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05x10 - Dragons N' Roses!

Posted: 11/13/22 08:15
by bunniefuu
Bubble Guppies!

Hi, it's me, Molly.

And it's time for-

A ferocious dragon!


It's time for...

A ferocious dragon!

[all laugh]


It's time for-

A really ferocious dragon!

I said, a really, really ferocious dragon!


[all laugh]

It's time for Bubble Guppies!


♪ Bub-bub-bubble. Gup-gup-guppies, ♪

♪ bubble, bubble, bubble. Guppy, guppy, guppy. ♪

- Bubble! - Bubble!

- Guppy! - Guppy!

Bubble guppies!

I'm Molly!

I'm Gil!

I'm Goby!

I'm Deema!


- Nonny! - Zooli!

Arf! Arf! - Bubble Puppy!

♪ Bub-bub-bubble. Gup-gup-guppies, ♪

♪ bubble, bubble, bubble. Guppy, guppy, guppy. ♪

- Bubble! - Bubble!

- Guppy! - Guppy!

Bubble guppies!

Bubble guppies!

-Come on! -Follow us!



Hi there.


Good morning, Mr. Grouper!

Well, good morning, everyone!

You know, today, we've got a special visitor in class.

-Really? -A visitor?

-I wonder who! -We do?

This is my pet frog...


[all murmur]

Frogs make me nervous.

It's okay to be nervous, Nonny.

But if you take a closer look, you might change your mind...



She's so cool!

She's cute!

Look at her eyes!

A frog's eyes can look all over.

Izzy can even see behind her back without turning around!


I can't do that--

What is she looking at now?

That's a good question, Molly.

You know, it's good to ask questions

when you're curious about something.

Curious means you want to know more

about something or someone.

That's right!

What about you?

What are you curious about?


Let's think about being curious...

When we're curious, we can get a closer look with our...


Right! Eyes.

And when we want to understand something,

we can listen with our...



And if we want to know more, we can ask questions

by speaking with our...


Yep. Our mouths.

It's good to be curious!

Let's sing about it!

♪ Have you ever met somebody

♪ You just couldn't understand? ♪

♪ Maybe they stomp their feet, ♪

♪ Like weird foods to eat

♪ Or climb up trees with sticky hands ♪

♪ But take a minute, get to know them ♪

♪ I think that you'll realize

♪ Maybe they're more like you than you ever knew

♪ Pretty soon you're seeing eye to eye ♪

♪ -Come on, be curious -Come on! ♪

♪ Yeah there's so many friends we haven't met yet ♪

♪ -Come on, be curious -Come on! ♪

♪ Oh, it's ok to have a couple questions ♪

♪ When you meet someone new

♪ Maybe they are curious about you too ♪

♪ Too-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo

♪ We can take a look closer with our eyes ♪

♪ Listen up, we can hear with our ears ♪

♪ Oh we can ask questions with our mouths ♪

♪ So come on now tell me what it's all about ♪

♪ Come on, be curious

♪ Yeah there's so many friends we haven't met yet ♪

♪ -Come on, be curious -Come on! ♪

♪ Oh, it's ok to have a couple questions ♪

♪ When you meet someone new

♪ Maybe they are curious about you too ♪

♪ Too-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo

♪ Too-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo


Okay, line up, everybody!

It's time to go outside!

[all] Outside! Outside!

Come on.

♪ Outside everybody, outside!

♪ Line up, everybody. Line up.

♪ Line up, line up, my gup-gup-gupgup-guppies. ♪

♪ Everybody get out. Get-get-get up. ♪

♪ Get out. Get everybody. ♪

♪ Outside.

♪ Here we go. Here we go. ♪

♪ Everybody line up. Here we go. ♪

♪ Outside! Everybody let's go-go-go-go, ♪

♪ get-get out-out-out out-out-out-out. ♪

♪ Outside! Bubble Guppies! ♪

I am King Goby of the Kingdom of Roses!

And I'm Zooli, the gardener.

Once upon a time...

There was a nice little kingdom

in the most beautiful valley.

Everywhere you looked, there were roses in bloom...

These roses are so pretty.

And they smell so good!


Roses have sharp thorns.

You have to be a little careful.

[Nonny] Everything in the Kingdom of Roses

was just perfect,

until one day...

Uh, what was that?

[Nonny] Everything changed...





We gotta tell the king about this!

Come on!

[Nonny] Meanwhile, in the castle...

And it's another perfect day in the Kingdom of Roses.

Everything continues to smell really good!

I love it here in the Kingdom of Roses.

Me too, Sire.

It's the best place in the world!

[door opens]

Your majesty!

You'll never believe what I just saw-

Shh! The royal news is on!

The weather forecast for today calls for

"sunny with a chance of-"

[distant roar]




That's what I was trying to tell you!

A dragon?

Here? In the Kingdom of Roses?

That's... that's--

That's awesome!



I've never been friends with a dragon before!

Uh- That's because-

It's. A. Dragon?

[distant roar]

That doesn't sound good...

I hope everything is okay.

What ever will we do, your majesty?

Well, we can't have a dragon in our kingdom.

We have to get rid of it somehow.


Oona the Strong!

She is strong.

I hear you've got a dragon problem, Sire.

We don't actually know it's a problem...

[distant roar]

Oh, it's a problem.

Can you get rid of it?

Of course I can! I'm Oona the Strong.

All I need is a strong shield.

Escort this knight to the Royal Shield Maker!


Are you the Royal Shield Maker?

Yes I am!

I am Oona the Strong and I need

the strongest shield you can make!

Well, you've certainly come to the right place!

Let's see...

I need your help to build a really strong shield!

The straight piece goes here.

Which of the pieces fits here?

That one!

The curved one!


The curved piece fits here.

So this one must go here!

Hmm... That's not right.

What do I need to do?

Turn it around!


We just had to look at it a different way!

Here you are--

The strongest shield in the kingdom!

Thanks for your help!

Thank YOU!

Now to get rid of that dragon!

Good luck!

[all cheer]

[Nonny] So Oona the Strong went to the top the mountain

to get rid of the dragon.

These roses smell so pretty!





I am Oona the Strong!

Show yourself!



[Nonny] And that's when Oona the Strong knew how

she could use her strength to stop the dragon.

That should stop the dragon!






♪ [fanfare]

Ah! Oona the Strong!

Did you do it?

Did you get rid of the dragon!



I'm sorry, your majesty, that dragon is really strong.

King Goby, we don't know anything about this dragon.

Aren't you a little curious?

Curious? Not at all.

Dragons are bad.

[distant roar]

Citizens of the Kingdom of Roses,

I have made a royal decision.

-Oh? -What could it be?

There's only one thing left to do.

We have to move!

Oh no!

[Nonny] A dragon had come to the Kingdom of Roses

and the King had decided that they all had no choice

but to move away.

All right, people.

Let's get everything packed up.

[distant roar]

We've got to get out of here as soon as possible.

Excuse me, your majesty.

What time is it?

It's time for lunch!

- ♪ What time is it? - ♪ It's time for lunch!

♪ What time is it?

♪ It's time for lunch!

- ♪ What time is it? - ♪ It's time for lunch!

- ♪ It's lunch time! - ♪ Hey, what's for lunch?

I got a cheese sandwich and a banana!

What'd you get, Zooli?

I got a tuna sandwich and an orange.

What'd you get, Nonny?

I got a tuna sandwich and a...




[all laugh]


That's silly!



[distant roar]


All right, that's it! Let's go.

You heard the king! Everything must go!

Ouch, thorns!


Presenting... Gil the Brave!

Hey, everybody!

You don't have to leave your beautiful kingdom forever!

I'll get rid of that dragon.

'Cause I'm Gil the Brave.

He does seem brave!

Gil the Brave, I command you to get rid of the dragon!

Your majesty, are you sure we shouldn't try

to get to know the dragon before-

I'll be right back.

Good luck, Gil the Brave!

[Nonny] And so Gil the Brave

headed to the top of the mountain-

-to get rid of the dragon.

Look out, dragon!

Gil the Brave is in the cave!


I'm here to scare you away!




What's taking so long?

Don't worry, everyone!

Gil is probably scaring away that dragon this very minute!

Presenting Gil the-



[all laugh]


Too scary.

All right!

This time we really are leaving.

Oh, dear.

Oh no.

[Nonny] King Goby and his subjects

were getting ready to leave the Kingdom of Roses forever,

but Zooli wasn't ready to go.

You guys, wait!

We can't leave! This is our home!

We have to.

You heard the king.

Your majesty, please don't make us move!

We all love it here!


We've tried everything to get rid of the dragon! And--

[distant sad roar]

Wait a minute, that roar sounded different.

Did that sound sad to you?

[distant sad roar]

It sounded sad to me.

Your majesty, I think there might be

something wrong with the dragon.

We should go take a closer look!

No, thanks!

We're outta here!

Oh, be careful with that!

Well, then, I will.




Hello. My name's Zooli.

I'm Agnes.

Are you here to put rocks in front of my cave?

No. Of course not.

Are you here to scare me away?

No, I heard you roaring,

and I just wanted to see if you were okay.


Are you okay?

Well, it's just, my nose really hurts!

Oh no.

I'm sorry.

Let's take a look.

I need your help.

Do you see what's hurting the dragon?

There's something on her nose!

There's a thorn!

You're right! There's a thorn stuck in her nose!

Thanks for your help!

I know what the problem is!

There's a thorn stuck in your nose.

You were smelling the roses, weren't you?

Oh, yeah.

Oh, they looked so pretty

and I wanted to know if they smelled pretty too.

And they did!

They do smell really pretty.

But- they have thorns.

They do?

I didn't know that.

Would it be okay if I pulled it out?

It'll make you feel better.

Oh, would you? Please?


Oh, thank you!

That is much better!

[Nonny] Meanwhile, down at the castle, King Goby,

and his subjects were leaving the Kingdom of Roses.


All right, everyone!

Let's get out of here!

Forward ho!

I really wish we didn't have to leave...

Me too.

Hey, what's that?

It's the dragon!

Hi, everyone!

Zooli, what are you doing?

It's okay.

This is Agnes, and she's my friend!

I went to find out why she was roaring.

And it wasn't because she was mad or bad,

it was because she had a thorn stuck in her nose.


Those thorns can be sharp.

We're sorry, Agnes.

It's okay.

I know my roars can be a little-- surprising.

[roars and giggles]

Uh, your highness, does this mean

we don't have to move away?

I, King Goby, declare, by royal decree...

that we can...


All right!

[all cheer]

[Nonny] So they moved everything back into the castle,

and had a royal feast!

Attention, Kingdom of Roses!

I would like to officially welcome our new friend

Agnes to our kingdom.

[all cheer]

And I would like to announce that Zooli the gardener

shall now be our royal gardener,

AND shall be known from this day forward as-

Zooli the Curious!

[all cheer]

[Nonny] And so Agnes decided to stay

in the Kingdom of Roses, where she and Zooli

became the very best of friends.

And they all lived happily ever after.

[all cheer]

♪ Bub- bub- bubble. Gup- gup- guppies, ♪

♪ bubble bubble bubble guppy guppy guppy. ♪

- Bubble! - Bubble!

- Guppy! - Guppy!

Bubble Guppies!

Bubble Guppies!

♪ -Come on, be curious -Come on! ♪

♪ Yeah there's so many friends we haven't met yet ♪

♪ -Come on, be curious -Come on! ♪

♪ Oh, it's ok to have a couple questions ♪

♪ Maybe they are curious about you too ♪

♪ Too-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo

♪ Too-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo

[giggles] Roar-ange.