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10x14 - Rabbits Leap Higher on Moonlit Nights

Posted: 09/24/22 16:51
by bunniefuu
Watch the Silver Soul arc in a bright room and at a safe distance from the TV!!!

Could you take me with you?

Let me join your quest to exact revenge on this country!

It's a pitiful story.

I hear countless innocent people like her are being imprisoned.

What are they doing, when they have other evildoers to round up?

Release those men.

What you need to do isn't point that dagger at me.

Get your revenge with your own hands.

Country or universe, there's no difference.

Either way, he will definitely stand in my way.

Unless I take him out, I can take neither country nor universe!

It seems you weren't lying when you said you had a countermeasure.

An inventor's job is to create contradictions.

If we're told to build an unbreakable shield, we first build the only unstoppable spear that can break it before comprehending and completing the shield.

We can only distract the enemy for so long...

Worry not, Takechi. They won't be needed here.

More importantly, Senpai, how's the Flame of Kagutsuchi analysis going?

Everything's fine on that end.

Even if it's a w*apon that can erase a planet, it's based on old technology.

There are exploits we can use.


Even if we stop the Flame of Kagutsuchi, should Earth yield to its threat and take down that barrier, everything will have been in vain.

Give it a rest!

What are you guys, Kintaro candy?!

Before I cut down all you similar-looking idiots, Earth will be destroyed!

Damn it!

We don't have time for this!

Gengai-san is...

Can we really even trust her instincts?

Hey, you listenin' to me?

Gin-chan, take care of things here!

Wait, Kagura!


Within all the bloodlust on the b*ttlefield, I sense one extraordinary presence... I sense Yato! That numskull!

What does she think she can do alone?

Gin-san, we must hurry and go after her!



What is that?

Is that the Liberation Army's...

No way...

Run away!

Run where?!

Gintama Silver Soul I-It's over...

HQ has commenced its attack on Earth!

If that were actually the Flame of Kagutsuchi, we would be space dust already.

It's more likely that was a ship that got too close to Earth and ended up devoured by the nanomachine virus.

So, Gengai, how are the contents of this box used?

In that box are nanomachines that are the only things capable of destroying the bees.

But the machines that can launch them are unusable right now, so we'll need a ton of expl*sives to do it.

We'll gradually spread the nanomachines using multiple explosions.

It'll take time, but that's the only way.

All that said, I'm amazed you made up your mind to help us.

Stopping the bees and getting overrun is better than having Earth destroyed.

At least it gives us a fighting chance.

On top of that, you guys say you'll take that prince's head...


I don't recall guaranteeing anything of the sort.

Gengai, I know torturing you is pointless.

That's because you're more afraid of defeat than death.

But you people lost.

So it doesn't matter anymore if you die, right?

You're wrong there.

I really can't stand pain.

All it would've taken is a kick up my backside for me to help you like this.

But of course, I'm talking about helping you gather expl*sives, not destroy the bees.

Those things explode easily if they're raised to body temperature.

You little...



It seems I played right into your hands.

Old Man Gengai!

Why is a Yato here?

You can't be on their side, surely?

How amusing.

I didn't expect to find one of my own trying to commit su1c1de with this planet.

Stop this stupid w*r already.

If Earth blows up, you'll all die with it!

No matter how much you hurt yourself to save the Earthlings, as a Yato, you no longer have a place here.

Cast aside by both Earthlings and brethren, you will die all alone in space.


Y-You bastard!

Oh, she has brethren right here.

"Let's go home to that planet one day." It wasn't just one idiot who made that promise.

There's another idiot right here.

Silver Soul Arc Rabbits Leap Higher on Moonlit Nights Oh, she has brethren right here.

"Let's go home to that planet one day." It wasn't just one idiot who made that promise.

There's another idiot right here.


And the pitiful subordinates who have to go along with that idiot are here, too.

This little bunny is our brethren.

If you want a fight, the th Division will gladly take you on.

The Harusame's Yato unit?

What are the remnants of that dead pirate fleet doing here?


Pirates will never die.

Any time order comes into being, it will always be accompanied by chaos.

Any time a power tries to unify the universe, there will always be a rebel power to counter it.

att*cks from starboard!

Prince, this is...

If you guys try to destroy this planet, we will do the opposite.

Only if we go crazy fighting the entire universe to save this puny Earth can we call ourselves pirates.

You sure kept us waiting.

We had a little disagreement on tactics.

What kind of idiots would send their general to a planet that could vanish?

That guy's even more hardheaded than me.

No way to stop him.

I bet there are worse enemies than the Liberation Army waiting on Earth.


The Liberation Army's just an appetizer.


I really should've gone with him!
Both situations are equally perilous.

He gave us such a massive stage to shine.

What more could we ask for?

Sure, I've gotten up to my fair share of mischief over my life, but even I haven't done anything this lawless.

Any villain worth his salt has gotta go for world conquest at least once!

I'll leave things up in space to them.

Unfortunately, I have more sense than you.

I know that crushing you guys won't change a thing.

I know the real enemy...

And I know this won't end unless that man is crushed.

So get up already.

Are you gonna take this lying down?

I'll make my stand.

I'll crush Utsuro, who stole the title of strongest from that baldy.

And I'll also crush my kid sister, who dredged up my weakness and ran with the win.

No matter how many times I fall, I won't be defeated as long as I get back up.

Weren't you the one who taught me that's what it means to be the strongest?


I thought you would've learned your lesson after being beaten to a pulp, but it looks like your stupidity is incurable.

He said the same thing to me.

But even so, he sent me here without argument.

I wonder why.

Isn't that obvious?

Because he knows that I'd never lose to you, and that you'd never lose to anyone other than me right now.

An unbeatable big bro and an unbeatable kid sister are invincible together.

That's what he believes.

I guess I can live up to his expectations...

If you don't hold me back, that is.

As long as this planet is fine, I can k*ll you anytime, anyway.

Right back at you.

Now that we can't use the geezer, there is only one way for us to leave here alive: by felling this nation before dawn.

It'll be a tad troublesome if we have to fight Yato along the way, but your blood, stagnant and corrupted by evil, is no longer Yato blood.

Let me show you what a real Yato is like!

H-He turned young again?!

Wait, I've heard of this before.

A legendary mercenary known as the elder who, with his qigong mastery, can freely asphyxiate or revitalize himself to control his lifespan and has kept fighting for two centuries as a true monster.


You know that Yato blood coursing through your veins?

I don't know how many centuries old or vintage it is, but coursing through ours is the blood of one who spent thousands of years watching over that planet and us, the blood of our mother.

Let us show you what a real Yato is like!


That guy...

Can he resize his body at will?



Don't worry about it.

Now we're even!

What're you moronic siblings doing?

Why, you little!

Who goes that far when I said it wasn't on purpose?!

I warned you not to hold me back, didn't I?

Even a guaranteed win isn't guaranteed with you around.

Either piss off or die.

Make your choice.

You don't get to mouth off at me when you couldn't dodge that simple kick.

You die!

This is no time to be fighting among yourselves!

I see having a bloodline too old brings its own set of problems.

Yours is obviously all moldy.

Right, I totally forgot.

You inherited that baldy's blood, too.

No wonder you're holding me back.

You're definitely going bald in the future, too!

Make sure you have a wig ready!


Such disjointed att*cks...

Where are you two even aiming?!

Don't enjoy a fun sibling spat with the enemy in the middle!

Looks like you can't see the enemy too well.

Right back at you!

If you keep relying on your eyes, you can't grasp all of the enemy.

That is why we Yato use our blood to gaze upon our enemies.

The memories of battle that've accumulated in our blood for ages and our own personal experiences come together to give us Yato an almost instinctive eye to size our enemies up with.

As someone who's always fought her enemies and herself, you should be able to see...

More things than you could ever see before.

Right now, you're fully capable of taming it.

Don't fear your blood.

Have some faith in our family's blood.

Use not my eyes, but my blood. See anything?

Nothing yet.


I see it very well.

See what?

The enemy's face.

You got one more hit in.

This makes us even.

You punk!

One who lets others distract them from the enemy can never prevail!

No way, did he... You're playing the decoy?

I can see right through you!

I see now!

The first hit was an accident!

It doesn't count!

So now...

We're even!

You're still at it?!

Oh, no!

My leg slipped!

Dodge it, Big Bro!

Just how much will you insult me...


An accidental hit doesn't count?


Oh, sorry.

I didn't notice you above me.

I-I can't read their movements at all... You're the big bro!

Be the bigger man!

Let your kid sister get the last hit in!

They're hitting me right on the bull's-eye while fighting among themselves! Why can't you be modest and let your brother win?

No, this spat is a fake-out. Are they waiting for me to focus on defending my bull's-eye? Are they telling me to choose between my life and my balls? I'll let you have both!

I'll defend my entire body by focusing all my defense on my bull's-eye!

I have no blind spots now!

No more going around in circles.

We should just go at each other directly.

But before that...

If you can harden and soften at will...

...we'll just take both your hard and soft spots..

...and trample them all!

What your eyes gaze upon is neither the enemy in front of you nor the sibling by your side, but what lies beyond?

The faraway concept of strength?

Rejoice, my brethren!

The noble blood of us Yato hasn't died yet...


The legend of the b*ttlefield was k*lled by those brats?!

What're you looking at to confirm his death?

Rest assured.

The geezer just acted his age and withered up.

Quit with that metaphor.

Grab your dead tree and get lost already.

Curse you!

Those who cling to a legend, and those who try to create their own legend.

We are two different races, and you'll find that out very quickly.

All right!

Hear that, you louts?

Looks like our commander has gained some sympathy for us.

The commander is the one who needs sympathy!

Did you catch a cold on some planet, boss?

Nothing has changed.

I still want nothing to do with weaklings.

I just want to get around to fighting my real target already.

I don't mind.

I'll just have one more scrub to beat up.

Who said you were my real target?

You're one of the scrubs, too!


I'm glad to see you two have made up.

That said, if you wanna settle scores, aren't I first in line, kid?


I remember him trying to seduce me as well.

I'm not letting anyone else have him.

Not even you, boss.


You guys!

After going around setting up rematch flags with anyone and everyone, I hope you're not expecting to have a happy ending with your main target alone.

The only ending you deserve is a bad ending where you get skewered by heroines from all directions, Manaka.

There's something I'd never hear in Manaka's voice.

I only went at it with you guys once.

Talk about clingy.

You seemed easy, but I guess you were surprisingly pure.

Quit being misleading!

No need to worry.

Unlike your average harem rom-com protags, I'm not shallow enough to plant my seeds and not take responsibility.

I'll make sure to k*ll every last heroine!

So for now, I'll endure it!

I won't let any of you die until I k*ll you!

"Don't let anyone die," huh?

I never thought I'd see the day when I received such an order.

Hey, retreat now and let your allies know.

The universe's craziest big bro and the universe's stupidest big bro have teamed up.

Nobody can stop those siblings anymore.

If you don't want to die with Earth, pray to the heavens.

We'll handle the rest.

Also, beware of colds.

If you catch his, you'll have trouble.


Let's regroup!


Just do it— H-Hey!

Is that...


Wh-Why are they here?


Thanks to you all, I've managed to make this w*r a real messy one.

I thank you for your foolishness.


An ending ought to be beautiful and tranquil.

The planet's ending has no place for you all.

O-Oh, God...

Didn't you find it strange?

I've destroyed the ley lines and Altana gates of so many planets, so why wasn't I doing the same to Earth?

Was I showing mercy to my homeland?

Was it just out of a whim?


I saved it for a special moment...

For you all.

To Be Continued Preview I'm prepared to stop the enemy even if this unit turns to ash in the process.

I'll fight alongside you all until the very end, too.

Silver Soul Arc Shinsuke-sama...

Making a Dull World Interesting In space, it's the Flame of Kagutsuchi.

On Earth, it's the Altana going berserk.

Everywhere you look, it's a desperate situation.

What tune does the Kiheitai's Kawakami Bansai play at this time?