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01x01 - The Berenstain Bears Trouble at School / Visit the Dentist

Posted: 09/28/22 08:41
by bunniefuu
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♪ Somewhere deep
in bear country ♪

♪ Lives the berenstain
bear family ♪

♪ They're kind of furry
around the torso ♪

♪ They're a lot like people,
only more so ♪

♪ The bare fact is that ♪

♪ They're just like
you and me ♪

♪ The only difference
is they live ♪

♪ In a tree ♪

♪ The berenstain bears ♪

♪ When things go wrong,
as things might do ♪

♪ The berenstain bears
will find a way through ♪

♪ Mama, papa,
sister and brother ♪

♪ They'll always be there
for each other ♪

♪ The bare fact is that
they can be sweet as honey ♪

♪ Sometimes, you'll find,
they might be just plain funny ♪

♪ The berenstain bears ♪

♪ The berenstain bears ♪

[ Brother ]:
when a problem at

School is kept
secret too long,

It can grow
till a cub thinks

That everything
is wrong.

Bye. See you tomorrow.

Hi, mama.

Hello, dear.

How was
your day today?

Great. How was brother's?

He's feeling a lot better.

Tomorrow he should be back
at school again.

Teacher bob sent home another
work sheet for him to do.

[ Brother ]:
mama, can you get me

Another pillow,

I'll get it for him, mama.

Thank you,

Bearannosaurus rex,

The fiercest
dinosaur that ever lived.

[ Coughing ]

Oh, hi, sister.

Feeling better?

Not bad.

What are
you doing?

Making mount mesozoic.

[ Coughing ]

Mount mesozoic?

That's where bearannosaurus rex
and tribearatops square off

For the ultimate
jurassic showdown.

[ Growling and snarling ]

Here's another
work sheet.

Great. Thanks.

Aren't you going to do it?

Not right now.

You haven't even started the one
I brought you on monday.

Boy, are
you behind.

I'll do them when
I'm feeling better, ok?

[ Coughing ]

You see?
I'm still sick.

[ Growling and snarling ]

If you can
hold a dinosaur,

You can
hold a pencil.

[ Tv ]:
it's currently


Oh, boy!
The bear stooges.

[ Laughing ]

hi, lenny.

you're alive.

Yup. Alive and kicking.

The team
sure missed you.

Yeah? Same here.
So, what else is new?

Just the math we're studying.

Did you get those work sheets
figured out?

I haven't looked at them yet.
So I'll check them out tonight.

But today's
the test.

The test?

But before you do that,

You have to divide the numerator
by the denominator, ok?

Ok, ok.

Which one's
that, again?

The number on the
bottom. Have you got it?

If you'll all take your seats,

We can get started
on the math test.

Please remember to show me all
your calculations in the margin.

[ Groaning ]

Well done, fred.

All right.

Great effort, lenny.

I got perfect.
How'd you do?

I only got
two wrong.

[ Bell ringing ]

Ok. Class dismissed.

Bye, sir.

Bye. I'll see you tomorrow.

Uh-oh. This can't be good.

I'm afraid
it isn't, brother.


Didn't you do the work sheets
I sent home with your sister?

I was pretty sick.

[ Coughing ]

It took a lot out of me,
that flu bug.


But I think I'm going
to be okay now.

And I can't wait to get
those work sheets done.

I'm glad
to hear that.

Well, I guess I'd better
catch the bus.

Oh, one
more thing:

Please have your parents
sign that test,

And bring it back
to me tomorrow.

Yes, sir.

Ohh, even the flu
doesn't feel this bad.

How was your
day at school?

We, uh--
we had a math test today and--

[ Coughing ]

I don't feel very good, mama.

Oh, dear.

[ Papa ]:
I don't like the sound of that.

[ Mama ]:

You're running a

I think
I caught brother's cold.

Yes, that doesn't
surprise me.

And now, what were
you saying, son?

Oh, uh--

It was nothing, really.

Sister's more important
right now.

Here, sis.
Let me carry your stuff.

Um, thank you.

[ Coughing ]

And I'll
carry you.

I'll put on some
chicken soup.

[ Groaning ]


Didn't you do
the work sheets?

You didn't even
do the work sheet

I brought home
on monday.

Boy, are
you behind.


Please have
your parents

Sign the test,
and bring

It back
in the morning.


[ Groaning ]

Something wrong with
your honey numbers, son?

Oh, no, i--

I was just, uh,
thinking about something.

Will you look at this now,

[ Papa ]:
all right.

Let's see what
we've got here.

[ Coughing ]

What does it say?

It says you still
have a fever.

Looks like
you'd better

Stay home today.

[ Coughing ]

You know,
I think

I might
still be sick.

Oh, I feel hot.

Maybe I should
stay home, too.

You feel perfectly fine.

But what about
this cough?

[ Coughing ]

Ooh, that's
not good.

You'll probably have that
for a few more days.

I put a roll of cough drops
in your book bag.

You did?

[ Mama ]:
yes, in the outside pocket.

Oh, right.
Okay, thanks.

[ Clock chiming ]

better hurry

Or you're going
to miss the bus.

You don't want

To forget your book bag.

Don't want to forget that.

I just won't go to school.

I won't give my test back
to the teacher.

It's not my fault I was sick.

Phooey on school!

Phooey on math!

Phooey on everything!

Oh, no.
What am I supposed to do now?

I can't go to school,
and I can't go home.


[ Knocking ]

[ Gran ]:

I'm in trouble, gran.

[ Gran ]:
heh-heh-heh, dear me.

This paper has more
wrinkles than I do.

Well, that's about
the best I can do.

It looks way better
than it did.

Aw, but it still has
a big, fat zero on it.

Oh, now, don't
be too hard

On yourself, brother.

You're a smart cub.
I know that.

Well, I feel pretty
dumb today.

Did you ever get zero
on a test, gramps?

Hmm, can't say
that I have.


Now, that's
not to say

I haven't made some
mistakes in my day.

In fact, I've made
some real doozies.

You have? Like what?

Let's go for a walk.
I want to show you something.

[ Brother ]:

That was your wagon,

[ Gramps ]:
yes, it happened

A long time ago.

Instead of going around
the bog,

I had a notion to go
right through the middle.

Couldn't you just
turn around?

Well, yes.

But for one reason or another,
I kept on going.

And the farther I went,
the deeper it sank.

Finally, the wagon was in
so deep it wouldn't budge.

By that time,
I was too ashamed of myself

To ask someone
for help.


I dare say that math test
has you feeling

The same way I felt
that day.

for sure.

Except I'm in
over my head, gramps.

Oh, now,
I wouldn't say that.

Have you tried
turning things around?

Well, not really.

Well, then, you're not
in too deep yet.

Come on.

I told you it was pretty bad.

Pretty bad?

Can it get any
worse than zero?

Well, it can get worse when
you don't tell your parents

And don't get on
the school bus.

That's for sure.

[ Mama ]:
you should have come

To us
right away.

I know, I'm sorry.

At least you're coming
to us now.

Better late than never,
I always say.

of which,

We better get
you to school.

Come on, son.

Thanks, gramps.

Any time.

Your wagon wasn't
stuck too badly.

You just needed
a little push.

And don't forget

To give this
to teacher bob.

Don't worry, mama.

See you later.

all done.

Now you've
got it, brother!

Good work.

What are you doing, brother?

The soccer game
started ten minutes ago.

I'll be out later.

I want to finish these last
two work sheets first.

Work sheets?
Instead of soccer?

Are you feeling okay?

Oh, yes.

I'm feeling a lot better,
the best I've felt in days.

[ Sister ]:
taking care of their teeth

Is what bears
like to do.

They brush them and floss them
and visit the dentist, too.

[ Yawning ]


[ Gasping ]

Brother, wake up!

Wake up!

I have a "looth" tooth.


Well, you'd better hope
it comes out soon,

Or mama will take you
to the dentist.

[ Gasping ]

How come?

So he can yank it out
with a big pair of yankers!

Ohh, I can't let mama find out
about my "looth" tooth.

There you go: toast for two.

Thanks, mama.
Thank you.

Could you "path" me--

[ Gasping ]

I mean, could you hand me
the jam, please.

Would you like some
strawberry jam for your toast?

Or the raspberry jam?

Um, that one.


the matter?

My tooth "feelth" funny
when I bite into my "toatht".

I didn't know
that many gooey gums

Would fit into one bag.

Well, this way,

I'll have enough
to last a while.

A while?

You'll have enough
to last until next year.

[ Laughing ]


What's wrong?
I thought you liked gooey gums.

I do.

It's my tooth.
It hurts.

Maybe you have a cavity.

You think so?

It's no big deal.

I had one
last spring.

Dr. Bearson
will just

Drill it
and fill it.

Ohh, drill it?
You mean with a real drill?

Heh-heh, sure.

You wouldn't want
him to use his toy drill, right?

Oh, right.

I was just thinking, um--

If you don't
want those now--




[ Sister ]:
I keep wiggling it

With my tongue,
but it won't come out.

That is so cool.

I can't wait
to get a loose tooth.

That's what
I thought, too.

Until I found out about
dr. "Bearthon'th" "yankerth".


You know, "yankerth".

"That'th" how he "takth" out
"looth" teeth.


What's wrong?

My tongue "ith" "thore"
from "puthing" on my tooth.

I just "with"
it would come out.



I could use an
extra pair of hands.

Have you got a moment?



I thought
this log

Would make a
terrific birdhouse.

Give that handle
a crank, son.


How's that?


Now, where did I put
that drill?


We need to
make a hole

For the birds
to go inside.

There it is.

Why hire a woodpecker when
you've got one of these?

Here goes!

This wood is tough stuff!

Whew, just imagine
how strong teeth must be.

Why do you
say that?

Oh, ho-ho!
Take a look at that end.

A beaver chewed it
right off.


Who wants a treat?

Oatmeal chewies!

You haven't baked those
in ages, honey.

Yes, and you'd better
have one now, dear.

You know how the cubs
gobble these up.


Sweet and chewy.

Actually, I'm not really
very hungry.

Me, neither.

Neither one of them want
an oatmeal chewy?

I wonder what's wrong
with them.

Not a thing wrong with them.


I'm not talking about
the squares, silly.

I mean, with the cubs.


Sister, could you
come here for a minute?

Yes, mama?

I've never seen the
two of you

Turn down
oatmeal chewies before.

Well, ah...

I had a pretty
big breakfast.

Me, too--
I had a big bowl of "thereal",

A "piethe" of "toatht",
a "glath" of "juithe" and--



Something sounds funny
about that excuse.

[ Sighing ]

I have a "looth" tooth.

Ohh, so you do!
Your first one.

Sister's losing
her first tooth?

I want to
see this.

Would you look
at that!

Losing your baby teeth is a sign
that you're growing up.

It "ith"?

Before you know it,

You'll have a new,
grown-up tooth in its place.

But I don't want
dr. "Bearthon"

To yank it out with
"with" big "yankerth".

Big yankers?
Who told you that?

[ Brother ]:

I was only kidding.
I didn't think she'd believe me.

Sorry, sis.

Dr. Bearson isn't going to yank
out your tooth with yankers.

Your tooth will fall out
all on its own.

I bet that's a relief,
huh, sis?

Well, I'm, ah, going over to
freddy's for a while.

[ Mama ]:
not so fast.

Sister's loose tooth
doesn't explain

Why you didn't want
any oatmeal chewies.

Yes, you usually eat two or
three at at time.

I had a little toothache

But it's feeling much--

Better now.


How long have you had
this toothache?

this morning

When I was eating
a gooey gum.

More gooey gums?

No wonder you
have a toothache.

They're so sweet

That even yours
truly, papa bear,

eat one.

I'd better phone dr. Bearson
and make an appointment

Right away.

Uh, maybe we should
come back another time.

We'll do no such thing.
Dr. Bearson is expecting us.

Besides, your toothache will
only get worse

If it isn't taken care of.

[ Dr. Bearson ]:

Right this way, please.

Okay, ah, yes.
There it is.

You have
a small cavity.

I do?

Nothing to worry about,

So it'll go away
on its own?

A cavity doesn't go away.

It's a hole in your tooth

That will keep getting bigger
if it's not looked after.

Does that mean
I have to have a filling?

a small filling.

Oh, well, if it's small,

Maybe you won't have to use
the drill, right?

Oh, I'll still need to
use the drill.

[ Brother ]:
that's the drill?

that's it.

It's just little.

That's because
teeth are little.

[ Knocking ]

What are you doing here?

[ Dr. Bearson ]:
hello, there.


That's my sister.

I'm just looking.

Well, step in
so you can see better.

What are you doing now?

I'm using a polishing tip,

So I can make brother's
new filling nice and smooth.


And this tool sprays water.

My job isn't done until
I've cleaned up my work area.

What's that for?

It's a
suction tube

To take
away saliva.

It's a spit sucker!

here you go.

Swish some water around in your
mouth, and you're all finished.

Are you brushing your teeth
after every meal?

I have a "looth" tooth.

So you do.
A central incisor.

My, my.
Barely hanging on.

I know. I hope
it "fallth" out "thoon".

"It'th" hard to eat,
and my tongue

"Hurth" from
"puthing" on it.

Would you like to have
a seat in the chair?

I'll take a look at it?

Go for it, sis.

Oh, my.

You aren't going to
yank my tooth out

With the "yankerth",
are you?

You mean this tooth?

My tooth!
It's gone!

It was
so loose,

It nearly fell
out by itself.

Well, that
was a cinch.

Thanks, dr. Bearson.

You're most welcome.

Can I have a balloon, too?

Or how about
a brand new toothbrush?

I think I want a balloon.

Heh-heh-heh, yes.
That's what I'd pick, too.

And he gave me
my tooth to take home.

You'd better
make sure you

Put that under your
pillow tonight.


For the tooth fairy, of course.

No way.

"Thith" "ith"
my "firth" tooth.

I'm keeping it.

[ Laughing ]