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13x05 - Homefront

Posted: 11/06/22 05:48
by bunniefuu
ELIZABETH: Well, you were right, Henry.
It's as good as advertised.

Yeah, Danny did the detective work.

It turns out,

they get their meat
from the same people as Lugers.

No kidding, and it was half the price.


So, the same time, same place next week?

WOMAN: Henry!

Do I know you?

Is it true the Police
Commissioner's Investigative

Squad is nicknamed the Broken Toys?

I don't know.

Why not? It's a unit you created.

Say, what is this? Who are you?

Aren't they called that because
they're a group of rogue cops

who do whatever they want,
however they want?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Your son can change the name, but it's
the same police state tactic.

All right, out of our way,
I'm going to my car.

Not until you answer us.

Leave us alone.

We're not leaving until you do, right?!



There's a woman waiting
for you in your office.

Does this woman have a name?

Not one that she'd give me.

And you let her in anyway?

She gave me this.


Thank you, Annie.

Abigail, what are you doing here?

Erin, mind closing the door?

Yeah, did my father send you?


Does he know you're here?

Didn't want to bother him with this.

You don't strike me as someone
to skip work lightly.

Haven't taken a day
since I was assaulted.

Is that what this is about?

The Harris Meadows case?

He beat me to a pulp.

And now your office is in the middle

of cutting a deal with him.

He's going to be
a cooperator for this office.

He overheard his former cellmate

Pietr Papatonis, the Greek mobster,

confess to m*rder.

So you're going to offer him probation?

Yes, Harris claims he knows

where Papa buried the body.

If it's true, he will get a deal.
It's as simple as that.

What if we find the body ourselves?

Then you won't have to release

one dangerous criminal for another.

I am not going to jeopardize
a m*rder case.

Won't you at least try
to find another way?

I'm-I'm sorry,
it's just not gonna happen.

You know Harris didn't
as*ault just me, right?

He assaulted five other women as well.

I understand that this is
personal for you.

And I'm...

If there's anything I can do...

There's plenty you can do.

You just care more about the headlines

than you do the victims.


Janko, you're late.

I'm sorry, Captain, I got a flat tire...

Save it. I've got
an abduction in sector D.

And I want all hands
on deck on this one.

What happened?

-year-old woman didn't
show up for work today.

Her sister went to her apartment.

- Found signs of a struggle.
- Any suspects?

We're thinking it's the boyfriend.

He also hasn't been seen
since last night.

I'll catch you up on the ride over.

We're riding together?

Yeah, Walsh called in sick.
You're filling in as my driver.

What about Badillo?

He's reassigned with Fergus for the day.

Do you have a problem with it?

No, I just was surprised you
picked me. I didn't think...

Well, you are a demon behind the wheel.

But if you'd rather, we can sit
around playing questions.

- No, no, I'm good.
- Oh, good. Suit up.

Well, if it isn't my old friend Bugs.

Ah, Detective Reagan!

Where's your partner, partner,
Detective Delicious?

That's Detective Baez,
and she's in court.

Well, that's too bad
'cause I got a two-for-one

on these small boys
right here or... hear me out.

- His and her matching ponchos.
- Ponchos, huh?

You do realize the forecast
calls for sunshine, right?

- You see any sun out here?
- No.

You see anybody selling
umbrellas out here?

- No.
- Exactly,

you got to think outside the box

in order to get around the competition.

That's shapes.
Hey, what-what are you doing?

Seeing what else you got for sale.

Oh, nothing but parasols.

None of that good booger
sugar on you today?

Oh, no, Lord, only, you know,
I'm % too legit to quit.

Uh-huh. So what the hell did you
call me down here for, Bugs?

- I need your help actually.
- With what?

There's a m*rder about to go down.

The Dead Twins are moving in
on a rival g*ng member.

And how do you know about it?


'Cause they want me to do it.

They want you to k*ll
a rival g*ng member?

- That's the skinny.
- Look, if you called me down here

to bust my chops, Bugs...

My brother owes the Twins a favor,
but he's in jail,

so they figure they'd put it on me.

I can't do something like that.
I'm no k*ller.

- Umbrellas!
- No, you're not,

you're an entrepreneur.

Absolutely, so I need
to do something fast,

or they're gonna k*ll him
on the inside, so please,

please help me.


And what are we gonna do about it?

Not much we can do.
It's perfectly legal.

Mobbing someone
on the sidewalk is legal?

As long as nobody laid
hands on him, it's okay.

No, it's not okay.
I meant legally permissible.

So, legally, my dad is
just a sitting duck.

An ex-NYPD commish?

- That ain't right.
- I didn't say it was right.

Yeah, I know. Just legal.

It's the new tactic.

Organizers offering a reward

for the whereabouts of
whoever they're targeting

and then flash-mobbing them.

Even to senators, cabinet
members, Supreme Court nominees.

Well, my -year-old father

is retired from public service.

Any truth to their claims?

The Police Commissioner's
Investigative Squad

has had a couple cases
of excessive force.

But they were handled publicly
and without incident.

And stop calling 'em that.

It's what we call them.

Among cops the unit has always
been known

as the Broken Toys for a reason.

Sharp detectives with no spouse

just married to the job.

But Police Commissioner's
Investigative Squad

is way less provocative.

But Independent Contractors

is not as effective as The Dirty Dozen.

Define "effective."

We will never just be
the New York Polite Department.

Fine-tooth comb on the Toys.

If anyone roughed up a CI

or even as much as spit on the sidewalk,
I want to know about it.

Copy that, boss.

And who's organizing these ambushes?

Name's Connor Kelly.

Top-drawer corporate litigator who...

takes on issues like these
as his way to "give back."

Invite him up here.

He won't come.


By invite him up here, I mean
send a couple of detectives

to visit him in person

and suggest strongly...

You're getting close
to the edge here, Frank.

...suggest strongly with
carefully applied pressure.

You think he's the only one who gets

to use the element of surprise?

No. Didn't think so.

♪ ♪


MCNICHOLS: Detective Hannigan.

Captain McNichols.

(CHUCKLES) What are you,
what are you doing here?

Just checking in on things.

Well, as you can see,

it's... we've got it all under control.

Well, I have my officers looking
out for anything that might help.

That all?

Anything in particular you
need 'em to keep an eye out for?

I think, uh, we've got this one
in the bag. (CHUCKLES)

Is that so?

Yeah, we located
the victim's boyfriend Arthur.

I'll put him through hell
in the box and...

we should have Jackie home in no time.

You're sure it's him?

Uh, Arthur and Jackie got in a big fight

last night at a bar, made a scene.

This morning we find Arthur

hiding out at his best friend's

That sounds promising.

OFFICER: Ma'am, you can't go in there.

Ah, geez, not again.


JANKO: Who's that?

It's, uh, victim's twin sister.

She keeps trying to record
the crime scene.

- What? Why?
- She's an influencer.

She's wants to crowdsource

Jackie's rescue. (STAMMERS)

Listen, I'm a little busy right now.

Captain, if you really want
to help, you can maybe, uh,

assist with canvassing
or something like that.

Excuse me.

Um, I don't think he would have
dismissed Espinoza like that.

Some people are still getting used to me

being C.O. of the precincts,

- so it takes time.
- It shouldn't.

He should show you respect.

It's his crime scene, it's his case.

We help out where we can.


Hey, we got a problem.

Uh, there's a plunger
in the supply closet.

Different problem.

You know how Papatonis has
his construction company?

Of course, that's where
he hides all his assets.

Yeah, well, I got detectives sitting

on all those building sites.
One of 'em just called me

and said that some woman
came around asking questions.

Oh, no.

A Detective, uh,

- Abigail Baker.
- Yeah.

What, you already knew?

- She came by earlier.
- What? Why?

I'll explain later.
What happened with Baker?

She almost ran into Papa
at the construction site.

Missed each other by minutes.

Well, she could've blown
the whole operation.

We're lucky he's not already
on a flight out of here.

Get her in here.

Do you know the name of the guy
the Twins want you to take out?

Uh, Hector, he's a member
of the Mara Noche.

Uh, you know where we
can find this Hector?


These stay out here.

All right, I'm keeping mine.
I'm gonna keep this one.

I'm taking my one.

Do you have any proof that they
asked you to k*ll this guy?

Proof? Like what?

You know, text message, a recording,

- anything?
- No, I ain't got none of that.

Okay, well, then you're gonna
have to help me get it.

- I am?
- Look, all you got to do

is set up another meeting
with the Twins, only this time

you'll wear a listening device.

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

You want me to go undercover?

You want to see me get shot
again. That's a terrible idea.

I never wanted to see you get
shot in the first place.

Okay, look, relax.

You want to save your brother or not?

Okay, then let's get you wired up.

You want to explain to me
what the hell you were doing?

Investigating, since this
office clearly won't.

Okay, well, first off all,

this is not your case.

And we have our own investigators here.

Secondly, there is
nothing to investigate

because we already have Papa,

unless, of course,
you already tipped him off.

You were moments away
from running into him.

I knew exactly when he was showing up.

We are a couple days
away from finalizing

this deal with Harris's lawyer.

Great, so I have a couple days.

Are you even listening
to a word I'm saying?

If Papatonis buried a body,

there was a good chance it was on one

of his construction sites, and somebody

working for him knows which.

We've been trying
to get Papa for months.

And you think you can just waltz in here

and crack the case in a day, really?

I'm sure as hell gonna try.

No, you are not.

You know what the last thing
Harris said to me was?

When he got out,
he would find me and my family.

We won't let him hurt you.

Who won't?

The two of you?

He's here, boss.

Let's have him.


I'll see him alone.

We're walking a fine line here.

Be careful, boss.


Connor Kelly, sir.

Accepting your invitation.

Mr. Kelly, I guess you've already met

Detective Nuciforo.

At my office.

Have a seat.

Down here?

Yes, that's your seat.

Or you can stand if you want.


You need to stop sending mobs

to harass my senior citizens.

I haven't sent anyone anywhere.

They come bearing your standard.

Not my standard.

We just share the same...

deep concerns.

But the fact that we're talking
at all is a testament

to the effectiveness of these protests.

No, it's a testament
to how pissed off I am

by you bullying my old man.

Cut it out.

I'll make a statement
condemning the tactics

as soon as you...

disband what you call the Broken Toys.

And there it is.

Not gonna happen.

They're a band of cowboys
who are harming and harassing

innocent families
from low-income communities.

- You got proof of that?
- I grew up with it.

I saw them firsthand in our building,

in our neighborhood.



Your father founded it
and you brought it back.


I missed them.

And they were needed.

The same way you miss the rest
of last-century thinking?

I know what year it is.

I also know the criminal class

didn't keep up with
your idea of moral progress.

Who died and gave you the
final say on urban policing?

No one.

But when I clerked for
Supreme Court Justice O'Connor,

we handled several
systemic abuse of force cases.

A lot like this one.

So now it's systemic?

I thought it was just one unit

that had you clutching your pearls.

Tell me something.

What's your angle here?

You gearing up to run
for political office?

A proud but concerned New Yorker.

That's all.

Tell your people to back off.

Or what?

You'll send some Broken Toys after me?

Look, when you're done
with that, holler at me.

- All right? Appreciate you.
- Safety. Yeah.

Soul Glo, right?

Brother Jay, Brother Jay,
what's going on, man?

What the hell you want, Bugs?

You already know what you got
to do if you don't want

your brother to have an accident.

Well, see, the thing is,
I'm a little fuzzy

up here with some of the details.

Your boss wants you to take out
Hector of the Mara Noche.

Boss know where I can find this guy?

You want us to pull
the trigger for you, too?

Okay, come on, Jay, it's my brother.

Just help me out a little bit.


Hector walks his dog on Lefferts Avenue.

- Uh-huh.
- Every evening.

- And, Bugs?
- Hmm?

You only got hours to get it done.

hours?! You said I had two weeks.

Yeah, boss pulled up the
timeline. Hey, yo, we clear?

We clear, we clear. You know what?

I'm wr... You right, I'm wrong.
I'm about to get out of here.

- Got a lot to do. Huh?
- Wait.

Yo, you feeling all right?
You moving a little more

fidgety than usual.

Oh, 'cause of my...

I had some bad coke, you
know, they might've cut it

with a little fenty, so
I'm a little... (EXHALES)

- Yeah, right, hold on.
- What's that you doing?

What-What's going on?
Special little app I got.

Special app? Checks for
those Bluetooth listening devices

- cops use these days.
- You know, I heard of that app.


JAY: Bad coke, right?
Yeah, it's just bad coke.

He's gonna be made.

- What the hell are you doing?
- I'm going out there.

Regular Reggie gave it to me.

I can get you some if you need
some, if that's what you into.

No, that's not even necessary.
You just stay right there.

- Stay right here? All right...
- Hey! Sorry I'm late.

- Sorry I'm late. Hey!
- Who the hell is you?!

Whoa, hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa...

- Who is you?
- Come on, little... Jon.

- Brother Jay...
- You didn't tell him about me?

- Jon?
- I know his brother from the joint.

He asked me to come help out.

Yeah, nah, that wasn't part of the deal.

- No, no, no, he helped him out...
- Oh, hey... he didn't think

he could handle it by himself.

He asked me to help out, that's
why I'm here, to help out.

And I just wanted to make sure
y'all got what y'all want.

- Will you shut up?
- Shut up, man!

Did this before, ain't you?

- Yeah.
- Yeah, I can always tell a k*ller.

So what's the deal?

I need proof that it's done.

You got hours.

- What proof?
- I don't know. Figure it out.

It's not just Bugs with this
debt now. Now it's on you, too.



Forget about it, it's not enough.

What you mean it's not enough?
We got everything we needed.

Right? Jay spilled all the Cheerios,

so now you just go
and arrest him, right?

We're not arresting anyone yet.

What the hell, man?

They're gonna k*ll
my brother on the inside.

Because there are bigger fish out there.

You're gonna let them k*ll
my brother over some fish?

Not fish. Jay's boss.

Well, how you gonna get him, hmm?

We will discreetly collar
Hector Guerrero

on an outstanding warrant.

His guys won't know if he's
floating in the East River

or locked up. We'll use that to
arrange a meeting with the boss.

But you heard Jay, we need proof.

How you gonna get that?

Leave that part to me, okay?

So let me get this straight,
you're gonna do all this In hours?

Yes, and all you need to do
is keep your mouth shut.

Do you think you can manage that much?


You're not listening at all.

E-Excuse me?

- Morgan?
- Yes?

I'm-I'm really sorry about
what happened to your sister.

And I just want to let you know

we're doing everything
we can to find her.

Yeah, seems like you guys
are doing a great job.

Do you, do you mind if I just...

...ask you a couple questions?



how well do you know your
sister's boyfriend Arthur?

Arthur didn't do this, okay?

There's no way. I keep telling that guy.

Mm. He loves her.

And, besides, he's a total softy.

Do you know anyone
that would want to hurt her?

If you met Jackie,
you wouldn't ask that question.

She's an angel, always helping people.

It's almost annoying sometimes.

So, the-the night she went missing,

you guys left the bar together?

She walked me home.

Like always.

I should have done it for her.

This is not your fault.

I hear you're like
a big social media star.

Your-your sister...

she into that stuff, too, or...?


She deleted all her accounts
about a year ago.

- Why?
- I think she saw

what it was like for me
and wanted no part of it.

What's it like for you?

Well, let's just say
there are a lot of creeps

and perverts on there.

You should see
some of the messages I get.

Can I?

I don't see what it has
to do with Jackie, but sure.

Oh, my God.

Wait, well, some of these guys have

your actual location on here.

I know, freaky, right?

Would it be okay if I sent
myself some screenshots?

Go ahead.


Just got off the phone with
Harris's lawyers. We're all set.

We're free to move forward.

You sound like your cat just died.

You think we're doing the right
thing by giving Harris probation?

I feel for Baker, too.

But this is m*rder.

I know.

And Papa's a huge flight risk.


And this could be our last shot.


Look, I love having my cake
and eating it, too,

but the stakes are high on this one.

I completely agree.

Then why do I still see those wheels

turning in the wrong direction?

Baker's logic is sound.

She's got a point.

If we find the body,
we don't need Harris.

And it makes sense that the body

could be buried
in one of Papa's buildings.

You sound like you're trying
to convince yourself.

See what you can find in a day.

If you don't come up with any leads,

then we'll move forward
with the Harris deal.

You sure about this?

Just do it.

Huh? Baker's still out?

Bet it was the raw bar at the
first responders' charity.

Whew! Nearly brought me down.


Sounds pretty serious.

Maybe I should call her.

Oh, I already did, boss.

She's on the mend.



What do we got?

Sid found complaints
that have flown under the radar,

but nothing major.

What kind of complaints?

Low-level stuff.
Cuffing a perp too tight,

foul language, you know,
complaints we've all gotten.

Anything that would give
Kelly amm*nit*on?

No way. Cursing is
a far cry from roughing up

- an innocent civilian.
- Yeah, but it still begs the question,

is there anything still out
there they might be hiding?

And Kelly's smart,
and there's enough evidence

of sharp elbows for him to latch onto.

Nobody goes after my family
to get to me.


Frank, maybe it's best
to give in on this.

You want to get rid
of an effective police tool

for no good reason?

It may be effective, but at what cost?

Times have changed since Henry's day.

Maybe it's time to put this one to bed.

He does that, Kelly'll be back
next week with another demand.

Maybe, but it might take the
venom out of these protests.

Appeasement's not an option if you care

about the lives of the innocent.

What do we tell the public when
they're being robbed at gunpoint?

Fight 'em for their g*n?

Or give 'em your wallet?

Maybe we should take
our own advice on this.


Why'd you call me here?

Keeping tabs on me?

Gonna slap a GPS on my car?

If I wanted to do that,
I would've just called you up

to the D.A.'s office.

So why am I here?

You're not gonna stop
me from investigating.

You're right. Gonna help you.

You serious?

We got hours to make this case

if we want to keep
your assailant behind bars.

Why the change of heart?

Truthfully, I'm as confused as you are.

This was Erin's call?

Yeah, but I'm glad she made it.

If you're gonna do this, you
shouldn't have to do it alone.

Be good to have you on board.

Erin said she'll get us
a search warrant,

but we need to get a credible
source to tell us exactly

where that body is buried.

Great, already done.


I talked to Papa's old
business partner Rico.

He confirmed there's a body.

Even said he helped pour the concrete.

- Rico?
- Mm-hmm.

I already interrogated that guy.

He's like a locked box.

How the hell did you get him to talk?

He didn't just talk, he sang.

And you don't want to know the how.

You do work for
the D.A.'s office, after all.


So where's the body?

Papa did a special addition

to his mother's house
around the time of the m*rder.

That's where we'll find it. So...

the warrant?

I'll make the call.






Oh, damn.



Hard to concentrate
with all that racket.

So, how are you holding up?

I'm okay.

So you had another go-round
with them this afternoon?

I can't even leave the house anymore.

How the hell do they know
where I am all the time?

The organizers offer money

to reveal our location.

It's like I got a bounty on my head.

What a world, huh?


All this because you brought back...

the Broken Toys?

Turns out I brought 'em back
into a whole different time.

You found any...

real evidence of wrongdoing?

Not the way you and I would define it.


Cops just aren't allowed
to swagger anymore.

When I created this unit...


I kind of felt that I was one of them.

I mean, they did things
in an unconventional way,

but they got the job done.

Yeah, I always thought
Danny'd fit right in.


A match made.

But if their time's passed,
their time's passed.


You don't really want me
to disband this unit.

A few years ago, I would have said

no way are we giving in.

A few years ago,

I would've fought back

against those idiots
outside the restaurant.

But I...

I can't fight...

I can't fight those battles anymore.

You shouldn't have to.


But I can.

Want the truth, Francis?

Outside the restaurant, I was scared.

Ponchos, queen, poncho, no?

Poncho, keep you dry...

Business a little slow today, Bugs?


Turns out, people only want

umbrellas when it's raining outside.

- Mm-hmm.
- If you ask me, I don't see the point.

It's already too late.


maybe this'll cheer you up.

- You got him already?
- Yep.

Did I ever give you
a reason to doubt me?

All right, let's not get too cocky.

I really didn't think you was
gonna pull that off in hours.

I really didn't think so.

Your brother's gonna be okay.

I give you my word.

You're all right, man.

What now?

Now I need you to set up
another meeting with the Twins.

But you're gonna tell them we only show

this proof to the boss.

Nobody else.

Aye, aye, Captain, sir, Captain, sir.



Get your poncho here.

Hey, Janko.

My office now.

What's going on?

Detective Hannigan and his boss
Lieutenant Greer just informed

me that you interviewed
one of their witnesses.

I did.

And what were you thinking?

I was thinking
that Jackie's been missing

for almost three days
and I wanted to help out.

What were you gonna do next, Janko?

Steal a detective's shield,
go knocking on doors?

Well, maybe you should've gone
and knocked on a few more

instead of fixating on
the boyfriend this whole time.

Hey, hey, hey, no, you don't get

to do whatever you want
whenever you want.

There is a command structure here,

and you need to respect it.

Captain, just hear me out.
I think I got a lead.

Are you even listening to me?

No, let her go, Captain,
this ought to be good.

I found a guy
who has been stalking Morgan.

He even posted her exact location

the day before Jackie
went missing, so maybe

he followed them both home from the bar

and just grabbed the wrong sister.


I told you.

I don't care
what you think you found, Janko.

I'm giving you a rip.

Captain, come on.

You disobeyed

my direct order and you interfered

in Detective Hannigan's investigation!

You are not above the rules.

And you pull this one more time,

and I will transfer you
to the farthest precinct

that I can find. Do you understand me?

Yes, Captain.



Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

What's all this?

Pietr Papatonis.

Your mother home?

Yeah, I just dropped off her dinner.

What a coincidence. We were just
dropping off this warrant.

No, you're not. I'm calling my lawyer.

Oh, that's cute, you
think we can't go in?

Maybe he doesn't know how warrants work.

Careful, sweetheart, you don't
know who you're dealing with.

Oh, I think you're the one
who doesn't know

who he's dealing with, sweetheart.

She's funny.

She's really not.

You either show us
where you hid the body,

or I'll send my team
in there and they'll

take this house apart brick by brick

while your mother watches.

- That right?
- That's right.

Screw you.

Tear it apart.


Yo, maybe we just get out of here.

You know, forget the whole thing.

Maybe you should take it
easy and relax a little bit.

I don't know, man.

I do. You got to relax.

Don't blow it.

All right.

So, I heard you guys got proof

you took care of Hector.

Yeah, they'll be picking up pieces

of Hector in all five boroughs.

All right, show me what you brought.

No can do,

that's for your boss to see. Your boss
is the only one that can keep

his brother alive.

So that's who sees the proof.



Follow me.

(KNOCKING) All right, look, boys.

Look what I brought you.

I think you better go, Bugs.

Yeah, Bugs, I think you
should. You did your job

and you did it well. Time
for you to go, you heard?

What's he talking about?

I'm so sorry, man.
I didn't think hours

was enough time. I gave you up

for my brother's protection.
I'm so sorry.

You set me up? I'm sorry, man.

You set me up?! You son of a bitch!

- Shut up and get lost!
- Bugs, you set me up!

- I'm sorry, man.
- You son of a bitch!

- You set me up!
- Shut up and get lost!

Danny, run!

Stay back! Stay back!

Stay back!



Reagan! Stay down!

Backup, move in!

Move in!



Police here! Police!

Move, move! Police!
Get your hands up! Hands up!


Get on your feet.

Hey, come on, get on your feet.

You know, you're a real piece of work.

I'm sorry, man.

I didn't want them to k*ll
my brother in jail.

But I didn't want them
to k*ll you either.

You okay?


You want me to arrest him?


Let him go.

Go ahead.

- I had to do it, Eddie.
- Did you?

Yes. You didn't leave me a choice.

In front of Hannigan? I mean, really?

How am I supposed
to get a guy like Hannigan

to respect me when it is
clear that I can't

even keep my own officers in line?

All I did was talk to her.

No, you undermined my authority.

Worse than Hannigan's ever done.

I'm sorry.

And that's the last thing
I would ever want to do.

Look, in this line of work,

we should be allies.

We shouldn't be at each other's throats.

But... I am not gonna be seen

playing favorites, so do not
put me in this position again.

I hear you.

For real this time.


That creep who was stalking Morgan,

he list an address
or anything in his profile?

I thought you were leaving
the case to Hannigan.

Let's just call it
additional canvassing.



- Are you okay?
- Bathroom.




Janko, you okay?

Never better.

You okay?

I'm okay.

Can I just say it?


You're a total badass.





Got a minute?

Sure, come on in.

Just wanted to thank you
for changing your mind.

I'm not sure I'm the one
you should be thanking.

What do you mean?

It was my father's idea

to give you that -hour window.

You told him I came to you?

No. He figured it out on his own.

I guess something seemed off about your,

uh, stomach bug.

Doesn't miss much, does he?

No, he does not.

But do me a favor,
don't tell him I told you.

Of course not.

Probably time I get back there.

Hopefully they haven't burned
it down while I've been gone.

Well, good luck with that.

I did want to ask you,


Anthony told me
that it was you that got Rico

to give up where that body was.

How did you do that?

Well, I told him that the D.A.'s office

would give him a deal if he ratted.

Let him skate on those fraud
charges he has pending.

That's what you guys do here, right?

I suppose we could accommodate that.

I thought you could.



Connor Kelly?

Yes, can I help you?

- My son was m*rder*d.
- And my husband!

And my daughter.

Commissioner Reagan's team
solved all of their cases.

- They brought us justice!
- Yeah, look, I'm having lunch.

I would be happy to talk
to you another time.

Now is a good time for us.

Make some noise, protect the Toys!

OTHERS (CHANTING): Make some noise,
protect the Toys!

Your concerns, I appreciate them...

Make some noise, protect the Toys!

Make some noise, protect the Toys!

Make some noise, protect the Toys!

Morning, Baker.

Good morning, boss.

All better?

Much better.


What the hell did you do?

And good morning to you, too.

Sid said someone reached out
to the victims' families

of the cases the PCIS have closed.

The who closed?

Oh, the Broken Toys.

Thank you.

Here's what I think.
I think you called the families

of more than a dozen of them,
and didn't tell me.

Well, it hasn't been an easy
week for them either, Garrett.

And just between you and me,
I might have, oh,

accidentally called them to say hi.

So you just called to check up on them?

And here's what I think.

Whatever sharp elbows
the Toys might have used,

the only thing they deserve

is a thank you.

And who knows?

Maybe, just maybe,

those parents and siblings

just might pay Mr. Kelly a visit.

You can't do that.

Why not? You said it's perfectly legal.

It is.

What, legal for them but not for us?


Garrett, you and I
didn't make these rules.

Mr. Kelly did.

So what's the problem?

You hear that?

What, Pop?

Yeah, all I hear is the human
garbage disposal to my left.

- Hey.
- No, no, no, seriously.


I don't hear anything.


Peace and quiet.

- Ah.
- JANKO: Aw.

JAMIE: You guys must've had
some week with those protesters.

HENRY: Oh. We did.

Those damn cowards.

They're lucky I wasn't years younger.

- That's right.
- ERIN: I hear there's

already been some
fighting fire with fire.

So I hear.

Well, you mess with this family,
all bets are off.

- Exactly.
- ERIN: And you don't think

that just creates more of a problem?


They left, didn't they?

This time.

What's he supposed to do,
let them camp out here?

I don't know. Find a more...

diplomatic solution
than an eye for an eye.

An eye for an eye
would've been to send a mob

to harass his father.

- Yeah.
- ERIN: Okay.

But you know what I mean.

Try to, I don't know...

bridge the gap.

People can't hear you
when they're screaming

at the top of their lungs, Erin.

So you just scream more?


they fired the first shot.

You're not actually taking the
protesters' side here, are you?

No, I... I think I get
what she's saying.

What are you talking about?

You got to be the first one
to break the cycle.

Well, what cycle? They went after Henry.

- Right.
- ERIN: No, I know. And that's horrible.

And when I found out, I was mad.

But I also know that this sort of thing

is gonna continue to happen...

on all sides, on all issues...

till we have a real conversation.

There was no having a real
conversation with those people.

Maybe not.

Maybe... I'm just playing
devil's advocate.

I don't know. Maybe.

Maybe? Come on, Dad.

This week I was seeing too much red.

That's the human response.

Yeah. You still did the right thing.

You can't listen to her.

Why not? Isn't that exactly
what we're doing here?

What do you mean?


What is it we do at this
dinner table every week?

Stuff our faces.

Always the wise guy.

What we do is we weigh and we consider

and maybe even sometimes reconcile

differences of opinion.

That takes two willing participants.

- Funny, you saying that.

Sometimes we do it like
we're still in the schoolyard.

But we still do it.

The world has lost something,

moving away from traditions
like this one.

We haven't.

We won't.

No way.


Hope not.

If sitting at this table
has taught me anything,

it is to try to look at the other side,

admit when you're wrong

and, if not, at least
how you could've been better.

Would you really do it different if...

you could do it all over again?


But ask me after a couple more
years of Reagan group therapy.