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07x14 - The More You Moe

Posted: 10/21/22 07:45
by bunniefuu
♪ Adventure time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very
distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog
and Finn the human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's adventure time ♪

Man, birthday-holiday overlap.
That's some tough luck.

Everyone's all jollied-out
when it's your turn for jollies.


You know,
it's not actually the holidays.

Plus, BMO wasn't actually
even really born.

Well, I suppose.

But you don't got to be
so technical about it.

all I'm saying is we...


Hey, it's me.

Is there a big rainbow
over your house right now,

spelling out
"Happy Birthday, BMO"?

No. Actually,
it's snowing like crazy.

that's what I was afraid of.

Peppermint butler
spilled grape juice

on my experimental
weather machine,

and now
it's going kablooey.

I got to stay here
and fix this thing.

Tell BMO I'm sorry
I missed the party.

That's okay.
BMO doesn't care any...

BMO only cares about
one special guest.


Moe is coming!

And he brought me a special
surprise for my birthday!

Moe is the smartest man
in the world.

He's way smarter than you
and you

and you, too, Jake... and you're
the smartest guy I know.

Hey, thanks.

And he knows everything
about robots.

He built me, and he built
himself, and all the other MOs.

He's so smart!

I bet
he could even fix Neptr.

What's wrong with me?

Oh, boy, oh, boy.
He's here!




You are not Moe.

Why, of course
I am, BMO.

Oh, okay.

Hey, Moe!
New haircut?

Whoa, Moe!

What happened
to your body?

Oh, oh!

Oh, that old thing?

She conked out on me
months ago.

I guess I don't make 'em
like I used to.

Not like
little BMO here.

You got all my love
and affection.


Well, we made a cake.

We weren't sure if you eat,
but BMO insisted.

Eating helps me grow!


Well, er, uh...
when in Rome.

So, BMO, are you ready
for your birthday surprise?

Boy, howdy!

For your birthday,
I got you...

A special mission!

A mission?

A special mission,
like a vacation.

For all of us?

No, no, no.

A special solo mission.

For Neptr?


It's a special
rite of passage

I designed just for you,

A simple jaunt to the mo factory
and back... that's all...

And then
you'll be a grown-up.


Hmm, I don't know.

kind of dangerous.

BMO's like a baby almost.

Oh, don't be silly.

Every other mo has done it
since forever.

But won't I miss
Finn and Jake?

Oh, sure.

But don't worry. They'll be here
when you get back.

Won't Finn and Jake miss me?

that's the beauty of it.

I'll be BMO
while you're gone.



- Hooray?
- Hooray!


Are you there, air?

It's me... BMO.

I know it's been a long time
since we talked.

Sorry about that.

But, well, maybe
if you don't want to talk,

you could just listen.

Moe told me if I do this thing,
I'll be a grown-up,

and that sounds cool,
I guess.

Like, if I was grown,

then I could drive to
the playground all by myself.

And I could buy my own pacifiers
at the store, if I was grown.

But then, if I change, will Finn
and Jake still love me?

Will I still love them?

Moe changed to a new body...

And he's still the same,
I guess, sort of.

But does growing up just change
your body, or also your soul?

Maybe I could just
stay the same forever.




it's nice to see you, Moe.

Yeah, you too.


So, Moe,
do you want to...



Oh, hey, I'm on my way.
One sec.

Um, hold on, Moe.

what are you doing?

Finn, all this is
heck of awkward without BMO...

Way more awkward
than I thought it'd be.

I think maybe
I don't like old people.

They make me feel like
I'm gonna get old one day, too.

I'm just gonna stay
in this cup for a bit.

I'll be out later.

You can't do that,
it's rude.

And what about
princess bubblegum?

She's way old,
and you like her.

but she listens to music.

Moe probably only, like,

listens to the sound
of the earth decaying.

Come on,
you're being weird.

sorry about that, Moe.

Boys, I know this is new
and different.

I am not BMO.

But I will do the best
to be your friend.

This is the daybreak
of our lives,

and we have
all the time in the world

to learn about each other.

For now,
I will be your little robot.

Would you look
at that beautiful snowfall.

Hey, let's get out there
and have some fun.

I think
I'm feeling better now.

Oh, whoa! Hey!

Hello there, BMO!

Hello there, DMO.

I'm here on a solo
birthday mission.

Oh, yes, yes, BMO,
I know all about it.

Moe left special instructions
for you.

He wants you to stand
on that "x" over here.

Oh, okay.

Like this?

Dmo, what happened?

Oh, this?
I-It's nothing.

It's just whatever.

Uh, I don't know about this,

- Something doesn't...
- Aah!

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!




Boys, look at this!

This is cool, right?

Whoo-hoo! Yeah! Yeah!



- Classic!
- Yeah!

Did you see
what we did, Moe?

This is horseplay!

Stop it!

We need to go inside
and do what I want to do!

Oh. O-okay.
If... if you want.


Dmo? Hello?


The "x" door opened,
and I fell through.

I think something went wrong
with the mission.


Abort mission!

Unless... maybe this is all
part of Moe's plan.

It doesn't seem like it.

But maybe that's the point.

Maybe the lesson is that
when you are grown,

you won't ever be able to tell

if everything is
going totally haywire,

or maybe actually everything
is perfectly fine.


- Huh?
- Who's there?



It's only me... BMO.

Oh, thank goodness.

Oh, I'm so glad
you're here.

Who are you?
Are you a mo, too?

Oh, BMO, no, no, no.

I am all MOs.


I don't understand.

Of course not.
I'm so sorry.

Let me explain.

Peace had reigned
in mo's wondrous factory

for a hundred hundred years.

There was a place
for every mo,

and every mo
was in its place.

If you wanted a free hug,
all you had to do was ask.

No one could say no...
It was a rule.

Until one fateful day...

When a mysterious
viral signal

somehow breached
our firewall

and was broadcast
throughout the factory...

Instructing all us MOs
to do somersaults

into the trash compactor
all day long.

That's horrible.

And we've been trapped here

all smushed together,
ever since.

That's horrible, too.

How... how do we get out?

Well, that's why we're so glad
you're here, BMO.

You're the key...
The key to escape.

Only you can save us now.

Let's see. $4 off a...

Honey-baked ham.

I don't like ham.

$1 off of beets.

Do beets have tannins?

What is that?

$4 off a honey-baked ham.


Call me "Gwampa."

How's your rose water?

It's exactly what
it says it is.

So, hey, uh, Gwampa,
feels too quiet in here.

Maybe we can hang out
with Neptr?

He can rap or something.

♪ B-B-B-Bread ♪

♪ where's my needle
and thread... ♪


Eh, well,
Neptr is too distracting.

Who wants
to play video games?

Oh, you have games like BMO?
Let's do that, Gwampa.

Ihave one Video game.

It's called "Hangman."

That sounds griz as nuts!

let's play hang-a-man!

Coming right up.

Pick a letter.

Show us what you did,

Pick a letter.

But, Allmo, I don't
understand. How can I help?

I mean, I'm just
a little baby kid still...

Even though it's my birthday...
Happy birthday, BMO.

I don't know about that,

but I do know about
your special mind.

As the accumulation
of all MOs,

my computing power
is unmatched.

Yet still,
I lack the imagination

to think outside
my collective programming.

I can only see the world
as it is.

But your imagination,

lets you see the world
how it could be,

or might sort of be like.

If the two of us
work together,

we can think up a way out
of here.

I will do what I can.

All right.
You see that hatch over there?

That hatch leads
to an exit corridor.

But it's locked
from this side.

The vent up there
leads to the other side.

But it's too high up.


What if we use this trash
to climb up to the vent?

But all this trash
is too small.


You just blew my mind.

What haven't we guessed yet?

"Burgess Meredith"?!

I don't even know
what that is!

Do you boys
want to play again?

Boys love games.

Pick a letter.

Uh, I don't know, "E."

Is this "Burgess Meredith"

Not cool!

Come on, Finn,
let's find a real Hangman.


This room gives me
the heebie-jeebies straight-up.

It is the room of AMO,
the first of our siblings.

He, too, was special.

As you were built
to give love,

AMO was built to receive.

But he could not think
outside his programming

and was blinded
by his need.

Such is the cruel physics
of love...

That those who crave it most
will repel it

and only the dang rich
get richer.

Well, maybe
as my birthday present,

I can ask Moe to fix AMO.

But this is impossible.

Moe went off line yesterday
and has not re-logged.

Our sensors would know.

But he's at my house right now
with Finn and Jake.

He got a new body.

Oh, dear.
Oh, dear.

Did this new body
happen to have jagged prongs

and a cannon phaser
on top of its head?



He had a huge,
gigantic wig on.

- Uh-oh.
- What?

The spikes
are under the wig!

Oh, no!
Of course!

Your friends may be
in grave danger.

He must have sabotaged
the factory.

Quickly, hoist me
up on top of your head.

We must depart


You're stronger
than you know.

Also, I'm lighter
than you know.

I'm sorry
we didn't find any hangmen.

I don't even know what I'd do
with a Hangman if I got one.


Ah, bloo-hoo.


Bandits stole my legs!


If you tell us
where the bandits went,

we'll avenge your legs!

We're sorry we left you!

You should be.

I'm your Gwampa wobot.

Carry me.

Over here.

There's the thief!

The thief with my legs!


Throw him out!

Come on.

Maybe Neptr did it like,

Neptr's out cold.

He's got a heck of a dent
on his head.

Who could have done that?

Forget him!
You love me, right?

You love me like BMO?

What? You're all right,
but we... we love BMO.

Yeah, man, be cool.
BMO's like our best friend.

- BMO's trash!
- Moe!

Moe's dead!


You don't love me!


Wake up and love me!



Hello, BMO.

I'm your cute sibling, AMO.

I know about you
and your dirty hands.

Where are Finn and Jake?

I think Finn and Jake went
somewhere to buy me a gift.

Tell me what you did with Finn
and Jake and our poop.



AMO, look at my face!

You gone too far!

Whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo!


You can't escape
the birthday boy!

Too high.


Talk, AMO!

You want to know
where papa is?

Here is all
that remains of him...

His memory backup drive.


I was returning
from a long pilgrimage.

I came to confront papa,

for I had discovered terrible
things about myself.

He was dying.

"AMO, dear child,

my body is conking out."

"Take this.

It is who I am.

Send my mind into space,

so I may spend the eons
AMOng the stars

and other
brilliant gasses."

His hands
were as cold as clay.

Our papa never loved me,
so I ignored his last request.

I used his knowledge
of the factory and its MOs

to destroy them.

Is that you, AMO?

They didn't love me,

Where you been?
What are you doing?


Then I learned about you
and your new family.

I wanted
a taste of that melon.

People in my life
don't love me.

I'll obliterate, y'all!

You cheat.
Give me those memories.

BMO, I don't want
to look at you!

Tough nuts!

For Moe!



We caught the tail end
of what happened.

- Are you okay?
- No.

I don't like that.

BMO, will you live with us
back at the factory?

With Moe gone,
you can be our leader.

I don't think I can.

I'm not grown up...
Or I'm too grown up now.

I think
I just k*lled someone.

I need to have
some time alone,

but you're
all really nice.

All right.

Sorry your birthday
was weird.

That was the craziest thing
that ever happened.

But I guess, after all that,
I do feel a bit more grown.

Except that the mission
was just some made-up lie.

So who knows
if I will ever grow up at all.

And Moe is gone now.

So if there is anything
he wanted to teach me,

it better be in me already.

I guess all I can do is
listen to the heart Moe gave me.

Except that's what AMO did,
and he turned out bad.

So what if I turn out bad, too?

AMO could not think outside
his programming and was blinded.

But your imagination lets you
see the world how it could be.

But I am different.

It's not just Moe up here,

it's me, too.

And if I cannot trust in Moe,
I can trust in me.

Oh, boy.

It sure is confusing
being grown.

I miss you, Moe.

What a day!

I'm gonna miss you, too,

I feel so,
very, very proud of you.