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10x08 - Ogres Are Weak Against Tiny Heroes Like the Inch-High Samurai

Posted: 09/24/22 16:36
by bunniefuu
Gintama,OP Card: Gintama

Silver Soul,OP Card: Silver Soul

Title: Silver Soul Arc

Title: Ogres Are Weak Against Tiny Heroes Like the Inch-High Samurai

Warning,Warning: Watch the Silver Soul Arc in a bright room and at a safe distance from your TV!!

G: The path! The enemy's interference has split up our force!

G: The squad in the rear is being ambushed by the enemy.

G: Shall we go back to help?

Dak: No need.

Dak: It's mere child's play that must be ignored.

Dak: Desperate schemes can't overturn the difference in numbers.

Dak: Let's go!

Dak: Oh? I thought it was just a ploy to slow us down,

Dak: but they're seriously out to stop us, huh?

Cat: Looks like it's started.

Oto: Are they dividing the enemy

Sign: Kabuki District
Sign: Divide

Sign: Oniwaban

Sign: Oniwaban

Sign: Shinsengumi

Oto: and trying to weaken them before they get here, perhaps?

Sign: Kabuki District First

Oto: It's time.

Oto: I hope you're all ready.

G: Detected enemy approach!

All: Let's go!

Oto: Open combat!

Shin: Gin-san?!

Shin: Wait! Time out!

Shin: We're on your side! We're Odd Jobs!

Gin: My eyeball. My eyeball fell out.

Gin: Grab it, please!

Tae: Shin-chan?

Tae: Wait, everyone.

Shin: Sis!

Tae: Thank goodness. You're all okay.

Gin: Do I look okay to you?!

Gin: It's like I've been pounded in the head with a barbed-wire bat!

Gin: Apologize to me and Glenn, you Walking v*olence broad—

Shin: Sis! Can't you hear me asking you to stop?!

Gin: My ball. My ball fell out.

Gin: Grab it, please!

Tae: It's okay. I'm throwing these with my bare hands.

Kag: Not picking this one up.

Shin: Like hell it's okay!

Tae: Right now, the Kabuki District is an impregnable fortress!

Tae: Stay away if you don't want to get hurt!

Shin: Say that to the enemy, not your allies!

Shin: And how long are you going to keep hurling those rocks?

Tae: That's not what I mean! The enemy's already there! You need to run!

Kag: Out of the frying pan and into the fire! Look for an entrance!

Gin: Who's that kicking my ball?!

Tet: This way, Shinpachi-kun!

Shin: Tetsuko-san!

Tet: Just wait. I'll open up right away.

Tet: Here we go...

Tet: Open, Hell's Gate!

Tet: All right!

Shin: "All right," my ass! What the hell is "Hell's Gate"?

Tet: Hell's Gate is a w*apon I designed that beckons the enemy to hell.

Shin: Don't ask someone to use such a dangerous entrance!

Tet: Once you go in, you can never get out.

Tet: It's a w*apon that's both an entrance and not an entrance at the same time.

Shin: Don't go building such misleading pieces of trash!

Shin: Ack!

Tet: There's another entrance over there if you want to use it.

Shin: Where?

Tet: Heaven's Gate.

Tet: It's a w*apon that beckons enemies to heaven and is both an entrance and not an entrance.

Shin: It's the same thing either way!

Shin: Gin-san! I can't!

Shin: There aren't any entrances anywhere!

Gin: Hold up!

Shin: Wait, you're still chasing after your ball?!

Ago: This way, Pako.

Gin: Y-You're...

Gin: A... A-Antonio!

Ago: It's Agomi! You only got the "A" right!

Ago: I'll open up right now. Just wait.

Gin: Th-Thanks!

Ago: You're finally home, Pako.

Ago: Welcome...

Ago: to the Morocco Gate.

Shin: There's an entrance to an entirely different world over there!

Gin: Give back my little boy!

Gin: You want money? Because crown jewel?

Gin: I'll arrange money somehow,

Gin: so carefully put my boy in a bag and soak it in cold water!

Gin: Please!

Shin: Behind you!

Sai: I don't know if you guys came to pluck Earth for yourselves or what,

Sai: but I hope you're prepared to have your balls plucked out!

Shin: In the end, that's another Hell's Gate!

Shin: Pull yourself together, Gin-san!

Kag: Hey, Gin-chan! Shinpachi!

Kag: There's an entrance over here!

Gin: Don't be so loud! The enemy will hear you!

Shin: Kagura-chan!

Gin: Kagura!

Kag: Oh? Who might these boys be?

Kag: I don't remember asking for these ruffians, Kyoshiro.

Kyo: We're truly sorry, Kagura-sama.

Kyo: Members of the Liberation Army, Takamagahara here is a host club,

Kyo: a place to entertain ladies.

Kyo: I'm sorry, but we don't entertain men,

Kyo: especially those who bring in such dangerous items.

G: The hell are these guys talking about? Get 'em!

Kag: Enough, Kyoshiro.

Kag: If they want in so badly, we just have to make them acceptable for entry.

Kag: Five Koronamin Cs for these boys.

Kag: In return, confiscate those evil things they're carrying.

Sai: Five Koronamin Cs and five d*cks

Sai: coming right up.

Shin: Nothing's changed from before!

Shin: And why are you collapsing with them?!

Gin: Somehow, I can understand their pain.

Shin: Don't make it sound so profound.

HB: Use this.

Shin: Kozenigata-san!

Gin: You're telling us to climb using this?

HB: Don't worry. The queen and I... I mean, we'll pull you up from here.

Sign: Super S and Super M You can meet your true self

Shin: Did you just say the queen?

HB: The rope may be a bit slippery, though.

Shin: Why is it slippery?

Sign: Adult Society Super S andSuper M You can meet your true self

HB: If you can't handle that, tie it to your body.

HB: If possible, try the turtle-shell knot.

HB: That might help make her more potent.

Shin: Wait, where are you? What were you doing up until now?

HB: Anyway, just trust me and her...

HB: Trust this revolting pig!

Gin: Hey, I just heard a thwack! You okay?

HB: Once you've grabbed the rope, try not to move.

HB: Please don't flail around!

HB: Ready? One, two...

HB: Ow!

Shin: Hey! Are you okay?!

Shin: Why does it seem like you're tied up, too? You're connected to this rope, aren't you?

HB: Don't worry! We also tied it to a pig so we wouldn't let go!

Shin: Uh, that's not what it looked like, though.

Shin: It was an extremely complicated way to tie a rope!

HB: My queen, this really won't work.

HB: The pig's going to get ripped to shreds.

HB: Look, it's starting to go purple.

HB: I did say I wanted to try the craziest Z course before Earth was destroyed...

Gin: Hey! What do you mean, Z course?

HB: "You have two balls, so pull one guy up with each"? That's impossible!

Gin: What the hell is this rope tied to on the other end?

Gin: What kinky stuff are you getting into?

HB: Oink! Oink! Oink!

Super S and Super M You can meet your true self

Gin: All I hear is thwacks and oinks now!

Gin: What happened?

Gin: The enemy's almost here! Say something!

HB: Oink!

Gin: Something other than "oink"!

Sai: Got you covered.

Sai: If you want to be shredded so badly...

HB: Oink!

Sai: I'll shred you all you want!

HB: Oink!

G: What is this?

G: What's with these guys?

G: What's with this town?

Dak: I figured it was nothing more than a resident-defended town,

Dak: but it seems they have more backbone than soldiers who can't even fight without g*ns.

Dak: But stronger bones mean nothing when faced with us.

Dak: They will be reduced to powder all the same.

Dak: Of course, that goes for this metal town, too.

Sign: Earth Defense Town

Sign: Kabuki District First

Shin: He destroyed the gate...

Shin: with just one strike!

Zen: Yeah, you really can't stop a tidal wave of soldiers with cheap tricks alone.

Kon: We can't hold them off! The enemy's going to reach the Kabuki District!

Hij: Don't think! Just focus on cutting down as many as you can for now!

Hij: I've sent another squad already!

Hij: But who knows how useful they will be?

Hij: Can those massive monsters really be stopped by humans?

Dak: Break! Destroy! Smash!

Dak: Reduce this town to rubble!

Dak: That rubble will form the path we walk!

G: Run away!

G: Those guys are coming here!

Hana: Otae-chan!

Tae: Oryo, Hana-chan!

Hana: The catapult was broken.

Or: Do we have any other traps? Otherwise they'll get to us!

Tae: Take them somewhere safe.

Or: Otae!

Tae: Sorry. There is nothing you can do anymore.

Or: Otae...

G: Hurry! If we want to escape, it's now or never!

Or: Wait! Otae, you come, too!

Tae: Run!

Sai: They're really giving me, Saigo of the White Loincloth, such a hard time...

Sai: How many of these have gotten into town?!

Gin: Beats me!

Gin: But if we keep fighting the enemies outside, the ones inside will crush the town.

Gin: And if we keep fighting the enemies inside, the ones outside will overrun us.

Sai: So it's a matter of preference?

Gin: I'll handle the ones left over.

Sai: Are you sure you want to let me choose?

Gin: Our lives will be in danger either way.

Gin: We used to be called Saigo of the White Loincloth and the White Yaksha,

Gin: but at some point, we stopped being white.

Gin: We're two peas in a pod who both got soiled by this town.

Gin: If someone who was plain white can be stained in this town's colors and die,

Gin: it doesn't matter to which side, don't you think?

Sai: Our answers are all the same.

Sai: We refuse to pick either,

Sai: and instead choose to believe in a miracle that will let us all survive.

Tae: Come on, get out this way.

Or: Otae!

Or: Huh?

Kyu: Don't touch her.

Kyu: She's important to me. Keep your hands off of her!

Or: K-Kyubei-san! Otae!

Kyu: This way! Quickly!

Kyu: Hurry!

Otae: Kyu-chan.

Otae: I believed you would come.

Kyu: Sorry I kept you waiting.

Kyu: I actually wanted to rush to your aid immediately.

Kyu: I wanted to take you away from this planet.

Kyu: But I decided back then...

Kyu: that the next time I dragged you by the hand,

Kyu: I must be capable of taking your smile along, too.

Kyu: That I'd be the kind of strong man and gentle woman who could do that.

Kyu: So now, I'm going to take you away once again...

Kyu: Along with this world you love so much!

Bin: Good grief. You're being awfully greedy this time, Kyubei.

Tae: Binbokusai-sama!

Bin: If you take so many brides, you won't last very long.

Bin: But playing along with a grandchild's whims, playing along with our master's whims,

Bin: is also our family's duty, huh?

E: Indeed!

Tou: That's our job as the Yagyu Elite Four!

G: Damn, they just won't give up.

G: Switch to a perimeter formation!

Ago: This is bad!

Ago: The other gates are undermanned now.

Ago: If they attack all of them at once, we'll be overrun in an instant!

G: Wh-What's this?

Oto: It's the Yagyu Family and the town volunteers!

Kag: Gin-chan!

Gin: Took you awfully long.

Kyu: Yeah, because we were waiting.

Kyu: Waiting for this moment when our swords would take a silver glint.

Kyu: All the students of the Yagyu Chinkage Style and the Chinko Volunteer Squad

Kyu: will hereby assist Odd Jobs Gin-chan!

Kyu: Let's go!

Gin: You did well to gather so many.

Gin: Shows the Yagyu Family's might, huh?

Kyu: I didn't do anything.

Tou: No! The young master's passionate speech shot us all through the heart.

Tou: I have that heroic address recorded right here...

Shin: Hey, watch out!

Tou: My recording of the young master!

Sui: But if I'm fighting the entire universe,

Sui: it seems I'll be making many women cry.

Its: No woman will cry if a penis face dies.

Sui: Who are you calling penis face?!

Its: I'll be the only one crying.

Sui: You'll cry for me?!

Nish: Victory or defeat doesn't matter.

Nish: We haven't had such an exciting battle since back then!

Bin: Indeed. That fight sure was fun, huh, kid?

Gin: Not for me!

Gin: Do you have any idea how many ribs I broke?!

Bin: The Yagyu Family being hailed as the Shogun Family's instructors

Bin: is a thing of the past now.

Bin: Eventually, the world will forget all about the way of the sword.

Bin: But before the end,

Bin: the heavens granted us a b*ttlefield.

Bin: We have honed our swords all for this moment!

Nish: All right! Here we go!

Tou: Nishino?

Sui: Why, you...

Bin: Hang in there.

Kyu: Grandfather!

Gin: Kyubei!

Dak: What are you playing at?

Dak: Why do I smell a female among you?

Shin: Gin-san! Kyubei-san!

Gin: Ow... I'm fine. Something cushioned me.

Gin: Huh? Why do I smell a female scent...

Shin: Uh, that attack's way more dangerous!

Dak: You have kids, too?

Dak: What do you people think a b*ttlefield is?

Dak: This is no playground!

Dak: Don't defile this holy ritual that men stake their lives and honor on!

Kyu: You're the ones who don't get it.

Kyu: w*r is an act that affects men, women, and children equally

Kyu: and reduces them all to ashes.

Kyu: Surely you didn't start this w*r unprepared to swing your clubs at babies and kids.

Kyu: Surely you're not standing before me unprepared

Kyu: to be cut down by women or children!

Dak: Such fortitude.

Dak: Are you really a woman?

Kyu: I'm Yagyu Kyubei!

Kyu: Come!

Kag: Do you have an idea to beat that monster?

Kyu: If we fight him head-on at close range, we won't stand a chance.

Kyu: In that case, we must use our mobility and rain concentrated fire upon him.

Tae: Kyu-chan!

Kyu: Tae-chan?

Kyu: Why?

Tae: How could I run away after what you said?

Tae: Let's show them what women and children can do.

Dak: It matters not. Slaughter them all!

Dak: Did you really think you could seal off my range with this trickery?

Dak: I saw that simultaneous attack from three directions coming from a mile away.

Dak: Die!

Gin: It's not three directions.

Gin: It's four!

Dak: I see.

Dak: But your frail swords cannot even break my horn!

Gin: Even if we can't break your horn,

Gin: we can break your nose at least!

Tae: Now!

Kad: Playtime is over, you whelps!

Kad: Get down here!

Kyu: Here we are.

Kyu: Playtime is only beginning!

Dak: Y-You fiends...

Dak: Not good enough!

Tsu: There are still some women and children over here.

Tsu: But playing with the women of Yoshiwara is a game of life and death.

Tsu: You'd best be prepared.

Shin: Tsukuyo-san!

Dak: Is that it?

Dak: Yeah, that's it.

Gin: We're not gonna play anymore with a guy who can't even be "it" in a game of tag.

TBC,Sign: To Be Continued

Title: Silver Soul Arc

Chin: The boss of this town has returned.

Title: Bragging About Your Own Heroic Deeds Will Make People Hate You, so Make Others Do It For You

TextR: With the Kabuki District in danger,

TextL: people rush to its aid one after another!

TextR: And the father-and-daughter pair

TextL: who had left on a journey together will...?!