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07x03 - Sharing at the Library/Daniel Shares with Margaret

Posted: 10/10/22 09:25
by bunniefuu
- Hi, neighbor. Today, we're
going to the library.

And then later, we're going
to play with my new stickers.

Beep, Beep.
- Bee, bee.


- I'm so excited!

And I'll be right back!

♪♪ It's a beautiful day
in the neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ Would you be mine?
Could you be mine? ♪

♪ Won't you be my neighbor? ♪

- ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's
Neighborhood ♪

♪ A land of Make-Believe ♪

♪ Won't you ride along with me?
- Ride along ♪

- ♪ It's Daniel Tiger's
Neighborhood ♪

♪ So much to do,
so much to see ♪

♪ Won't you ride along with me?
- Ride along ♪

- ♪ I've got lots of friends
for you to meet ♪

♪ In this land of Make-Believe
A friendly face ♪

♪ On every street
just waiting to greet you ♪

♪ It's a beautiful day
in the neighborhood ♪

♪ A beautiful day
for a neighbor ♪

♪ In Daniel Tiger's
Neighborhood ♪♪


- Hi, neighbor.
We're at the library.

Did you ever borrow a book
from the library?

I did.

And now, I'm going
to get more books.

Come with me!

- Well, hello, Tigers.
- Hi, there.

- Hi, Mr. Owl!
Thank you!

- You're mighty welcome.
Hoo. Did you like it?

- Uh huh. And Margaret
liked the pictures.

Can I go get another book?
- That's why we're here!

- Let's go find a book
to take home.

Hi, O!
- Hoo hoo. Hi, Daniel!

Don't you just love the library?
- Yeah!

- There are so many books!
Hoo hoo.

See? Book, book,
book, book, book!

- Ha! Ha! Ha!
You love books, O.

- Hoo hoo.
- Now I need a new one.

- Me too. Hoo hoo.
- Ooh, a book about trucks!

Honk honk!
- I read that one.

A whale book, hoo hoo!
I read that one, too.

- Ooh, a book about spiders!
I read that one.

Hmmm... Read that
one, read that one.

- Read that one, read
that one, that one too.

- Oh! Hey! This
book looks funny.

- Hoo hoo hoo, yes!
- I want this book.

- I'm taking this one.
- (both): Heeeeeeey...

- Can't you read
another book?

- Hoo. No. I want
to read this one.

Can't you read
another book, hoo hoo?

- No! Grr...

- Hi, boys, everything okay?

- (both): No! I want to read
this dinosaur book!

- Hmmm... You both
want this book.

Well... What about
sharing the book?

- Sharing the book?

- I could read the book
to both of you here.

♪ Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪

- (both): ♪ Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪

- We'll all look at it
at the same time.

- Ooh,
I like that idea.

- Me too, hoo hoo!

- Well, then, it's decided.

But I will need your help
to read it, okay?

- Okay!
- Hoo-kay!

- Will you
help too?


- Thank you very much!

Now snuggle up

and let's read.
- Hoo hoo!

- "Run Dinos Run"

by Briana Saurus.

Apatosaurus and T-Rex
were best friends.

One day, the dinosaur friends
decided to have a race

to see who was the fastest.

- Hoo!
- They raced through a lake.

T-Rex was fast,
but Apatosaurus was...

- Faster.
- They raced up a mountain.

This time, Apatosaurus
was fast, but T-Rex was...

- (both): Faster!
- And when they ran

toward the finish line, their
dinosaur friends all cheered,

which made Apatosaurus
and T-Rex both run even...

- (both): Faster!
- Faster! Faster!
Faster! Hoo hoo!

- Ha! Ha! Then,
Apatosaurus and T-Rex

crossed the finish line

at the very same time!

They were both fast.

- (all): The end.

- I love that part.

- Me too. I liked sharing
the book with you, O.

- Aww...
Me too, hoo hoo.

I liked it when
we both said "faster!"

♪ Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪

I'm going to find
more dinosaur books!

Hoo hoo.

- Wasn't that a grr-ific story?

I like seeing
the dinosaurs run fast!

Hey, do you want
to make believe with me?

Let's make believe

that we're playing
with the dinosaurs!

It's dino day!

It's dino day!
It's dino day!

- (all): Hey hey hey!

- Dinos can jump
and Dinos can run!

Playing with
a dinosaur

is so much fun!

Dinos are big!
- Big!

- Dinos are tall!
- Tall!

- It's fun to play
Dinosaur Basketball!

It's dino day!

It's dino day!
It's dino day!

Hey hey hey!

Wasn't that grr-ific?

- Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Let's go see
what Katerina is doing.

- Hi, Daniel,
meow meow.

- Hi, Katerina.
- Welcome to my puppet show!

- Oh, good! I'll be
in the puppet show too!

Can I be
the crocodile?

- No, meow meow.
I'm being that one.

- Okay, I'll be
the elephant.

- I'm being
the elephant too.

- The hippo?
- No.

- Lion?
- No. I'm being all of them!

- Uh? All of them?
But then...

bu-what can I be?

- You can be...
the audience!

You can sit there
and watch me.

- But... but...

I want to play
with the puppets too!

You can't be
all the puppets!

- Meow meow,
yes I can. See?

Meow meow,
roar... oops!

Meow, meow.
Okay, umm...

What does
the hippo say?

Oops! Whoa, whoa!

Oh, me-ow! It's
kinda hard being

all the puppets by myself!
- Yeah.

Maybe we could share
the puppets?

♪ Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪

Oh, I could
do a puppet

and you could do
some of the puppets.

- ♪ Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪

Okay! We can
share the puppets

and put on the best
puppet show ever!

That will be fun!
Which one do you want?

- The elephant.
- No, not that one.

- The hippo?
- No, not that one.

- Katerina! How about
the crocodile?

- Uh...
Okay, yes.

You can be
the crocodile.

- Thanks! I love
the crocodile!


My name is
Crocky Crocodile,

and I live
in a swamp.

What a
beauuutiful day

to do my
crocodile dance.

Cha cha cha.

- Crocodile, what are
you doing in my swamp?

- My crocodile dance!

Cha cha chaaaa!

Crocodile Dance!

And this isn't your swamp,
it's my swamp!

- Your swamp? But...
I want to dance too.

Can we...

share the swamp?

- Share? Me? Crocky?

Well, okay, It might
be fun to share with you.

Dance with me!

♪ Cha cha cha ♪

- (chorus): ♪ Crocodile dance
Cha cha cha the lion dance ♪

♪ La di daaaa, lion dance
La di daaaa, lion dance ♪

- Doh-dee-doh-doh.

Hi, lion. Hi, crocodile.
Whatcha' doing?

- (chorus):
Dancing in our swamp!

- Can I share
the swamp too?

- (both): Share the swamp?

- Well...
- (both): Okay!

- ♪ Do be doo be dooo ♪
- ♪ Cha cha chaaaa ♪

♪ Cha cha cha
Cha cha cha ♪

♪ Crocodile
dance yeah ♪

- Daniel, Daniel,
that is so funny!


♪ Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪

♪ La di daaaa ♪

- ♪ Cha cha chaaaa
crocodile dance ♪



- ♪ Let's read
a book together ♪

♪ Sharing cam make
a story better ♪

- ♪ It's more fun
to do puppets with you ♪

♪ It makes our show
grr-ific too ♪

- ♪ Building sand castles
yourself is fine ♪

- ♪ Or share and build
the way up high ♪

- ♪ You can share with me
I can share with you ♪

- (both): ♪ Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪

- ♪ We can play together
all day long ♪

♪ On a swing or a see saw ♪

- ♪ You can make music
with your friends ♪

♪ You can share
some instruments ♪

- ♪ A drum, a kazoo
or just claps your hands ♪

- ♪ Play them all together
and you have a band ♪

- ♪ You can share with me ♪
- ♪ I can share with you ♪

- (both): ♪ Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪

♪ Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪



- Hoo hoo, is this
a puppet show?

Can I watch?
- You could watch,

or... you could
play puppets with us!

- Hoo! I want
to play with you.

- Come watch our show!

- Oh...
a puppet show.

- Nifty galifty.
let's watch!

- Welcome to our Puppet Show!

Once upon a time,
there was hippo

who shared her swamp
with her friends.

- Crocodile!
- Lion!

- And elephant!

- One day, they wanted

to have a swamp dance,

so they all had to help.

- Crocodile brought

- Lion brought music.

- Elephant brought, oh, uh,
what does an elephant eat?

Uh, elephant food

and other food.

- And now, its time
for our swamp dance!

- Cha cha cha!
Crocodile dance!

- Doo be doo be doo.
Hippo dance!

- Rooooooooooooooar!

La di da di daaaaaaa.
Lion dance!

- Uh... um...
uh... Elephant.

Walla walla wheeee!
Elephant dance!

- (chorus): Swamp Dance!


The end.

- Encore!
- Way to go!

Ho! Ho! Ho!
- Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!

- Do you share
with your friends?

I liked sharing the puppets
with my friends.

And it's fun to share
with you too.

Ugga mugga!

Let's go see some neighbors.

- (narrator): Jameson's putting
together a marble track.

Uh, oh! Looks like it
didn't quite work that time.

Mayalena wants to play too.

But Jameson wants to play alone.


She's brought more pieces
for the track.

Maybe that will be fun.

Let's see.

Whoa! Look at the marble go!

That works much better.

Looks like sharing can be fun!

- ♪ Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪

♪ Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪


- (narrator): Oooh, how high do
you think they're going to make

the tower?

- ♪ Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪

- (narrator): Sharing and
playing together can be fun!

- I like visiting
neighbors with you.

Hi, neighbor.
I want to show you something.

Follow me.

My Grandpere gave me
these stickers, see?

Ha! Ha!
Do you like stickers?

I really like stickers.

These are special stickers

because they're all things
that go fast, fast, fast!

Ha! Ha! Like, uh...

This sticker
is an airplane! Whoosh!

And this one is a car!
Beep! Beep!

And this sticker is a boat.

Toot! Toot!

This is where the stickers go.

In this book,
Let's tell a sticker story.

You can help me, okay?


Once upon a time,

there was a big lake

with lots of water.

What sticker
should I put in the water?

The boat!

Sticky! Ha! Ha!

Okay, so one day,
a brave captain tiger

took his boat
sailing on the water.

He was looking for a friend,
but when he sailed around

on the water,
he didn't see any other boats.

He was all alone.

But then, he did see a friend

on the road!

Hmmm... what drives
on the road?

Ha! Ha! The car!
Beep beep!

So the car was
driving down the road.

Captain Tiger said:
"Excuse me!

You on the road,
will you be my friend?"

And the car said:
"Beep beep."

Which is car for
"yes, I will be your friend!"

And captain Tiger was so happy!
- Bee-bee!

- Hi, Margaret!
- Ha! Ha! Bee-bee!

- Yup! A car says,

- Bee-bee!

- No, no, Margaret,
these are my stickers.

Dan-dan's stickers.
(Margaret complaints.)

Margaret wants
my stickers!

No. Margaret, no!

These are my stickers.

They're not for you.

- Hey, hey, hey!

What's going on?
It's alright. baby Margaret.

- Tell Margaret she
can't have my stickers.

- Oh, I can see you're upset.

Why don't I keep the stickers
safe while we talk, okay?

- Okay.
- So, Margaret wants to play

with your stickers, huh?
- Uh-huh.

But they're mine.
- The stickers are yours.

But it might be fun to play
with your stickers together.

♪ Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪

Try giving her a sticker

and see what happens.

- ♪ Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪

Well, okay.

Maybe just
one sticker.

Here you go,

Car sticker
for you!

Because you like
to beep.

Beep! Beep!
- Bee! Bee!


- Margaret! Ha! Ha!

That's not where
the sticker goes!

- Ha! Ha!
Bee! Bee!

- Car on your nose!
Beep! Beep!

Okay, Margaret!

The sticker
goes here.

You want me to put
the car in the tree?


- Beep! Beep!
I'm driving in the tree!

Ha! Ha! Ha!
How about a boat sticker?

- Ooooh....

- Okay.
Let's put the boat...

- Ta ta ta ta.

- Here?
In the sky?

Ha! Ha! Ha!

A flying boat!

It is funny,

So funny!

Look how silly this is.

- A boat
in the sky?

A car in a tree?

That is very

- Margaret did it with me.
She's funny.

♪ Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪

(Margaret hums.)
- Ha! Ha!

Well, I'm glad to see
a little tiger teamwork.

Have fun.
- Okay, Margaret,

let's tell the story
of the picture we made.

Once upon a time,

there was a car.
Beep! Beep!

- Bee! Bee!
- Right.

And the car
was driving.

Then the car wanted
to eat an apple,

so he... drove up
into an apple tree!

- A-a-p-ap-pple...

- But then, the car called
his friend the airplane.


- Woooooosh!

- The airplane came
and the boat came.


- Toot-toot!
- And they all ate apples

from the apple
tree together.

- Mmmmm!

- The end! Yay!

- Hmmmm...

- What if boats
could really fly?

Ha! Or if cars could
really drive in trees?


Do you want to make
believe with me?

Let's make believe

that we're playing inside
our silly sticker picture!

♪ A boat goes soaring
through the sky ♪

♪ Or a train goes
under the sea ♪

♪ Wow! It's all up to me ♪

♪ In my sticker world ♪

♪ Silly, silly oh so silly ♪

♪ Mix and match
my sticker world ♪

♪ How about a bike
that rides up a tree ♪

- Up a tree!
- ♪ It's all up to me ♪

♪ In my sticker world ♪

Wasn't that grr-ific?

I'm done playing
stickers now.

All done!

- Mine! Mine!
- No, Margaret,

the sticker book is mine.
(Margaret complaining.)

- Meeeeeeeee!

- No!
- Meeeeee.

- Dad!
- What is it?

Something wrong?
- Yes.

I shared my stickers with
Margaret. But now, she wants

the whole sticker book!

Do I have to share it with her?

What if she rips it? It's...

it's really special to me.

- Oh, I see. I understand.

Some things,
you don't have to share.

- Okay.
(Margaret complaining.)

- I tell you what. Let's give
Margaret something special,

just for her.
- Hmmm...

Something for Margaret.


Pandy! Here you go, Margaret,

just for you.
- Dee-dee.

- Good thinking!
And let's put your sticker book

in a special place,
so it stays safe

until the next time
you want to use it, okay?

- Okay. Thanks, dad.

- No problem.

Why don't you
and Margaret, and Pandy,

scoot over to the table.
It's time for your snack.

- Snack time! Come on.

Ooh... bananas!

- There you go!
- Numnumnum.

- I like bananas. Do you?

They're deeeeeli--

- Ha! Ha!

- Those are mine!

Oh yeah,
I can try to share.

Here you go, Margaret.
Just for you.

- Nananananaaa!

- That is a happy
banana face!

- Ooo, Dan-Dan.
- Margaret!

You're sharing too.

I taught her that.

♪ Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪

- Oooo, oooo, oooo!
- Heeey,

the cr*cker kinda looks like...

a car... with banana wheels!

It needs a friend.

Margaret, will you share
another cr*cker with me, please?


♪ Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪

- Dan Dan!

- Thank you!
Vroom, vroom!

Beep! Beep!
- Bee-bee!


- ♪ Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪

♪ Fun fun fun fun ♪

♪ I can read by myself
and that would be fine ♪

♪ But sharing with you
makes a fun fun fun time ♪

♪ So let's read
and have fun together ♪

♪ Fun together ♪

♪ Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪

♪ Fun fun fun fun ♪

♪ Mmmm this snack
it tastes so good ♪

♪ And look there's
enough enough for two ♪

♪ Sharing snacks
is so much fun together ♪

♪ Fun together ♪

♪ Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪

♪ Fun fun fun fun ♪

♪ Wooo! When I play with my
cars, I drive in one place ♪

♪ Let's team up
and make a fun fun fun race ♪

♪ Playing with cars with you
is so much better ♪

♪ So much better ♪

♪ Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪

♪Fun fun fun fun ♪

♪ Ha! Ha! Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪

♪ Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪

Look, Dad, Margaret
and I are sharing, see?

- Ooh, nice!

- ♪ Sharing with you
is fun for me too ♪

You can have some
cr*cker car too!

Beep! Beep!
- Bee! Bee!

- Looks good.
- Daaaaad, nooo!

That's a great
big Daddy-bite!

- Okay, okay!

I'll do
a little bite.

Mmm... Mmm...

- Ha! Ha!

Who do you share with?

Sometimes, it's hard,

but I like sharing.

Ugga mugga!

- ♪♪ It's such a good feeling ♪

♪ To play with family
and friends ♪

♪ It's such a happy feeling ♪

♪ When they lend you a hand ♪
(Ding! Ding!)

♪ You wake up ready to say ♪
- Hi!

- ♪ I think
I'll make a snappy new day ♪

♪ It's such a good feeling,
a very good feeling ♪

♪ A feeling you know ♪

- ♪ That I'll be back ♪

♪ When the day is new ♪

♪ And I'll have
more ideas for you ♪

♪ And you'll have things ♪

♪ You'll want to talk about ♪

♪ I will too ♪♪
Because it's you I like.

Let's go see
a neighbor like you.


- Hi. My name is Olivia
and I'm at my library

to visit my friend Chris.

Hi, Chris.
- Hi, Olivia.

the children's room.
- Okay.

- Come on. So, Olivia,
you can borrow the books

that we have here. That
means you can take them home

for a while
and then bring them back

so other people can borrow them.
Since I'm a librarian,

I can help you
find books.

Here's some good books
to choose from.

See something
you like?

That's one
of my favorites.

- Can I just take this home?
- You'll need a library card.

Your mom can help you
fill out the form. Let's go.

This is my
friend Karen.

She can help
you get a card.

A library card helps us
know who borrowed a book.

There you go.
That one's all yours.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- How do you check out a book?
- You can take it to the desk

or you can do it
yourself using this machine.

- Machine!
- Alright.

You put your card
right down here.


Now, you put the book
down just like that.

Slide it under just like
you did with the card.

See, you want to hit
the print receipt button.

- Thanks, Chris.
- You're welcome.

- Bye, neighbors!


- I like these visits with you.