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07x43 - The Day the Demon Cried

Posted: 09/23/22 13:34
by bunniefuu
Customers,Sign: To Our Valued Customers: We are taking the day off for personal reasons. - Owner

Shin: Shogun-sama...

News,Sign: Lord Tokugawa Shigeshige Assassinated

Warning,Sign: Watch Gintama in a bright room and at a safe distance from your TV!!

Ten: A country doesn't need two shoguns.

Ten: And a puppet that defies us holds no value whatsoever.

Ten: What a pitiful man Tokugawa Shigeshige was.

Ten: He wouldn't have lost his life if he'd been our obedient pet.

Ten: But he tried to abolish the position of shogun by establishing a new administration.

Ten: Did he think he would render us powerless if he asked for the emperor's help?

Ten: Truly foolish.

Ten: And truly an end befitting that man.

Ra: I heard the assassin had been a close friend of his since childhood.

Ra: The shogun staunchly refused to be accompanied to the meeting by bodyguards.

Ra: I'm sure it was partly because he trusted his retainers,

Ra: and partly because he wanted to show that he trusted them.

Ra: The Tendoshu took advantage of that.

Ra: The shogun believed in his friends to the last,

Ra: and paid for it with his life.

Zen: So he wouldn't have died if he hadn't met us, huh?

Ra: Who knows?

Ra: He'd been a puppet of the times,

Ra: but in the end, he chose how he would live and where he would die himself.

Ra: It was because he met you, his friends.

Zen: Unfortunately, I no longer have the right to call myself that.

Zen: A guy who k*lled his friends to protect his friend...

Zen: A guy who sacrificed so many,

Zen: and still couldn't protect that friend...

Zen: A loser

Zen: has no right to call himself that.

Zen: I couldn't protect a thing.

Zen: I couldn't change a thing.

Zen: All that's left is the man with their blood on his hands...

Zen: A sinner.

Shinsengumi,Sign: Special Police Shinsengumi

Gin: I see doubt in your sword.

Gin: A police hound shouldn't be ignoring a lost cat and getting lost himself.

Gin: Want me to spar with you?

Gin: Right now, I bet I could beat you with just this.

Kon: I'll pass.

Kon: Not even the police can say where a forever lost stray cloud will end up.

Gin: At the very least, I wouldn't wander into such a filthy place when sober.

Gin: What do you want?

Gin: Where are the others?

Kon: Beats me.

Kon: Probably at the funeral.

Kon: I don't have the right to go.

Kon: But it's convenient that nobody's here now.

Kon: We haven't paid you guys for that time, right?

Kon: Well, you know,

Kon: if the situation weren't what it is,

Kon: a legendary Joi Rebel and the Shinsengumi chief

Kon: would never get the chance to share a drink.

Kon: Join me for a drink,

Kon: White Yaksha.

G: On your knees!

G: Can't you hear me?!

G: You're in the presence of shogun—

Mat: Shogun?

Mat: I'm sorry, but there's only one man I ever served.

Mat: It's my policy not to change my cigarette brand or master at the drop of a hat,

Mat: Lord Nobunobu.

G: You impudent bastard!

Nb: That's an impressive show of loyalty, Matsudaira.

Nb: You don't sound like a good-for-nothing who couldn't protect his master's life.

Mat: Not as impressive as a certain treacherous shogun who stole that position

Mat: by murdering his former lord right under the emperor's nose.

Mat: The assassin immediately k*lled himself by taking poison,

Mat: but I'd wager one of his relatives had been taken hostage or something.

Mat: Once I dig into his background, finding the mastermind will be easy.

Nb: If I were the mastermind,

Nb: the proof you seek would no longer be in this world.

Mat: Don't be in such a rush, Lord Nobunobu.

Mat: I haven't mobilized anyone yet.

Mat: This is something I've got to do myself.

Sas: I'm sorry, Lord Matsudaira,

Sas: but you no longer have the right to judge anyone.

Sas: Please drop it.

Sas: The cigarette,

Sas: and the other thing.

Mat: Sasaki...

Mat: I thought for sure you'd have been cast aside along with Takasugi and the rest.

Mat: You're still wagging your tail at Lord Nobunobu?

Sas: Takasugi? Whatever might you be talking about?

Sas: Lord Nobunobu has always been the only man I serve.

Sas: I can't imagine why he would cast me aside.

Nb: Exactly.

Nb: Matsudaira, are you aware of who that man standing before you is?

Nb: He's Sasaki Isaburo, Commissioner-General of Police.

Sas: Unfortunately for you, former Commissioner-General,

Sas: your era has come to an end.

Gin: Who asks an injured guy to drink with him?

Kon: If you keep caring about stuff like that,

Kon: you won't ever be able to drink, since you were dropped on your head at birth.

Gin: Go suck on a rotten fruit in some jungle, gorilla.

Kon: Besides, there are wounds that only this stuff can heal.

Kon: w*r really is cruel, huh?

Kon: Whether you win or not, you always lose more than you gain.

Kon: The victor can still console themselves by counting their gains,

Kon: but the defeated can only count everything they've lost.

Kon: The allies they couldn't protect,

Kon: the enemies they cut down,

Kon: and the crimes of w*r...

Kon: All of it weighs heavily upon them.

Kon: They wonder what they even fought for,

Kon: and whether there was any point in paying the price and sullying their hands.

Kon: Is that how you've felt in all the wars you fought in?

Gin: There's no point.

Gin: No matter whether you win or not,

Gin: no matter what you protect or lose,

Gin: there's no meaning to w*r.

Gin: Glorify it all you want, but it's a pointless exercise

Gin: that leaves behind nothing but corpses and sins in its wake.

Gin: There's nothing worth going that far to protect.

Gin: If there is anything,

Gin: it's the will to create a world free of such senseless crap

Gin: by fighting oneself instead of the enemy.

Gin: And that will isn't dead yet...

Gin: Not as long as there are others who carry the torch.

Sho: You are the only ones I can entrust with Edo.

Kon: Then we don't need funerals or farewells, do we?

Kon: Sharing this drink is plenty.

Kon: Odd Jobs.

Kon: I'm glad we feel the same way.

Kon: That no matter whose corpse you have to walk over,

Kon: there are some things that must be protected.

Kon: Give Toshi and the others a message for me.

Kon: Tell them not to do anything stupid, and that Edo still needs them.

Kon: Well, I've passed the torch.

Kon: I'm glad the three of us got to share a drink in the end.

Kon: Though I wish we'd done it sooner.

Nb: Let Sasaki investigate the case.

Nb: Matsudaira, what you need to do is take responsibility for it.

Nb: Lord Shigeshige's assassination was the result of your failure to keep him in check.

Nb: Thus, I order

Nb: Matsudaira Katakuriko and his subordinate, Shinsengumi Chief Kondo Isao,

Nb: to be beheaded,

Shinsengumi ,Sign: {\fad( , )}Special Police Shinsengumi

Nb: and the Shinsengumi

Nb: to be disbanded as of today.

G: How horrible.

G: Those guys were maintaining order in Edo until just the other day.

G: Why did they meet such a fate?

G: What are you talking about?

G: They're the horrible ones.

G: Apparently it's their fault Shigeshige-sama died.

G: Who needs police who can't even protect their lord?

HB : Sheesh.

HB : Falling asleep during a stakeout? Talk about a shameless newbie.

HB : But I guess that's understandable.

HB : You haven't slept properly these past few days, have you?

Hij: S-Sorry.

Hij: Go home for today.

Hij: Don't worry.

Hij: The only criminals here are petty ones that'd put you to sleep.

Hij: That won't do. Switch with me.

HB : Don't push yourself, Vice Chief.

Hij: Don't call me that.

Hij: The vice chief is no more.

HB : Let him do as he pleases.

HB : Boss...

HB : All men have times

HB : when they want to forget everything and drown themselves in work.

HB : That's right.

HB : The only thing you can do for a hard-boiled man like that

HB : is take him to a bar after work and treat him to a glass of Camus.

HB : Bartender.

HB : The usual, please.

Milk,: Strawberry Milk

Gin: You won't find that crap here.

HB : All men have times when they get bars and perms mixed up.

Sign: Odd Jobs Gin-chan

Gin: Who're you calling a perm, you perm-boiled constable?

Gin: But I didn't expect him to be transferred to your place.

Gin: How's he doing, Kozenigata?

HB : "How," you ask?

HB : I invited him to join me for drinks and hijinks, but he just wouldn't accept.

Gin: What do you mean, "hijinks"? What the hell are you inviting him to?

HB : That's the demonic vice chief for you.

HB : He won't be tamed so easily.

HB : I've ended up with one hell of a subordinate.

HB : Some men are noble wolves that can't be tamed by the leash of authority.

BG: Come on! Listen to your queen!

HB : Apparently he's one of them, just like me.

HB: Leashes don't arouse me anymore.

HB: Bring out the chains!

Gin: You've totally been tamed!

Gin: Use those chains to hang yourself!

Gin: What about the others?

HB: Similar story for all of them.

HB: Following the new shogun's appointment,

HB: the police force underwent a complete change.

HB: All that sounds well and good,

HB: but all it means is that Lord Nobunobu eliminated those who opposed him,

HB: leaving only his soldiers.

HB: People who had been under Lord Shigeshige's patronage got purged,

HB: and those who weren't purged ended up unemployed or assigned to dead-end jobs.

HB: And the Shinsengumi were disbanded, splitting everyone up.

HB: Edo no longer has a hard-boiled group of watchdogs...

HB: It no longer has a Shinsengumi.

Gin: Hold it right there.

Gin: What's the meaning of this?

Gin: Gorilla, you...

Nobume: Too bad.

Nobume: I thought there'd be sword fights, but the others are away.

Nobume: Would you like to take me on instead?

Gin: Depending on your answer, I'd be glad to dye that uniform blood red.

Gin: What's the meaning of this?

Nob: What a surprise.

Nob: You were always at odds with them.

Nob: And yet here you are, making that face.

Nob: Did sharing the sin of letting the shogun die

Nob: develop a sense of camaraderie between you?

Nob: He must be smiling up in heaven.

Nob: You lost something that meant the world to you,

Nob: but you've recovered to the point where you hold something dear again.

Gin: You're unusually talkative today.

Gin: What the hell do you know about me?

Nob: Nothing.

Nob: But if you don't want to lose it all again,

Nob: then don't you have something else to do?

Nob: That man probably knew

Nob: that the Shinsengumi wouldn't last long in Lord Nobunobu's administration.

Nob: If he were to be arrested in front of the squad,

Nob: they definitely wouldn't take it lying down.

Nob: That's why he put them on funeral detail.

Nob: But he called you alone here.

Nob: You should know what that means.

Kon: Give Toshi and the others a message for me.

Kon: Tell them not to do anything stupid, and that Edo still needs them.

Customers,: Mimawarigumi

Kon: Well, I've passed the torch.

Gin: Forgive me.

G: This is bullshit!

G: What crimes has the chief committed?

G: Is Nobunobu trying to make him take the fall for the shogun's assassination?!

G: Let's raid Nobunobu's place!

G: The Shinsengumi will be destroyed anyway!

G: Then let's use our lives to save our general!

All: Yeah!

Hij: Even so,

Hij: he told us to live.

Hij: The Shinsengumi organization may disappear, and we may be torn apart,

Hij: but we each have to do what we can as members of the Shinsengumi.

Hij: Isn't that what Kondo-san said?

Oki: Even if it means walking over his corpse?

Oki: Is it really worth it, Hijikata-san?

Oki: If we have to watch Kondo-san die,

Oki: is there any point in serving this rotten bakufu and being samurai?

Oki: Do we still have to protect Edo, even then?

Oki: I say to hell with that.

Oki: If we can't protect our general after failing to protect the shogun,

Oki: then we're no longer samurai.

Oki: Just cowards.

Hij: Do what you want.

Hij: If that's your brand of Shinsengumi, then I won't stop you.

All: Vice Chief!

Hij: I can't tell who's right at this point.

Hij: But just like you guys, I don't want to let Kondo-san die.

Hij: And just like Kondo-san, I don't want to let you guys die.

Hij: I don't have the authority to tie you down anymore.

Hij: The demonic vice chief and Shinsengumi code are no more.

Hij: But if there's still something that ties down your hearts,

Hij: then I'm sure that's the most important thing to the Shinsengumi.

Hij: Believe in that and fight.

Hij: No matter what path it takes you down,

Hij: you guys are Shinsengumi.

Oki: That's just cheating.

Oki: When the demon gives us a look like that,

Oki: we can't do anything.

Hij: It's raining, huh?

Oki: Yeesh.

Oki: Being homeless is tough.

Title: Farewell Shinsengumi Arc Part One

Title: The Day the Demon Cried

Preview Blue,Sign: Preview

Hij: I can't do anything.

Gin: Forget something?

Kag: We know that you're cops.

Oki: I'm going with him.

Kat: The promise we made as friends...

Kat: I'll definitely fulfill it.

Hij: Kondo-san, I'll be honest.

Arc,Card: Gintama Farewell Shinsengumi Arc

Text r: So this week marks the start of

text l: the "Farewell Shinsengumi Arc."

text r: Don't miss the soulful screams

text l: of the samurai who crawl and fight.