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10x02 - Always BMO Closing

Posted: 10/23/22 09:58
by bunniefuu
[Mouse squeaks]

[Penguins chirp]


[All cheering]



J“ “Adventure Time“ J“

I Come on, grab your friends J“

J‘ We're going to
very distant lands I

J“ With Jake the dog
and Finn the human J‘

J“ The fun will never end r

J‘ It‘s “Adventure Time“ I


- Huh?

I was just sipping my coffee.




[Slurping and munching

[Both laugh]

[BMO laughs]

I am also excited about today.

Oh, yeah?

Today is the first day
of my new job.

What's your new job, BMO?

Yeah, are you a spy?

You know,
'cause of the overcoat?

I'm a door—to-door salesman.

- Oh.
- Oh.

What are you selling?

I've got so many great things.

Like for the man about town,
this piece of lint.

I'll take it.

Hooray! My first sale!

That'll be four doubloons.

Can I pay you later?

Mm, the customer
is always right!

Good attitude, BMO.

Well, gentlemen...

got to chop that wood.

It's Ice King.

[Whispering] I know.


Okay, wish me luck, fellas,
even though I don't need --


-[Both giggle]

- Aw.
- Aw.

Boy, this is great, huh?

You and me
out in the fresh air?

Now, the key
to being a tip-top salesman

is to get the ol' foot
in the door.

Bodies don't talk, Ice King.

Well, mine does.

Okay, then.
IfI say, "My feet hurt,"

you can go, "Woof woof."

That's my dogs barking.

BMO, I think we‘re gonna make
an unbeatable team.

Yeah, yeah! Let's go! Let's go!
Let's go! Let's go!


TREE TRUNKS: "Chapter 3 --
No Time For Sleeping.

Elizabeth‘s heart was racing

like a water mill
after spring thaw.

She knew her enemies
were coming for her, but when?

Suddenly, there was a knock
at the door."

-[Knock on door]
- Oh!

Oh. Oh, my goodness.

Someone's at the door.

That's all.


Tree Trunks,
how are your children?

Can you believe this weather?

So polite.

Please, please come in.

You have a lovely home.

Here, have some apple pie.

Oh, thank you.

Now, what can I do for you?

Oh, well, I'd like to show you
what I'm selling today.


Okay, we have a broken branch,

a half-eaten sandwich,

oh, another ball of lint.


BMO: These are selling
like red hots.

A dust bunny —— That‘s like
a cage-free ball of lint.

A doII's head,

and a little velvet bag,
tied tight at the top.

I'll take the branch.

My loose cash is up there
in the flower jar.

Help yourself.


—[Jar clunks]

[Both laugh]

You have a lovely home.

- Aah!
- Whoa!

What'd you buy, honey bunch?

A branch.


Huh? Oh.

Ah, Tree Trunks,
you're a financial genius.

[BMO laughs]

I can't believe
we unloaded that branch.

It wasn't even our best one.

Oh, my.
Shield my eyes from the sun.


Because I think I see
our next customer.

Those nuts could be ours.

Excuse me, little boy!

How are your children?!

Ice King, duck.


Right again.


Jump, jump—

Left. Right.


Ice King, you're doing so good.

You have not
bumped into anything.

BMO, where's the customer?

Oh, no.
I was so excited

about you not bumping into
anything, I lost the customer.

Ice King, I think we are lost.

[Animal howls]


A house.

ICE KING: All I see
is the inside of this coat.


Knock politely.


[Hinges creak]

Mysterious sentinel,
you have a lovely home.


[Normal voice]
How are your children?



I'm a door-to-door salesman,

[Ice King coughs]

Oh, excuse my indigestion.


I have some wonderful
new products,

like, uh, this ball of lint.

No, wait,
this is the dust bunny. Uh...

Oh, oh!
I know -- this velvet bag.

Did I mention
that it contains Finn's teeth?

-[Ax clatters]
Please, let's go in the parlor,

Where we can be
more comfortable.

And you're sure
these are Finn's teeth?


The same Finn
who serves Princess Bubblegum,

obstructs my plans,
and plagues my thoughts?


Finn the human's teeth.

That's a BMO guarantee.

ICE KING: [Whispering]
Psst! Does Finn know

you have his teeth?
Because I don‘t think --

[Whispering] Hey!
I'm trying to close a sale here.

I hope you accept silver.

I can pay you immediately.

Yes, my pretties.

Poor, little guy.

Still wearing out
the shoe leather

trying to make just one more
lousy sale before coming home.

He'll feel better after we have
a little party for him.

Still, it's tough
seeing your kid

get his heart set on doing
something he really sucks at.

[Door opens]

Hello, boys.
Meet the salesman of the year.

Or maybe of the decade.

The Chinese food is on me.

I mean, check out the loot.

It's real.

What the heck did you sell
to get this silver goblet?

Just a line of smooth talk
and pipe dreams.

Oh, and a set
of human baby teeth.

Where'd you even get
a set of human baby teeth?

Human baby teeth!!


Branches and lint
are moving like cray, Jake.

Oh, sure,
I sold your baby teeth.

I could sell any part of you.

These were, like,
the only things I had left

from when I was a little kid.

Hey, you know what?

We'll just go buy back
those little pearly whites.

I'm sure whoever bought them
is like,

"Why did I buy these things?"

What possible use
could some guy have

for a set of human baby teeth?

Unless he's an evil sorcerer
or a mad scientist.

He wasn‘t a mad scientist,
was he?

— Well...
-[Pounding on door]


Stay back, baby Finns.


[Both scream]



They're made out of some kind
of hard tooth-like material.

Ouch. Ouch!

Ice King,
freeze these nightmare babies.

I'm not allowed
to wear my crown.

It's against BMO's dress code.

Just don't let them
climb into your mouth!


Hey, there, bitey boys.
Get off of there.


Where's your baby manners?

Maybe I sold too well.

Hey, you're a great salesman.

Evil babies are not
a problem for you.

They're an opportunity.


Where did I put those ——

Oh, here they are.

Gentlemen, could I interest you
in a couple of sledgehammers?

Perfect for smashing through
minerals or composites.

- I'll take one.
- Me, too!

Great decision.


A little tap is all it takes.

These baby-smashing hammers
are great.


I'm sorry I caused such a mess.

It's very bad for business.

Well, time to call it a day.

The ice man Ieaveth.

Hey, wait.

See you tomorrow. . partner.

Until tomorrow.

Yeah, you're not
doing this tomorrow.


Hmm. In retrospect, the attack
would have worked much better

were they not baby teeth.

[Clears throat]

J“ Come along with me I

r And the butterflies and bees J‘

This party is so crazy!