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10x05 - Geezers Carve the Things They Shouldn't Forget into Their Wrinkles

Posted: 09/24/22 16:30
by bunniefuu
OP Card: Gintama

Silver Soul,OP Card: Silver Soul

Title: Silver Soul Arc

Title: Geezers Carve the Things They Shouldn't Forget into Their Wrinkles

Ymz: As you can see, Boss,

Ymz: we haven't changed one bit.

Ymz: We came back with our desire and ambition to protect Edo still intact.

Ymz: We're the same old Shinsengumi.

Gin: But you alone are a completely different person now!

Shin: Yamazaki-san! What happened to you?

Warning,Warning: Watch the Silver Soul Arc in a bright room and at a safe distance from your TV!!

Shin: Why do you look like you just got back from the Vietnam w*r?!

Ymz: Huh? Do I look that different?

Shin: "Look"? You are different!

G: Way to go, Zakiyama-san!

G: The vice chief and Okita-san couldn't handle it, but you took it out in one shot!

G: As long as we have you, the Liberation Army is no match for us!

G: Zakiyama! Zakiyama!

Gin: Hey, even their power structure has changed a little!

Gin: That plain guy's become the nucleus of the squad!

Kon: I quit mosaics.

Hij: I quit smoking.

Oki: I quit quitting messing with Hijikata.

Ymz: I quit Yamazaki.

Gin: Why'd he alone grow far beyond his potential?!

G: Zakiyama! Zakiyama!

Ymz: I don't really get it myself,

Ymz: but if I had to say, I guess I liberated myself, too.

Ymz: I tried to be like the chief, who realized his weakness and trained with restraints.

Ymz: But I was even weaker, so I couldn't handle the weight.

Ymz: One day, I noticed that my body felt heavy, even though I wasn't carrying anything.

Ymz: And that I may have been shackled by restraints all along.

Ymz: So...

Ymz: I threw off the restraints, and this is the result.

Gin: Restraints? That's your body!

Gin: What's going on here?

Gin: Zakiyama came out of Yamazaki's ass? No, Yamazaki came out of Zakiyama's ass?

Gin: What the hell are you? What the hell is he?!

Ymz: That's something like the heavy T-shirt Goku took off.

Ymz: It seems I was born wearing a heavy T-shirt called Yamazaki Sagaru.

Gin: Did you really just compare him to an object?!

Ymz: Once I threw it off, my body felt lighter than ever before.

Ymz: Sometimes, it's so light, I feel like I might drift all the way to the heavens.

Gin: You shouldn't throw it away! It's probably your soul or something!

Kon: How impressive.

Kon: Even you reached the blank state of mind where you cast even yourself away?

Ymz: Chief, don't tell me... You too?

Kon: Hey, who are you talking to?

Kon: The chief is over here.

Shin: Forget blank state of mind! There's no sign of the chief anymore!

Shin: Why'd he turn into a gorilla just by taking off a T-shirt?

Shin: He looks like gorilla dung now!

Kon: It seems I was a gorilla born wearing a heavy gorilla T-shirt.

Kon: Now I've finally been freed from the gorilla.

Shin: No, you haven't! You've become a more concentrated version of gorilla!

Kon: New enemies?

Kon: Let's go, Yamazaki! Let's show them what we can do without T-shirts!

Ymz: Yeah!

Shin: Hey, hey, hey!

Shin: The T-shirts got tangled up!

Shin: The T-shirts got caught!

Shin: The T-shirt's crying!

Shin: Hey, timeout! If you're gonna take them off, take them off right!

Shin: You're gonna rip the T-shirts!

Bo: Untangle it, please!

Oki: Like this?

Shin: Not that way!

Hij: Like this.

Shin: You're not even trying!

Shin: Are you pissed off at them? Are you pissed at them after all?

Shin: Hey! Both the gorilla and Rambo collapsed!

Gin: I knew it! Those T-shirts weren't supposed to be cast off!

Gin: Hurry up and put them back on!

Shin: The expl*si*n blew the gorilla T-shirt away!

Gin: If we lose it, the gorilla's going straight to heaven!

Oki: Don't worry. For now, I dressed the gorilla again...

Oki: in an Ahodas T-shirt.

Kon: Let's go! The match isn't over yet!

Kon: sh**t for tomorrow!

Gin: Hey! Ahodas took over his body!

Shin: Why is a T-shirt that calls him an idiot dictating his personality?

G: Well, this is better than before! Follow him!

G: Aim for the goal!

Shin: Goal? Where is that?!

Gin: What the hell did you tax thieves come back for?

Hij: Shut it! We haven't gotten any pay in ages!

Hij: We're trying to save the world for free! Cut us some slack here!

Gin: If this is all you've got, the world is doomed for sure!

Oki: There, there. Relax a bit, Hijikata-san.

Oki: Here you go.

Hij: Cheers.

Hij: Wait, why're you ruining my attempt to quit?!

Kag: You don't get to live longer when Earth's heading for destruction!

Oki: She's right.

Oki: If we're all bound for destruction, your lungs should be the first to go.

Hij: Why does all responsibility rest on my lungs?!

Shin: Hey! Yamazaki-san's speeding ahead toward destruction by himself!

Gin: Y'know, if you hadn't left Edo wide open, this would never have happened!

Hij: You guys were the ones who neglected it! You got the world destroyed!

Gin: Screw you! Half the blame lies with you guys!

Gin: The other half lies with your lungs!

Hij: In the end, it's all my fault?!

Hij: Hey, what's so funny?

Hij: Do you realize the situation we're in?

Ttsnsk: I do, Vice Chief!

Ttsnsk: The terminal was broken and the town destroyed,

Ttsnsk: but this town came out of it without a scratch!

Ttsnsk: The Edo we fell in love with is right here!

Capt: The old bakufu army?

Capt: After all that's happened, they still want to die with their country?

Capt: All ships, lock and load!

Capt: Fire!

Capt: Wh-What's going on?

G: The muzzles exploded as soon as we fired!

Capt: What's this black haze?

Mats: Flame Haze.

Mats: A smokescreen that reacts to high temperatures and prevents use of all firearms.

Mats: I see.

Mats: This isn't only the land of the samurai.

Mats: It also belongs to you guys, huh?

Sac: The civilians have been evacuated.

Sac: The town's completely empty now.

Sac: Everything's ready,

Sac: Leader.

Zen: Now we're free to go wild.

Zen: As ninja, our duty is to live in the shadows.

Zen: But we don't need to anymore, now that we've lost our lord, the light.

Zen: Show off the skills you've honed all you want in broad daylight.

Zen: Etch into their memories the fact that this country is also home to ninja.

Zen: Not in the shadows, but under the light that shines upon you.

Zen: Live and die to the fullest.

Sac: Is that the answer you've found?

Zen: There's no right answer.

Zen: But if, just as I tried to protect the princess as Shigeshige's buddy,

Zen: she's trying to fight as Shigeshige's sister,

Zen: then I have no right to stop her.

Zen: In that case,

Zen: all I can do is protect everything.

Zen: That's the light that shines upon me right now.

Zen: The Oniwaban are joining the fray!

En: Give me a status report.

G: The old bakufu army suddenly showed up at Edo Castle

G: and dealt a critical blow to our first wave.

Kon: Charge!

Hij: The Oniwaban?

Kag: Sacchan!

Gin: Looks like they've finally stepped out of the shadows.

Sac: Playtime's over!

Sac: I'll show you what a ninja can do!

Sac: Here I come...

Sac: Gin-san!

Gin: Why Gin-san?!

Gin: Why are you jumping at me with that face?

Gin: You looked more like an enemy than the enemy does!

Sac: How cruel.

Sac: We haven't met in so long, and you shame me like this?

Sac: Your abuse really is a cut above.

Sac: I'm your sow for life, Master!

Gin: This deviant is too much to deal with after so long.

Gin: I forgot how to defend against this, so it's landing body blows. I'm gonna puke!

Sac: But I believed in you.

Sac: I knew you'd come back.

Sac: I did my best, you know?

Sac: I was sure things would work out if we held on until you returned.

Gin: Sorry I kept you waiting.

Sac: You don't have to apologize.

Sac: You've come back so big and sturdy.

Sac: But I don't know about this size. I might not be able to handle it.

Gin: That ain't Gin-san.

Gin: Gin-san ain't that much of a showoff.

Zen: I didn't think I'd see that stupid shtick again before the world was destroyed.

Gin: I didn't think your assh*le would be destroyed before the world, either.

Sac: No! Gin-san's chastity!

Gin: That's Zen-san's chastity, not Gin-san's.

Zen: I'm not so optimistic as to have thought things would change once you returned.

Zen: But looking at your stupid face

Zen: certainly did help me relax a little.

Gin: That's what I'd like to say.

Gin: Seeing you guys reminded me...

Gin: That even if the world were ending the next day,

Gin: we're the kind of morons who'd rush to buy Jump like usual.

Gin: That it doesn't matter if the world ends or not, or whether I reach him or not.

Gin: That I was the kind of person who'd run at full speed anyway.

Gin: For a moment there, I was ready to end things for myself.

Gin: But you guys showed me the way back here again.

Gin: Thank you for waiting for me as the same old morons.

Oki: How rude.

Oki: Hijikata-san sucked his abstinence pipe until he could suck on it like a pacifier,

Oki: and you call him the same old moron?

Hij: Shut up.

Hij: That's not me. I prefer Magazine.

Zen: If this keeps up, we won't be able to buy Jump or Magazine.

Gin: In that case...

Gin: We just need to save the world by Monday!

Kon: That's some big talk.

Kon: You wanna stop the world's end over the weekend?

Kon: Let's do it, then.

Kon: We'll turn that lame joke into reality by our hands

Kon: and laugh until our sides hurt!

Kon: What say you,

Kon: Mimawarigumi Vice Chief?

Kon: I can't wait to see how your grumpy face looks when the time comes.

Nob: I'll laugh all you want.

Nob: But it looks like those laughs won't come cheap.

En: A black haze? That won't be enough to erase our fire.

En: The more you struggle, the more sorrow and wrath it causes,

En: and the more it stokes our flame of revenge.

En: Mobile w*apon

En: Takemikazuchi...

En: Launch.

En: Launch.

Zen: Yikes.

Zen: This is bad.

Zen: They're trying to burn away the flame haze from above.

G: Chief!

G: It's not just from the air.

G: Reinforcements are streaming in on the surface, too.

G: No, that's not all!

G: Could they be...

G: The Dakini!

G: The Shinra!

G: The Yato!

Kon: The three great warrior races are here?

Kon: They've even got them on their side?

Hij: We've only been fighting the opening act so far?

Oki: Sheesh. Forget the weekend, we might not even last the day.

Gen: At last, huh?

Shin: Gengai-san!

Gen: Looks like it's our time to shine.

Gen: If that's the enemy's game, we'll just have to go all-out ourselves, too.

Gen: Let's show them what Earth is truly capable of.

Gin: Gramps...

Kin: We're first up, huh?

Kin: Oh, well.

Kin: If silver's not up to the task,

Kin: gold will have to pick up the slack.

Kin: From cleaning up after a moron to saving the world,

Kin: Odd Jobs Kin-chan will do anything.

Shin: Kin-san!

Gin: You!

Kin: Hey, defective protag.

Kin: The man I was modeled after is having trouble saving the world?

Kin: I'll take care of half the world.

Kin: Even a defective piece like you can handle the other half, I'm sure.

Tama: He never learns, does he?

Tama: Silver or gold, each of us is but a cog.

Tama: But if all of us cogs come together, we could turn the machine of the world.

Gen: As of now, Kabuki District is the cornerstone of humanity's defense.

Gen: The rest...

Oto: Yeah, you can leave it in our hands.

Gin: Gramps! Tama!

Gin: What are you thinking?!

Gin: Gramps!

Sab: What's the point of making these k*lling machines?

Sab: Didn't you always say you wanted to make machines that served mankind?

Sab: I loved watching you as you had fun tinkering with things while covered in grease.

Gen: And so, you joined the w*r instead of me

Gen: and died, leaving this geezer behind.

Gen: A lot has happened since then.

Gen: I met all kinds of people and had all kinds of thoughts.

Gen: Thoughts like why I survived,

Gen: and why I build machines.

Gen: The answer...

Gen: You and the people you brought into my life showed me.

Gen: The reason I built machines was all for this moment.

G: Wh-What is that massive cannon?!

Gen: Machines exist to serve and help people.

Gen: This is my answer...

Gen: The Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Gengai Cannon!

Shin: It's just a dirty joke!

Shin: Earth grew a pen*s!

Gen: It's too late.

Gen: Right from the time we lost to you in the Joi w*r, all the way up to now,

Gen: I was secretly building this thing underground.

Gen: Tama, Kinnoji. Will you do it?

Gen: I need your help to power that thing up.

Gen: When gold and robot queen connect to the two control spheres and become crown je*els,

Gen: they can launch something from this pole here.

Shin: It's just a dirty joke!

Tama: We've already steeled ourselves, Gengai-sama.

Kin: Don't waste this golden cog,

Kin: gramps.

Gen: Thank you.

Gen: Back then, we didn't lose to you guys.

Gen: We lost to your science and technology—your machines.

Gen: But we absorbed your technology and evolved.

Gen: In order to never have the things we hold dear taken from us again,

Gen: we kept turning the cogs each and every day.

Gen: Amanto, I owe you for back then.

Gen: I'll repay you now.

Gen: Along with the scrap metal I fell in love with.

Gen: Machines all over Edo!

Gen: Let me borrow your cogs!

Gen: Show them what you're made of!

Gen: Go!

G: Wha...

G: What's this? Nothing happened...

Tama: Then,

Tama: the machine that will put a stop to the w*r is...

Gen: Yeah, it's not that big lug.

Gen: It's these tiny ones.

Gen: They're what are called nanomachines.

Gen: I've named them bees.

Gen: If launched through this thing, the bees will stay in the air

Gen: and infiltrate any machines.

Gen: And their virus will take over all the targets' systems

Gen: and halt their functions.

Gen: In other words...

Gen: they're machines that k*ll machines.

Gen: But it'd be pointless to stop the Liberation Army for a moment.

Gen: If we're using these, it must be to make a barrier that covers the whole country.

Gen: Basically, if humanity is to survive, we must abandon you guys.

Gen: Besides, the important thing to remember is...

Kin: ...when the cannon is frozen,

Kin: you'll need machines to take over from the system, right?

Kin: Who else could do that but us?

Gen: Kinnoji...

Gen: Do you realize what you're saying?

Gen: This is an absurd role that involves k*lling yourself!

Kin: But the world will end unless we do this, right?

Kin: Besides, I won't be fighting the Liberation Army.

Kin: It'll be that man.

Kin: The time has finally come to pay him back for back then.

Kin: If he's trying to save the world, I'll save it before him.

Kin: That's Sakata Kintoki's revenge.

Kin: Isn't that a golden idea, Tama-san?

Tama: The color gold is somewhat similar to poopy brown, isn't it?

Kin: Come on. I see you're as cold to machines as always.

Tama: But...

Tama: Deep down, you're a machine Gengai-sama made, too.

Tama: Gengai-sama, there is no need to worry.

Tama: We know.

Tama: Every machine that has been built with love knows.

Tama: We know what you felt as you turned the cogs day after day.

Tama: We know that machines exist to serve people.

Gin: Gramps!

Gin: Gramps!

Gin: Tama!

Gin: Tama!

TBC,Sign: To Be Continued

Title: Silver Soul Arc

Tama: We will meet again one day, for sure.

Title: Machines That Pick Up Useless Habits Are Called People

TextR: The machines' resolve,

TextL: and the humans' resolve.