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02x20 - The Collector

Posted: 05/09/07 05:55
by bunniefuu
My name is Melinda Gordon. I'm married. I live in a small town, and I own an antique shop. I might be just like you. Except that from the time I was a little girl, I knew that I could talk to the dead. It's all right, honey. Earthbound spirits, my grandmother called them. They're stuck here because they have unfinished business with the living. And they come to me for help. In order to tell you my story, I have to tell you theirs.

So, how long were they married?

Just a few months.

He was so crazy about her.

How come he never brought her into the store?

I don't know. Maybe he was just trying to buy her things to surprise her.

He was a great customer. So sweet.

Anyway, we don't have to stay that long.

Jake. Hi.

How are you?

You remember my friend Melinda?

Oh, hi. Hi.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Thank you. Thank you for coming. I appreciate it.

I'm going to go and pay my respects.

Is there anything I can do?

No, everything's taken care of.

That's his wife?

Tell me about it.

What's wrong with this picture?

I land the richest guy in Driscoll County and my heart gives out.

Oh. Wow. Yeah.

This is like poetic injustice.

I'm sorry.

Are you interested in crossing over?

You mean that light?


I really think you should go into that light.

You'll find peace there.

Peace. Yeah, I'm 30... 28 years old!

What do I want with peace?

Besides, I really did love him.

Everything okay?

You didn't tell me that his wife was so youthful.

I thought you knew.

Nice jacket.

She likes your jacket.

Oh, thank...



Is that supposed to happen?


The light. It's like... It's not so bright any more.

Like there's something getting in the way.

Oh, that's freaky.

What is?

I'm going to go hang somewhere else.


This is too creepy.

What's going on?

I'll tell you later. I'm going to go find the ladies' room.

Stop crying. I'm not dead!

I'm right here! Look at me!

What is wrong with you people?

You're very confused right now.

It's a difficult time.

How come you can see me and they can't?

That's a long story.

The important thing is there's a better place for you.

Excuse me.

Can you see us?

Wait, wait, wait, wait, slow down.

Are you sure the guy you saw was talking to a ghost, not just talking to himself?

Look, I know what I saw. They were interacting, okay?

Ghost to human, human to ghost.

Wow. Well, that means there's someone else out there...

Like me? I know.

Okay, there's always been my grandmother and my mom, with whatever abilities she has, but I have always wondered what it would be like to have a friend who saw what I saw. Who felt what I felt.

I mean, this is weird, Mel. What are the chances that there are two people like... in Grandview?

I know, which is why I'm all questions right now.

And I have to talk to this guy.

I'm going to go back to that funeral home tomorrow and see if they at least have a guest book that I can look at.

I'm never going to sleep tonight.


Who are you?

Wait, I remember you.

You were on the plane.

I made a mistake.

I know.

You didn't cross over.

Don't let them find me.

We call it the Harold and Maude syndrome. From the movie.

People who hang around wakes and funerals.

So have you ever seen him before?

I've seen him a bunch of times. At the cemetery, too.

And has he ever spoken to you?

Once or twice. Nice guy. Seems harmless.


Would you mind?

So, what did he say to you?

Oh, you know, the usual questions, did I know I was dead, how did I die, do I know other dead people? Blah-blah-blah.

I said, "Look, I like it here, I have no intention of leaving.

"You want to be a do-gooder go help that confused old lady over there

"who doesn't even know she's dead, poor thing."

Could I check your guest book?


So, does he ever know the people that are being waked?

I don't think so. And it's usually young ones.

He never pays much attention to the old people.

I just don't get all this fascination with the dead.

For me, it's almost like being alive, except a lot less expensive.

And I never get asked for directions.

That alone was almost worth keeling over for.

Can I help you with something?

Oh, I realised that I forgot to sign the book yesterday, so...

Look at that. Done.

You should be ashamed of yourself, buster.

When I ran this place, there was never one crooked tie.

I am sick of doing your job. Sick of it!

Close your mouth.

I don't know that I can.

I recommend it for your next class.

How are you not jumping out of your skin over this?

I don't know anything about this guy, okay?

He could be a friend or a foe. It could be a hoax.

Hoax? A hoax? Melinda, listen to yourself!

You sound just like all those frightened little people that have doubted you your whole life!

You were one of those not too long ago.

I'm a scientist. It's my job to doubt you and be frightened all the time.

That's my job and, quite frankly, when I doubted you, my life was a lot simpler.

Doubt was my friend.

Doubt was your crutch!

Are we gonna find this ghost guy or are we gonna write bumper stickers?

I am trying to find him, but I don't know anything else except his name is Gabriel and he likes to hang out at funeral homes and cemeteries.

Okay, great, so he doesn't have a lot of colourful clothing.

That narrows it down. What else?

Why would a guy like this pop up in Grandview?

I don't know, but I want to find out.

Maybe you guys were meant to find each other for some reason.

For what reason?

Maybe you have to find him cheerier hobbies.

Okay, look, in case this guy turns out to be the real deal, will you just look this stuff up for me?

Okay, same abilities, same place, same time.

Yes, I will. But listen, the second you find this guy you bring him right here.

Immediately. Do you understand?

That's exactly what I'll do.

Were you being sarcastic? Was that sarcasm?

Thank you so much.

You're welcome.

Hey, good morning!

Sorry I'm late.

Is everything okay?

Yeah, I'm just a little distracted. How are you?

Good. Hey, you know, we never really got a chance to talk about what happened yesterday.

Yeah. Weird, huh?

So, you're saying that the ghost of Jake's wife was at the wake?

Like literally in the room.

Yeah. Ghosts usually go to their wakes and funerals.

They like to see who came, check out what they look like.

Hair, clothing, the whole deal.


And you actually have conversations, like we're having right now?

Delia, why are you asking me this? You know that it makes you crazy.

It's just that when I think about ghosts and, you know, stuff like that, I imagine them to be kind of cloudy, transparent people, dragging chains.

I get some of those, too, believe me.

I'm sorry, I'll be right back.

I need help. I have to get out of here.

Who are you? You're not the one who can help me.

I can help you. You have to let me.

There's a better place for you. I can help you get there, but you have to want it.

She's the one.

She's the one who can help me.

Oh, hi. I didn't see you standing there.

You must think I'm crazy. Sometimes I talk to myself.

Good way to get locked up, right?

Do you see the light? Do you see it?

I'm not sure.

There's something in the way. I can't get close.

Well, are you sure that they're not people waiting for you?

Like family or...

No. They're not.

Tell me what you can see.

Hey, you can't just walk off like that.

What do you want? Who are you?

My name is Melinda Gordon. Who are you?

Gabriel Lawrence. Sorry, I have to go.

Look, you know what? You and me have something that we need to talk about, don't you think?

I promise I won't bite.

So, where did you live before you came here?

Denver. Yeah, a small neighbourhood called Rosemont.

When my parents died, my Uncle John took me in.

We travelled all over, every corner of the world.

Did your uncle know?

No. No.

I realised pretty fast that this was something I had to keep to myself, you know, so I stopped trying and learned to live with it.

Besides, I didn't care if people understood me.

You know, I never really trusted the living anyway.

The dead make much better friends.

So, did you have regular dead friends?



When I was a kid, I'd invite my ghost friends for sleepovers.

Yeah, I'd take them with me to school, camping, trips.

I'd cry when they would finally cross over.

I wished they would stay with me forever.

I was afraid to acknowledge them.

I mean, not the ghosts, but I was afraid of what other people would think.

Me, too.

You can tell people anything.

All right, you're a thief, you have a contagious disease, you know the meaning of life, but nothing quite matches the look you get when you say you can see ghosts.



It's like people always think that you're after something.

Are you after something, Gabriel?

I mean, come on, the two of us, living in the same town.

It's a little weird, you have to admit it.

Maybe. Yeah, but I have a different weird threshold than most.

Well, don't you?

Have you noticed a shift in the spirit world?

Is this a test?


Actually, I have. Like they're getting stronger.

You've felt it, too.

Yeah, they can do more.

It's like they can affect us in ways they couldn't before.

Like the flight attendant?

Look, when that plane came down, there was a very dark spirit here who was trying to get as many souls as possible to stay earthbound.

He was able to convince a lot of souls, including her, that they belonged here.

Like there was something they were meant to do.

Now she's terrified of crossing over.

I just think she doesn't know who to trust.

There's something keeping her from crossing.

Maybe she could talk to me again. You know, now that I know.

Us. Maybe she could talk to us.

I'm not trying to take over your corner.

I don't have a corner.

I just have history with this spirit.

Well, strength in numbers.

Are you going to get that? Rick.

Rick. Rick.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Hello.

I met him.

Yep, he was at our house. He seems great. Funny, smart.

Yeah, yeah, and he's a double Capricorn and he likes long walks on the beach.

Skip the personal ad. Is he the real deal or not?

I think so.

So, what did you guys talk about? Did you just compare notes, talk shop?

In a way. I don't know if I can totally trust him yet.

You know, I have a weird thing about coincidences.

You're so suspicious. I love that about you.

But then again, that's what I love about me, so...

We're going to go back to where it all started.

The plane crash site. Tomorrow night.

See if we can find the flight attendant.

Tomorrow night.

You're not thinking of going out with her tomorrow night, are you?

I can't go tomorrow night. I have a lecture.

Oh, good, 'cause you're not invited.

Well, good, 'cause you're not invited, either.

I'll let you know how it goes. Good night.

Good night.

It's weird being up here again.

You think she'll be here?

I like to go back to the beginning. Where they died.

So you're like me in that way. Go after them, try to help them.

I don't exactly go after them. They usually come to me.

I like finding them. I like chasing them, too.

Sometimes I compete with myself. How many can I send off in one night?

Your husband's a good man. He understands you.

Yeah, I am very lucky.

I've never known anyone I could trust that way.

I'm not going back.


To that place, with those people. I think it was hell or something.

Are there spirits still blocking the light?

Maybe you have some unfinished business or someone who you need to say goodbye to.

There's no one.

You must have some family.

I never wanted any of that.

What about your parents?

They wanted me to be just like them.

To never leave. And I wouldn't, so now they hate me.

No, they don't.

They do, because I left and I died.

Amy, I know what it's like to be alone.

To have no attachments. No one pulling on your heart.

You and I are more alike than you know.

There's a difference between being lonely and being alone, am I right?

You just have to decide that you don't want to be alone like that any more.

And whatever blocks the light now, will move.

Amy, I can show you a place where you'll be very happy.

Who is that?

Please, don't let them find me!


Stop it! He's my friend!

Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you off.

I just... I couldn't resist. It's...

What the hell is this?

It's a Kirlian camera.

It measures auras. It's nothing. That's property of the university.

Is this some kind of a joke, huh?

Some kind of cheap trick?

Look, I didn't know he was going to be here, I swear!

Now you know why I prefer the dead!

You're not going to believe what I saw.

I can't believe you followed me! What are you, 12?

It was in the name of science! Plus, my lecture let out at 5:00, so...

Do you have any idea what this makes me look like?

Yeah, tell me about it! I was running like a girl holding this camera.

I fell down, that guy grabbed me, and he almost...

Thank goodness he didn't break this camera

'cause this thing is not cheap and I am.

Did you notice he's got quite a temper on him?

Yeah, you always seem to bring out the best in people.

Yeah, I like to consider myself sort of like a truth serum except without the needles or the CIA.

Luckily, I always keep a backup.

Do you remember our friend Kirlian camera?

Yes, it reads auras.

Energy fields, like the kind your friends, the spirits, give off.

There you go.

Would you like to guess what those are?


Yeah, spirits! Spirits!

This place is lousy with them!

Yeah, it's a haunted field.

There are lots of spirits that didn't cross over in the plane crash.

Well, how come Kirlian can see them all and you can't?

You know why? Because that sees energy.

And spirits can choose to manifest. I can't make them show themselves.

All right. Really? Well, why don't you take a closer look?

Here you go.

Look at these orbs around him. They follow him wherever he goes.

They're attached to him.

When he chased me, they came with him.

Look at that. Those are his ghosts.

I came to apologise for last night.

I sort of lost it.

And I want us to start over again.

There's something I want you to see first.

They're spirits.

Attached to you.

How do you know they're not attached to you?

Stop playing with me.

Why don't you trust me?

I don't know why.

But you don't.

Look, why did you come to Grandview?

Did you know that I was here?

I came here because I felt I had to be here.

I was drawn here.

Maybe it was you.

Or maybe it was them.

Maybe it's just because I feel I can help here.

Look, we have to work together.

We were both put here for a reason. We need to find out what it is.


Find your flight attendant.

And we need to know what she sees on her side.

If you want to work with me, meet me tonight at the funeral home at 9:00.

Maybe I was too hard on Gabriel.

I mean, he does try to help spirits.

He even goes and looks for them.

Unlike me, who tries to avoid them whenever I can.

That's because he doesn't have anything else.

Who am I to judge him? And not to trust him?

Do you have any idea who this guy really is?

Have you checked on him?

There's no phone listing.

Not here. Before that. Before Grandview.

Didn't he say something about Denver?

Yeah, he said he lived with his uncle. He told me his name, but...


Right. Right.


Okay, there's only one John Lawrence, and he's a doctor and the director at Rosemont Hospital.

Rosemont, that's where Gabriel said he lived.

I realise it's just about quitting time where you are, but I really need to speak to Dr Lawrence.

It's urgent that I speak with him. I promise that I'll be very brief.

I thought so.

Thank you. Yes, I will hold.

Isn't it a little late?

I'm sorry. It'll just be a minute.

Isn't this what you have an office for?

Thank you.


Doctor Lawrence?

Yes, who is this?

Hi, my name is Professor Richard Payne, Rockland University. Your nephew, Gabriel Lawrence, applied for a job here in my building so I wanted to call and ask you some questions just so I can fill in some of the blanks on his application.

I don't have a nephew.

Well, that's not what my papers here tell me.

It says Gabriel Lawrence is your nephew.

He's mid-20s, he's dark, and you raised him from the time he was 9 years old.

I think you might be talking about Gabriel Hastings.

He's not my nephew. He was my patient.

Sorry, did you say patient?

This is a psychiatric hospital. He came to us as a child.

He basically grew up here, but I really shouldn't say too much.

With all due respect, Doctor, I think I have every right in the world to know whether or not the person I'm about to hire is dangerous.

He was severely delusional as a child.

He came a long way,

and he was released to his own custody

when he became an adult, but that's really all I can say.

Please tell him to call me.

Will do. Thank you. Bye-bye.

So much for Uncle John.

Hey, what's the matter?

That could have been me.

Severely delusional, the kid that sees ghosts.

I wonder how many people there are like that.

You know, who just get put away because of what they can do?

Melinda, this is nothing like you, okay?

This guy went psycho because he saw ghosts.

I know, I just don't know what to believe.

I have to talk to him because maybe I can help him.

No. No, I forbid it. No, you cannot.

This isn't a stray dog, Melinda. This guy's trouble, okay?

Let's take a break. I'm thirsty. I'm really thirsty. Who wants a drink?

Not me.

I will.

He's very concerned about you.

I remember when he used to be that concerned about me.

It must've lasted, oh, at least the first few weeks of our marriage.

I'm sorry, but it's really not what it seems.

It's all right. It doesn't really matter now anyway.

So what's our next step?

You know, this is really none of my business, but why didn't you tell me your wife was dead?

Because I don't deal with it very well.

Maybe it's time to.

What happened to her?

It's nothing. She died in her sleep.

That is so him.

Yeah, I was k*lled driving past a construction site.

A crane collapsed onto my car.

I was trapped for over two hours and I died just before they cut me free, but that's too tough for him to think about.

She's here.


I kept a journal.

Third shelf, behind the textbooks. He should read it.

She has a journal. Third shelf. She wants you to read it.

I knew it.

I just knew it.

Things have been moving around for months. And I hear her.

I smell her perfume when I come home sometimes.

Just make sure he reads it.

There are things he should know.

She's gone.

But she really wants you to read that journal, okay?

You call me if you need to.

Help me!

Hey, look who's here.

Hey, glad you made it.

So much that's about to happen.

Great party, huh?

Miss, please.

Where you been?

You're the only reason I wish I wasn't dead.

I'm not crossing over!


So, how long you been dead?

You stood me up.

What is this?

What are you doing with all these spirits?

Having fun. They're my family.

You can't do this. You can't just keep them all trapped here.

Trapped? They're anything but trapped.

They're more free than they've ever been.

You lied to me.

Did I?

Yeah, I spoke to your Uncle John, who was never your uncle.

Oh. So what? You would lie, too, in my place.

No, I wouldn't.

Come on, Melinda. This thing we do, it makes us liars!

You lie every single day.

Every time you make an excuse for why you're talking to yourself, or when you back-pedal to explain how you know something you shouldn't.

Or when you're looking right at somebody that no one else can see.

Lying is second nature to us. Lying is survival.

Is that what got you out of the institution? Lying?

You bet your ass it is!

Look, I'm sorry. I'm not like you.

I didn't grow up with a family like yours.

I don't have a partner like you have.

My support system was a tray of meds to make it all go away.

Look, you owe it to them to cross them over and you owe it to the families they...

Don't tell me what I owe the living.

There has never been one living person who made me feel I was worth anything.

Who made me feel I wasn't just some nut to be locked away.

I'm here for the dead, not the living.

They know they can trust me, and they know I trust them.

This isn't just some lonely-hearts club, Melinda.

We're getting ready.

For what?

For what's coming.

We're blocking the light.

And soon no one's going to get through.

These aren't your grandmother's ghosts any more.

We're kindred souls, you and I.

Two sides of the same coin.

Just imagine how powerful we'd be if we linked up.

Or you could just risk losing everything.

What are you saying?

I want you to leave your life.

Why do you think we met?

You said it yourself, this can't be an accident.

Please get me out of here.

Do you see a light?


Well, look for it. You have to want it.

I see it, but there are still people in front of it.

I can't get close.

I think that's because you're scared and confused.

They're using it against you.

So what do I do?

Can you think of anybody, like a grandparent or a friend, who might still be in the light?

I've never really lost anyone.

Even my dog is still alive.

Wow. Okay, well, you know what?

Why don't you think of yourself as a little girl? Eight or nine.

You know, maybe it's your birthday party.

I always had a birthday party.

With your parents?

Yeah, and my aunts and uncles.

And do they make you feel safe and loved?

Yeah, I looked forward to it all day.

They're all watching me now. They're smiling at me.

Do you feel like nothing bad could ever happen to you?

Yeah, like they're always going to keep me safe.

They loved me so much.

They can't block you when you feel those things.

You're right, they're starting to move. The light's getting bigger.

So, there's nothing stopping you now. Go into it.

Wow, it is so beautiful.

Now I can see everything there is to see.

Okay, crossed her over going 60
and never took my foot off the gas.

How's that for your grandmother's ghost, Gabriel?

You're not going to believe what happened to me tonight.

It ain't over yet.

It was right where she said it would be. Feel free to read aloud.

"Almost told him tonight, but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

"Should I just leave without saying anything or just leave a note?

"Will he even notice?

"I keep waiting for him to tell me that he knows about the affair.

"Could it be he actually doesn't? Is he that unconscious?"

It gets better.

I am so sorry.

I don't understand the appeal of this unfinished business.

I think I would have been all right without that piece of closure.

It's like everything is just turned upside down.

You think Gabriel had something to do with this?

I went to Gabriel's house tonight and he had, like, this... I don't know.

Army of souls at some never-ending party.

I knew the ghosts that were there
'cause they hadn't crossed over.

Was Kate there?

I didn't see her.

But there were others, you know, from the plane crash.

Even before that.

Ghosts from the past?


"When the forgotten return..."

"...death will be twice closer."

Hello. Translation.

It's the five signs.

The dead dove on the doorstep.

The bee.

The writing on Jim's back.

What is it, Mel?


The dead will rise.

And now the forgotten have returned.

And so all five of those things have happened.

No, not all of them. Not the writing on your back.

Mors Dilecti. It was Latin.

It translates to "death of a loved one."

Okay, you know what? We have to go and talk to Gabriel.

You think Kate will be there?

I don't know.

But he better tell us what's going on.


In here.


He's been watching you this whole time.

A couple of pictures of you up here, Jim. A few of me.

I've always hated that picture of me.

He's been planning this for quite some time.

No, this is bigger than just him.

I hear someone.

Kate. What are you doing here?

She's here?

He used me.

Who did?

Gabriel. All of them.

Where did they go?

I don't know, but they left me here.


Because I feel so bad about what I did.

I should never have hurt you like that, Rick.

I shouldn't have told you about the diary, but they wanted me to.

She's saying that Gabriel wanted her to hurt you.

He wants to hurt everybody who helps you.


He wants to make you weak.

Why is he collecting souls?

Why does he want them to stay earthbound?

It's not just him.

It's happening all over. They're planning something.

Who is?

Everyone on this side.

What do they want?

They want to make the dead stronger than the living.

They want to take over.

What's happening, Melinda? What is she saying?

Wait, she'll tell you.

I never meant for it to be this way, Rick.

I'm sorry. Would you tell him I'm sorry?

She's saying that she's sorry.

Gabriel wanted her to hurt you because you're close to me.

So it was all a lie then. The journal and the affair?


No, that's true and I'm sorry.

Is that the only reason she haunted me?

No. No, not at first.

Just moving things around, making noises, I...

I just felt like I was getting more of your attention dead than I did when I was alive.

I just...

I just wanted you to know how lonely I felt.

How much I loved you, and needed you and hated losing you.

And then Gabriel found me.

Told me that I was going to be punished for what I'd done if I tried to cross over.

He said I should stay here and help him.

He said that the pain would go away.

What is she saying now?

She was haunting you because she wanted you to pay attention.

And she knows that she made a mistake and she feels terrible about it.

And that's why Gabriel left her behind.

How did we let it get to this, Rick?

I did love you.

I know you loved me. I know you did.

How did we lose that?

Will you...

Will you forgive me?

She wants to know if you can forgive her.

It's what she needs to find peace and cross over.



No. I can say it but I'd be lying.

I can say the words if that's what you want.

You'll never get another chance like this.

You have to know that.



She should have come to me. We should've spoken about it.

She was with another man, Melinda.

There's too much pain.


Tell him!

You tell him he doesn't know what pain is!

None of you do.

But you all will.

She's gone now, isn't she?

I wouldn't be so sure.