02x06 - You Don't Have To

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dead to Me". Aired: May 3, 2019 - November 17, 2022.*
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Follows two women who tragically lose someone in their lives and find an unexpected friendship emerge.
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02x06 - You Don't Have To

Post by bunniefuu »

[Jen] You wanna tell us
where you went last night?

- You're not in trouble.
- You're in so much f*cking trouble.

I just drove without a license. Who cares?

[Jen] The law. That's who cares.

Do you know what the punishment is
for driving without a license?


- You go to f*cking jail.
- A ticket, then...

- Seriously?
- [Jen] Mm-hmm.

You could get your mom
in a lot of trouble, too.

Yeah. So...

Do you want to tell me where you went
on your little joyride?

[stuttering] We didn't really go anywhere.

I picked up Parker around four, then
we drove out to where you found us.

We... we barely got out of the car.

- Oh, really? You barely got out?
- Mm-hmm.

What were you doing sitting
in a car for five hours?

- Oh, God.
- Okay.

- Oh.
- Give me your phone.

- What?
- [Jen] You heard me.

And go get your laptop
and all your video game shit

and a power drill.


Because you just lost your bedroom door.

That... [laughs]

- That's f*cking crazy.
- [Jen] You know what?

Until you can prove to me
that you can make good decisions

and that you care about anybody
but yourself,

you are gonna go where I go,

you are gonna do what I do.

No privileges and no f*cking fun.

Judy, will you tell her
she's being insane?

I think Jen is your mother,

and you should listen to her
and trust that she knows what she's doing.

- Thank you, Judy.
- You're welcome.

You sure you know what you're doing?
I feel like you're being a little harsh.

Do you really think burning the car
was the best idea?

Charlie's fingerprints were all over it.
What choice did I have?

Don't you think it's like
sending a smoke signal?

Oh, my God. If I have to explain it,
then you're not gonna f*cking get it.

- [Henry] Mommy.
- [Jen] Hi.

My stomach hurts.

I don't think I can go
to Holy Harmonies practice.

- [Judy] Aww.
- But, babe, it's your first solo tonight.

Oh, maybe he's a little nervous?

Okay, look. Hen, we all have stuff
that we don't want to do,

but sometimes in life there are have-to's,

and you made a commitment,
so this is a have-to.

Here, for your tummy.


Is that a new necklace?

It's pretty.

Yeah. My new friend gave me the stone,
and then I made the necklace.

[Henry] Cool.

New friend? What new friend?

Michelle. I met her at work.


- Happy?
- f*cking ecstatic.


Oh, God.

[both gasp]

- Motherfuck...
- Oh, sh...

[loud crash]

[metal squeaks]

[doorbell rings]

Oh. Hey, Mrs. Harding.

Hi, Parker.

Look, I just wanted
to say I'm really sorry.

I think that we got off
on the wrong foot last night.

Yeah. You were, like, freaking out.

Yeah, that was nothing.

that's why I brought you some cupcakes.

Aww, thanks, um, but I don't eat, like,
cupcake dough.

Sure. Uh, actually, you know what?

You posted a picture of Charlie.

Oh, yeah.

He looks like a total snack, right?


Here's the thing.

Charlie doesn't have a driver's license.

So if anyone saw that picture,
he would get in a lot of trouble.

- Oh, God.
- Yeah.

So I'm gonna need you to, like,
take it down.


Tsk. Yeah, see,
I would, because I love Charlie,

but I can't.

Wait, why?

'Cause I get paid.

I'm a micro-influencer, so...

[murmurs] I have no idea
what the f*ck you're talking about.

Well, Instagram has, like,
big influencers and small influencers.

This is so f*cking embarrassing.

Your mom is just trying to protect you.
She loves you.

Yeah, well,
she's pretty shitty at showing it.

[clears throat]

I lost my virginity in a car.

It was beautiful.

It was a '78 Corvette.

We're not having this conversation.

No? Okay.

Do you like her? Parker.

I don't know.

Whatever. How does anybody know
if they like anybody?

I don't know.

Feel like you...

just like to be around them.

You want to be with them all the time,
and they make you feel safe.

And you can be your...

best self and your...

- when you feel vulnerable...
- Okay, can we not talk anymore?


One more thing.

Please use condoms.
You don't want to get warts.

- Or...
- Yep.

...any other sores down there.

[sighs] Okay.

'Cause if there's oozing,
you're gonna be pretty upset.


And so under 800,000 followers is,
like, a whole different pay scale.

Okay, so how much then
for you to take the picture down?

Like, 100 bucks?

That's not a lot of money anymore.

[murmurs] Oh, f*ck you. Um...

Five hundred.

- A thousand dollars.
- [scoffs]

And because you love Charlie,

you will never mention your little outing
to anyone ever.



Please hold these.


What are you drawing?


It's a check.

Okay. Uh...

Do you have Venmo?

Do I have what, what?

Oh, you also have to watch out
for chlamydia, gonorrhea,

syphilis, which made
Benjamin Franklin crazy.

I don't know if you know,
but that's what he died of.

- Anyway...
- [Jen sighs]

[Charlie] Oh, thank God.

- How'd that go?
- [Jen sighs]

but she is going to take it down.

Hey, Charlie,
your girlfriend's a little extortionist.

She's not my girlfriend.

She seems to think so.

She said she loved you.

- Oh, Charlie.
- Shit, really?


Charlie, you need to know that sex is
something different for girls at your age.

At any age.

There are feelings involved.

You just gotta be careful, okay?

I know. Judy told me about warts.

It was part of a larger conversation.

Is that a thing?
Do people even get warts anymore?

There's a vaccine.

- You should get the vaccine.
- [Jen] It's so '70s.


- Oh, shit.
- [Jen] What?

- Why are they calling you?
- I don't know.

- Shouldn't you answer?
- Do I have to?

Miss Hale, thank you for coming.

Of course.

Your hair looks amazing.

- Did you do something different?
- No.

We got some new information pertaining
to Steve Wood.

Oh, you do?

- We've gained access to his phone records.
- Oh!

We've been trying
to piece together a timeline,

and interestingly,
his last calls made were to you.

Were they?

He called you a total of nine times
the night he disappeared.

Oh, that's right.
He called, but I didn't get it.

I just let them go to voicemail.

Hmm. You still have those voicemails?

Hmm. I don't know, I mean, do I?

Miss Hale, we can do this the hard way:
I go to a judge, request a warrant,

but it doesn't look great,
or you could just play me the messages.

- Which do you prefer?
- Neither.

- Neither's not an option.
- Okay.

If there's any information
on those voicemails, I need to know.

- There isn't.
- Prove it.


Do you think that maybe there's somewhere
private that we could listen to them?



[Steve] What the f*ck, Judy?

You have some f*cking nerve,
you know that? You better call me.

You hear me? Call me, you f*cking b*tch!

I really appreciate you taking the time
to do this today.

Yeah, well, of course.

But I mean, if you like it,
I would jump on it,

'cause it's not gonna be
on the market for long.

Oh, I'll bet. It's pretty shwanky.

Oh, yeah, it's shwanky.

I mean, yes,
it's more than you wanted to pay,

but it does have a rooftop terrace
with a fire pit,

and of course, the beach is your backyard.

I'm not much of a beach guy.
That's more Steve's deal.

Well, the curtains are remote control,
so you can just shut those

- and not even look out there.
- You know what?

Nothing matters. I'll take it.

- Really?
- Yes.

I just have to get out
of my parents' house.

I have to. The same thing
happens every night.

My mom asks, "When you think we're gonna
find Steve?" I'm like, "Soon, probably."

And then she asks me if I want ice cream.

That's 'cause that's what she wants.

And then I go get the ice cream.
I bring it back.

She cries 'cause I'm not Steve.

And then I eat the ice cream.

- Oh, yeah. That sounds unhealthy.
- Yeah. It is.

I put on 4 LBs. All in my butt.

Well, lots of stairs here,
so you can work that off.

Yeah. My parents are just spiraling,
you know,

and now they're starting
to talk about offering a reward.

[Charlie] A reward for what?

Charlie, not now.

Oh. For anyone that just might know
anything about where my brother could be.

You know, I just feel like...
Don't you feel like...

a reward is just really
a slippery slope, you know?

- [Ben] Yeah.
- Because then it's like giving,

like, a megaphone to all the crazies

so they can just be like,
"Yeah, I've seen him."

- [Ben] Yeah.
- You know, "Down at the mart."

- [Charlie] How much of a reward?
- Charlie, seriously!

- [scoffs]
- [vibrating]

Oh. Oh, I gotta get this.

- Oh, yeah, no problem.
- Um, excuse me.

[Steve] I know you see me calling, b*tch.


[Steve] Come on, Jude,
will you just call me, please?

I... I'm sorry. I love you.

Will you please, please call me back?

I just need to talk to you.

I need you.

Come on, Jude.

Will you call me back, baby, please?

I love you.

All right? Let's work this out.

I love you.

- [beeps]
- You're not gonna get away with this!

You're no f*cking angel.

You can't hide forever,
and when I f*cking find you,

I am going to f*cking k*ll you!

You hear me? You are f*cking dead!


Oh, I take it he didn't find you.

[sniffles] No.

Are you at all concerned
about your safety, Miss Hale?


Are you afraid he's gonna hurt you?



Oh, there you are.


Oh, Jesus f*cking Christ,
now you're smoking?

- [Charlie] Better than vaping.
- [Jen] God, what is wrong with you?

Everything, apparently.

- What, so now, like, nothing matters?
- Not really.

- Anything I do, you're gonna be mad at me.
- You know what?

I don't want to be mad at you,
okay, Charlie?

So help me out here
and do something f*cking right.

It's just a stupid cigarette.
It's not like you never do it.

What? What are you talking about?

I've seen the pack you hide on the shelf
in the kitchen where the big bowls are.

Yeah, well, you know what?

I do what I want. I'm an adult.

So you just get to do
whatever the f*ck you want?

- Yeah, I do.
- [lighter clicks]

And when you're an adult,
you can, too, but for now,

you are a kid,

and I would try to hold onto that
for as long as you can, honey.

'Cause let me tell you something,
when you get to the other side,

you are gonna have to deal with
some pretty shitty stuff.

Like I haven't?

[cell phone vibrating]

- Hey.
- [Judy] Hey.

What happened?

- It's okay. They haven't found the car.
- Uh-huh.

- But...
- Uh, gotta go. I gotta go.

Hey. Everything all right?

They, uh...

found remains.




I don't know. My dad's friend called
from the station, and, uh...

[shuddering] I'm supposed to go down there
or something.

I... I don't know how to do this. [sighs]

Do you have anyone
that can go with you or...

No. Um...

It's all right. I can go alone.

No, you shouldn't have to do that.


[Jen] Okay.


[Ben exhales]


Excuse me, ma'am,
you can't be doing that stuff here,

unless you're gonna share.

- Sure.
- [laughs]

But you have to step into my office.

[slow tempo music playing]

Oh, f*ck, yes! This song is the best.
[blows smoke]

Actually, no, never mind.
I have never heard this song in my life.


Wait, you're not up on
whatever kind of music this is?

Apparently not.

It's stuck on AM.

But it's very comforting.

- I could see that.
- Yeah.

I'm sorry I ran off last night.

Oh, no, don't...

No stress.

I'm just, uh, I'm sorry you had to go.

I was having a really good time.

Yeah, me too.

And then Jen had an emergency, so...

Is everything okay?



Her son stole a car.

Oh, shit.


So you're that friend, huh?
You're the clutch friend?

Yes, but she is too.

She's, you know...

She's great. She took me in
when I was kinda in between places.

- So you guys, uh, live together?
- Mm-hmm.

And you're just friends?

Oh, just friends, yeah.

'Cause you're not, uh...

Not with her.

- Is this the moonstone I gave you?
- Yes, yes.

I thought it looked pretty like this.

It does.

It looks really pretty on you.

Thank you.

Should we, um...


go get some tacos?

[scoffs] Yeah.

- I am f*cking starving.
- [laughing]

[engine turns over]

[siren wailing]

It's not him.

- [both sigh]
- It's not?

Mr. Wood, I know your family
has connections here,

but everyone needs to follow protocol.

Are you sure it's not him?

Forensics just determined
the remains belonged to a female.

- Oh, that's great.
- [sighs]

I mean, uh...
a great tragedy for her family.

[Ben] Yeah. Uh...

- Thank you, Detective.
- Yes, thank you.

I'm sorry.
How do you two know each other?

Oh, I'm helping him find a rental.

- Yeah, Steve's ex introduced us.
- Mm-hmm.

Judy Hale?

- You know Judy?
- I do.

- It's a small town.
- No, it's not.


Hi, may I have two salmon tacos,

uh, two chicken,

two tofu mushroom burgers?

That's too much.

- Accept your destiny, please.
- [laughs]

Um, one beef burrito, uh...

carnitas nachos, loaded,
and one large guac.

And two Mexican Cokes, please.

That was masterful.

- No, no, I got it.
- [bottles pop open]

Thank you.

[Michelle] Here. Keep the change.

[Judy] Thank you.

[sighs] I love a Mexican Coke.

- Aren't they so much better?
- The best.

- They're real sugar.
- Yes, that's why.

I can't believe
you haven't been here before.

- [Nick] Best tacos in Laguna.
- [gags]

- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I just choked for a second.

- Hmm.
- [Judy] This Coke.

- Hey, Nick.
- Hey.

My God, it's great to see you.

[scoffs] Is it?

Hi, I'm Michelle.

- What's up?
- Hi.

How are... how are you doing?

Well, I left my house today,

so that's a start.


How's Steve?

- [gags, clears throat]
- [Nick] How's he?

He's, uh...

Who's Steve?

- Oh, that's her boyfriend.
- No. He's my ex-boyfriend.

- That didn't work out.
- Yeah. Guess I know how that goes.

- Hey, it was really nice to meet you.
- You too.

- [Judy] Take care.
- [slurps] Mm.

Drive safely.

- What the f*ck was that?
- [sighs] Yeah, right?

- Weird.
- [bell dings]

- [woman] Order's up.
- Oh, that's us.

- [sighs]
- Well, that was a relief, huh?

- Yeah, yeah.
- Yeah.

- [crying]
- Oh. Oh, God, Ben.

- Ben.
- I'm sorry.

It's okay. You don't have to apologize.

I just thought, you know...

I thought for sure it was gonna be Steve.

Well, it wasn't him.

No, I know, but for a minute there,
I thought it was...

I thought it was gonna be him. [exhales]

[inhales] Ooh, God, I feel sick.

- Oh, this is a terrible feeling.
- Mm-hmm.

[sighs, sniffles]

I don't know how people live
with that feeling.

Well, you don't have a choice.

You just learn to cope.


Thank you for coming with me.

I know this is not how you wanted
to spend your afternoon,

- at a police station.
- Oh, it's okay.

You're a very kind realtor.[laughs]

Can I, um...

pay you back with a mocktail? [chuckles]

Oh, uh, I... I can't.

Yours doesn't have to be a mock,
it can be a cock...


No, I got it.
Uh, no, actually, I have to go.

My son is singing his first solo
with his...

Always so hard to say.

...his Christian rock choral group.


Are you talking about the Holy Harmonies?

Why do you know that?


Holy Harmonizer, '86 through '89.

- Really?
- Yes. [laughs]

Actually, I'm not surprised by that.

Wow, that's great!
Oh, I'd love to see that.

I mean, not that, you know,
I'm self-inviting or anything.

You are, though, aren't you?

- I mean, it's been a while.
- Okay.

- The more the merrier.
- And...

- Really?
- Sure.

Oh, fantastic news. [sighs]

- My cup of tizzle.
- Mm-hmm.

Well, we only dated for a little bit.

He's actually really sweet.
Just didn't end so great.

[laughs] Yeah, that was obvious.

- I feel like I'm gonna need the story.
- [groans]

The story doesn't really paint me
in the greatest light.

Well, now I want to hear more.

I thought I was pregnant
with someone else's baby.

- Oh, okay.
- Yeah.

But I wasn't.

It turns out that, um...

I can't have kids, actually.

I'm sorry.


Is that something you really wanted?


Yeah, very much.

Yeah, me too.

I always wanted to adopt, but...

my ex didn't want kids.

Maybe the next person will.

Yeah, maybe.

I still live with her, which is a thing.

Your ex?


I mean, we broke up a while ago,

uh, but...

I couldn't just cut and run.
I mean, she...

she grew up in foster care,
and she has... abandonment stuff.

We're more like family than anything else
at this point, but...

I don't know,
I hope that doesn't sound weird.

I think it sounds really sweet.

- Would you wanna...
- You wanna go see a kids' Christian choir?


Wow, well, I was gonna say
go see a movie,

but what you just said is weirder.

So... yeah.

- Let's do that.
- Yeah.

- [pop music playing]
- [audience cheering]

♪ Like a fool I went and stayed too long ♪

♪ Now I'm wondering
If your love's too strong ♪

♪ Ooh, Jesus ♪

♪ Here I am, signed, sealed, delivered
I'm yours ♪

♪ Then that time I went... ♪

How badly do you want to run up there

- and join them?
- So badly!

♪ Now I'm back and not ashamed to cry ♪

♪ Ooh, Jesus ♪

- ♪ Here I am ♪
- Wow!

♪ Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm yours ♪

♪ Here I am, Jesus ♪

♪ Signed, sealed, delivered
I'm yours, Jesus ♪


♪ Here I am, Jesus ♪

♪ Signed, sealed, delivered
I'm yours, Jesus... ♪

Yeah, this is even weirder than I thought.

- [laughs]
- I mean, but it is cute.

Oh, wait till you see Henry.


- Can I speak to you stage right?
- ♪ Ooh, Jesus ♪

♪ Here I am, signed, sealed... ♪

- What's going on, huh?
- Henry's having some show night jitters.

Oh, I'm sure he's just nervous
'cause he has a solo.

I think he's still upset
about what my dog did to his bird,

but we're sending Adele to boot camp
as we speak.

- Why?
- I don't know how to discipline.

I've only ever had two rules in my house:

smoke out the windows
and don't bring Prosecco.

Adele didn't k*ll the bird.

- What?
- Shandy did it.

Which, looking back,
seems like it was right there.

- I thought I told you.
- No, you did not. Jen!

Adele is halfway to Oxnard.

God. Well, maybe she'll pick up
some good habits or something.

[sighs] Hey.

What's going on?

It's okay, tell her.

Tell me what, hon?

He doesn't want to do it.
It's too much for him, but...

he's scared that
you're gonna be mad, so...

Oh, Boop, I'm not mad.

I thought I had to.

- [Christopher] Um...
- [Jen] Hmm?

Honestly, this is for the best.
He hasn't exactly found his falsetto.

[Jen] Okay, look.

Let's forget the have-to's. Okay?

What do you want to do?

[rock music playing]

- Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
- [siren blaring]

♪ Fun times, it's what the world needs ♪

♪ Fun times, we got a reason to play ♪

- No, no, no!
- No, I'm good at this game!


[game buttons clicking]


f*ck, yeah!

- [Judy] Look at you on your Harley!
- [Michelle] Wow!

[camera shutter clicking]

- [laughing]
- [Michelle] Oh.

Well, it is very nice to meet you,
new friend Michelle.

Judy speaks very, very highly of you.

- 'Cause I know all of her secrets.
- [laughing]

Can I get anybody a drink
so that I can begin to drink?

Yes, please. Thank you.
Um, I'll take a Chardonnay.

- Yeah, me, too. Please.
- Great.

I will get two bottles, just to be safe.

Oh, yes. Thank you.

You like her.

I do.

She makes me feel really good.

- You deserve that.
- Thanks.

She seems great.

She's got a very nice energy.

What, did you just comment
on someone's energy?


- I'm pretty sure I heard that.
- Nope.

- "Nice energy."
- Don't get excited.

- Uh-huh. [laughs]
- Didn't happen.

It did.

She's getting me booze,
and she suggested two bottles.

- She's really funny...
- So what is she gonna get for herself?

[both laugh]

All right.

[Ben] Go, go, go, go!

Oh, we got a tight one.
This is a nail biter.

[Henry] I know. Yes!

- [Henry claps]
- Whoo! Hey, third!

Look who won.

Nicely done.
Nice. How's your pinball game?

I'm pretty good at pinball.

Yeah? Strong? All right. Let's find one.

[presses buttons]

- Hey. What? What's up?
- Hey.

I'm gonna put your door back on.

Just don't have sex in there.

Or do. I... It's better than a car,
I don't know. Just...

Just protect yourself.

Always get consent.

- Yep.
- Okay?


[game sounds blaring]

[static crackles]

[women speaking indistinctly
over police scanner]

[shouts] Oh, yeah. All right, okay..

- [Henry] Are you letting me win?
- [Charlie laughs] Uh, maybe...


Oh, um...

I just remembered I should
write you a check for that rental.

Oh, I'm not letting you take that place.

No, you shouldn't be paying oceanfront
prices when you hate the beach.


You wanna like what you're looking at.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, you do.

["I Think We're Alone Now" by Tiffany

♪ The beating of our hearts
Is the only sound ♪

[Ben clears throat]

♪ Look at the way... ♪

- [both] Cheers.
- [camera shutter clicks]

♪ 'Cause what would they say? ♪

- [both laugh]
- [camera shutter clicks]

♪ Running just as fast as we can ♪

♪ Holding on to one another's hand ♪

♪ Trying to get away into the night ♪

♪ And then you put your arms around me ♪

♪ And we tumble to the ground
And then you say ♪

♪ I think we're alone now ♪

♪ There doesn't seem to be anyone around ♪

♪ I think we're alone now ♪

♪ The beating of our hearts
Is the only sound ♪

♪ I think we're alone now ♪

♪ There doesn't seem to be anyone around ♪

♪ I think we're alone now ♪

♪ The beating of our hearts
Is the only sound ♪

[slowing down]
♪ Running just as fast as we can ♪

♪ Holding on to one another's hand ♪

[music fading out]

[theme music playing]

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