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10x13 - The Evildoers Who Do Good

Posted: 09/24/22 16:44
by bunniefuu
Emergency Rescue

Defend Kabuki District from the Amanto!

Operation: Drain the Pond!

Gin-san, do your best!

Watch Operation: Drain the Pond in a bright
room and at a safe distance from the TV!!!

That's a lot of sludge.

I can't wait to see what kind
of alien species we find.


Hey, guys!

Gin-san, Kagura-chan!

What the heck are you doing?!

Draining the pond.

Yeah, I can tell!

It's the Gintama anime's first episode
of the final arc's second half!

I'm asking why you're draining a
pond in such a crucial episode!

What are you talking about, Shinpachi?

We've gotta hook the viewers
with the very first episode!

Pointless shows about stuff like draining
ponds tend to have surprisingly good ratings.

True story!

Why're you acting like a trailblazer when
you're just ripping off another show?!

Get to the actual story!

Dude, did you even see
how the first half ended?

What was that all about?

A guy who had no screen time
for an entire cour

gets a close-up of his smug face, steals
the spotlight, and that's how it ends?

We can't do anything but drain a pond now.

Uh, I don't follow your logic at all!

You still don't get it, Shinpachi?

This is intricately linked to the
Gintama anime's actual story!


We earthlings have, until now,

have just looked on as the Amanto took over
our towns and did whatever they wanted.

And now, we've even ended
up at w*r with them.

Unless we weed out the root cause,

the Kabuki District will never have peace.

In other words,

we must get rid of the
alien species in the pond!

I don't get it at all!

You're just riding on the
coattails of a hit show!

Oh, we drained most of
the water while arguing.

Isn't that right? Fess up!

Where are those damn alien species?

Gin-chan, look!

Could they be...

In the first half,

they were among the characters rushing
to the Kabuki District's aid!

Let's begin the second half, shall we?

Take care of the narration, Pachi-boy.

Silver Soul

The Story So Far

The land of the samurai.

There was a time, long ago, when our
country was called by that name.

The Altana Liberation Army was formed
to end the Tendoshu's galactic rule.

They invaded Earth with their
mothership, the Heavenly Bird.

Despite the overwhelming
difference in strength,

we rose up to defend Edo and Earth.

The Oniwaban,

the Shinsengumi,

and countless people who
love the Kabuki District

threw themselves headlong
into a reckless battle.

In space, Katsura-san, Sakamoto-san,

and Shogun Tokugawa Nobunobu
entered negotiations

and won over Admiral Shijaku,
one of the Liberation Army's top brass.

However, things didn't go
so smoothly after that.

Dangers assailed us one after another,

and we sacrificed many things.

That's when Gengai-san's invention,
the nanomachine virus,

rendered useless the weapons
of the Liberation Army,

who brought the three great warrior races:

the Dakini,

the Shinra,

and the Yato with them to
attack the Kabuki District.

During that desperate back-and-forth battle,

several people jumped in to help,

and we somehow managed to force the
Liberation Army into a temporary retreat.

But our joy was short-lived.

Gengai-san was abducted by Yato,

and over in space, a w*apon that could
obliterate a planet in one shot,

the Flame of Kagutsuchi, was activated.

The countdown to Earth's
destruction had begun.

Katsura-san's party found
themselves in grave peril.

That's when he showed up.

A w*apon of destruction that'll erase Earth?

Sorry, but it won't get a chance to shine.

The one to destroy this world

will be me.

Wh-Who is that man?

Intruders in Sector !

Head there and provide backup
at once! I repeat...



and Sector have been
breached by as*ault ships!

D-Don't move!

You don't have to be so afraid.


I'm not on the side of anyone here.

I won't ally with anyone, either.

I'm just...

an enemy to the entire universe!





Silver Soul

Could you take me with you?

I know who you are.

I know your goals, too.

I'm the same.

I've lost everything to w*r.

My father, who fought to
ensure the country's future,

was arrested and k*lled
by that very same country.

And my mother died as the wife of a sinner.

As the last one left alive,

all I can do is avenge my family
using the g*n my father left behind!

Let me join your quest to
exact revenge on this country!

Let me avenge my family!

In that case,

sh**t yourself in the head with that g*n.

That's the kind of thing I'm trying to do.

That's what it means to destroy a country.

It's not too late for you.

Try and live a smart life.

Silver Soul Arc

The Evildoers Who Do Good

Another Joi Rebel hunt?

They're rounding up anyone they don't like.

What has the world come to?

It's a pitiful story.

I hear countless innocent people
like her are being imprisoned.

What are they doing, when they
have other evildoers to round up?

Like, for example,

Takasugi Shinsuke.

He's one of the Joi Elite Four,
and he's hiding in this area, it seems.

That girl was targeted because
she was seen with him.

That so?

From what I've heard, there's another
big fish swimming these waters.

I think his name was...

Kawakami Bansai the Manslayer.

Never heard of him.

Either way, that girl was doomed the moment
she approached one of those villains.

I shall perform a requiem for her
so that she may rest in peace.

Hey, you!

What do you think you're doing?

Why do you have a sword?

You must be a Joi Rebel!

Quiet. You're ruining my performance.

Say what?

You'd better fix your attitude!


It seems we were set up.

That girl was bait laid to capture you,

Takasugi Shinsuke.

I don't recall falling for their trap.

You were the one who spurred me on.

Forgive me. I just wanted to see what
kind of man the living legend was.

Well? What kind of man was he?

It seems he was going around talking
about destroying the world,

but if he can't leave a single girl
to die, it's all merely hot air.

But I don't mind such idiots.

Me, either.

A guy who claimed to turn his back on a
country that had turned its back on samurai

and was trying to rescue
the Joi Rebels in captivity

now finds himself imprisoned
because of one girl.

That's a rare degree of stupidity.

If you're going to be k*lled
by the country anyway,

why not die for me, Manslayer Bansai?

You're recruiting in a prison?

Your stupidity knows no bounds.

Let me ask you: what will you die for?

I won't die.

No matter how many corpses I have to
walk over, until I trample this country,

I refuse to die.

Hardly the words of a man
due to be ex*cuted tomorrow.

But laying down my life for all
that hot air doesn't sound too bad.

Release those men.

Goodness gracious.

You've had your life saved twice,
and you come back for more?

You mustn't throw away
your young and fresh body.

Are you trying to make that man accept you?

That's not it.

I just don't want to let him die.

This country needs him.

That's all this is about, you lolicon!

I see.

Then know that there won't be a third
time, and that I'm not a lolicon.

As such, I shall stop
treating you as a child now.

Don't move!

Kawakami Bansai-dono.

Takasugi Shinsuke-dono, yes?

You all!

Everything is ready.

You can have this back.

What you need to do isn't
point that dagger at me.

Get your revenge with your own hands.

Did you really win over a bakufu official?

Beats me.

No. I had no such intentions until now,

but I just made up my
mind at this very moment.

After all, I'm the same as them...

A feminist.

How could this be?

We hated the world,

cursed it with every breath,

and came together to destroy it,

so why does it look like
we're trying to save it?

No, Senpai. Nothing's changed.

I know that the Kiheitai was
born to destroy the world...

Let's go.

And also that it was born
to save a nobody like me.

So it doesn't matter
which way the dice roll!

Whether we're fighting the
country or the universe,

we'll cut down any rotten fiends in our way!

That's who Takasugi Shinsuke
and the Kiheitai are!

"Win and we're the national
army, lose and we're rebels"?

Hey, Zura. We're neither rebels nor losers,

so how long are they gonna keep mocking us?

If we want to change classes
to the national army,

will we need a Zen Book or something?

Any group that turns against the
country is called a rebel army.

Unless we drive off the Amanto, overturn
the bakufu, and build a new country,

we'll never be the national army.

Sounds like a hell of a broken game.

Changing classes to Baramos
the Demon Lord sounds easier.

Don't worry, Gintoki.

Even without a Zen Book, players can
become the national army at level .

That's for sage.

Only idiots who become the country's
lapdogs get called national armies, right?

Or wait...

Did we have anyone honorable enough
to fight for the country or its people?

You moron! Half of the Joi w*r
was born out of kindness.

True, it's not the number one motive.

But after "I wanna be popular"
and "I wanna let off some steam,"

"I love my country" is right there.

The Joi w*r was born mostly out of junk!

What does it matter what they call us?

We know what we're trying to do.

Isn't that enough?

Besides, could you guys really
cut it in a national army?




You've all got your perfect titles already.

You just like it because
you're an emo edgelord!

I mean, you seriously called
your unit "Kiheitai."

I wouldn't be able to endure it!

What's wrong with Kiheitai?

It's so embarrassing, I'd rather
call myself Berserk Biker g*ng!

You're the only one gone berserk here.

No! My d*ck's going wild, too!

What the hell are you saying?!

National army, huh?

Even if the country is overturned one day,

we probably won't ever be called that.

Those monsters are here.

You sure kept us waitin'.

But I knew you'd come, Takasugi!

Did you come back so
I could cut you in half?!

I don't mind fighting you guys first.

I'll eventually have to fight
the entire universe, anyway.

After trying to take over the nation,
you're going to go after the universe?!

Country or universe, there's no difference.

Either way, he will
definitely stand in my way.

Unless I take him out,

I can take neither country nor universe!

Ah, I see.

As long as that idiot's there,
Earth is in safe hands.

We can let loose without worry, eh?


That nuisance isn't here,

so we can take whatever we want.

I'll do anything I can.

Be it hope, despair, good,
evil, friends, or enemies...

Even if I have to use every last one,

I'll crush that man.

That is my purpose in life
right here, right now.


Hurry, my friends from Earth!

Get going.

I'll stop that w*apon.

You two can have the enemy general's head.


While you're at it,

take care of that general, too.


I'm glad to see you still have
a head on your shoulders.

Sorry I carried you to shogun
at such a dreadful time.

I betrayed you, and you
betrayed me, but rest assured.

These guys won't betray you or turn their
backs on you. Not you or this country.

So you should also...


I know...

Who it was that offered their help when
our country faced its greatest peril.

Who it was that were called
rebels and traitors,

but still fought to protect the country.

You men were still fighting, weren't you?

Hear me, those abandoned by the country.

This country will never again betray you.

Never again will it cast you aside.

Shogun Tokugawa Nobunobu and the
country's crest stand here with you.

I won't let anyone call you traitors anymore.

You are our country's pride
and joy, its national—

Rebel army is fine.

We're all right with that.

Is that so?

Then I shall join you in
the rebel army myself.

This country... This whole planet

is a rebel army that stands
up to the universe!

Found it.

Several cylinders inside.

Bring it here at once.

It seems you weren't lying when
you said you had a countermeasure.

An inventor's job is to
create contradictions.

If we're told to build an unbreakable shield,

we first build the only unstoppable
spear that can break it

before comprehending and
completing the shield.

In other words, you have a way to destroy
the nanomachine virus protecting Edo?

I didn't expect it to end up as a spear
that'd destroy the world, though.

How do things look?

Everything's fine,

or so I would like to say.
Our reinforcements are delayed.

We can only distract the
enemy for so long...

Worry not, Takechi.

They won't be needed here.

More importantly, Senpai,

how's the Flame of Kagutsuchi analysis going?

Everything's fine on that end.

Even if it's a w*apon that can erase a
planet, it's based on old technology.

There are exploits we can use.


Even if we stop the Flame of Kagutsuchi,

should Earth yield to its threat
and take down that barrier,

everything will have been in vain.

To Be Continued


Within all the bloodlust on the b*ttlefield,
I sense one extraordinary presence.

Let me show what a real Yato is like!

Silver Soul Arc

Rabbits Leap Higher
on Moonlit Nights

In space and on Earth,

a crucial battle has broken out.

Pirates join the fray, too!

The rabbits of the night
descend upon the b*ttlefield.