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03x06 - The Arctic Life!

Posted: 11/12/22 18:07
by bunniefuu
[Water splashes]

Little fish: bubble guppies!

Hi! It's me, molly,

And it's time for...

[Wind gusts]

It's time for...

Gil: snow!

What kind of weather is gil dressed for?

Right! Snow and cold.

Come on! Snow!

It's time for-

C'mon... Please snow.

[Loud rumble] uh-oh.


It's time for bubble guppies!

♪ Bub-bub-bubble gup-gup-guppies ♪

♪ Bubble bubble bubble guppy guppy guppy ♪

♪ Bubble! ♪ Bubble!

♪ Guppy! ♪ Guppy!

[Clap] ♪ bubble guppies!

I'm molly!

I'm gil!

I'm goby!

I'm deema!

I'm oona!

I'm nonny!

Arf! Arf!

Gil and molly: ♪ bubble puppy!

Guppies: ♪ bub-bub-bubble gup-gup-guppies ♪

♪ Bubble bubble bubble guppy guppy guppy ♪

♪ Bubble! ♪ Bubble!

♪ Guppy! ♪ Guppy!

[Clap] ♪ bubble guppies!

[Clap] ♪ bubble guppies!

Little fish: "the arctic life!"


Molly: hello! Gil: hi!

Bubble puppy: arf arf!



Arf arf!


Gil: bubble puppeee...!

What are you lookin' at, boy?

Let's go.

Bubble puppy: arf arf arf!

Gil: do-do-do you see that?

It looks like a polar bear!

Molly: gilly, what-

Gil: shhhh! Come here!

What is it?

We just saw a polar bear!

[Giggles] gilly, there aren't any polar bears around here.

They only live where it's really cold.

Gil: [gasp] molly, look!

It was right there!

Come on, let's go take a closer look.

Look! That must be the polar bear's van.

[Giggles] polar bears don't drive, silly.


It's right behind me, isn't it?

Polar bear: howdy!


Oh no! I'm sorry!

Arctic dan: oh, I forgot I had this on!

I didn't mean to scare you, buddy.

I'm arctic dan,

The snow cone man!

Gil: I love snow cones!

Molly: me too!

How come you're dressed like a polar bear?

Well, polar bears live at the top of the world

In an amazing place called the arctic

Where everything is icy cold,

Just like my snow cones. Brrr!

Molly, gil: brrrr!!!

Arctic dan: speaking of cold,

I have to go get more ice for my snow cones.

See ya later, guys.

Molly: goodbye!

Gil: bye, arctic dan!

I wish we could go to the arctic.

That'd be so cool!

Cool? It would be so cold!

Both: brrrrrr!!!


Molly: come on!



Hi there!

All: good morning, mr. Grouper!

Mr. Grouper: well, good morning, everyone!

Molly, gil: brrrr...

Gil: hello, mr. Grouper.

Mr. Grouper: you guys look pretty cold!

Deema: what's going on?

Molly: we're pretending we're in the arctic!

Mr. Grouper: oh! The arctic.


Oona: what does "arctic" mean?

The arctic is a cold and snowy place

All the way at the top of the world.

That's right, nonny.

What's it like in the arctic?

Well, let's think about it.

The arctic is a really cold place that's covered with...




Both: brrrr!

The arctic is a special place on our planet.

It's not at the bottom. It's way up at the...




And there are animals that live up in the arctic,

Like a big white...


Polar bear!


♪ In the summer there's no night time ♪ [night time]

♪ The north pole is made of ice ♪

♪ In the winter there's no sunshine ♪ [sunshine]

♪ Be careful, don't get frostbite ♪

♪ Snow everywhere

♪ This is the arctic life

La la la la la

♪ This is the arctic life

♪ Beluga whales

♪ Polar nights

♪ This is the arctic life

♪ Orca whales, arctic fox ♪

♪ Caribou, and sled dogs ♪

♪ On top of the world

♪ Where everything's white

♪ This is the arctic life

♪ La la la la la

♪ This is the arctic!

♪ You have to head down to the south pole ♪

♪ To meet a penguin

♪ Because they don't live here ♪

♪ Who's big, furry, white, and loves swimming ♪

♪ Why it's the polar bear

♪ Snow everywhere

♪ This is the arctic life

♪ La la la la la

♪ This is the arctic life

♪ Polar bears

♪ Northern lights

♪ This is the arctic life

♪ Orca whales, arctic fox ♪

♪ Caribou, and sled dogs ♪

♪ On top of the world

♪ Where everything's white

♪ This is the arctic life

[Cheering, applause]

Hello. I am arctic deema,

Fortune-teller of the north.

Come with me!

Hello. I'm-

Wait! Let me guess!

You love arctic animals.

I do love arctic animals.

Well, you've certainly come to the right place.

I will gaze into my magical snow globe

To guess your favorite arctic animal!

[Wind gusts]

As you can see, the arctic is covered in snow and ice!


Now tell me...

What color is your favorite arctic animal?

My favorite arctic animal is-

Wait, let me guess!

I'm really good at guessing!

I bet your arctic animal is...white.

My arctic animal is white!

How did you know?

Being white helps an animal blend in with the snow,

Which keeps them safe,

Because it makes them hard to find. See?

I see my favorite arctic animal! It's-

Wait! I will guess.

Just give me a tee-nsy weeen-sy clue.

Well, my arctic animal likes to swim.

Hmm ... I need your help.

Which of these animals likes to swim in the water?

An arctic hare,

A beluga whale,

An arctic fox,

Or a polar bear?

Little fish: the beluga whale and the polar bear!

They're in the water!

Right! They both like to swim.

Now, we just have to figure out

Which one of these two arctic animals

Is oona's favorite.

May I have another clue?

Okay. My favorite arctic animal

Loves to swim in the water,

But he likes to walk on the ice and snow.


I need your help again!

Which of these animals can swim in the water

And also walk on the snow?

Is it the polar bear

Or the beluga whale?

Little fish: the polar bear!


Polar bears love to swim in the water,

But they make their homes on the ice and snow.

[Wind gusts]

Is your favorite arctic animal a polar bear?

You're right! It is the polar bear!

Then may I offer you this?

Thank you!

And thank you for helping me guess

Oona's favorite arctic animal.

Mr. Grouper: brrrrrr!

Excuse me, what time is it?

Wait! Let me guess...

It's time for lunch!

Mr. Grouper: ♪ what time is it?

Guppies: ♪ it's time for lunch!

Mr. Grouper: ♪ what time is it?

Guppies: ♪ it's time for lunch!

Mr. Grouper: ♪ what time is it?

Guppies: ♪ it's time for lunch!

Mr. Grouper: ♪ it's lunch time!

Guppies: ♪ hey, what's for lunch?

Goby: mmm! I got chicken noodle soup for lunch!

What did you get, oona?

I got chicken soup with rice!

What did you get, nonny?

I got... Chicken soup with...



Goby, oona: brrrrr...

Little fish: chicken soup with ice? That's silly!

Molly: there are a lot of people who live in the arctic

And some of them get around on the ice and snow

On a sled pulled by dogs!

Gil: go!

I said go, bubble puppy!

Come on, giddy-up!

Please, boy?

Molly: what are you doing, gil?

Gil: I'm trying to get bubble puppy to pull this dog sled,

But he won't go!

Molly: well, people used to get sled dogs to go by saying "mush."

Bubble puppy: [whimper] arf arf!

Gil: hey, come back here! Bubble puppy!

Come on!

Mr. Grouper: okay, who can tell me what this is?

Goby: that's the world!

Mr. Grouper: that's right, goby.

This is called a globe.

It shows what the whole world looks like.

Goby: but where's the arctic?

The arctic is up here at the top.

Why is it all white?

Mr. Grouper: it's white because it's all covered with snow.

And at the very top of the arctic is the north pole.

There's a pole up there?

There's not actually a real pole there.

The north pole is just what we call

The very tippy top of the world.

Gil: I want to go to the north pole!

Oona: yeah, me too!

Mr. Grouper: well, you better bundle up

Because it gets really, really cold up there.

Guppies: brrrrr...

[All giggle]

Mr. Grouper: okay! Line up, everybody!

It's time to go outside!

Guppies: ♪ outside! Outside!

Come on!

♪ Outside, everybody! Outside! ♪

♪ Line up, everybody line up. Line up. ♪

♪ Line up, my gup-gup-gup-gup-guppies ♪

♪ Everybody get out get-get-get up ♪

♪ Get out. Get everybody. Go! ♪

Guppies: ♪ outside.

Mr. Grouper: ♪ here we go. Here we go here we go. ♪

♪ Everybody line up. Here we go. Outside! ♪

♪ Everybody let's go-go-go-go ♪

♪ Get-get out-out-out-out- out-out-out outside! ♪

♪ Bubble guppies!

Deema: we're arctic rangers!

Molly: we rescue arctic animals!

Once upon a time...

...there were two arctic rangers.

Mr. Grouper: [over radio] arctic rangers, arctic rangers.

Please respond.

Arctic rangers here! Go ahead.

Mr. Grouper: a narwhal needs your help.

What's a narwhal?

Nonny: a narwhal is a kind of whale that lives in the arctic.

Deema: look at that crazy horn!

The horn is actually a really long,

Twisty tooth, called a tusk.

Mr. Grouper: the narwhal is trapped in orca bay.

He can't find his way out.

You must get to orca bay at once.

We're on our way!

Mr. Grouper: one more thing, rangers.

Watch out for orcas!

Deema: yikes! That's a lot of teeth.

We better rescue that narwhal as fast as we can!

Goby: and so, the arctic rangers set out for or bay

To find the narwhal.

Deema: the poor narwhal is lost in there somewhere!

Molly: there he is!

[In unison] the narwhal!

The unicorn of the sea...


We've got to help him,

But how are we ever going to get over there?

I know! Maybe we can ride on an iceberg.

Deema: that's a good idea!

Molly, deema: whoa! Whoa! Oof!

Deema: hmm. Icebergs are too tall and pointy

For us to ride on.

Molly: we've got to figure out something else.

Hey, we could ride on an ice floe!

Deema: uh, what's the difference

Between an iceberg and an ice floe?

Molly: icebergs are tall and pointy.

Deema: that's a lot of ice!

Nonny: there's always more iceberg under the water

Than there is above it.

Deema: reallllly.

Molly: yep!

But ice floes are flat,

So we can get on them!

We need your help!

Which one of these is an ice floe?

Little fish: that one! Right there!

Molly: right! The flat one!

Goby: so, the arctic rangers floated into orca bay

On an ice floe, until...

Molly: uh-oh. Looks like we're stuck!

Deema: now what do we do?

[High-pitched call]

Molly, deema: orca!

Deema: let's get out of here!

Molly: that was a close one.

Deema: molly, look! The narwhal!

Molly: hello, narwhal.

Deema: we're here to rescue you!

Narwhal: [happy narwhal sounds]

Molly: we can show you the way out of here!

Narwhal: [narwhal squeal, splash]

Deema: what's he doing?

Molly: he's pushing us!

We're almost out of orca bay!

Deema: or- or- or-caaaa!

We made it!

Hey, where'd the narwhal go?

Narwhal: [narwhal sound]

[Iceberg creaks]

Molly: look! He's blocking the entrance to orca bay

With an iceberg!

He did it!

Deema: but what if the orca swims under it?

I don't think she can.

There's a lot more iceberg under the water

Than there is above it, remember?

Well, that's a relief.

Orca: booooo hoo hoo hoooo! Ugh-ho!

Molly: aw, what's the matter?

Oh, I didn't mean to scare you.

I just wanted to see a narwhal.

Deema: they are pretty cool.

Oh, please let me out.

I just want to be friends.

Molly: well...

Deema: do you promise not to eat us?

I promise.

Deema: well, then I guess everything's okay!

Goby: and so, the orca promised not to eat them...

And they all lived happily ever after!

Little fish, audience: hooray! All right! Yayyy!

Gil: come on, everybody! It's time to dance!


Come on, all you arctic explorers!

Get up and dance with us!

Come on! Get up!

We're going to slip and slide on the ice

Just like we're in the snowy arctic!

♪ Hey everybody come on, let's roll ♪

♪ We're gonna play out in the cold ♪

♪ A special dance for the arctic snow ♪

♪ Listen up, here's what you need to know ♪

All right, everybody, when I say "go,"

We're gonna do our dance,

Like we're slippin' and slidin' in the arctic snow.

Are you ready?

Here we go! Ah , , !

♪ Come on, everybody let's slip and slide ♪

Goby, nonny: ♪ slip and slide, slip and slide ♪

Gil: ♪ come on, everybody let's slip and slide ♪

♪ Freeze! It's cold outside! ♪

♪ Come on, everybody let's slip and slide ♪

Goby, nonny: ♪ slip and slide, slip and slide ♪

Gil: ♪ come on, everybody let's slip and slide ♪

Freeze! ♪ It's cold outside!

♪ Snowin' down in flakes so light ♪

♪ It's been piling up all night ♪

♪ A perfect blanket, soft and white ♪

♪ Cold and soft and white

♪ Come on, everybody let's slip and slide ♪

Goby, nonny: ♪ slip and slide, slip and slide ♪

Gil: ♪ come on, everybody let's slip and slide ♪

Freeze! ♪ It's cold outside!

Goby, nonny: ♪ slip and slide, slip and slide ♪

Gil: ♪ everybody!

Goby, nonny: ♪ slip and slide, slip and slide ♪


Little fish: hooray! All right! Yayyy!

Molly: the arctic is full of icebergs and ice floes...

Gil: mush! Mush!

I said mush!

Molly: hi gil, whatcha doin'?

Gil: I'm teaching these little fish

How to pull a dog sled but they won't move!

Molly: maybe you just have to ask nicely.

Gil: is there any way I could get you guys to mush?

Little fish: what's the magic word?

Gil: uh...mush...?


Little fish: arf! Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf! Arf!

Gil: hey, come back here!

Hey everybody, it's time to go to the arctic!

Guppies: field trip!

Do you want to come with us to the arctic?

Great! C'mon!

Narrator: the arctic. One of the coldest places on earth.

Here, one guppy and his faithful sled team

Must face ice, snow,

And freezing temperatures

To reach the very top of the world.

Arf arf arf! Arf arf! Arf! Arf!

We're going to the north pole!

Narrator: you know there's not really a pole at the north pole,

Right, gil?

Gil: that's why we're going.

To put one there.

Mush! Please!

Bubble puppy, little fish: arf! Arf arf!

Narrator: when the arctic winds are at their worst,

It's easy for an explorer to lose his way...

Bubble puppy, little fish: arf! Arf arf!

Gil: bubble puppy! Which way?

Little fish : I think we're lost!

Little fish: uh-oh...

Gil: don't worry, team. I'll radio for help.

[Radio crackle] arctic station, this is arctic gil.

Come in, please!

Molly: this is arctic station. Are you okay?

Gil: yeah but we're lost in a blizzard.

My sled team can't see

And we don't know which way the north pole is.

Molly: listen carefully.

You'll have to keep heading north.

I repeat, keep heading north.

Got it.

Mush! Please!

Bubble puppy, little fish: arf arf! Arf arf arf! Arf!

Polar bear: you can do it, gil!

Molly: t's help gil find the north pole!

This map shows the arctic.

At the top is the north pole.

And this blue dot is gil and his sled team.

When gil reaches the top

Say "north pole!"

Molly, guppies: north pole!!!

Little fish: yay! Hooray! Bubble puppy: arf arf!

Gil: we did it, boy!

[Ice-cream truck music plays]


[All happily great each other] hey! Yeah! Yay! Hooray!

Gil: welcome to the north pole!

You did it, gilly!

You made it to the very top of the world!

Thanks for your help!

Arctic dan: snow cones for everybody!

Guppies, arctic dan: hooray! Yay! All right!

Guppies: ♪ on top of the world

♪ Where everything's white

♪ This is the arctic life

[Cheering, applause]

I can't believe you made it to the north pole, gil!

Yeah! It was super cool!

It was so cool it was freezing!

Both: brrrrr!!!


Gil: hey! It's arctic dan, the snow cone man!

You were right, arctic dan.

The arctic is awesome.

Molly: uh, gilly, I don't think that's what-

Gil: what's the matter, arctic dan?

Are you stuck in your costume?

Here, let me help you.

I... I think it's stuck...

Arctic dan: hey, you guys want another snow cone?

Gil: uh-oh.



♪ Bub-bub-bubble

♪ Gup-gup-guppies

♪ Bubble bubble bubble

♪ Guppy guppy guppy

♪ Bubble! ♪ Bubble!

♪ Guppy! ♪ Guppy!

[Clap] ♪ bubble guppies!

[Clap] ♪ bubble guppies!