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10x03 - A Delinquent's Kid Has Long Neck Hair

Posted: 09/24/22 16:28
by bunniefuu
Shi: I know you must be homesick this time.

Shi: I hear your wife back home is close to giving birth.

Shi: If you have the time to engage in particle cannon fire with neighboring countries,

Shi: why don't you stay by your wife and do Lamaze with her?

Shi: Or is the mighty hero of w*r afraid of becoming a father?

Shi: How about it, Gunpowder Prince Ensho?

En: Shijaku, in Military Empire Burei,

En: custom says a man who returns empty-handed from w*r cannot be a father.

En: His wife will kick his ass and send him back to the b*ttlefield.

En: My wife is fighting, too.

En: I was told that we're competing to see which of us can claim victory sooner.

Shi: Then, as your archrival, I must fight in a manner befitting your resolve.

En: Archrival? As if.

En: Your head will be nothing more than a nice toy for my child to play with.

G: Prince!

G: We've received word from Burei.

Shi: It seems your wife emerged victorious.

Shi: What's the matter, Ensho?

G: The Empire's Altana Gate went out of control.

G: The cause was likely man-made.

G: The Imperial Capital has been destroyed.

G: Nobody survived.

En: For the first time, I fled from w*r and came back empty-handed.

En: But the one who would chastise me for that was nowhere to be found.

En: Why did you sit back and let me escape?

En: Why didn't you take this chance to attack my empire?

Shi: Like I said,

Shi: I must fight in a manner befitting the Gunpowder Prince's archrival.

Shi: And I realized that the enemy isn't in the neighboring countries, but elsewhere.

En: The Gunpowder Prince?

En: You still call me that after I've lost my empire?

Shi: Ensho...

Shi: You didn't come back empty-handed.

Shi: You've gained a comrade to fight the Tendoshu's unjust rule with.

En: Even after losing my empire,

En: I still belong on the b*ttlefield?

En: Then from that b*ttlefield,

En: from within the gunpowder smoke, let us seize it all!

En: Seize our freedom!

En: We, the Altana Liberation Army, shall liberate the universe from the Tendoshu!

Gintama,OP Card: Gintama

Silver Soul,OP Card: Silver Soul

Title: Silver Soul Arc

Title: A Delinquent's Kid Has Long Neck Hair

Warning,Warning: Watch the Silver Soul Arc in a bright room and at a safe distance from your TV!!

Sign: Shimura Ken

Shin: I knew it.

Shin: You were here, Sis.

Shin: It isn't safe to walk around alone right now.

Tae: But that's exactly why.

Shin: Are you going to tell Father that Earth will be destroyed?

Sign: Shimura Ken

Tae: Yeah.

Tae: "Earth could be destroyed."

Tae: "But your crybaby son, my unreliable kid brother,

Tae: hasn't shed a single tear and is fighting along with everyone."

Tae: "Shimura Shinpachi has grown into a fine samurai."

Shin: Sis, I haven't changed at all.

Shin: I just blindly chased after the back of the strange samurai I saw back then.

Shin: I kept chasing after it,

Shin: and I was here before I knew it.

Shin: All that stuff about saving Earth or protecting Edo is really beyond me.

Shin: It's not that I changed.

Shin: I didn't want to change.

Shin: I just wanted to stay by the strange samurai and his friends forever.

Shin: Do you think Father will forgive me for wielding my sword for such a reason?

Tae: Shin-chan, you don't have to ask for forgiveness.

Tae: You're now capable of finding all the answers for yourself.

Tae: You now stand side-by-side with the back you blindly chased all this time.

Tae: And if you want to protect that,

Tae: I'm sure Father feels the same way.

Tae: He's watching over you

Tae: from right beside you.

G: Get a load of them.

G: They're still walking around here.

G: Damn Amanto. Get off this planet already.

Cat: Say what? You were pissing your pants in front of the Liberation Army!

Cat: But you grow balls when you're up against women and children, huh?

G: That was a woman? I thought it was an old man.

Kag: You heard 'em.

Tam: Please don't lump Kagura-sama in with the Liberation Army!

Tam: She has the power to destroy Earth before them if she so wishes!

Kag: Uh, you're not helping, 'kay?

Cat: What's going on?

Tam: Even though there are Amanto who side with earthlings,

Tam: the discrimination only grows worse by the day.

Cat: Maybe it'd be best to abandon this stupid planet and bail.

Cat: Even if Earth does survive, there may not be a place for us here.

Kag: I never had a place here anyway.

Kag: I was just an unwanted guest squatting in a tiny space that I pried open for myself.

Kag: But before I knew it, those guys were squatting in my space.

Kag: They shamelessly made themselves at home without even paying any rent.

Kag: Turns out I was the one with unwanted guests.

Tam: Maybe that's what you call a real home.

Sign: Snack Oto

Tam: Even if you lose your house or your planet,

Tam: that place alone will remain strong and await your return.

Tam: It exists within us as well...

Tam: A place for you and everyone else to return.

Cat: Just know that my rent's higher than Otose-san's, though.

Tam: Same here.

Kag: That so?

Kag: Then I guess we'll all have to go out and earn that rent money.

Tam: Indeed.

Kag: But thanks to that, I can go wild until Edo is flattened.

Shin: The crucial battle was upon us.

Shin: While the Liberation Army isn't making any moves...

Kag: ...we must find the Tendoshu...

Shin: ...and defeat Utsuro.

Kag: Or else this planet has no future.

Shin: Gin-san suddenly went missing, and I'm worried about what he's up to.

Shin: I hope he's hit upon some kind of idea.

Gin: What? They're making a second live-action Gintama movie?

Gin: I had no idea this was decided while I was out in space.

Gin: "Oguri Shun returns in the role of Sakata Gintoki"?

Gin: Well, he barely passed with his long legs,

Gin: but they could've gone for a cute Johnny's idol for Gin-san, too—

Gin: Ow... What do you guys think you're doing to Oguri Shun's jaw?

Sign: Ueda Bookstore

Gin: Do you realize how many billions this jaw's gonna bring in again?

Shin: You're not Oguri Shun!

Shin: We thought you were looking for the Tendoshu! What are you doing?

Gin: Oh, shut it.

Gin: Even you ignored Earth last week and were Granbluing on a rooftop!

Shin: Granblue...

Shin: I wasn't Granbluing!

Shin: Even Granblue Masaki isn't making those ads anymore!

Shin: Sadaharu!

Gin: Oh, you're back? I've been waiting.

Shin: Gin-san, don't tell me...

Gin: To find the Tendoshu, we gotta investigate the bakufu.

Gin: They may hide, but they can't fool a dog's nose.

Shin: Look, he has something in his mouth.

Shin: Er, this is...

Gin: Jean-Claude...

Sad: Wan!

Gin: ...Damme, huh?

Shin: He's just requesting an actor!

Shin: You weren't satisfied with the CG?

Shin: You want Van Damme to play you? You want him to be Wan Damme?

Shin: Don't give me that!

Shin: Do you realize how many billions that "wan" is gonna cost us?!

Sign: Ueda Bookstore

Shin: Knock it off! Earth really will be destroyed!

Gin: What's this? You guys wanna request actors, too?

Gin: Sorry, but these days, they can add as many extras as they want with just CG—

Shin: Wait, Gin-san!

Shin: These people...

Shin: What's going on?

Kag: After the Liberation Army, we're fighting the public?

Gin: Nah, these guys aren't ordinary folk.

Gin: Ack! They're coming from the front, too!

Nob: Took you long enough.

Nob: I'd grown sick of waiting.

Shin: Nobume-san!

Nob: No. I'll take someone like Kuriyama Chiaki, please.

Shin: You too?!

Nob: By the way, those masses

Nob: aren't who you think.

Gin: Naraku?

Gin: Why are they disguised as townsfolk?

G: How long do we gotta twiddle our thumbs here?

G: Admiral Shijaku's orders.

G: He told us not to act unless the earthlings attack.

G: The brass wanna take over this planet too, right?

G: Then why wait around...

G: Hey, what's wrong?

G: Did a fish bite your d*ck?

G: H-Hey!

Nob: It's time

Nob: for the beginning of the end.

Nob: Utsuro's planet busting is about to start.

G: Have you lost your minds?

G: You're picking a fight with us?

G: Did you come here to die?

Uts: Precisely.

Uts: I am here to die...

Uts: Along with you all

Uts: and this planet.

Zen: Not exactly a great view.

Zen: Watching a country crumble from atop an empty castle doesn't feel good.

G: What's going on?

G: Just when the Liberation Army finally calms down, now the masses are rioting?

G: That is why I said to keep watch on them so they don't do anything stupid!

G: And who was going to do that?

G: Everyone ignored this national crisis and ran off somewhere!

G: Nobody even shows up to the meetings!

G: Even if everyone showed up, would anyone here be of use?

G: What was that? I shall cut you down!

G: Take responsibility and cut yourself first!

G: The earthlings did what?

G: An unidentified unit has att*cked our base on Earth.

G: We're fighting back, but they've already sunk two of our battleships.

G: We've lost many men, too.

G: This is bad.

G: You're the one who oversaw the riots and withdrew our troops,

G: Admiral Shijaku.

Nb: I'm sorry to ask so much of you.

Nb: But if you will stop your men, I promise to bring you the Tendoshu's heads.

Nb: If I can't keep that promise, I'm prepared to offer you my head as shogun.

Shi: Is that what "disembowelment" truly means?

Shi: Do you have a chance of winning, though?

Sak: If we don't take back our freedom with our own hands, it's pointless.

Sak: Besides, that's when our battle will truly begin.

Sak: Now that the Tendoshu's rule has weakened,

Sak: Altana has become a symbol of freedom that can destroy an entire planet.

Sak: And we'll all end up attainin' it.

Sak: If we succumb under the pressure of that "freedom,"

Sak: only destruction will await us in the future.

Sak: You and we both must fight...

Sak: Fight freedom and ourselves.

Shi: As they spoke those words, the look in their eyes wasn't that of puppets.

Shi: This incident couldn't have been caused by earthlings.

Shi: It's a trap laid by one who wishes to use the tensions between us to expand the w*r.

G: You're the one who fell for a trap! How could you let those apes talk you into...

En: You don't get it.

En: This universal w*r itself may be a trap laid by the Tendoshu.

En: That's what that man is saying.

En: If you want someone to blame, blame me for starting this w*r.

G: Prince Ensho...

Shi: I didn't say that.

Shi: Both your appearance and your words lack subtlety.

En: Look who's talking. You're former royalty who is acting as a mercenary.

Shi: Don't lump me in with you.

Shi: I cast away my homeland and my royalty and gave all I had to the b*ttlefield.

Shi: I rose up with you all because I felt this w*r had just cause.

Shi: But those earthlings said that

Shi: freedom without responsibility would only lead to destruction.

Shi: Ensho, it may be our responsibility to stop this w*r.

G: What? Stop this w*r?!

En: Is the situation that grave, Shijaku?

En: Are you saying the Tendoshu destroyed those planets in a bid to start this w*r?

En: Do you mean they're trying to make the world self-destruct?

Shi: Ensho, I've arranged a secret meeting.

Shi: At this point, we cannot resolve this situation without their cooperation.

Shi: You can hear the details straight from their mouths.

En: Is that so?

En: Actually, there's someone I wish to introduce to you in secret, too.

Shi: Introduce to me? Who is it?

En: Do you remember the day when I first turned tail from the b*ttlefield?

En: That day, I swore to take down the Tendoshu, who took everything from me,

En: and take their heads to my wife and child no matter what.

En: Everyone gathered here is like me.

En: They had their countries or families taken from them,

En: swore revenge, and started this w*r.

En: If it were to end here, what do you think is to become of their smoldering hatred?

En: Where will all our sorrow go?

Shi: Ensho...

En: A recon team sent to Earth found a shipwreck one month ago.

En: The investigation revealed it to belong to a certain group of people.

En: Shijaku, this w*r cannot end.

En: Because...

En: It's already over.

En: Let me introduce you.

En: They are our archenemies, the Tendoshu.

Shi: I-Impossible! What happened to them?

En: They're alive.

En: Or, well, perhaps it'd be better to say that they cannot die.

Shi: If the Tendoshu are in this state, who is attacking our base?

En: It doesn't matter who,

En: as long as they're enemies who are willing to be targets for our hate.

Shi: Ensho, you...

En: Shijaku,

En: the Liberation Army needs an enemy.

En: If everything is already over, there won't be an end for us.

En: In that case, the w*r simply need not end.

En: That way...

En: We can keep fighting.

En: We can keep hating.

En: I can stay on the b*ttlefield.

En: Throw him in a cell.

En: And tell our troops

En: that we will crush the rioters and take over Earth.

Gin: That's Utsuro's plan?

Gin: He wants to use the Liberation Army to engulf Edo in the flames of w*r?

Nob: And also to eliminate you people who stand in his way.

Shin: Does that mean Katsura-san and the others' negotiations were all in vain?

Nob: We knew things would come to this eventually.

Nob: Utsuro isn't the only one who wants a w*r.

Nob: And they aren't the only ones who must fight to obtain an ending.

Gin: Please don't tell me that includes you.

Nob: Who knows? At the very least, I'm thankful for this situation.

Nob: I finally caught a glimpse of the elusive Utsuro's tail.

Nob: If he was to show up anywhere,

Nob: it'd be here, the most dangerous and hard-to-crack spot.

Shin: The Liberation Army's troops have been wiped out!

Kag: Not just them. The Naraku, too.

Shin: They fought to the death to take down the enemy?

Nob: To Utsuro, there are no allies or enemies. Only tools.

Gin: Looks like I'm just like you, too.

Gin: If I don't fight...

Gin: If I don't defeat him,

Gin: there's no ending for me.

Gin: Not unless I take you out!

Nb: What is the meaning of this?

En: If you're the kind of foolish leader who can't understand that,

En: it is understandable that your country would fall.

En: You earthlings are the ones who ignored our ceasefire and took aim at us first.

En: Die, together with the Tendoshu.

Sak: I see.

Sak: If you're the kind of foolish leader who can't understand the Tendoshu set that up,

Sak: your army will die, too.

Sak: But if you're doin' this while fully aware of that, there's still hope for you.

Sak: Surrender before the samurai unsheathe their swords.

En: I see Shijaku was right. You have guts and a way with words, if nothing else.

En: But rest assured.

En: There won't be a w*r.

En: It'll all be over before you can look up at the sky and blink.

En: This is but a ritual sacrifice.

En: Those sticks you call swords

En: won't reach anywhere.

Gin: Th-These guys... Could they be...

Shin: Immortal?

Gin: Utsuro, you bastard. You gave them your blood?

Uts: Yes, although they are fakes made using a few drops.

Uts: Is it painful?

Uts: But that too will end soon.

Uts: It's all too late. For everything.

Uts: Will you withdraw your sword and wait to die with the planet,

Uts: or will you use it to fight me and die right here?

Uts: You're free to choose.

Gin: Then...

Gin: I'll use this sword to crush both you and the Liberation Army!

Preview,Sign: Preview

Nob: I'll secure an escape route. Run away.

Zen: This country's done for.

Zen: You only have one job now.

Gin: The guy in front of me is nothing but a villain.

Title: The Line Between Tenacious and Annoying Is Paper-Thin

TextR: While messing around a little bit

TextL: and getting in trouble a little bit...

TextR: Next time,

TextL: it's finally their turn...?!