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02x24 - Puzzlewood / Let's Dance

Posted: 10/04/22 11:01
by bunniefuu

♪ Emmy wished
On a dragon scale♪

♪ And that'’s what started
Dragon Tales♪

♪ Around the room
The dragons flew♪

♪ But Emmy and Max
Knew what to do♪

♪ They climbed on the backs
Of their dragon friends♪

♪ Now the adventures
Never end♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪

♪ There'’s Ord
He'’s the biggest♪

♪ Not so brave of heart♪

♪ There'’s Cassie so shy
But so very smart♪

♪ There'’s Zak and Wheezie
And the tales of fun♪

♪ '’Cause you know two heads
Are better than one♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪


That'’s not the right piece.

I can make it fit.

You can'’t just
make it fit, Max.

It has to be
the right shape.

Let'’s play with
something else, Emmy.

Don'’t you want to finish
the cow puzzle?

Puzzles are too hard.

I bet you'’ll figure out
what goes where

if you keep trying.

Look, Emmy,
the dragons are calling.

I wish, I wish

With all my heart

To fly with dragons
In a land apart


Max, Emmy.

Hi, everyone.


Hey, I don'’t recognize
this place.

Where are we?

In a forest,
called Puzzlewood.


This is our very first time
playing here.

And hopefully our last time
getting lost here.

We were hoping you could
help us find our way out.


Why don'’t you just fly up
and out of Puzzlewood?

Because there'’s too many
branches in the way.

Maybe someone who lives
in Puzzlewood

could help us find
a way out.

Like that

Excuse me,
little Dragon-Fairy?

My friends and I are trying to
find our way out of Puzzlewood.

Could you help us,

I'’d be happy to.
Follow me.



Is this the exit?

Sort of.

This is the first
of three doors

you must go through
to leave Puzzlewood.

Thank you,

Come on, everyone.

Hey, it won'’t open.

That'’s because there is a
puzzle to solve at each door.

The door will open
when you solve the puzzle.

What kind of puzzle?

A match-it puzzle.[GIGGLES]

It'’s a game where you find
things that are the same.

But how do we know what
to match with what?

Knock, and the door
will tell you.

I love Puzzlewood.

It'’s so puzzling.

Bye. Thank you.


She said to knock,
so here goes.

Well, hello,
little ones.

Would you like to hear
about my puzzle?


Then listen carefully

"I have a favorite flower,

"please bring
the flower to me.

"The flower has five petals,

and three leaves
you'’ll surely see."

This will be fun.

Maybe we can find
the door'’s favorite flower

in this flower patch.

I found one.

Me too.Me three.

Look at my flower.
Isn'’t it big?

Pretty too.

Max, I don'’t
think yours

will match the flower
the door described,

because it doesn'’t
have any petals.


Mine has petals.

And five leaves.

That'’s not right,

We'’re supposed to bring
one that has three petals

and three leaves.

I don'’t remember
the exact words of the puzzle,

but I think there was
a three and a five.

Why don'’t we bring
both flowers to the door?

That'’s lovely.

It has five petals just
like my favorite flower.

But it does not have

the correct number
of leaves.

Let'’s try mine.

Ooh. How nice.

This one has three leaves,

just like my favorite flower.

But it does not have
the right number of petals.

Wheezie had the right
number of petals: five.

And Zaky had the right
number of leaves: three.

So to solve the puzzle,

we need to find a flower

that has five petals
and three leaves.

Come on.

Five petals
and three leaves.

Five petals and
three leaves.

Hey, there it is.

Five petals...

and three leaves.

Ord found one.

Yay, Ord!

My favorite flower.

A rosy-posy.

You'’ve solved
my puzzle.

The Dragon-Fairy said

we'’d have two more
doors to pass through.

And two more puzzles.

That must be the second
door over there.

I want to
knock this time.


Hola, niños.
Did you wish to pass?


Then here is my puzzle.

"I have a favorite rock,

"You will find it
by the stream.

"The rock has two stripes

"and lots of spots.

They are green."

That'’s pretty

Maybe it would be easier

if we each remembered
a different part of the puzzle.

I can remember
we'’re supposed

to find the rock
by the stream.

And I can remember
the number two

by thinking of two
dragonberry cupcakes

I'’m saving for later.

And I can remember stripes

with the help
of my flag.

See all the stripes.

Well, I can remember
the word "spots"

by looking at the spots
on Wheezie'’s and my skin.

And the color green
will be easy to remember.

Because that'’s the color Zak
turns when I do this.




Come on.

Last one to the stream
is a rotten dragon egg.


This rock has stripes
on the top...

and stripes
on the bottom.

This one has stripes
on the top...

and bugs
on the bottom.


The door didn'’t say
anything about bugs.

Look, everybody.

It has two stripes.

And lots of spots.

And it'’s the color green.

I think you
found it, Max.

This rock
is very beautiful,

but it does not match the one
I described in my puzzle.

It doesn'’t?

Since spots on my favorite
rock are green.

That'’s okay, Max,
we'’ll search again.

Um, I have an idea
that might help.

If you all tell me
your part of the puzzle,

I can draw a picture of
the door'’s favorite rock.

I know it has stripes.

Two stripes.

And lots of spots.

And it'’s green.

It'’s the stripes and
the spots that are green.

Not the whole rock.

That'’s a really
good drawing, Cassie.

Now we just have to find
a rock that matches.

Is it this one?

No. Not enough spots.

This one has
lots of spots.

But they'’re red, not green.


I think Emmy'’s rock

matches my drawing.

So it must solve the puzzle.

A spotted pickle-stone.

It'’s my favorite.

You'’ve solved my puzzle.

Thank you. Goodbye.

Hey, there'’s
the third door.

Howdy-doo, would you
like to come through?

Yes, please!

Then here'’s a puzzle
for you to do.

"I have a favorite mask,

"please bring
that mask to me.

"To find
my favorite mask,

you must ask the tree."


I bet he means
this tree right here.

Oh, yes.

This tree has
lots of masks.

Excuse me,
Miss Tree?

Are you talking to me?

Yes, ma'’am.

The door told us
he has a favorite mask.

Do you know
which one it is?

Why, yes, I have a picture
of it right here.

Now that we know
what it looks like,

how do we get
one down?

Like this.


That tickles.


I made your masks fall.

I'’m sorry.

Oh, that'’s all right.

They'’re supposed to
fall when they get ripe.

They'’re beautiful.Cool.

Guess who?


This mask has a square nose
like the one in the picture.

But the mouth
is a different shape.

We need to find a mask
with a square nose

and a smiling mouth.

I found one with
a smiling mouth.

Oh, but the nose
isn'’t the same.

This one is almost a match.

But the eyes
aren'’t triangles.

Ooh, look.

A mask with a smile

and a square nose
and triangle eyes!

Last one to the door
is a rotten dragon egg.

Me, oh, my.

That'’s a cheery mask.

But it'’s not
my favorite.

I wonder why this mask
was not the door'’s favorite?

It has
a smiling mouth.

Just like the mask
in the picture.

And a square nose.

And triangle eyes.


The triangle eyes are
pointed the wrong way.


The triangles are
supposed to point up.

See? Like that one.

Thank you.


You found it, Max.

A happy-sappy mask.

My favorite.



We solved all
three puzzles.

That was fun.

Let'’s come back and get
lost again some time.

Come on, Emmy, let'’s finish
our jigsaw puzzle.

The piece that fits here

is big at the top
and small at the bottom.

Look, Emmy, I found it.

Me, oh, my, it'’s my favorite.



Mm, yum.

It'’s fun helping Mom
make cookies.

I like putting raisins
in the batter.

I like putting raisins
in my mouth.

But I don'’t like waiting for
the cookies to be finished.

Same here.

So let'’s do something fun
to make the time go faster.

Dragon Land, yeah.

I wish, I wish

With all my heart

To fly with dragons
In a land apart




They'’re peekaboo flowers.
Why won'’t they open up?

I think loud noises
scare them.

Let'’s try being quieter
and see if they'’ll play with us.




Hi, Max. Hi, Emmy.

Hi, everybody.

We'’re playing peekaboo
with the peekaboo flowers.

I didn'’t know
they could walk too.

Hello there.
I'’m Greta the Gremlin.

Hello. Hi.

Oh, I just love your boxes.

They'’re really pretty.


Wow, are they magic?

But of course.

Each box has
a surprise inside.

An exciting, wonderful

Would you like to see?

Oh, yes.

Oh! My hat!

We'’ll help you
catch it.

Will you stay here
and guard these, please?

Don'’t open them
without me.

I'’ll be right back.

Don'’t worry.

We'’ll keep your boxes safe.

You can count on us.

Ooh, I just love
surprise boxes.

Don'’t you, Zaky?
They'’re so surprisey.

I don'’t know.

I'’ve never guarded
any before.

What do you think
is inside?

A whirly swirly
spinning top?

A whispering leaf
from a whisper tree?

Wheezie, would you
put that down?

We have to wait
for Greta to open them.

Ooh! But I can'’t wait.

I want to see
what'’s inside now.

Greta said
she'’ll be right back.

But "right back"
will feel like forever.

Oh, please, Zaky?
Just one little peek?

No. We'’re not supposed
to open them.

Well, I guess
you'’re right.

Gimme the box.Ugh!

Why don'’t you think
about something else?

Like what?

How about we play

the make-up-a-story game
Daddy taught us?

Oh. Okay, that'’s a good idea.
You start.

Okay, once upon a time,

there was a big
yellow dragon

with heads.

And the heads were
very curious.

One day, after bouncing
on some mushrooms,

they went for
a walk in the woods.

And they found some boxes
and opened them

and they just loved
what was inside.

No, Wheezie, don'’t!

[MUSIC BOX PLAYING]It'’s a music box!

Love it!

Well, I don'’t love it.

That music'’s making me dance
and I can'’t stop.

But dancing'’s fun, Zaky.

And look at you go.
You'’re dancing up a storm.

Love it!

It may be fun for you,

but I don'’t want to dance.

Where are we going?

Beats me.

But we'’re supposed
to guard the other boxes.

Oh, all right.
I'’ll close the box now.

Zak, it won'’t close.

Uh, let me try.


I can'’t close it, either.

And if we don'’t,
we'’ll keep dancing.

Come on, little boxy.
Please, close.

Oh, great.
Now what?


Maybe Quetzal can help us.

Quetzal, help!

We'’re too far away.
He can'’t hear us.

Wave harder.
This is an emergency.

Oh, now what do we do?

Panic. Because we'’re
doomed to dance

for the rest
of our lives.

Wheezie, I'’m really
tired of this song.

To tell the truth,
I'’m tired of dancing too.


Do you hear what I hear?

The music seems to be stopping.

Let'’s try to close
the box again.


[LAUGHS]We did it!


I told you we should have
waited for Greta.

I'’m sorry.

Hey, Zak, aren'’t you
a little bit interested

in what'’s in
the other two boxes?


We'’re not opening them.

But the blue one
looks so beautiful.

Maybe if we took just
one little peeky weeky...

Don'’t even
think about it.

I can'’t help it.

Every time
I look at the boxes,

I want to know
what'’s inside.

Then don'’t
look at them.

If you can'’t
see them,

maybe you won'’t
think about them.

But I am thinking about them.

A lot.

I know.
Let'’s play juggle ball.

That'’s a good game.

Hey, it'’s working, Zaky.

I'’m not thinking
about the boxes.

Good.Look at them go.



I'’m thinking about
the boxes again.

And I know I shouldn'’t,
but I just have to look inside.

Oh, no...
It'’s a tickle twinkle.




I can'’t stop, Wheezie.
I can'’t stand it anymore.

I'’m trying, Zak,
I'’m trying.


I told you not
to open the box.

Hey!Got it.

Now leave those boxes
alone, Wheezie.

Every time you open one,
we get in big trouble.

No more peeking, Zak.
I promise.


We finally caught
Greta'’s hat.

She'’s going to
meet us back here,

once her peekaboo flower
catches its breath.

Then she'’ll show us the magic
inside the boxes.

Yeah. I wonder what they are?

Wheezie!Oh, all right.

That one'’s
a music box,

and once you start dancing
you can'’t stop.

And there'’s a
tickle twinkle in there.

You peeked?

One of us couldn'’t wait.

Guess who?

Waiting was

I tried, but I
couldn'’t stand it.

I know.

I don'’t like waiting either.

But I'’m not gonna
open the stripy box,

even though
I really want to.

Put this where
I can'’t see it.

That worked for awhile.
Didn'’t it, Zaky?

And let'’s all play
a game to keep busy.

MAX: Good ideaEMMY: Okay.

I know a game.

How about red light,
green light?


I'’ll be it.

Red light, green light,

one two three.

Wow, you'’re fast.

I'’ll go again.

Red light, green light,
one two three.

Red light, green light,
one two...

Hello, everyone.

My hat and I
are back at last.

I did it.

The whole time
we were playing,

I didn'’t think about
the stripy box once.

Here you go, Greta.

Your boxes.

Thank you for
watching them.

Well, actually...

I couldn'’t wait and
I opened two of them.

You did?

But you shouldn'’t have opened
them without my permission.

I know, and I'’m sorry.

I'’m trying to
learn how to wait.

Well, I know how hard
it is to wait.

But sometimes,

waiting for a surprise
makes it even more fun

when you finally see
what it is.

May I open the box now,

Yes, you may.

Any special rules?

Nope, go right ahead.

Whoa, look at that.

But there'’s another secret
to this little box.

Pull your streamer
when I say these special words.

Gribbity gree.


Yeah.Love it!


That was
so much fun.

Thanks, Greta.


If you went ahead
and opened the box,

we wouldn'’t have known
the special words.

And we would have missed
the merry-go-ride.

I'’m so glad
I was finally able to wait.

Wheezie, your badge.

Oh, boy.
Look, Zaky, look.

Good going, Wheeze.[CHUCKLES]

Think we waited long enough
for Mom'’s cookies?

Let'’s go see.

Bye, everyone.

Bye. Goodbye.

I wish, I wish

To use this rhyme

To go back home
Until next time

Mm, I smell cookies.

Let'’s get some.

Not till Mom calls.

They'’re probably too hot.

I don'’t know
if I can wait.

Unless we do something.

I know. Let'’s make
a magic surprise box.

Like Greta'’s.

Okay. But what
will we put inside?

Max, Emmy, they'’re ready.



♪ Emmy wished
On a dragon scale♪

♪ And that'’s what started
Dragon Tales♪

♪ They climbed on the backs
Of their dragon friends♪

♪ Now the adventures
Never end♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪