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01x37 - Out With The Garbage/Lights, Camera, Dragons

Posted: 10/03/22 16:13
by bunniefuu

♪ Emmy wished
On a dragon scale♪

♪ And that'’s what started
Dragon Tales♪

♪ Around the room
The dragons flew♪

♪ But Emmy and Max
Knew what to do♪

♪ They climbed on the backs
Of their dragon friends♪

♪ Now the adventures
Never end♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪

♪ There'’s Ord
He'’s the biggest♪

♪ Not so brave of heart♪

♪ There'’s Cassie so shy
But so very smart♪

♪ There'’s Zak and Wheezie
And the tales of fun♪

♪ '’Cause you know two heads
Are better than one♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪


Come on.

Where'’d it go?

Emmy, have you seen
my drum basher?

What'’s a drum basher?

I made it, remember?

It'’s a long stick
with a sponge at the end,

and I bash my drum
with it.

I kind of sort of,

you know, threw it out.



I'’m sorry, Max.

I thought it was garbage.

Anybody could tell
it'’s a drum basher.


Come on.
The dragons are calling us.

Might as well,

since I can'’t play
with my drums now anyway.

I wish, I wish

With all my heart

To fly with dragons
In a land apart


Down the knuckerhole.



Here I come.

Come on, Zak and Wheezie'’s
cave is this way.

My side'’s all clean.

Mine too.But, Wheezie,

Emmy and Max will be here
any second.

We have to clean up
our room.

I just did.

I'’m serious, Wheezie.

Your side is loaded
with garbage.

What garbage?

That garbage.

It'’s everywhere.

Just think how nice
it would look

if the room were
all nice and neat.

That'’s my stuff, Zaky,
not garbage.

And I know exactly
where everything is.

Yeah, if you could just see
what I mean.

Wait a minute.

Hey, Wheezie.

I have a surprise for you.

You do?

But you can'’t look or listen
till I say so.


Is it a new guitar?

I just love
to strum-a-dum-dum.

You'’ll see.

Zak? Wheezie?

We'’re here.

What'’s wrong with Wheezie?

I don'’t want her
to see my surprise.

I got to clean up
her half of the room.

You sure she'’s gonna
like that?

Oh, she'’ll love that.

Who wouldn'’t?



Bye-bye, garbage.

Can I look yet?

Not yet.

Maybe you should ask
Wheezie first.

Yeah, I didn'’t like it when
Emmy threw away my drum basher.

Wait and see.

Wheezie'’s gonna thank me.


Are you sure?

Really sure?



Can I look now?



You love it so much,

you don'’t know what to say,


Where are all my things?

My yarn ball,

and my rock collection,

my tin foil
and my button bracelet?

I miss my button bracelet.

I knew it.
Me too.

Uh, but I only threw away
the junk

that was making a mess.

You threw out

all my beautiful treasures?

Not treasures, junk.

Maybe they'’re still down
in the garbage cave.


No. Not the garbage cave.




It'’s always stinky
in the garbage cave.


Oh, Arlo'’s been here

Who'’s Arlo?

The garbage dragon.

He collects the trash and
takes it to the big dragon dump.

There'’s only one thing to do.

Go back to our nice,
clean room

and play with Emmy and Max.


Go to the dragon dump
and find my stuff.

I'’ve never seen
a dragon dump before.

You'’ll love it,

When I visit,
Arlo always shows me

the cool things
he'’s found.

How far is it?

Not far enough.

Well, you wouldn'’t have
to go at all

if you hadn'’t
thrown out my...


Hang on.


Is everyone okay?

Yeah, just itchy.



I think we landed
on an Itch Fern.

The dust makes you...


Yeah, and how do we get
the itch dust of?

How about with this?

Ugh, a broken paintbrush?

Wheezie, that'’s junk.

It is not.

It'’s beautiful.

And it still works.

Thanks, Wheezie.

Much better.

Guess that brush was
still good for something.

Wow. There'’s gotta be

a gazillion tons
of garbage.

What'’s that big machine?

It'’s Arlo'’s recycling machine.

It sorts out things
that can be used again.

There he is.

Arlo. Arlo.


Well, howdy, Wheezie.
Howdy, Zak.

I'’ll be right along,



Well, well, well.

Now, who are
these younglings?

Our friends,
Emmy and Max.

Hi, Arlo.


Nice to meet you.

Hey, look what I dug up,

To mix up
my dragonberry juice.

It'’s beautiful.

Arlo, I need your help.

Some of my valuable treasure
may be here.

Well, don'’t you go telling me

you accidentally
threw out your stuff.

Well, I didn'’t.

Well, I'’m sorry, Wheezie.

But I already sent
the garbage from your cave

into my little old recycler.

Oh, no.

In here?


Well, that made my day.

My yarn ball.

How can you tell
it'’s yours?

I collected it.
I know it anywhere.

My. Y'’all okay?

Arlo, is it okay if we keep
looking for my tinfoil ball,

my rock collection,

and most of all,
my button bracelet?

Sure, darling.

Holler if you need me.
I'’ll be in my office.

I understand
how you feel, Wheezie.

Don'’t worry,
we'’ll help you.


Are these your rocks,

Nope, mineral smooth.

Like these?

Yes, yes, and yes.

Ooh, welcome back,
little rockies.

Now, all that'’s missing
is your tinfoil ball,

and your button bracelet.

Everything'’s so yucky.

I wanna help you,

but I hate touching trash.

Then use this.

But it'’s just
a broken junky thing.

No, it'’s not.

It'’s a picker-upper.

See? No hands.Uh...

I never thought of that.

Is one of these your tin foil?

No, too big.

Too scrunched.

That'’s it.

Does this mean
we can go home now?

Do I have
my button bracelet?

I'’ll keep looking.

I can'’t believe
we couldn'’t find it.

Guess it'’s gone,

Just like my drum basher
that I loved.

I'’m sorry, Max.


Oh, don'’t cry, Wheezie.

I can'’t...

I can'’t help it, I...

I miss...
I miss my bracelet.


Oh, I'’ll make you
another one.

I'’ll find you all
the buttons you need.

I'’ll dig through every piece
of garbage if I have to.

Look. Here'’s a nice one.

Do you like it?It'’s purple.

I love purple.

Uh, I'’ll find you some more.

Oh, that'’s okay, Zaky.

I'’ll use this one
for starters.

And collect the rest later.

Oh, I'’m sorry I threw out
your stuff, Wheezie.

Really, really sorry.

I know, Zaky.


Bye, Arlo.
We'’re going home.

Oh, did you find all your
buried treasures, Wheezie?

Almost everything.

And Zaky found this.

Can Wheezie keep it?

Why, that'’s right pretty.

Oh, it'’ll look mighty fine
on my bracelet.

I found this here one
in the garbage.

I just can'’t believe anybody
would throw out such a--

Such a fine-looking ornament.

Oh. My button bracelet.

Safe and sound.

Oh, thank goodness.

Is this yours?

Well, bust my bridges.

I should'’ve known.

Here you go, darling.

Thank you, Arlo.

It'’s so pretty,

For you, Arlo.

To start your own
button bracelet.


Why, thank you kindly.

Bye, Arlo.

Y'’all come back soon.
You hear?

I wish, I wish

To use this rhyme

To go back home
Until next time

Guess I can'’t
play my drums.

Well, maybe your drum basher
is still in the wastebasket.






Oh, well.


Hey, where'’d you get that?

Dad said I could use it
If I'’m careful.

Let'’s make a video.

I'’ll be a superhero.

"Stop, evildoer,

or I, Captain Plasma,
will evaporate you."


"You'’re toast."

Hey, why'’d you shut it off?

Because I got
a better idea.

Let'’s go to Dragon Land
and make a dragon video.


I wish, I wish

With all my heart

To fly with dragons
In a land apart



Huh? Max. Emmy.

Meet my new friend.

Uh, where?



I named him Cheddar,

because he loves cheese.


He'’s cute.

A dragon mouse.

He can be in my video.

I wanna be in it too.

Sorry, Max, you can'’t.

Why not?

Because my video
is about dragons,

not kids.


Come on, Ord.

Say something into the camera.

You want me
to say something?

Right now?


I don'’t know
what to say.

Well, then do something.

I don'’t know what to do.

Where are you going?

Now I can call my video

"The Great Dragon Mouse

And you can be the star, Ord.

Lights, camera,



What does that mean?

It means, let'’s go find
that dragon mouse.



I say him going
to that knuckerhole.


Love it!

What'’s that?

It'’s my dad'’s video camera.

I'’m taping you right now.

Ooh. I just love
being in videos.

They'’re so...



Wheezie, you'’re making us
look silly.

Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad.

It'’s me, Zak.

Hey, did you two
see Cheddar?

Who cares about cheese,

You'’re interrupting my scene.[BLOWS RASPBERRY]

I'’m not talking
about cheese.

I'’m looking for my dragon mouse,

He ran into
that knuckerhole.

So that'’s who scared Zak.

He zipped right under our feet.
Nearly tripped me.

Oh, I'’ll never find him
in here.


I know just what
this video needs.

A detective.

Me, me, me.

I wanna be the detective.

What'’s all the excitement?

I'’m looking for
my dragon mouse.

And I'’m making
a video about it,

called "The Great
Dragon Mouse Mystery."

And Emmy needs a detective
for the video, and--

You'’d be perfect
for the part, Cassie.


Wh-- What do I
have to do?

Can I borrow some costume
stuff from you, Ord?

I guess.

This is perfect.

Now, just start looking
for the dragon mouse

while I tape you.

It'’s not fair.



Be back in a sec.

What'’s wrong?

You don'’t want me
to be in your video.

But I told you,
it'’s about dragons.


You know what my video
does need?


Extra special
dragon sound effects.

Will you help?

Alright, Cassie,
you lead the others

in search
for the dragon mouse.


What kind of dragon sounds
do you want me to make, Emmy?


Right now,
they'’re looking silently.

So make silent sounds.


Hey. How can I make
silent sounds?

That'’s no sounds.



Mm. Something smells good.


There goes Cheddar.

Great. Follow him.


Hola, ratón.

Cómo estás?


Hungry, eh?

ORD: Cheddar.No.

It'’s tuna fish.


No, no, no.
Cheddar'’s the name of the mouse.

He'’s Ord'’s pet,
but he ran away.



And now he'’s run away
with my sandwich.

This is great.

Now, Detective Cassie
can find Ord'’s mouse

and Quetzal'’s sandwich.

My video'’s gonna be

But first we need
some dramatic dragon music.

If I can'’t be
in your video,

can I help you
make the music?

Sorry, Max,

my video needs
real dragon music.


We can make
real dragon music.

Can'’t we, Wheezie?

Of course. We'’re dragons.



I don'’t wanna help you make
your dragon video anymore.


She never lets me do
anything I wanna do.

How do you like to help me
make another sandwich, Max?

Anything would be better
than doing nothing

on any stupid video.

Okay, then.

I hope you have
a big appetite,

because we are going to make
one monster of a sandwich.


The great dragon detective
flew over Dragon Land

in search of the little
dragon mouse.

He has to be
down there somewhere.


Mm. I smell ham.

And cheese.

And lettuce.

And tomato.


And it'’s all coming
from the School in the Sky.

Let'’s go back.

We can'’t stop now.

We have to finish my video.

And you have to find
your pet dragon mouse.

Oh, yeah.

Poor little Cheddar.

Where could it be?











My wings are getting tired.

So are my lips.



And I'’m getting hungry.


Ord. Come back.

Come on, Cassie,
you'’re the detective.

Find the dragon mouse.

Uh, actually, Emmy,

all this flying
has made me kind of hungry too.

Why don'’t you come
and have a snack with us?

I can'’t. I gotta finish
my video.

Okay. See you.

But... But...


At least my video
will still have music.

Won'’t it?

Sure, it will.

Right after lunch.


MAX: More cheese.ORD: I like olives.

No jalapeños, please.


Hi, Emmy.

You'’re just in time
for a sandwich.

But doesn'’t anyone
wanna finish the video?

Maybe later.Let'’s eat first.

You said it.

No one wants
to help me anymore.

Not even Max.


Did you ask Max
how he wanted to help?

Well, I told him
I wanted him to...

I mean,
I said I'’d let him...


I guess I didn'’t really
think about what he wanted,

did I?

I'’m sorry, Max.

You can be in my video.

But I'’m not a dragon.

You don'’t have to be one.

I'’m making
a new video now.

And it'’s called, um...

"Max and the Giant Sandwich."

And you'’re the star.

If you wanna be.


I'’m Captain Submarine
of the Sandwich Patrol.

And you'’re toast.



I wish, I wish

To use this rhyme

To go back home
Until next time

Thanks for letting me
be in your video, Emmy.

No problem, Maxito.

I guess I better give
the camera back to Dad.

Wait. I have a great idea
for another video.

It'’s called...

"The tickle monster
that att*cked Emmy."


Ah! Max, no!


♪ Emmy wished
On a dragon scale♪

♪ And that'’s what started
Dragon Tales♪

♪ They climbed on the backs
Of their dragon friends♪

♪ Now the adventures
Never end♪

♪ Dragon Tales
Dragon Tales♪

♪ It'’s almost time
For Dragon Tales♪

♪ Come along
And take my hand♪

♪ Let'’s all go
To Dragon Land♪