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01x07 - Rest in Peace

Posted: 10/09/22 06:25
by bunniefuu
- Oh, no.
- Oh, come on.

Is there someone else in that boat?

Oh, shit.

That isn't your man from work, is it?

- Oh, Jesus Christ.
- There's someone in the water.

- Call an ambulance. Quick!
- Are you f*cking kidding me?

Oh, Gabriel.

What is he doing?

Trying to save a man's life.


Paramedics are seven minutes away.

f*ck's sake.

- Oh, no. Is he breathing?
- I don't think so.

Oh, he has no trousers on.

That's not a big priority, David.


- Eva, we need to get out...
- Just wait, wait, wait.

Come on, you stubborn bastard.

- Oh, my God.
- Eva, we need to get out of here.

Okay, okay.

- Hey.
- f*ck's sake.

Hey, you.

Wha... Wha... Um…

Are you in pain?

John Paul. How are you feeling?

Like I should be dead.

Well, luckily you're not.

But can you tell me anything
you remember from last night?


How you got from your home to the marina?


That's where the paramedics were called.

You don't remember anything?

Mmm. No.

That sometimes happens
when going through a traumatic experience.

Are you under any extra stress
at the moment?

Have you been feeling depressed?

I'm not suicidal. If... If...

Maybe you could speak to him
after he's rested some more?

What if he saw us in the bedroom?

Well, that... that would mean the police
could be on their way here right now.

The police would already be here
if he saw us.

You said Rohypnol causes blackouts, right?

We'll be fine.

What if he gets his memory back?

- Could that happen?
- Yeah.

This is all your gay boyfriend's fault.

Oh, yeah. What a w*nk*r.
Saved a drowning man's life.

Do you have something
more important to do?

I have to go to work.

It's Grace.

Hey, honey, we're... we're...
We're all here at Ursula's.

Hey. He's okay. Physically, he's okay.

But mentally, he's wrecked.

He said... He thinks...
He thi... He thinks…

He thinks someone's trying to k*ll him.

- Oh.
- Shit.

That's insane.

How? Why?

Did he... Did he, um...
Did he see anything?

Gra... Grace,
just t-take... take a breath and...

He says it's the only explanation, is...

Someone drugged him
and threw him into the marina

- and left him for dead.
- Ah, shit.

Where's the nasal spray?

I-I-I... Y-Y-You... Y...

Oh, well, um... Did...
Did... Did he say who?

What are you talking about? Nobody.

He must've banged his head
falling into the water.

Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yes.

- That's... Yeah. And look, Blanaid is fine.
- I can't find it.

She's here with us,
so don't worry about her.

- Thank you.
- And don't worry about him either.

You know, he'll be fine.
Jesus, the stress he puts you under.

- It never f*cking ends!
- Call us... Um... Um...

Grace, if you need anything
you just call us, okay?

We're here for you. Okay. Love you.

I love you too.

No one is gonna believe him, okay?

If he says any of that crap.
They're gonna think he's lost the plot.

We can't find the nasal spray.

Well, you've gotta sort that out.

- I mean, this is your responsibility.
- Since when?

You bring the dr*gs in. You take them out.

- I gave it to you.
- No, you didn't.

Didn't I?

Oh. Then it must be at the house.

Well, I can't...
I've got a job interview, okay? I...

I have one eye.

Fine. I'll take Blanaid back.

I'll grab the damn thing
and get rid, okay?

Oh, shit. Bloody…

Those messages you left last night.

"Who knows what I'll do."
That's what you said.

But that was about the netball tournament.

I-I didn't want you to go.

Oh, so you jump into the sea
in the middle of the night?

Can you see how that terrifies me?

Grace, can we please talk about this
at home?

Please. I just want to go home.

I do... I don't know, John Paul.

Please, Gracie.



But we have to make an appointment
with the psychologist before we leave.

All right. Okay. Thank you.

Blanaid's at Ursula's,

so we'll have the place to ourselves,
so we can really talk.


Did... Did you, um...
Did you bring me some clothes?

- Yeah.
- Oh.

Excuse me.


They had the sleeping pills,
but unfortunate...

Wha... What are you doing?

I'm going to my interview.

Gerald will understand if you postpone.

I'm not postponing. I'll look bad.

That's the last thing I want,
but... Just say you're sick.

Jesus Christ. I can't say I'm sick
'cause I'm not sick.

Someone tried to k*ll me.

You're distressed. You're upset.

Mammy, I'll be much more distressed
and upset if I don't get this promotion.

This is for us. For our family.
It's for our future.

And I deserve it.

You're not thinking straight!

You need some time off.
You need to slow down.

I'll see you back home.

John Paul.

- I have to go. I have to go.
- No.

No, don't go. Come on.

I can't be late today.

Why? You got more innocent families
to stitch up?


It's my dad's birthday.

Well, it would've been.

I'm meeting Thomas at the grave.

Come here.

Ow. Christ.

- You looking for my soft tissue?
- Sorry.

Years of shiatsu.

My grip's stronger than I think.

It seems weird to me, marking his birthday
now that I know what actually happened.

Well, you're celebrating his life,
not his death.


We could do something later.

Something a little bit less depressing
than a cemetery trip.

Like what?

Where would you wanna be
if you could be anywhere in the world?

In Tijuana.

"In your arms, Becka"
was the right answer.

In your arms in Tijuana, Becka.

How about in your arms in Casablanca's

'cause that's on Dolman Street,
and we get there in a cab for a fiver.

I'd be as happy in your arms
in your flat with a curry.



- Matt.
- Yeah?

Your brother lost his dad too.

Don't know how he ever drank that stuff.

Straight from the can, I think.

Thought you might not come.

Yeah, well…

Theresa went the whole night
without kicking me.

It's usually like sharing a bed
with an Ultimate Fighting champion...

I still don't understand
why you didn't tell me, Tom.

At the time, I didn't consider
an alternative to not telling you.

I thought if you knew,
you'd be complicit too.

Dad didn't want that.

But I'm sorry.

Here. Go on.

You ever wondered if
you could've done something to stop him?


Well, you worked with him,
grew up with him…

Pretty sure I didn't imagine you farting
in the bottom bunker every other weekend.

Exactly. Every other weekend.

Sometimes less is more.

You get half the grief, half the hassle,
half the picking up the pieces.

I feel like you're angry
that he was kind to me.

I'm f*cking fuming.

I didn't even know you existed
till the bunk bed showed up in me room.

This, you, the business…

Him all over.

Someone else left to deal with the fallout
from his mistakes.

Except this time I'm helping, aren't I?

I'm gonna let
you calling me a mistake slide.

He asked to always make sure
you were okay.

Do you think he knew he was going to
k*ll himself when he said that?

It was two days before,
so I think so, yeah.

I know I couldn't have done anything
to stop him,

but I will always make sure
that you're okay, Matt.

You wanna come to the flat?



The Wi-Fi's down. Theresa's raising hell.

What was that message you left
about Mr. Williams?

Oh. I have proof that
he thought someone was trying to k*ll him.

The Williams fella told the psychologist

that he thought someone drugged him
and pushed him into the water.

She needed something to do.

If you're saying
that someone was one of these sisters...

No, we're not...
We're still investigating.

Is that what you were doing yesterday?
Investigating the Garvey girl?

Family first,
little Matt second, remember?

Come on. He's got his priorities straight.

Mmm. My money's on the sister he maimed.

If some lanky Swedish dickhead took
one of my eyes, I'd want him dead too.

It doesn't matter which one it was.
The widow's the beneficiary.

She's the one we have to prove
knew what they were up to.

What did the guy
who fished JP out of the water say?

- He's next on the list. Yeah.
- Mmm.

This is what happens when you deny a woman
her Internet connection.

I'm sorry. I have no milk. Cream?

What? No, no.
Jesus. No, no. That would've...

That'd be horrible.

We won't keep you.

We wondered if you could
run us through what happened

the night Mr. Williams nearly drowned?

You're insurance investigators, right?

So what, you're trying
to stop JP's widow getting her payout?

We're trying to establish what happened,

which means looking into
all the events leading up to his death.

I can only tell you what happened after
he got to the marina, nothing before.

- Did you see how he entered the water?
- No. But he was on his boat, I think.

Do you think there's a chance
somebody pushed him?

He said he slipped.

You worked with both Mr. Williams
and Eva Garvey.

How would you describe their relationship?

Have you spoken to her?


Well, she asked me not to tell JP,
but she was there that night.

Did Eva say why she was at the marina?

She said they were there to see me.

Apparently, she saw I was with someone,
so they left.

- You didn't believe her?
- Who knows with her and JP?

I thought she just plain hated him,
but then…

It was strange, intense, you know?

Are you still in contact with Eva?


Can I ask what happened?


We'll get out of your hair.

Y-You just said after she saw
you were with someone, they left.


Not, "She left"?

Yeah. Uh, Eva was not alone.

Her little sister was in the car.
Uh, Becka.

Okay. Thank you very much.


Not only was Eva Garvey there that night,

she lied about it
and asked him to lie about it.

This is enough
to get Loftus to exhume the body...

- Can we just stop and think for a second?
- And I'm just gonna say this.

I think Becka targeted you to distract you
from whatever her family did to Williams.

- What?
- Why else were they there that night?

You're not even arguing with me.

No, 'cause you won't give me a second
to think, Tom.

- She had clear financial motive.
- Oh, shit.

You've been seeing her again, haven't you?

Hey, you best tell me now
before the shit really hits the fan.

Matt, please.

Just think about what we have to lose,
how much we've already lost.

I found a check at her apartment.
It was hidden.

What check?

It was from JP's mother to Becka
for eight grand.

If anything, it proves she's done nothing.

- How?
- Because she didn't cash it.

Yeah, because she couldn't.

I got Dad's pal at the bank
to check all of the Williams' accounts.

The old lady's was practically empty.

She probably gained her trust
to wheedle thousands out of her.

When that failed, she turned
to that sucker's life insurance.

Tell me you've got it, the check.

- No.
- Ah, f... g*dd*mn.


Matt. Matt.

You've done the right thing.

Let's get that body up.


- That went really well though.
- Oh.

And you know
I have other people to see, but...

- Yeah. But I'm through to judges' houses?
- Oh, yeah.

Well done.


Sounds like you nailed it.

I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.

Hey, hey, hey. It's fine. It's fine.
You've got this.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

I bloody hope so
because I have no plan B.

That job was yours even before John Paul
decided to go for a swim with no pants.

Now he's got no chance.

How is he?

- Oh, he's fine. Yeah. He's fine.
- Yeah?

I still don't understand what happened.

I know.

Do you have no idea?

Well, no. I mean, only what Grace said.

You know, and, uh... and you,
the hero of the hour, saving his life.

Yeah, well, you could've helped.

You know, it was like dragging a statue
through a swamp.

- How do you mean?
- Well, I would've waved to you,

but my hands
were full with your brother-in-law.

I thought it might be some
weird family baptism or so...

Till you fled the scene.

Well, I mean, as a... as a matter of fact,

I was, um, I was there to see you.

You know,
'cause I-I wanted a... a drinking partner,

and then I saw your... your hot shipmate,

so I left
before you forced me into a threesome.


But, um, can you keep it to yourself
that... that... that I was there?

Just because if... if JP finds out,
you know, he'll be...

He'll freak out that I saw him
in that kind of state, you know?

Eyes rolling, balls out.

Yeah. Exactly.

So just keep it to yourself?

- Okay.
- Okay.

Oh, shit.

Can I h-have a word?

Yeah. Of course.

I-I should, um, thank you.

- Yeah, it's fine. It's okay. Are you okay?
- Um…

Y-Yeah. Yes. Yeah, I'm... I mean, um…

I-I must've tripped.

I banged my head, I think. Um...

- You were in a state. Yeah.
- Mmm.

Yeah. And…

You haven't said anything
to anybody, have you?

- It's none of my business.
- Mm-hmm.

And did you, um... did you see anything?


Good luck.

- Hmm?
- Apparently, Eva smashed it in there.

- Can I watch TV?
- Course.

I'm watching this thing
about a Korean girl

who kills her boyfriend after she
finds out that he slept with her brother.

Have you seen it?

Girl, I wrote it.

You sort that. I'll get the snacks.
Sound good?


Well, as I see it,
we need to diversify

to ensure a stable flow of income
and growth.

- Well, you've clearly done your homework.
- Yes… …and everybody else's.


It's a bit indiscreet of me, but, uh,

have to say I'm more than happy with yours
and Eva's performances in interview.

It's really very impressive.

Mm-hmm. Good. Good.

And you're family.

So, it's a win-win, isn't it?

It is. Yeah, well.

Whoever gets the job,
it keeps it in the family.

Exactly. And, I mean,
she is an amazing woman,

and that isn't just family loyalty.

She... She never ceases to inspire me.

Um, everything she's been through,
all she's overcome, and...

Uh, the death of her parents?

Yes, that and, um... her... her breakdown.

The... The sabbatical she took.

Everybody knows that she likes a drink,
but back then it was…

But she seems to be in control of it.

That's not easy.
My mother struggled for years.

Yeah, well, I mean, if that is something
you can actually ever have under control,

um, you probably know better than I do.


I'm sure she's fine.

Uh, grand.


Filthy bastard.

Ugh. Ew.

- What are you doing in here?
- I was just tidying up.

I figured Grace had enough
on her plate, so…

All done. How are you doing?

You look great.

Did you just put something in your pocket?

- I asked you what's in your pocket.
- Nothing.

- Well, you're hiding something.
- I'm not.

What the hell did you take?

- Give it back here.
- I...

- Give it to me!
- Get off!


I'm okay.
Ah, your dad's just a bit stressed.

You need anything, you call me, okay?


- I'm sorry.
- Why did you do that?

She's only helping.

- Rubbish.
- What?

Look… sweetheart.

I'm sorry, hmm?

It was a misunderstanding.

I would never,
never do anything to upset you.

You know that, right?


Dad's gonna go and have a nap now.

I'll feel more myself
when I've had a lie-down.


What are you doing?

Lurking in the doorway
like a bloody Jehovah's Witness.

I just... Do you wanna talk?

- You've already said you don't believe me.
- Well, that's not true.

I said you were under lots of pressure.

And yet, according to Gerald,
I aced my interview.

Oh. Well, that's great.

Yes, you seem exhilarated.

Do you not think it might be a bad time
for you to step up at work?

I-I-I'm not fragile or weak or suicidal.

Someone tried to k*ll me.

And don't. Don't look at me like that.

I blame myself.

The only thing worse
than your pity is your self-pity.

I made those demands on you,
made you feel less of a man.

- Stop talki... Just stop talking.
- Drove you to do something so drastic.

- I did not try to k*ll myself.
- Please, JP.

If we could just get you
the help that you need.

- Shut up!
- Oh!


Jesus Christ!

- Don't creep up on me like that.
- Relax. It's me.

Yeah. Sorry.

Um, I have to get back to work.

- What are you doing here anyway?
- Well, what am I supposed to do?

Pretend like it wasn't you in my bed
this last year?

I need to know what's going on.
What's hap...

We can't.

We can.

I can't, Ben.

Come on.

You don't answer my calls, Urs.

You don't return my texts.

I-I wasn't sure if they were...

If they were what?

We need to take a break.


It's just for a while.

There's... There's stuff going on that...

- What stuff?
- My stuff.

I'm married. I have a family...

And what, you just remembered that now?

For how long?

A week? A month?

I do... I don't know, just please don't...
I... I...

I'm barely hanging in as it is, okay?
I'm barely...

I have to get back to work.

Well, uh…
…let me walk you back then.



Are you gonna share
your greasy sandwich with me?

So we've ordered a CT,

and we'd like to keep you in overnight
for monitoring.

- You're all right, Mammy. I've got you.
- Uh-huh.

- Did he hit you?
- Bibi!

What? We're all thinking it.

Well, I... I tripped and hit my head.
It was % my fault.

So, where even is he?

- Well, he's at the gift shop with Blanaid.
- Oh, really?

What, because a Lucozade and a bunch
of grapes will make this all better?

It's just a bump on the head
and a sore wrist.

If you could've seen his face
when I came around.

He was more upset than me.

I can't do this.

Um, I have to go. Sorry.

Oh, Becka, wait. I need your help.


Uh, could you do Minna's shopping for me?

JP usually does it.
She'll be expecting him.


It'll be just one less thing
for him to worry about.

He's barely recovered himself.



- Ladies.
- Hey.

Only the best for my best girl.

How are you, Mum?

Oh, I'm just having a little rest.
Will you sit down beside me?

Nice family reunion.

No Ursula today?

You'd think this would be the one place

you actually had a chance
of pinning her down.

I'd say she's very busy, JP.
It is a hospital.

Oh, I'm sure she is. I just saw her, um...

What is he? Photography teacher?

Small world, isn't it?

Well, thank you so much for coming.

I'm sure you've got your own lives
to be getting on with.

- I'll take it from here. Bye-bye.
- Hmm.

Well, look, hey, you know where we are.

Oh, yeah. Thanks.

- Okay.
- Bye.

Um, could you do me a favor?

Find some water
and a vase for these, please.

Thank you, love.

How are you, really?

I'm so tired.

Just say the word, Mammy.
Anything I can do for you? Anything?

Oh, I bought a bottle
of whiskey for Gabriel

to say thanks for saving my man.

You could drop it round to his.

- Yeah, sure. Mmm.
- Thank you.

Oh, hey. I just heard. Uh, is she okay?

Yeah, sure. Yeah. Don't... Don't worry.

You're juggling so many things
at the same time.

Don't know how you do it.

See ya.

I thought I'd vomit when I saw her.
She looks so fragile.

There's no booze on this menu.

- There's kombucha.
- f*ck off.

If he did this,
surely she'd trust us enough to tell us.

It's not that simple, is it?

If you'd seen the way he flipped
at me earlier, you'd know he did it.

He's dangerous.

So why are they sat there
like everything's peachy?

- It's so weird.
- They're just getting closer.

Aren't any of you concerned
that the prick may get his memory back?

Have you got the nasal spray?

Calm down.

I swear to God, you'd have an easier time
offing the bloody Roadrunner.

How do they euthanize
those people in Switzerland?

I don't know. Pentobarbital, maybe?

I'd need to look into it.

Well, we need to finish the job.

And quick.

Ooh, they have a warm chicken
and black pudding salad.

That sounds lovely.

Excuse me. Hi.

What are you gonna have?



Did you start without me?

Mum, look at David's arm.

Oh, my God. What happened?

I fell off my bike. Dad made this.

Well, why didn't you call m...

I need to show your mum something.

- Keep watching and tell me what happens.
- But I just...

Your child needed his mum today.
Where were you?

Where were you?

Grace had an accident. Look, uh…

If I had heard your message,

- of course, I would've left.
- What about all the other times?

We're your family too.
You, me and those kids.

I know that.

Then why are you never here?

Did I miss anything good?


I think it's, uh...
I think it's too short.

Why just with a boat like this…

What are you looking at?

Inspector Loftus.

Despite holding public office,
I have a right to a private life.

This is serious, Inspector.
We have that proof you wanted.

In the John Paul Williams case.

- You want to do this now?
- Yeah.

Get back.

Get the trolley, will ya?

Oh, shit. Oh, shit.


Do you know how much it costs
to exhume a body?

- Rich.
- Hey, Fergal.

A m*rder inquiry in a town like this,
it upsets people,

especially if nothing comes of it.

So you'd wanna be bloody sure.

We have an eyewitness
who saw two Garvey sisters at the marina

on the night of John Paul's accident.

The one where he nearly died.

Add to that the evidence Williams thought
someone was trying to k*ll him,

the younger sister's financial motive…

Look, if... if we can get that body up,

we could see what was
in him the night he was k*lled. Died.

And we also believe that the fire in the
cabin that Mr. Williams made a claim for

was yet another m*rder attempt.

Okay, you can have your postmortem.


I'll get onto the paperwork straightaway.


The best thing that ever happened to you
was finding that check.

Yeah, I'm over the moon.

Those Garveys are about
to get what's coming to them.

Stay away from her, okay? Okay?



Hey, pervert.
Um, are we still on for tonight?

I'm making margaritas.

Help yourself. Thieving little shit.

Geez, it's like having your home raided
by Stanley Tucci.

Sorry. I called.

- Do you mind? I'm skint.
- Aw, poor thing.

You can't afford limes
and premium spirits.

That's so sad.

What's the occasion?

Oh. I'm, um...
I'm just having a friend over tonight.

From school.

- Nicola Ferris.
- Oh.

Lucky old Nicola.

Hope she enjoys candlelight.

- Oh! What are you...
- No. Come on!

The only reason you wax that mustache
is when you're getting some.

I can't make an effort for an old friend?

Oh, no, you can. It's just, I've noticed
you smiling a bit more recently,

around a bit less…

Well, funnily enough, Eva,

my good mood is not down
to some lump of testosterone.

Mmm. Glad to hear it.

You would tell me though, wouldn't you?

Yeah, I'll write it in my diary
in glitter pen or something.

- I just want you to be happy.
- I am happy.

Thanks for the… I've gotta run.

Oh, shit. So do I. I left the bath on.


And it's not a mustache, by the way.
It's a little peach fuzz!

And it's charming!

Hey, I don't know if your phone
is outta juice or what's going on.

But I just wanted to say
that I can't wait to see ya,

and I'm excited,

and I've got butterflies even.

Oh and, uh, bring ice.
My freezer's f*cked.


Grace asked me to get your shopping.
What are you doing out here?

George has got a poorly chest.
It's time for his hot toddy.


Let's get you in.

You'll freeze your nipples off
in that nightie.


Come on, you mad bitch. Get in there.

Hello. Ma la hide Garda Station.

Hello. I want to speak to someone
about Roger Muldoon.

Uh, what's this regarding?

I need to know
if he was still in custody last night.

I'm afraid we can't release
that information to the public.

Thanks. For nothing.

You know, if JP found you
roaming the streets in your scanties,

he'd put you into
that home he was talking about.

He can try.

He says his girls think
my house is a cesspit.

- JP told you that?
- Mm-hmm.

That's rubbish, Minna.

You're happy in this house, aren't you?

- You wouldn't wanna leave?
- Why would I do that?

George calls it our love nest.

He says I'm the only thing
he's ever loved more than his birds.

Don't tell me he romances them too.

He likes to go down there and check.

- Check what?
- His birds.

Down where?

The basement.

He used to hate the place,
but now he's there all the time.


John Paul.

So how does he...



What are you looking at?
