hey, come on.

This is a good thing, be happy for me.

I'm going to be doing what I do and loving it.

I hope you'll keep in touch.

Maybe, maybe not.

Maybe we'll just be 2 ships passing in the night.

Don't say ships.

Hey, good morning.

Oh, thank you!

Boy, do I need this.

Yeah, you don't look like you got enough sleep.

You look great, too.

As do you, tired or not.

Nice backpedal.

Listen, I really have to talk to you.


Hey, look what I found.

pink floyd wish you were here, led zep 4.

Mint condition, still shrink-wrapped.

Those are great.

Where did you find these?

I'd rather not say.

In case I outlive my usefulness, someday.

That way you'll always come back to me for the vinyl.

This is fantastic.

Now all we need is some today vinyl.

You know, bands ned has actually heard of.

I'm all over it.

Hey, you said you needed to talk to me about something?

Oh, no, no, never mind.

Come for lunch?

I've got invoices to do, but hey, bring me back something gooey.

All right.



Look, no offence, but we're going to have to wrap this up, I don't have flood insurance.

I know that you died in a ferry accident in england.

Do you remember anything about it?

The water took my breath away.

I was so scared.

I'm alone now.

Is there something you need?

Someone I can contact?

You can't help me.

Why not?

I have to help you.

How can you help me?

Is this a warning?

Are you trying to tell me something about my friend?

All eyes will be on you.

What do you mean?

I have to go to the other place.


Next time, bring a mop.

You say she's been doing this for how long?

Since the accident.

Every day, every single day.

Can you ask her why she keeps making these?

She says she has to.

It is in her head, and she has to get it out.

It's too girly.


What do you want, football helmets on the curtains?

I don't want curtains at all.

Why do you want to cover the windows?

I don't want to cover them, I want to enhance them.

This house has had enough enhancement.

When do we say, "finished"?

Ah, never.

Why do I have the feeling that the words "never"

And "home improvement"

Go hand-in-hand together, forever?

You know what?

You are very impatient.

Ok, it takes a while to make a house a home.

It took a while to make this house a house.

Aren't you late for work?


You know what my theory is?

That window treatments destroy marriages?

Well, yeah, that's one of my theories.


You're nervous, and you're distracted by something, and that's why the house is getting another makeover.

Hmm, I was hoping to appear industrious.

Well, you hoped wrong.

I just keep getting these weird visions, and there's this strange ghost.

Strange ghost, huh?

She keeps showing me things, and I don't know why.

It's like she's sad and in mourning.

Well, you think she's trying to warn you about something?

I don't usually get stuff about the future.

You did last year.

That turned out to be right.

I just know that I'm not going to rest easy until I can figure this out.

And I will.

And until then, we get curtains?


What is this place?

Part of it.

Of what?

Of what you have to know.

What I have to show you.

Who sent you to me?

They won't let me see my husband.

Not until I show you everything.

So what do you think?

How many times do I have to explain the meaning of the word "sabbatical" to you?

Definition... Leave with pay for teacher or professor for extended period of study or rest.

Alternate definition... An excuse for a confused and troubled man who wants to forget about his real life and go and study cicadas instead.

Don't forget the "with pay" part.

You know, have you ever thought about new curtains for this room?

I don't think I've thought about curtains, period.

There might be more to these visions than just a ferry accident.

Well, you know what?

These visions might not be about just some ghost.

You might have a prophet ghost.

Ooh, that's a new one.

Prophet ghosts are very common in all mythologies.

I mean, ulysses consulted a prophet ghost for homer's odyssey.

Native american traditions are rich with prophet ghosts.

Let's not forget about that rockin' trio... The ghosts of christmas past, present, and future.

So dickens knew about the prophet ghosts and I don't?

Well, he didn't know much about curtains, so I guess it all evens out.

Can I just say that this sabbatical has not improved your mood?

Here's another theory.

How about this?

How about your dreams aren't really about the accidents.

They're about the symbolism behind the accidents.

Such as?

Well, you have a ferry and a water motif, which makes me think of the river styx.

In greek mythology, it's the river that separates the living from the dead.

Souls are ferried across the river into the underworld.

What about last night?

It was like there was some kind of mining accident.

Yeah, but you said they were all wearing suits and ties.

I would think that suits and ties in a mine would be sort of a fashion don't.

A tunnel collapse then?

A tunnel.

Now you're talking.

That's the classic symbol for crossing over.

There were souls following the light.

It seems like someone's trying to get you to intercede in something.



He died, my boy, for three minutes.

Then he came back.

Is this why you came to see him?

You said he's been drawing something?

Everyday since the accident.


School, the walls, even on pillowcases.

Nice work stefano.

Tell me why you do this I do it for her who?

For her it really does sound better.

How come?

'cause it's analog.

Means it records continuously.

Digital is cleaner, but that's because it has to break it up and reassemble it.


I'm going out with an audiophile.

Who knew?

You're going out with a guy who knows how to look up stuff fast on the internet.

So this is how you guys listened to music back in the old days?



When dinosaurs roamed the earth.

What are all those crackles and pops?

It's just somehow part of the whole experience, you know?

When I hear it, I am instantly a teenager again, lying on my bed, dreaming about the future.

Hearing it makes me feel like I have a lot of pimples.


Spoken like a true poet.
Oh, hey.

Party is over.

The boss is here.


The party is just getting started.



I forgot the matches.

Oh, and the candles.

And the song that I was gonna sing to you.

I'm not very good at birthdays.

Hey, I still know my part of the song.

I could sing it.


Ha ha.

That's ok.

We have a bunch of stuff in the back.

Here you go, bud.


Is that dope 6?





How did you know that?

I like music.

So do i.

Yeah, but I like music even after 1990.

That hurt.


Hey, do you mind if I skip out early this afternoon?


What's up?

I think I found a tenant at long last for the house on colonial road.

ha ha.

You mean the mansion

On colonial road.

It's big, it's furnished, and it's a rental.

It sounds like what they need, so I'm just going to go take some pictures and email them.

Sure you don't mind?

Are you kidding?

How many times have you covered for me?

Don't worry about it.

Are you ok?



The last couple of days you seemed really distracted, like something was wrong.

It's just stress.

The kind that you would rather not know about.

Hey, look, I don't--

You know how I feel about all of this supernatural stuff, but I don't...

Want it to put a wedge between us.

I don't want to be on the outside of the rest of your life.

Delia, this is my life.


It's... It's who I am.

There's no part of me that's not affected by it.

It's kind of like...

Love me, love my ghosts.


Please don't turn me into a clich?

Just turn it down, or I'm going to take it away.

Thank you.

You're gonna lose her.

You're gonna lose her.

You're gonna lose her.

You're gonna lose her.

You're gonna lose her.

You're gonna lose her.

You're gonna lose her.

You're gonna lose her.

You're gonna lose her.

You're gonna lose her.

You're gonna lose her.

You're gonna--






I am so sorry.

What happened?

It was that turntable.

It started saying weird things.

She tried to turn it off, and...

She just froze.

I didn't even know what was happening.

It's all right.

Is she dead?


No, we don't talk like that, all right?


She's gonna be all right.

She's got a burn on her hand, she took a pretty good jolt from that turntable.

It was a freak short or something.

Yeah, maybe not so freaky.

Tell me all this later.

I've got to get back out there.

Flaherty's gonna come stay with ned as soon as he can.


All right.



Melinda, you're looking well.

What the hell are you doing here?

Good question.

It seems I'm a little early.

Early for what?

Call me sentimental.

I just can't seem to get over grandview.


The guy's a freak.

He plastered a whole room with your photograph.

He's stalking you.

Yeah, I know.

I was there.

What was he doin'

At the hospital?

I don't know exactly, but he said he was a little early.

Little early, for what?

Wait, you don't think he was going to try to grab delia's soul--

Don't even say it.

You gotta think gabriel had something to do with this.

I mean, is this about death of a loved one?

I don't know.

But i'm...scared.

I feel like there's this game being played, and I'm the only one who doesn't know what it is.

You're not the only one.

And you will never be the only one.

You're not alone.



Why are you showing me all of this?

What does it mean?

So you can know who to save.

Why can't you tell me?

It's not for me to know.

It was raining cars and you didn't call me?

I did call you.

Yeah, after the fun, as usual.

All right, this is what we have so far.

We have a prophet ghost who's showing you visions of big disasters, and these disasters are metaphorical for death itself.

You have a ferry, you have a bridge and a tunnel.

These are all mythological journeys of the soul.

And weird visions of someone's death, I think, delia's.

Well, that could bring to mind the death of a loved one warning that we had, and last night she almost got fried, right?

Uh, I would put it a ???

But, yes.

And gabriel was there, just hanging out at the hospital like a vulture.

Yeah, the self-proclaimed collector of souls awaiting his spoils.

You gotta admit, I turn a good phrase now and then.


Please stay focused.

All right, all right, look, this is what's happening.

It's so secret that in the past year, the way things have been going, ghosts being able to do things they never could before, it doesn't take a genius to see that the whole order of things is being shaken up, that the veil between the living and the dead is very weak.

Yeah, and all eyes are on me, so what do we do?


Oh, come on!

You can't tell me that you're gonna leave now.

I mean, with the thin veil and everything?

Oh, no, I should stay here where cars fall from the sky and wives betray me from beyond the grave.


Look, melinda...

I'm gonna help you do this.

You're the bravest person I've ever met in my life, and I won't quit on you.


I'm waiting for the joke.

Yeah, I can't think of one.

The peruvian job is gonna have to wait.

Heh heh, all right, hey, let's go tell delia to watch her back.

So what am I supposed to do, just run away?

Andrea was k*lled last year, you know that.

Yeah, because of a plane crash.

Because she knew what I knew, and she acted on it.

Look, if I had never told her what I could do, then I wouldn't have had to tell her about the signs that I was getting, and she never would have gotten in her car.

So what are you saying?

That there's gonna be another plane crash?

I don't know what there's gonna be, ok?

But I keep getting signs and having dreams, and I think that they involve you.

I think that they're trying to hurt me by hurting the people that I love.

You could be in danger.

Jim could be in danger, and I think that's what happened last night.

Last night was an electrical problem with an old turntable.

Yes, it scared the hell out of me, but there was no--

Ned told me about the voices on the turntable.

The record was skipping, melinda.



If I could barge into this conversation.

Um, I teach this type of thing at the university, I made a lifetime studying it, and I'm the world's biggest skeptic.

Until I met melinda, I never believed in anything I couldn't touch or see.

See, I'm a man of science, miss banks.

Although I've also been taken for a man of mystery, man of intrigue... Is there a caboose to this train of thought, professor?

Yes, there is.

You can fight it, you can deny it, you can turn a blind eye to it, but to quote william shakespeare, "there is more in heaven in earth, horatio, "

Or in this case, delia, "that can be dreamt of in your philosophy."

Point, please.

The point...

The point is what do you lose by believing?

I think there is something very special about you, melinda, I do.

I believe you feel things, maybe even see things that we can't.

Are they ghosts, can they hurt us, can they actually change the course of our lives from beyond the grave?

I'm asking you to believe that they are, and that they do.

And I need you to believe it, because I need you to be safe.


I believe you.

This is one of those female bonding moments, isn't it?

You've got to see this.

Hey, uh, come on in.

Don't be shy or anything.

It's not like it's 12:30

In the morning.

Ok, this is about the past and the future.

That's a pretty sweeping statement.

You could be talking about my credit rating, or--

Ok, just listen.

We have been assuming that these visions have been some sort of sign or warning that something's to come.

how's your italian?



no, that's it.


That's the italian I know.

I'm gonna k*ll him.

All right, look at the date.


May 11, 2003.

Ok, this bridge collapsed 4 years ago, k*lling more than

111 people.

Then, a ferry sinks off the coast of england may 11, 2005.

The tunnel vision?

A subway collapse in moscow on may 11, 2004.

Flash forward.

Plane crash outside of grandview may 11, 2006.

A terrible tragedy, hundreds dead, same date, same time, all within the last

4 years.

This has been about stuff that already happened.

What are you doing?

Well, this might still all be about the future.


All the visions are accounted for.

Yes, but there were

5 signs, melinda.

The, uh, the tunnel.

How many k*lled?

32, right?

3 plus 2 equals 5.


The ferry sinking, 311 dead.

3 plus one plus one, 5.

And how about the bridge?

111 people, 2 on the ground.

One plus one plus one plus two, 5.

Ok, but wait.

The plane trash k*lled 238.

No, it didn't, 'cause the initial reports were wrong.

Family members reporting the missing were so frantic, they reported them missing 2, 3 times over.

And some of the people that were pronounced dead weren't even on the flight.

The official number's now

228 passengers, and there were 2 victims on the ground, that's 230.

Look at this.

That's 230, 2 plus 3 equals 5.

This is all about fives.

5 signs, 4 accidents.

Now we've come full circle, which means something else is going to happen at the same time, same date.

May 11, 2007.

One week from tonight.

Hi, this is Jim clancy.

Leave me a message.

Jim, I have to talk to you right now.

I'm on my way to the firehouse, but call me if you get this first.


I was just with payne, and... Mrs. Gordon?

Oh, um, I'm sorry, who is this?

Are you interested in may the 11th?

Who is this?

6700 colonial road, right now.

No, wait a minute, who is this?



You have something I want.