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01x04 - The Berenstain Bears and the Trouble With Pets / The Sitter

Posted: 09/28/22 08:58
by bunniefuu
♪ Somewhere deep
in bear country ♪

♪ Lives the berenstain
bear family ♪

♪ They're kinda furry
around the torso ♪

♪ They're a lot like people,
only more so ♪

♪ The bare fact is that ♪

♪ They're just like
you and me ♪

♪ The only difference
is they live in a tree ♪

♪ The berenstain bears ♪

♪ When things go wrong,
as things might do ♪

♪ The berenstain bears
will find a way through ♪

♪ Mama, papa,
sister and brother ♪

♪ They'll always be there
for each other ♪

♪ The bare fact is that
they can be sweet as honey ♪

♪ Sometimes you'll find,
they might be just plain funny ♪

♪ The berenstain bears ♪

♪ The berenstain bears ♪

[ Mama ]: cubs don't expect
the big job they will get

When they jump up and down
and beg for a pet.

Is it all better?

As good as new.

So long, chirpy.
I'm going to miss you.

I wish we could've
kept him.

Nobody else has to
let their pets go.

Chirpy wasn't a pet,
not a real pet.

He belongs back in the wild,
where we first found him.

Then I want to get
a real pet.

All the other cubs
in the neighbourhood have one.

I don't know. Owning a pet
is a big responsibility.

But we took good
care of chirpy.

We built that really
nice nest for him

With grass and
dandelion fluff.

I even read him bedtime stories.

It's hard to find
better care than that.

[ Cubs ]:

Oh, all right.
Okay, then.


Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

A horse?

We can ride
it to school.

Whoa! Nobody said
anything about a horse.

A horse would need
a fenced corral

With lots of room to run.

Our yard's just too small.

And do you know
how much a horse eats?

More oats than I can afford.

We'll choose a pet carefully.
One that's right for our family.

And my

Why don't you give it
some more thought,

And let us know
what you come up with?

[ Cubs ]:

Ahh! Eww!

[ Laughing ]


And did you see how far
its tongue came out?

See it?

I felt it when it
touched my fingers!

It was gross.

What about a turtle, then?
They're cool.

And they come with a free house.

They do?

Sure. You know, their shells.

Turtles are too...
Well, turtley.


I want something
that's warm and cuddly.

If you want something
warm and cuddly,

Why don't you just
get your old blankie?

Well, if you want a pet

That's cold and slimey,
you should get some slime!

What's all the commotion about?

None of the pets that sister
wants are any fun!

All the pets that brother
wants are too weird!

They are not!
Are too!

Now settle down.
We'll go to the pet store.

Maybe they'll have something
there you can both agree on.

The pet
store, ok?

[ Mama ]:
now remember, cubs...

[ Cubs ]:
we know!

[ Brother ]:
nothing that eats bugs...

[ Chuckling ]
or smells bad!


What's farmer ben doing?

It looks like his chickens
are on the loose.

Let's give him a hand.

Ugh. Come back here!

Uh... Heel!

Uh, oh boy. Uh...sit!


Farmer ben must be trying
to train his chickens.

[ Barking ]


Oh, they're so cute!

Oh... These pups...

[ Chuckling ]
are getting to be...

Quite a-- a handful.

I'm going to have to put
an ad in the paper.

To see if I can
find them good homes.

[ Laughing ]

Can we have one? Please?

Mmm... I don't know.

think about it.

What do we have to think about?

Well, for one thing,

There are the vet bills
to consider.

Not to mention dog
tags and licenses.

All of that
costs money.

We can save up our allowance
money to help pay for it.

Oh, ho, ho, my.

It is kind of cute.

We'll take it.

Yay! We're getting a puppy!

Let's call him prince.

[ Chuckling ]
that's a fine name
for a boy dog,

But I'm afraid the one
you're holding is a little lady.

Maybe that's we should
call her -- little lady.

Wait till you see
your new house.

You're really
going to like it.

And this is where
we keep all our toys.


Let's see if I can find you
a ball to play with.

[ Sniffing ]

[ Whining ]

You like it when I rub
your tummy, don't you?

You like it even better

When I scratch your
ears, don't you?

You can scratch her ears after
I take her outside for a walk.

No, I already told her
I was taking her out.

Okay, but when you get back,
I'm playing with her.

First, we're gonna teach her
how to fetch a ball

And jump
through a hoop,

Then, we'll take her
to the playground

And show her how
to go down a slide.


Where is she?

I don't know, but
I bet sister does.

[ Barking ]

You're just the cutest puppy.

Yes you are.

What do you think
you're doing?

[ Barking happily ]

I'm taking lady over
to lizzie's house

It's my turn
to look after her.

Your turn? You've already had
way more turns than I have.

I have not!
Have too!

[ Barking ]

Nice going.
Now jump through the hoop.

Way to go,

[ Cousin fred ]:
she sure is a fast learner.

What did I tell you?
She's amazing!

Go get it, little lady!

That a girl. You can do it.

Where's she going?

Hello, little lady... You're
just in time for morning tea.

I'm trying to train her
for the dog show.

Well, you can do that
after our tea party.

Besides, you've been playing
with her all morning.

It's my turn now.


I'll be right
back, lady.

Uh-oh, our soccer game
starts in minutes.

Soccer game?
I forgot all about it.

I'm going home to
get my shin pads.

I'll meet you there.

It turns out, you and lady can
have your tea party after all.

That's okay, you go ahead
and train her for the dog show.

No... I have to play soccer.
The team really needs me.

But that was
lizzie on the phone.

She invited me to go
to a movie with her.

Before anyone goes anywhere,

Lady left something
on the porch.

Oh... Again.

It's going to have to be cleaned
up before somebody steps in it.

What? Hey, don't
look at me.

It's not
my turn.

Well, don't look at me.

I cleaned up her
accident yesterday.

It's your turn!

it's your turn!

I know how we can settle it.

Heads, it's my turn;
tails, it's yours.

Have fun.

Best two out of three!

That's what I thought, too.

Good play!

Go brother! Yeah!




What are you
doing here?

What am I doing here?
What are you doing here?

You're supposed
to be looking after lady.

No I'm not.
I won the coin toss, remember?

That was for cleaning up
her accident.

It was for cleaning up her
accident and looking after her.

No it wasn't.
Yes it was.

Well, if we aren't looking
after her, who is?

[ Growling ]

No, lady!

[ Smashing ]

[ Barking ]

This isn't good.

[ Mama ]:

[Papa] :

Oh! The sofa!

My chair!

[ Dog whining ]

[ Brother ]:
maybe we should've asked
for a goldfish instead.

At least we wouldn't have
gotten it into so much trouble.

[ Sister ]:
it's not fair to little lady.

We should be the ones
out in the doghouse.

[ Papa ]:
this vase is in more pieces
than a jigsaw puzzle.

What could have possibly gotten
into her to do such a thing?

We know what got into her.

What do
you mean?

We weren't exactly
looking after her

When she got into trouble.

You weren't looking after her?

She didn't get outside for
any exercise all afternoon.

Not even a walk.

That's why she wrecked
the living room.

She was just trying
to have some fun.

[ Mama ]:
looking after a puppy

Is a
round-the-clock job.

It isn't something
you can just put off

Until later,
when it's more convenient.

We're sorry.

I guess we aren't very
good puppy owners.

[ Papa ]:
maybe you can
make it up to her.

How about giving
her a little snack

When you bring her back in?

We can bring her
back inside?

You mean it?

After hearing what
really happened,

I think she deserves
another chance.

Come on, sis,
let's go tell her the good news!

[ Sniffing ]


Not again!

You'd better go get the scooper.

Me? It's
your turn.

No it's not.
Yes it is.

I know. Why don't we
both clean it up?


[ Brother ]: mama and papa
are going out.

[ Sister ]: gramps
and gran are, too.

[ Brother ]:
who will stay at home with us?

[ Cubs ]:
not just anyone will do.

[ Laughing ]

Okay, sis! Get ready!


It's out of the park!
A home run for brother bear!

[ Imitating crowd cheering ]

Aren't you going to go
and get it?

Hey, I just hit them,
I don't fetch them.

it's your ball.

Actually, it was your ball.

My ball? You mean the one
signed by bear ruth?


What are we waiting for?
Come on!

Shouldn't we ask
mrs. Grizzle first?

Nah. Then we'd have
to go all the way around.


Mrs. Grizzle isn't
going to like that.

Let's just find the ball
and get out of here.

It's got to be
in here somewhere.

You look over there,
I'll look over here.




Who's there?

[ Sister ]:
huh, mrs. Grizzle.

Now what do we do?

Run for it!




Let's get out
of here!

"In conclusion,
i, papa q. Bear,"

"Demand that all of you,"

"As elected members
of our town council,"

"Act now to reverse
this outrageous,"

"Short-sighted decision."

Is it really serious

If they stop serving coffee
and donuts, dear?

They're refreshments.

And a bear needs to be refreshed
at these endless meetings.

Did you say you're
going to a meeting?

That's right.

Oh, when are gramps and gran
coming over to look after us?

[ Mama ]:
I'm afraid they're going to
the meeting, too.

So are aunt maude
and cousin wilbur.

I had to arrange
for a new sitter.

Mrs. Grizzle.

[ Cubs ]:
mrs. Grizzle?

What's wrong with mrs. Grizzle?

Well, uh... Nothing's
wrong with her.

It's... It's just that she's
never looked after us before.

What if she doesn't know how?

Oh, I think she's
quite capable.

Mrs. Grizzle has raised
seven cubs of her own.

You can't get better
qualifications than that.

[ Knocking ]

[ Mama ]:
oh, there she is now.

If she sees us, we're goners!

I know.

Evening, all.

Hello, mrs. Grizzle.
Come right in.

I don't know where
the cubs got to.

They were here a minute ago.

[ Mrs. Grizzle ]:
oh, I'll find them.

Now you two better skedaddle off
to your meeting.

We'll try not
to be too late.

Oh, don't worry about us.
We'll be just fine.

So long.

Have a nice time, now.

Hello, brother and sister.


Oh, it's so nice to see
young folks reading.

Now then, who'd like to help me
make a tasty treat?

Uh, I'm not very hungry.

Me neither.

Oh, well, I'll go ahead
and make something anyway.

Maybe you'll be hungry later on.

That was a close one.

Now what
do we do?

Let's go upstairs.

She won't bother climbing
all those steps.

[ Laughing ]

Sorry about that, sis.

[ Laughing ]

Apology accepted.

[ Mrs. Grizzle ]:


She's coming!
Hurry, get the lights!

[ Knocking ]


Oh, gone to bed so early?

It's only : .

Uh, we're really tired.

We like going
to bed early.


I guess you'll have to eat

These cookies tomorrow --
good night, then.

[ Cubs ]:

[ Sniffing ]

[ Sighing ]

Aw, honeycomb, oatmeal,
chocolate chip...

I know.
I can almost taste them.

We'll have to wait
until tomorrow.

I guess so.

If she saw who we were,

She wouldn't give us
a cookie anyway.

Not after what we did.

You've got that right.

She'd be really mad.

"Hey! You're those cubs
that wrecked my flowers! Grrr!"

"And soaked me with
the sprinkler!"

[ Piano playing ]

She's playing
the piano.

In the
living room.


And the cookies
are in the kitchen.



They'd be even better
with a glass of milk.

[ Brother ]:



Well, look who's out of bed.

Don't worry about a
little spilled milk.

I'll get a mop and
clean that up in a jiffy.

She didn't recognize us.

I know.

Maybe she couldn't get
a good look at us

With that water sprinkler
spraying in her face.

The issue of plugged sewers

Is of great concern
to our town council,

And I can assure you

That we will reach a decision
on that matter

At the
appropriate time.

It looks like this
is your chance.

[ Clearing throat ]

Last month, the town council

Approved a new garbage dump
right behind my house!

I want to know
whose idea that was!

Can you believe that?

Some folks will complain
about anything!

[ Mrs. Grizzle ]: now then,
who wants to play a game?

We have go fish,
dominoes and tiddlywinks.

Tiddlywinks? What's that?

Well, here, I'll show you.

These are the winks.

You just press
the edge with the tiddly and...

[ Giggling ]
nice shot, mrs. Grizzle!

Nothing but net...
I mean shell.

[ Laughing ]

I want to try!

Me too!

Five minutes to :

And not a chance
to get a word in edgewise.

I'd better phone
home and see

How the cubs
are doing.

[ Councillor ]:
the issue of cranberry bog

Is of great concern
to our town council,

And I can assure you that
we will reach a decision

On the matter
at the appropriate time.

[ Brother ]: woohoo!
We did it!

[ Sister ]: we used
all the dominoes!

It's the empire bear building,

Tallest building in
all of bear country.

[ Kettle whistling ]

Oh, there's
my tea kettle calling.

Mrs. Grizzle
is nice.

She's really nice.

It makes me feel even worse
about not telling her.

Me too.

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

How would you two like
a cup of hot chocolate?

Ohh... Look at the long faces.

You'd think I was serving up
cod-liver oil!

You don't like
hot chocolate?

It's not that.

It's just that...


We have to apologize
about something.

We're the ones who
wrecked your flowers.

And knocked over
your scarecrow.

And sprayed you
with the sprinkler.

I'm sorry.

Me too.

You know, that reminds me.

You'll be wanting this,
won't you?

My bear ruth ball!

I thought you might
want it back.

That's quite a collectors item.

You mean you knew it was us?

Of course.

I know all the cubs
in the neighbourhood.

And you're not mad?

Oh, ho, ho!

No one likes a cold shower,
but I got over it.

Once I found your ball,
I figured out what was going on.

It was
an accident.

sure it was.

We can help you
replant the flowers.

And fix your
scarecrow, too.

It's a deal.

[ Clearing throat ]

Rising taxes are a great
concern to our town council,

And I can assure you
that we will reach a decision

On the matter
at the appropriate time.

[ Clearing throat ]

As I was trying
to say earlier,

It has come to my attention
that the town council has taken

The regretful step of--

I couldn't get
an answer at home.

I'm worried that
something's wrong.

Let me assure you, gentlemen,
you haven't heard the last

Of papa q. Bear!

[ Mrs. Grizzle ]
...and over there is
the constellation ursa minor,

The little bear.

Hey, how about that, sis?

There's a big bear
and a little bear.

[ Mama ]:
there you are.

[ Brother ]:
mama! Papa!

Mrs. Grizzle is showing us
some constellations!

And before that,

We played a whole
bunch of new games!

Mrs. Grizzle says I'm going to
be the next tiddlywinks champ.

That's my girl.

It looks like we rushed home
early for nothing, dear.

I suppose we
could go back.

Would that be all right
with you, mrs. Grizzle?

It's fine by me.

I was looking forward
to telling the cubs

A bedtime story.

I can't wait!

Come on, mrs. Grizzle,

It's time
to tuck us in.

I'm coming! I'm coming!

See you folks later.

mrs. Grizzle.

Good night, cubs.

[ Cubs ]:
good night!

Well dear,
shall we be going?

[ Yawning ]
you know...

I'm so tired, I forgot what
I was all fired up about.


What do you say we get
a couple of chairs,

Set them under the cubs' window

And listen to mrs. Grizzle's
bedtime story?

I think that's
a fine idea.