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07x35 - Shogun of Light and Shadow

Posted: 09/23/22 13:26
by bunniefuu
Soyo: Brother?

Soyo: Brother.

Soyo: Brother.

Soyo: Jeez, Brother!

Sho: Oh, Soyo.

Sho: Forgive me. I was lost in thought.

Soyo: I made this tea for you, and now it has grown cold.

Soyo: Have you been losing sleep due to work again?

Soyo: I figured as much.

Soyo: I heard that

Soyo: another one of your allies left your side.

Soyo: Ever since that incident...

Soyo: Ever since Uncle passed away, people have been leaving one after another.

Soyo: Don't they realize that this is no time for internal conflict?

Soyo: At this rate, you'll be left all alone.

Sho: The blame lies with me,

Sho: the gutless master who can't protect any of his men or friends.

Sho: Does a pathetic man like me really have the right to rule over a nation?

Sho: Every now and then,

Sho: I wish I could forget all about the country and government,

Sho: and sit here forever,

Sho: drinking the nasty tea my little sister made with a blank look on my face.

Soyo: Brother...

Soyo: You meanie!

Soyo: My tea actually tastes good when it's hot!

Sho: Is that so?

Sho: I hope that one day,

Sho: our country will be so peaceful,

Sho: there will be no need for a shogun or to worry about the future,

Sho: and I will be just an older brother drinking the tea his little sister made for him.

Soyo: Brother!

Soyo: Brother.

Sac: I apologize for my insolence.

Sac: But I daresay you'd be better off not drinking that.

Sho: Don't tell me, it was poisoned?

Sac: I hate to say this, but I recommend you postpone your little tea party.

Title : Shogun Assassination Arc Part One

Title : Shoguns of Light and Shadow

Mart,Sign: Oedo {\c&HD B &}Mart

Zen: Shogun assassination plot, eh?

Sac: The bowl the princess used to make tea was lined with poison.

Warning,Sign: Watch the Shogun Assassination Arc in a bright room and at a safe distance from your TV!

Sac: She nearly k*lled her own brother there.

Sac: The enemy's even exploiting the princess's behavior,

Sac: which means they've made it deep into the bakufu ranks.

Zen: To think someone tried to k*ll him in the castle...

Zen: How the mighty shogun has fallen.

Zen: No wonder he's asking for help from those he cast away.

Zen: Summoning the Oniwaban once again?

Zen: Some nerve.

Zen: He fires us all, and now he wants us to help him?

Sac: Sure, the Oniwaban was dissolved under orders from Lord Sadasada,

Sac: but didn't Lord Matsudaira take us under his wing and look after us?

Sac: We were dissolved on paper only,

Sac: and it was agreed that we'd reunite at once in case of an emergency, remember?

Sac: Besides, the one who threw us out, Lord Sadasada, is gone.

Sac: The shogun cut ties with him after he became a mere puppet of the Tendoshu

Sac: and punished him accordingly.

Sac: That's why his safety is no longer guaranteed.

Sac: Who knows how many within the cabinet are still on the shogun's side?

Sac: They're all gunning for the throne.

Sac: None of them can be trusted.

Sac: We're the only ones who can keep him safe.

Sac: So why...

Sac: Why is the name Hattori Zenzo, leader of the Oniwaban, not on that list?

Zen: It isn't exciting.

Zen: Compared to guarding the shogun, assassinating him sounds way more exciting.

Zen: Just thinking about it gives you goosebumps, doesn't it?

Zen: Slipping alone through tight defenses to take the enemy general's head...

Zen: That's what being a ninja is all about.

Zen: Ninjas are beings that live out shonen manga in real life.

Sac: I can't believe what I'm hearing

Sac: from the guy who used to guard the shogun family.

Sac: You haven't changed one bit, have you?

Sac: No loyalty, cooperation, or creed.

Sac: You trust nothing but your own skills.

Zen: That is my creed.

Sac: I see.

Sac: You've really forgotten, huh?

Sac: Very well.

Sac: Even if the Oniwaban were to succeed and make a comeback,

Sac: know that you no longer have a place there,

Sac: ex-boss.

Zen: Sheesh.

Zen: She's acting totally out of character.

Zen: Don't you agree?

Gin: I don't really care.

Gin: Only one copy of Jump again, huh?

Gin: Bring it! Rock, paper...

Zen: Take it.

Zen: I can't get curious about what happens next.

Zen: It'll make me waver.

Zen: Tell her I said,

Zen: "Don't throw your life away acting out of character.

Zen: Instead of kissing the shogun's ass,

Zen: kissing a certain stupid samurai's ass suits you much better."

Mat: This order is confidential, got it?

Mat: You'd better not mention it to anyone.

Mat: You guys will team up with the Oniwaban

Mat: for a secret mission.

Mat: Escort the shogun out of Edo!

Mat: Make sure he gets to Kyo, even if it costs you your lives!

Kon: Pops!

Hij: Aren't you being too loud?

Hij: Aren't you yelling the top secret mission out too loud?!

Mat: If Sho-chan stays in Edo, he will definitely be assassinated!

W: Honey!

Mat: Not even the castle is safe. It's full of political enemies at this point.

W: Honey! What do you mean, "assassinated"?

Kon: Nothing, Mrs. Matsudaira.

Kon: He's just drunk.

Mat: I'll look for the assassin. You guys ask the emperor for help!

Kon: H-Hold on.

Kon: Escort the shogun out? How?!

Hij: Considering the situation, it's too risky!

Hij: What if the plan gets discovered?

Hij: If his political opponents take advantage of his absence...

Mat: What do you think the Oniwaban are here for?

Kon: Th-The shogun!

Kon: Why is he here?

Mat: No, that's a double.

Mat: The Oniwaban's techniques make disguises like this a piece of cake.

Mat: If we leave this double here, we can cover up the fact that the shogun has fled.

Hij: Uh, I think they'll figure this out!

Hij: Just the face is of a great leader!

Hij: Just the face is super dignified!

Hij: Talk about an unbalanced disguise!

Mat: Even if they do find out, I've got another ace up my sleeve.

Mat: While the main unit heads to Kyo,

Mat: I'll also prepare another double who will head north

Mat: to confuse the enemy.

Hij: It's a proper disguise this time.

Hij: He actually looks like a great leader.

Hij: Or so I thought, but why'd you make that part a great leader?!

Hij: That can be rank and file! Don't get too greedy!

Mat: I'll also prepare a double who will head east.

Hij: Hey! The great leader down there just turned east, is all!

Hij: Come back! Come back home for now!

Mat: And I'll also prepare a double who will head back home.

Sho: I'm back!

Hij: Where'd you leave the shogun?!

Mat: Anyway, I'll prepare a bunch of doubles.

Hij: Shogun!

Mat: If we hide the real one among them,

Mat: we can rest easy even if the enemy finds out he escaped.

Hij: Like hell we can!

Hij: Monsters like these

Hij: walking around in all directions would stick out like a sore thumb!

Hij: And you call yourself a ninja?!

Sho: I'm not a ninja.

Sho: I'm the shogun.

Hij: It's the shogun?!

Mat: I'm impressed you figured out that he's the real Sho-chan.

Mat: I'm having him and Soyo-chan hide here for now.

Hij: I-I'm sorry.

Soyo: No need to apologize.

Soyo: I'm the shogun.

Hij: Why has the princess become the shogun, too?

Hij: And what are you making her wear?!

Mat: They've all immersed themselves in the role of shogun.

Mat: This is how body doubles are supposed to be.

G: This one is the shogun.

G: I art the shogun.

Shin: We are the shogun.

Kag: Behold me, the , th shogun!

Gin: Shadow juice squirt!

Hij: The last few are all over the place!

Hij: What does "shadow juice" even mean?!

Gin: Sh-Shadow juice squirt!

Gin: Juice, shadow, squirt!

Hij: Actually...

Hij: Haven't we met before, Shadossy?

Gin: Your tone is rude!

Gin: I'm the shogun!

Gin: Won't you treat me accordingly so the enemy doesn't find out?

Hij: I'd say it's pretty obvious already!

Hij: What are you guys doing here?!

Sac: Is that you, Gin-san?

Sac: Why... Why are you here?

Sac: Don't tell me

Sac: you

Sac: came to help me?!

Gin: Don't approach me with that body!

Sac: I love you, Gin-san!

Gin: Hey, that's the shogun!

Sho: Sh-Shadow juice squirt!

Hij: Could you not let out shadow juices?

Sac: You really are the best, unlike that jerk.

Gin: Nah.

Gin: He's the one who asked me.

Sho: Y-You all came here for me?

Soyo: You did say you wanted to see them again.

Shin: When we heard that you were in trouble, we just couldn't sit around and do nothing.

Kag: You helped us the last time, so now it's our turn to repay the favor.

Sho: You all...

Soyo: Aren't you glad, Brother?

Soyo: You still have all these allies.

Hij: They're mostly perverts, though.

Sho: Sh...

Sho: Shadow juice squirt!

Hij: Wait just a second. Do you really plan to take these guys along?

Hij: Isn't this supposed to be a top secret mission?

Hij: There's a bunch of stuff leaking out...

Kon: What's the big deal, Toshi?

Kon: Gori juice squirt!

Hij: What the hell is gori juice?!

Kag: Kagu juice squirt!

Shin: Pachi juice squirt!

Sac: Sac juice squirt!

Mat: Kuri juice squirt!

Gin: Toshi juice squirt!

Hij: Who the hell just let out Toshi juice?!

Nbnb: It seems some strange dogs are sniffing around me.

Nbnb: How upsetting.

Nbnb: What have I done to deserve this?

Nbnb: All I did was try to get rid of the decaying corpse sitting on the throne.

Nbnb: Well, it matters not.

Nbnb: Shigeshige,

Nbnb: you no longer have any allies in this country.

Nbnb: But I, Hitotsubashi Nobunobu, have allies,

Nbnb: tools, in every nook and cranny.

Nbnb: I can easily have your head without taking one step out of here.

Nbnb: Look, a new tool has arrived.

Nbnb: I've been expecting you.

Nbnb: So you're the...

Tak: Hey!

Tak: What the hell do you think you're doing?

Kam: Huh?

Kam: I just gotta k*ll the shogun, right?

Tak: That's not the shogun.

Tak: He's the shogun-in-waiting.

Kam: The shogun, then.

Tak: Well, whatever.

Tak: He hit his head so hard, he won't remember a thing when he wakes up.

Tak: And he was coming to the end of his usefulness, anyway.

Kam: Oh, I got it all wrong?

Kam: I guess the ruler of a nation couldn't possibly be that weak.

Kam: What is he, then?

Tak: Like I said...

Tak: Just a tool.

G: Nobunobu-sama!

G: Nobunobu-sama!

G: Make way!

G: We're under attack!

G: Get him to a doctor, quickly!

G: He's the man who will rule this country before long.

G: Don't let him die, no matter what!

Kam: I see. Hitotsubashi Nobunobu, eh?

Kam: So he was your pawn in this game of taking over the country.

Kam: Is a weakling like that even useful?

Kam: If it were me, I would ignore the other abilities

Kam: and use the strongest piece.

Tak: Isn't it obvious?

Tak: After all I did to get him to this point,

Tak: he resorted to m*rder because he wanted to be shogun so bad.

Tak: He's a fool.

Tak: That brat doesn't know that if you play your last turn wrong,

Tak: it'll result in your downfall.

Tak: Well, I carried him this far,

Tak: so I'll make full use of him, even if he's reduced to a mere figurehead.

Tak: The center believed that the Hitotsubashi faction was

Tak: behind the assassination attempt,

Tak: but now they'll direct their attention elsewhere.

Tak: They'll think that Lord Hitotsubashi is also a victim whom someone tried to k*ll.

Tak: Now we won't attract suspicion, even if we go a little wild.

Tak: We're free to force a checkmate or knock over the board itself.

Kam: Guess it's time for the strongest piece to shine.

Mat: Listen up. Here's the plan.

Mat: We'll use three doubles to make sure the shogun makes it to Kyo safe and sound.

Mat: The real one will hide in the cargo of a bakufu freight ship

Mat: and head to Kyo by air.

Mat: To cover this up, the first double will stay back in Edo.

Mat: The second will head north by sea.

Mat: He will distract the enemy if the plan gets discovered.

Mat: And the third will head west by land.

Mat: This is also a diversion,

Mat: but if the enemy finds out,

Mat: this is the convoy that is most likely to be att*cked and k*lled.

Mat: You guys are a trap which draws in the enemy

Mat: and then eats its way out of the prey's belly.

Mat: A selection of my best men will pretend to be a small, elite group

Mat: while secretly being surrounded and backed up by the Oniwaban.

Mat: It's a concentric formation.

Mat: Everyone here has a different social status and background,

Mat: but regardless of affiliation, you all came together to help the shogun.

Mat: So I, too, shall forget about my position

Mat: and go into this w*r as just Sho-chan's partner in crime.

Mat: Forget about status and rank.

Mat: Let's fight together as allies who love this man.

Mat: Forget about lords and retainers!

Mat: Let's just fight together for a buddy!

Mat: And make sure you come back alive.

Mat: Let's meet again, in his country.

Mat: I'm counting on you, buddies.

Mat: And you too,

Mat: doubles.

Gin: Uh, not that I care, but could you hurry it up?

Gin: It's seriously hot in here.

Bo: Why are you the double?!

Sac: The double is a role rife with danger

Sac: because he will be the first one targeted in an attack.

Sac: Gin-san said such a risky role couldn't be left to me, and offered to do it himself.

Gin: Hey, bitch.

Gin: I'm done with Kingdom ,

Gin: so get me all the volumes of Terra Formars within three minutes,

Gin: or I'll have your head.

Hij: He clearly just wants to slack off!

Sac: Don't worry.

Sac: I made him wear a proper disguise.

Sac: Nobody can tell he's not the actual shogun, right?

Gin: Man, it's so stuffy.

Gin: Does the shogun have any sweats?

Hij: He's trying to change into sweats!

Hij: Talk about a rough shogun!

Hij: You've gotta be kidding me.

Hij: Why do I have to guard such a moronic lord?

Kon: In the first place, a double like him basically screams "fake"!

Kag: Art thou stupid?

Kag: I art heading to Kyo in secret.

Kag: Of course I'd disguise myself.

Hij: Disguise? That was a completely different shogun!

Shin: If we are to fool the enemy,

Shin: you all need to act the part.

Shin: What kind of retainer talks like that to the shogun?

Hij: Hey! Just how many shoguns are in this thing?!

Hij: What's going on inside?!

Gin: Don't you know?

Gin: The shogun operates on a three-shift system, dumbass.

Hij: That's not how a three-shift system works, dumbass!

Gin: Hey.

Gin: The next time you address me casually, I'll seriously have your head.

Hij: Bring it on! Let's see you try!

Hij: I'll assassinate a moronic lord like you myself!

Gin: Hear that, men?

Sac: I'll ask you one more time. Do you plan to assassinate the shogun?

Kon: Never in a million years!

Hij: It was a joke! Dark humor!

Sac: You'd best be careful.

Sac: Both the Oniwaban and the samurai guards are on constant high alert.

Sac: He may only be a double,

Sac: but one wrong move and you'll be full of holes.

Gin: Learned your lesson?

Gin: Be careful about how you talk to me from now on, slaves.

Hij: You be careful!

Hij: Why is the double full of holes?!

Gin: I don't care if you're the Shinsengumi chief and vice chief.

Gin: You guys are my retainers today, so put your minds to it and get to work.

Gin: For starters, carry the palanquin as punishment.

Gin: If it shakes even a little, you'll be beheaded.

Hij: Curses!

Hij: Who would've thought things would end up this way?

Hij: If only we'd brought the Shinsengumi along...

G: A top secret mission?

Ymz: And now the Shinsengumi can't move out en masse,

Ymz: so we've been told to guard the shogun or something.

G: Hey, that's beyond rude.

G: What mission could be more important than guarding the shogun?

G: The castle's been on edge ever since the poisoning attempt as it is.

G: There's no telling when an assassin could come after him, too.

Ymz: Don't ask me.

Ymz: Maybe they really trust us.

Ymz: Well, Captain Okita's here, so things will work out somehow.

Ymz: Huh?

Ymz: Speaking of Captain Okita, where is he?

G: Nothing being picked up on radar.

G: The four escort vessels aren't reporting anything out of the ordinary, either.

G: Looks like this might end with us just being needlessly worried.

G: The other convoys don't seem to be having any problems, either.

G: I guess that's to be expected.

G: Nobody could've ever seen through such a perfect plan.

G: No, even if they did see through it, they couldn't have taken the shogun's head.

G: After all, he has that man, the strongest of the shogun's Oniwaban, by his side...

G: The Marici, Hattori Zenzo.

Mai: Long time no see, Zenzo-dono.

Mai: I wonder how many years it's been since you last saw Shigeshige-dono.

Zen: I couldn't say.

Zen: I think it was back when you still had one of your arms, old man Maizo.

Mai: I'm glad to see you haven't changed.

Mai: I suppose we've both been through a lot.

Zen: Yeah, so much so that I forgot the passage of time.

Zen: But I never once forgot the debt I owe you.

Zen: I'm here to repay it, Shogun.

Mai: Nothing is more reassuring than having a man as strong as you on our—

Zen: Back then, you told me

Zen: that the Oniwaban's duty isn't to protect the shogun,

Zen: but rather to protect the shogun's duty.

Zen: And that the shogun's duty is

Zen: to protect the country and its people, even at the cost of his life.

Sho: Yes, Zenzo...

Sho: I leave the rest to you.

Tsuzuku,Sign: To Be Continued

Preview Red,Sign: Preview

Rap: Does this path lead to the future?

All: Show yourself already, assassin!

Kam: Don't give me that look.

Kam: I'm one of your kind.

Oki: Quit looking down on Earth's policemen.

Zen: Whatever you were supposed to protect is now gone.

Sac: Just what are you plotting?

Title : Shogun Assassination Arc Part Two

Title : Ninja Village

And a great battle.

A shocking incident...