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06x07 - The End of STR Laurie

Posted: 10/23/22 08:17
by bunniefuu



Want to use the conference room?

Diane, would you want to use
the conference room instead?

No, I'm fine.

Did you hear what happened?


It wasn't su1c1de. The guy
was trying to hang a banner

on the roof.

- Oh, my God.
- Yeah.

"Fight the Hate".

I guess he slipped and k*lled
two protesters on the street.

That is... horrifying.

It might get ugly today.

The rumor is, he intentionally
jumped from our office

- to k*ll two Proud Boys.
- Oh, geez, I give up.

Diane, um,

I'm ready.


Good. How awful.

Did you hear it was
somebody who slipped?

And people think he jumped from here.

[SIGHS]: God, that's crazy.

All right, I'm-I'm headed out.
Do you want a ride?

No, I'll catch up with you.
I have to gather my files.




CANDACE: Was this found in the dorms?

AVERY: Yes, in the study room.

CANDACE: And this, where was this found?

It was thrown through
one of the classroom windows.

- That must have been terrifying.
- AVERY: It was.

Everybody dove under their desks.

And what did the school president do?

AVERY: She said, "Don't worry,

the administration had
everything under control".

CANDACE: But there were
five other b*mb threats

- after that, weren't there?
- Yeah.

That's when my parents said,
"You got to come home.

- It's not safe anymore".
- And did you?

Yes, but the school wouldn't refund

my tu... our tuition.

And that's why you're
all here in arbitration?

- You and other students?
- Yes.

We want our tuition back.
We want to use the money

- at a safer school...
- A whiter school.

Let's not interrupt please,
Madam President.

CANDACE: No further questions.

LOUIS: Go ahead, ma'am.

Uh... Mr. Jones,

where did you go after you left
Wilson Clayman?

What college?

- Mm-hmm.
- AVERY: Notre Dame, but

o-only because it-it was safer,

- not because it was, uh...
- Whiter?

I didn't say that.
No, I just meant "not as

- alternative".
- Okay, so you were looking for someplace safe



and this?

AVERY: They don't have
to be real to terrorize you.

LOUIS: What are you doing?

Uh, this is our firm's investigator.

I just want him to take a look at these.

Mr. Jones, this is the
college enrollment contract...

The same as the one in our office?

Well, they're terrorizing
Black institutions.

Any idea who?

Not yet.

Now, in what way
is Wilson Clayman responsible

for the current protests happening

- in Chicago?
- I can answer that.

If you were witness, I would welcome it.

Mr. Cage, if Ms. Reddick is finished,

- I have an exhibit.
- Go ahead.

I'm sickened to bear witness

to the state of affairs in this country.

Books are being banned and burned

and hidden in the shadows

to keep people ignorant,

to keep people out of their power.

School districts are fighting tooth

and nail just so they don't
have to teach about race or

racism or American history.

It's disgusting

and it's wrong.

This is what I don't understand.

If I said anything like that
about anti-white bias,

I would be called r*cist.

She's an educator. She shouldn't

be trying to start a race w*r.

The first b*mb threat came
two days after Ms. Allen-Hellman

made these remarks. If she hadn't given

her little speech, Wilson Clayman

wouldn't have become a target.

That's why the college is responsible.

So, you're saying
we brought this on ourselves?

- Madam President...
- ANGELA: No, I will not

hold my tongue

and allow white supremacy
to control the narrative.

These kids and their parents,

they want to bankrupt my school.

We can't afford to refund tuition.

That's why it might be time to
pursue your liability insurance.

That means we're admitting fault?

No, it means that you're being smart.

We're not paying.

That's-that's not an option, Mr. Sandel.

- You are the school's insurer.
- EDWARD: Yeah, Ridley Mutual

is not recognizing your claim.

DIANE: The injury to students' academic

experience was due to threats
made from unknown parties.

In other words, terrorism.

The school's policy
insures against that.

Well, uh, "terrorism", uh,

is defined as "v*olence or

the threat of v*olence absent

so your arbitration already,

uh, proved that the
t*rror1st acts were based on

President Hellman's speech.

Oh, my God, this is Kafkaesque.


LIZ: Uh, Mr. Sandel, uh, we

contest your interpretation
of the policy's language,

and we are prepared
to take legal action.

See you in court.

Well, this can't be good.

DIANE: Good luck.

Thank you.


There she is, Princess Di.

- Oh.

- WINSTON: How's Kurt doing?
- Well, thank you.

Tell him I want his dekes.

- Oh.

[CHUCKLES] Dekes are decoys.

They-they went duck hunting together.


So, what do we need down here?
Oh, no, no,

you stay, too.

Well, um, we didn't expect
to see you gentlemen down here,

but thank you for taking our meeting.

Uh, not to take up
too much of your time,

we'd like to review a few

financial issues.

Yes, uh, well, despite

international disruptions,

uh, this past quarter has been
stronger than expected.

That was noted. Well done.

And being under your umbrella

has been very beneficial,

and we do not take that for granted.

However, uh,

we have noticed that our equity partners

are two weeks behind

in their pay.

Have you checked with accounting?

RI'CHARD: We have.

It's not coming from them.

As you might imagine, uh,
there's been a bit of grumbling.

How odd.

WINSTON: To be honest with you,

the Russian sanctions over Ukraine

have affected our business

- more than we anticipated.
- LIZ: How so?

We're not receiving payments
from some of our clients.

Russian clients?

It's from past work, money
owed, not new clients,

but the U.S. government

is still confiscating our money.

RI'CHARD: And, um, what can we do?

WINSTON: We have a date in court

to argue for our funds to be released.

What would be helpful is
if you argued for us.

OSMAN: They're biased
against us for our accents

and our international business.

It would be good to have local color.

[STAMMERS] We don't mean
"color" in that way.


Oh, good thing the government
loves Black lawyers so much.

I'll-I'll tell Kurt you said hello.


Are you okay?

What do you mean?

Well, I-I think you should
take a day or two off.

You just saw a man die
right in front of you.

Oh, no, no, I'm... I'm fine.

I just, I need a few hours.
I'll just go walk

- in the sunshine.
- Okay. Good.

Good, go. Work can manage

without you for a few hours,
and I'll see you in court.




"My heart leaps up..."

"... when I behold
a rainbow in the sky".

"So was it when my life began".

"So is it now I am...



How are you doing?

People keep asking if I'm all right.

Are you?

Well... [SIGHS] I saw a man

d-die outside my window.

- What?
- He fell from the roof of our building

- onto my balustrade.
- Oh, my God. That's awful.

The world is pretty awful now,

but-but then I come here, and I...

I feel good.

So, is... [CHUCKLES] is that the secret?

I just need to keep coming here?

No. I mean, you can, but,

eventually, the pleasure will dissipate,

and you'll suffer withdrawals.

Oh, God. What then?

Have you ever heard
of the "four sights"?

Is that the new show at the Art...

Art Institute? Oh, no, no, no,

- that's Buddha, right?
- Yes.

Prince Siddhartha.

He ventured outside his palace
for the first time,

and he saw four sights
that changed him forever.

Aging, disease, and death.

- He saw a rotting corpse.
- Are you a Buddhist?

- I am.
- Really?

- Really.
- Wow. You don't seem like one.

- I hide it very well.

So, what is the-the fourth sight?

You mentioned three.
What's... beyond death?

He met an ascetic.

Someone who renounced
all his possessions,

and he realized that was
the only way to escape

the changeability of life.

You trying to convert me?

No, but if you want to take
a Buddhist personality test,

I can make a call.

That was a joke.

Oh. God. Sorry.

Yeah, religion... scares me.

It was the same with me.

Yes, I've been looking at that.
What is it?

It's a dorje.

It's a diamond and a thunderbolt.

To help you find steadiness
in your life.

Well, I can't take this.

Just bring it back to your next session.

We can talk about it.

♪ ♪


- Everything all right?
- Yes, I-I forgot something.

- Your phone?
- No.

[MOANS] Just that.


Oh... [LAUGHS]

- You wench.



Anything in your pockets, ma'am?

Oh... oh, yeah.

Sorry. This.

What is this?

Oh, nothing. It's just,
um, a religious object.

A dorje?

Yes. Thank you, Your Honor.

I, uh, I have one myself.

Om Tara tu Tara tu ray swaha.

Yeah, diamond and thunderbolt.

LIZ: As our firm's investigator,
you've been

monitoring the protests
throughout the city,

- correct?
- I've talked to a lot of people on the streets

to get a handle on what's going on.

And in those conversations,
has a common theme emerged?

- Fox News.
- Your Honor, objection.

If Wilson Clayman wants to sue
Fox News, then let them do it.

I agree, Counselor, how is this germane?

Ms. Lockhart?


Your Honor, we're merely
showing that Ridley Mutual

is in breach of contract because

they're blaming the victim.

Ah... This is crazy.

- Excuse me, could I finish?
- MEACHEM: Yes, please.

Mr. Sandel, let's keep this calm.

Thank you, Your Honor. Ridley Mutual

wants to blame the president
of Wilson Clayman because

she made a speech, but
that speech was a response

to a Ted Willoughby rant

about racism in Chicago,

and that would seem
to be the first cause.

MEACHEM: Okay, here's what I suggest.

As much as I appreciate opinion,

I would rather have counselors
return with evidence.


You have any idea who might be
terrorizing the school?

I might.

Well, it would really help us in court.

- Mm.
- Let me see what I can do.

Well, that walk in the sun
really seemed to help you.

Yeah, it did.

Liz, have you ever explored Buddhism?

No. Is that what's doing it to you?

- I don't know.
- Mm.

Can something act on you
without your knowing it?

I don't know.
Is something acting on you?

- Maybe.

I feel light-hearted.

Well, I'm happy for you.

You will not replace us!

You will not replace us!

You will not

replace us!

You will not replace us!

You will not replace us!

You will not replace us!


Are you carrying?

So, you know who's throwing
these decoy grenades?

Where are we going?

Renetta wants to see you.

No, we don't have time.
They'll burn themselves out.

Just get video.

Is this about the protests?

The protests aren't the problem.

It's what comes after.

And what's that?

Smells like bread.

A supporter's bakery.

It feeds half of Chicago.

NGUNI LEADER: Isikhwiliforward.

GUARDS: Kwenziwe.

NGUNI LEADER: Ubhokoforward.

GUARDS: Kwenziwe.



GUARDS: Kwenziwe.

- NGUNI LEADER: Ubhokoforward.
- GUARDS: Kwenziwe.

If the tear gas gets in your eyes

before you place your masks,

go to your coordinated leaders.

INSTRUCTOR: No matter what noises
you hear behind you, you keep

the center of your lens right here.

- GUARDS: Kwenziwe.
- Police brutality is happening right here.

Think George Floyd.

The camera is a hundred times

more important than a g*n.

Jay, nice to see you again.

Renetta, this is amazing.

Oh, it's just the beginning.

- Nice smell, huh?
- The best.

Reminds me of my mom's kitchen.

She loved baking bread.

I never had the talent.

- Whose bread is it?

A supporter.

You've been asking

questions about alt-right groups
turning to v*olence?

Yes, uh, we're fighting a case...

I don't want to hear it.

The less I know, the better.

These are the alt-right groups
we've been looking at.

The most worrisome are these.

This group is the one
counting down to / .

JAY: Totenkopf?

RENETTA: Oh, that's what the FBI
thinks, but this group,

Our Tomorrow, they've
taken over for them.

We started taking
these photos a year ago.

They're responsible
for these plastic grenades.

- What?
- I think I know who this is.

- She's a member?
- RENETTA: Yeah. That's from ten months ago.

- JAY: What's her name?
- RENETTA: Don't know.

But if you could get it for us,

it'd be very helpful.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪



One, two, three. Move it.



Om mani padme.

Om mani padme.

Om mani


Om man...


Uh, come in.

Diane, can I ask you a few questions?

Yeah, I guess so.


Is Susan Tremont your mentee?

I'm sorry, what?

JAY: Her. The woman working
with Carmen. Susan Tremont.

Oh, yes, the new hire.

Yeah, she's... Yeah, I guess she is.

Do you know why we hired her?

We needed a paralegal.
Why? What's wrong?

Is this the same woman?

Yeah, looks like her.

- Why?
- The people in this photo

are leaving a white supremacist
meeting last October.

- Would you say that again?
- If that's Susan Tremont,

she's leaving a meeting of Our Tomorrow,

a white supremacist group.

How did you... Where did this come from?

I can't tell you, but it's true.

Okay, Jay, you have to take me
through this more carefully.

I-I don't know what's real
anymore, what's not.

There's a group called Our Tomorrow.

They supposedly threw
the fake grenades at us

and Wilson Clayman College,
and she's a member.

Why would a white supremacist
want to work at a Black firm?

That's where the enemies are.

Is she friends with Marissa?

Marissa's a friend to everyone.



Hey, I-I need you to come
down here for a second.

No, you come down here.

Good morning, campers.
[CHUCKLES] You can all sit.

I'm Judge Soap. Just think of me

when you wash your hands. [CHUCKLES]

Now, ugh, I've looked at
the complaint here, Richard,

and I'm not sure I understand
how conversion is relevant.

Uh, Ri'Chard, Your Honor.

Uh, we're alleging
the tort of conversion.

The government has wrongfully
assumed control of funds

that rightfully belong to STR Laurie.

The funds Mr. Lane is referring to

are from a bank account seized
because it belongs

to a Russian company.


Looks like somebody forgot
to put their phone on silent.


Ooh! It's me.

[LAUGHS] I'll turn it off.

Ugh. It's my husband, just a second.

[SIGHS] Oh...


Okay, that's enough of that.

Well, to be honest, Mr. Richard,

I lean towards the government's
position on this.

I am not a big fan
of the whole... [GASPS]


Catherine... uh, Your Honor,

- good morning. [CHUCKLES]
- Come on down. What are you doing here?

I, uh, work with Reddick/Ri'Chard.

SOAP: [GASPS] I'm tickled
pink. Give me a hug.

- No, come on.
- JULIUS: [LAUGHS] You wear a black robe

- like white diamond. Get over here, you nut. Mwah!
- Aw!


If only I'd known you were
presiding, Your Honor,

I would've brought
some of that deep dish

- you love so much.
- Judge, I'd like to just say...

SOAP: No. No bribery
around here, Julius.

That's what got us in trouble last time.


- What's going on?
- Uh, Catherine and I are

- in the "Pardoned ".
- The... ?

Judges who were pardoned by Trump.

We all have lunch together once a month.


RI'CHARD: So, STR Laurie worked

for Russian clients prior
to the w*r in Ukraine?

- That is correct.
- RI'CHARD: So...

these payments should not be impacted

by Russian sanctions. Thank you, sir.

That's all that's important.


let's examine what's important.

Isn't it true, Mr. Winston,
that your firm

is still receiving funds
from Russian clients?

What are you talking about?

STR Laurie's had a marked
uptick in payments

from numbered corporations

registered in the Cayman Islands.

Isn't STR Laurie actually
making an end run

- around Russian sanctions?
- WINSTON: Absolutely not.

And if there's been any money
coming from Russia,

it's only because the sanctions
laws are so confusing.

How confusing can it be? Just
don't do business with Russia.

That's exactly right, Your Honor.

Actually, Your Honor, you'd be amazed

at some of the complexities
of the sanctions regulations.

Democrats just can't help themselves.

Red tape everywhere.

The "Biden Bloat", is that it?

Exactly. In fact,

isn't it true that you've had to

delay some of your payments
to certain lawyers

at Reddick/Ri'Chard due to this
Democratic micromanaging?

Yes, regretfully.

Democrats again. Assholes.

Now, what's unfair

for an honest businessman like myself

is that I've had to resort
to cryptocurrency

from a friendly country like Israel

- to pay certain...
- JULIUS: Uh, let's turn

- to another matter.
- Wait a minute, you've been laundering money?

JULIUS: Excuse me, I'm
the one asking questions.

Your client just admitted
to laundering Russian funds

- through Israel.
- No, he did not. Your Honor,

clearly the government is trying
to use any tactic it can...

Your Honor, we request a recess.


- We need to talk.
- No, I'm heading up.

RI'CHARD: Sir, the judge gave us
a reprieve until tomorrow.

We need to talk now.

Exactly, I need to talk to my partner.

So, it's true then, you're
laundering Russian money?

It's not laundering.
Cryptocurrency is legal.

Sir, the government has excellent

forensic accountants.
They'll follow the money...

Then I'll take the Fifth.

What do you think?

I think he's an idiot,

and we're in big trouble.

You're saying we hired
a white supremacist?

No, I'm just saying

she was leaving
a white supremacist meeting

- last October.
- Marissa?

don't know what to say.

She seemed fine to me, just normal.

LIZ: What were you working on?

Discrimination case against Ben-Baruch.

Has she asked for anything unusual?

No, she wanted to move up the ladder.

She asked the best way.

What did you say?


You don't... want to hear this.

- Are you kidding? Please tell us.
- Of course we do.

[SIGHS] I told her
to suck up to you two.

That that's the best way to get ahead.

I was joking.

LIZ: Okay, so-so what are we thinking?

- You're having drinks with her tonight?
- Yeah.

Then have drinks, but
find out what she's about.


JAY: I don't think that's a good idea.

- Got it.

Ri'Chard, do you have a minute?

- Sure.
- Uh, Julius, too.


Uh, something came up in court
that we have to talk about.

- Yeah, we have something, too.
- STR Laurie

has been laundering
cryptocurrency through Israel

- to avoid government sanctions.
- What?

Yeah, we were just
gonna go talk to Carmen.

Um, there's a chance they've been using

her client Ben-Baruch.

What is going on here?

What was your thing?

You said something happened here, too.

Oh, yeah, it looks like we may
have hired a white supremacist.


Do you want me to find
the precedents for the

- decision?
- No, I'll get it.

- It's no trouble.
- Go home.

- I'm fine.
- Okay.

Hey, do you think
something weird is going on

over there?

I don't know. Um...

I think they're just worried
about Ben-Baruch.


Are you sure you want
to head out with her?

Are you kidding?
This is what I'm good at.

Call if something's up.

- Shall we do it?
- Yeah, sure. Let me, let me get my things.

- Hey, what's going on?
- I wouldn't know where to start.

Carmen, you got a minute?

What do you have going with Ben-Baruch?


We're working on a discrimination suit,

and we've been

assessing his liability
following a sale of assets.

I just came from court where
STR Laurie admitted to using

cryptocurrency to launder
Russian money through Israel.

When was the last time
you talked to Ben-Baruch?

Um... I'm not sure, sir.
Couple of weeks ago?

What are you doing?

Using your company phone
to dial your last ten numbers.

Uh, sir, that is not a...

Then tell us the truth.

I've been ordered to do
everything I've done.

By whom?

Mr. Osman.

He came to me.

RI'CHARD: You connected
him to Ben-Baruch

to make cryptocurrency transfers?

Why didn't you tell us?

Mr. Osman asked me not to.

You work for us.

You don't work for Mr. Osman

or STR Laurie or anybody else.

My understanding is, we're
an LLC acquired by STR Laurie,

who retains final authority over all

financial matters and personnel...

As long as you are part of this firm,

who you represent

will be determined by us!

- Do you want my resignation?
- We'll let you know.

We're in the crazy times, aren't we?

Yeah, we seem to be.

- So, do we fire her?
- No.

STR Laurie will know we're onto them

and just rehire her.

Yeah, but we got to get them
to drop this case

- against the government.
- Yeah, without a doubt.

My bigger worry is, because of Carmen,

the government could come after us.

Not if the white supremacists
don't get us first.


Okay. Somebody came to party.

- Are you gonna drink that shot?
- No, I'm gonna give it to you,

just like the Israeli government

gave back land after the Six-Day w*r.

What do you think about Zionism?


Woody Allen... made
a lot of great movies,

but I don't know if I can
watch them anymore.

- BARTENDER: Here you go.
- Um...

Thank you.

The bartender's kind of cute.

Yeah, he is cute.

And he's Latino. What are
your opinions on immigration?

Boring. No heavy political talk.

- Okay, what do you want to talk about?
- Office gossip.

Well, I've certainly
been there long enough.

What do you want to know about?

Carmen. I find her fascinating.

Really? Tell me more.

No, no, not like that,
not sexually. I just mean, like,

the way she dresses
and her steely demeanor

- and how focused she is.
- Yeah?

And she gets the juiciest cases.

What do you mean?

I think I need some water.

No, no. There's no turning
back now. More sh*ts.


I need you to run down
an Uber destination for me.

- Good news and bad news.
- Uh, really bad news.

The good news is

that our paralegal Susan Tremont

probably isn't a white supremacist.

Okay. What's the really bad news?

[SIGHS] She's an FBI agent.

I tracked her to an address
at an office park in Winnetka.

Regional office of the FBI.

What about that photo?

Her meeting with the white supremacists.

We think that might be part
of her work for the FBI.

What does the FBI want with us?

Maybe they're going after STR Laurie.

But maybe they're also going after us.

What do you know about Susan Tremont?

Paralegal. Friendly. Eager.

LIZ: How so?

She asks questions, and I try,
as a second-year,

to help her when I have time.

Have you included her
in any of your cases?

Just the discrimination suit.

May I ask, why the questions?

Your files are
password-protected, I assume.

Of course.

You have high-profile
clients. Oscar Rivi,

Wolfe-Colman, Ben-Baruch,

- among others.
- CARMEN: Yes.

Has Susan asked about them?

Not specifically. Just a...

- general interest.
- LIZ: We, of course, assume

that you've never crossed

any legal line to help them.

Have you?

Is Susan a cop?

Is she an undercover cop?


She's FBI.

Oh, f*ck.

You are confident

that you have not shown her anything,

or done anything illegal?



She's after Ben-Baruch.

She's been asking about

getting deeper into his case.


You need to assign her to busy work.

Don't brush her off.

Keep her on some earlier filing.

Ben-Baruch's immigration case.

Oh, good. That's completed work.

LIZ: Yeah, and make her
think it's a step up,

- like a promotion, that you love her work.
- Mm.

We shouldn't be talking
about this down here.

She'll get suspicious.



Have her do the filing
on the union case,

the teamsters case from last year.


It'll come in handy. Trust me.


What do we think?

LIZ: Carmen hates being tricked.

She'll do wonders for us.

I agree.

We have to get to court.

Yup. You, too.

Thank you, Mr. Willoughby,
for joining us.

My duty as an American, lawyer man.

- Your Honor.
- Mr. Willoughby.

This isn't your first time

in a courtroom, is it,
Mr. Carlson... I mean,

Mr. Tucker... I'm sorry,
Mr., uh, Willoughby?

No. It's sort of surprising

because I'm actually a very nice guy.

But you and your employer were sued

in... ,

- weren't you?
- Go figure.

- Is that a yes?
- Uh, sorry. Yes. [LAUGHS]

did that lawsuit accuse you of?

Uh, defamation, slander,
stuff like that.

Wh... You won that case, didn't you?

I did. We did, which was nice.

Objection. Relevance.

Well, I have some time.

Let's see what the relevance is.

EDWARD: Do you remember why the judge

sided with you in that case,
Mr. Willoughby?

TED: Basically, he said that
no reasonable person

should take me seriously,

which sounds like an insult,

but Tucker Carlson got
the same pass, and he gets

paid millions a year,
so that's pretty serious.

Okay, and why should
no reasonable person

take you seriously?

Well, what I do is more like commentary.

Like Tucker. You know, non-literal,

non-factual. It's just for fun.

[CHUCKLES] So, uh,
blaming you for v*olence

or the-the threat of v*olence
would be absurd?

I am against v*olence.
Everybody knows that.

Look behind them.

EDWARD: Uh, no further questions.

Willoughby's lawyer?

- My guess.
- Okay.

Mr. Willoughby...

Ted's fine.

Uh, Ted, um,

your shows, which you described
as "just for fun",

they take on some pretty serious issues,

- don't they?
- That depends.

Abortion. Immigration.

Ukraine. Putin. Trump.

I'd-I'd call those serious
issues, wouldn't you?

Sure. I like dealing with issues.

Well, in the, in the last year,

you have done segments

on "Black on white v*olence"

- in Chicago.
- TED: [SCOFFS] Somebody counted?

LIZ: Not to mention

all the stories you did
mentioning college president,

Angela Allen-Hellman,

- by name.
- I'm so flattered.

Mr. Willoughby, why are you biased

- against Black people?
- Objection.

MEACHEM: Sustained.

Oh, my God, I'm not biased.

Somebody att*cked me
at my Connecticut feed store

and said the same thing,
and I said, "I'm not a bad guy".

Each morning, we get a network memo,

and they decide what we cover.


TED: I'm just the messenger.

Mr. Willoughby, this
"network memo", who writes it?

Gosh. I don't know exactly who.

It just tells us how to keep

the audience enraged... engaged!


uh, I ask for a short recess.

I'll bet you do.


EDWARD: All right, we'll settle.

ANGELA: Ah. Expect to pay

through the nose after
putting us through all this.

That's fine. The funds aren't coming

- from Ridley Mutual.
- It's Fox, isn't it?

Uh, cost-benefit analysis.

Paying you versus allowing one
of their network stars to say

one more f*cking word off-script.

Okay, we'll talk numbers tomorrow.

- You wanted to see me?
- Uh, you've been asking

if I have any extra work for you.

Does that offer still stand?

Absolutely. It would be
my pleasure to help.

Great. These files are essential,

but someone threw off the
alphabetization and the dates.

Look through them closely
and organize them for me?

Yeah, on it. What-What's the case about?

- Oh, you'll see.
- Okay.

LIZ: Look at that.

Looks almost like nothing ever happened.

[CHUCKLES] I kind of like him headless.

Mm. Looks good from the street.

So, how is your Buddhism thing going?


- I don't know.


- Yes?
- Can we share secrets?

Oh, I hope so.

Mm, no, as in,

you can never tell anyone.

Oh, f*ck, tell me.

I kissed my doctor.

Your doctor?

I can still feel it.

I mean, it was... it was a kiss.

And did he kiss you back?

Well, he didn't pull away,

but he didn't pull me to him, so...

I'm not sure.

I don't think I could kiss my doctor.


Wait, did you... were you wearing
a paper gown? [LAUGHS]


He was standing in the doorway,

and he gave me this.

Oh, no.

- What happened?
- LIZ: What is that?

What kind of doctor is this?

You know him. Lyle Bettencourt.

Wait, is he the one that
testified in the gene therapy...

Wait, the... silver hair
and the glasses?

Okay, yes. Yes, I approve.

Yes, you can kiss him.
Wait, can I kiss him?

No! Only me.

- He is gorgeous.

I know.

And he can talk about Verdi and Dante

and Dahlia Lithwick.


Okay. All right, so,
now I am going to ask you

the here-it-is question...

Where's Kurt?

I mean, he's away again,

working for the NRA.

He's... he's away a lot.

Well, and even when he,
when he's here, I mean...

[SIGHS] It was one thing

to be political opposites years ago,

but now, I mean...

I mean, the divide is...

a chasm.

g*n control. Roe v. Wade.

The Supreme Court.

Diane, I was

married and divorced twice,

and I would suggest

that you figure out
what you really want,

and not just what you think
you want at the moment.

You have regrets?


There's always regrets.

With Adrian, or...

What-what was the other one's name?


A... Well, Adrian...
Adrian was impossible.

And with Ian, I...

I don't know, maybe I was
the one who was impossible.

But divorce is hell.

Yeah, but you seem happy.

That's 'cause I love my son.

Oh, he is so much fun.


Well, I don't have that.

What are you gonna do?

[SIGHS] I honestly don't know.


- Diane.
- However,

I do have an appointment tomorrow.

[LAUGHS] Well, then,

I think you should take it much further.

- I know. Really. Right?
- Yes.

- All the way. Right?
- Wait. Yes.

Why not?

♪ Oh, Jesus, I love you ♪

♪ And I love Buddha, too ♪

- ♪ Ramakrishna, Guru Dev ♪
- Yes. Yes!


♪ Tao Te Ching and Mohammed ♪

♪ Why do some people say ♪

- ♪ That there is just one way... ♪
- Get it!

- Come with me, girl.
- Yeah. Yes.

We need a doctor.

Call the doctor. Call the doctor.

- Does he have a brother?

♪ I love you and
Buddha, too, all right ♪

- ♪ All right, all right ♪
- ♪ I love you, Jesus ♪

♪ I love you and Buddha, too,
all right, all right. ♪

It's come to our attention
that the FBI is planning

to pursue a case against STR Laurie.

That's not something
I can discuss with you.

We're not here to discuss it.

We're here to share this with you.

You can go after STS Laurie
if you so desire,

but we are prepared to expose
your unconstitutional

search and seizure in the
warehouse union investigation.


The FBI isn't involved
in any union investigation.

And even if we were, that has
nothing to do with this.

Ah. But we have evidence.

I love a bluff.


Hi. I'm Carmen Moyo.

I've been working with your
undercover agent Susan Tremont.

No idea who you're talking about.

Let me refresh your memory.

This is Susan Tremont.

Your undercover agent.

Will not confirm or deny
if I know this...

This is Susan Tremont.

This is also Susan Tremont.

And my personal favorite, a close-up of,

you guessed it, Susan Tremont
working on our teamster case,

organizing files and
scanning every single one.

We also have video.

I have no idea who gave her permission

to search these files, or how
you think this is relevant,


that's all the time
I have for you today.

- Excuse me.
- It's gonna be hard

to prosecute your upcoming teamster case

if one of your agents has
reviewed our files.

I'm needed in my next meeting.

I would leave us alone, Agent Morris.

Okay, did that work?

I don't know.

I saw a flicker of recognition.

Will that flicker stand up in court?

♪ ♪



Uh, excuse me. Excuse me.

Gentlemen, what's this regarding?

Mr. Lane and Ms. Reddick, please.

Uh, you just can't come in here bar...

This is a place of business.
You have to...

- Excuse me! Excuse me.
- Stop!

Don't you dare run.

Agent Morris, can we help you?

- STR Laurie.
- This way.

♪ ♪

MORRIS: Ladies and gentlemen,

please stay exactly where you are.

We are executing
a federal search warrant.

Officers will be moving among you,

confiscating your work product
and your computers.

Do not touch that!
Get your hands away from it...

Low-tech enough for you?

Sometimes that's all you need.


I, um...

I broke your dorje. I'm sorry.

Oh, it's okay.

It's in two pieces.

I-I just don't know how it happened.

Don't worry about it.

I got you this.

It-It's different, I know.

It's beautiful.

I looked up the word dorje in Sanskrit.

It means unbreakable.

So if I can keep my hands off of it,

I hope this one will be. [STIFLED LAUGH]

Is this gold?

I don't know.

Uh... yes.


Diane, I don't think I can
be your doctor anymore.


I suggest you see Alyssa Schuman.


I kissed you. I'm sorry.

It was a mistake, inappropriate.

I crossed the line.

- We crossed the line.
- No, I did it.

You were being professional. It was me.

No, it was me, too. I crossed it, too.

You crossed it, too?

Diane, we can't.

But if I'm not your patient?

I will tell Dr. Schuman
to expect your call.

Thank you for this.

Please call Dr. Schuman.

We crossed the line.


♪ ♪