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07x32 - Keep Your Farewells Short

Posted: 09/23/22 13:22
by bunniefuu
Kag: Too hot.

Kag: I'm saying you guys are making it too hot in here!

Kag: Get out! This is my parasol, 'kay?!

Gin: Hey, Kagura. I'm borrowing this parasol, okay?

Gin: Kagura.

Gin: Hey, Kagura!

Shin: Kagura-chan!

DBJ: Unfortunately, this hospital doesn't have any detailed data on the Yato race.

Shin: It's all because we took Kagura-chan's premise lightly and did such a horrible thing!

Gin: I'll be staying in this room from today on, too.

Gin: So, uh...

Gin: You can relax and get some sleep.

Gin: This room is the same as the Odd Jobs you know.

Kag: Looks like he's reflected on his actions a little.

Kag: I kinda feel better now.

Gin: Kagura!

Gin: Hang in there, Kagura!

Gin: Kagura!

Kag: Th-This is bad.

Shin: Kagura-chan, hang in there!

Shin: Please come back to us, Kagura-chan!

Kag: I'm ready to come back at any time, so just give me a chance to!

Oto: She's fought long enough.

Oto: Let her rest in peace.

Oki: Give it a rest.

Title: Keep Your Farewells Short

Warning ,Sign: Kagura's request: Watch this program in a bright room and at a safe distance from your TV, 'kay...

Oki: Give it a rest.

Kag: Soyo-chan!

Kag: And those guys!

Soyo: Kagura-chan!

Kon: Forgive me for acting on my own, Otae-san.

Kon: But I just couldn't keep it from her.

Hij: Relax. We're not gonna make any funeral offerings.

Hij: We're only escorting the princess.

Kag: Did those guys bring Soyo-chan here? I can't believe it.

Oki: Look at all of you, going on about crap like offerings and funerals.

Oki: Knock it off. You're in the presence of the princess.

Oki: And this runt ain't dead yet.

Oki: You know she ain't the type to be k*lled off by something like this.

Oki: Rest assured, Princess.

Oki: She... She...

Oki: ain't gonna die until me and her settle things for good.

Kon: Sogo...

Soyo: Okita-san is right.

Soyo: So please, everyone.

Soyo: Don't go deciding on Kagura-chan's funeral.

Soyo: Quit being so cruel.

Soyo: Kagura-chan is still alive.

Soyo: She's still breathing!

Soyo: Please, at least let her decide on her funeral herself!

Kag: Uh, you're the cruelest one here!

Kag: What do you mean, "decide on her funeral herself"?!

Soyo: Kagura-chan...

Soyo: I'll grant any wishes you might have.

Soyo: How do you want to die?

Kag: You're telling me to choose how I die while I'm still alive?!

Kag: A natural-born sadist!

Kag: Keep your sadistic tendencies in check, Soyo-chan!

Soyo: Please say something, Kagura-chan!

Kag: I know!

Kag: I'll use her talking to me to revive!

Kag: I—

Oki: What was that?

Oki: Oh, okay.

Kag: I can't breathe! What does he think he's doing?!

Oki: I've figured out what she wants, Princess.

Soyo: Really?

Kag: I-I'm fading...

Oki: Let's start preparing for the service right away.

Kag: Huh? Where am I?

Kag: Huh? I can't move my body or speak.

Kag: Am I still half asleep?

Gin: She's got such a peaceful look.

Shin: Kagura-chan!

Kag: What are these idiots doing?

G: We're all set.

Shin: Go ahead, then.

Kag: What? Go ahead with what?

Kag: Uh, what the heck? No way.

Kag: Is this...

Funeral,Sign: Princess Soyo's Friend {\fs }Kagura-chan's Funeral Site

Kag: the beginning of my funeral?!

Kag: What's more,

Kag: I'm getting a state funeral?!

Goodbye,Sign: Goodbye, Kagura-chan.

Oki: Princess, I'm sure she's overjoyed right about now

Oki: that she gets such a grand send-off.

Kag: Don't tell me...

Oki: Not only that, she gets what she's always wanted...

Oki: She's bathing in sunlight

Oki: inside a tanning salon-style coffin as she departs for the afterlife.

Kag: That... That bastard...

Kag: He knows!

Funeral,Sign: Princess Soyo's Friend {\fs }Kagura-chan's Funeral Site

Oto: Thank you all so much for coming today.

Oto: So many of you have gathered here.

Oto: I'm sure that's made her very happy.

Oto: As you can see from her smile, she was a girl that hated gloomy scenes,

Oto: so please,

Oto: send her off with a smile today.

Oto: I'm sure that's the best parting gift we can offer her.

Oto: Now please come, one by one, to place your flowers of tribute in the coffin

Oto: and say your last farewells to her.

Oki: Allow me to go first.

Shin: Okita-san.

Kon: Sogo...

Kon: I never thought I'd see him like this.

Kon: They fought every time they ran into each other,

Kon: but I guess, to people,

Kon: losing a good friend

Kon: and losing an enemy you'd always have spats with

Kon: aren't all that different.

Kag: Curse you!

Oki: How d'you like the coffin? Nice and cozy?

Oki: I figured you'd at least like to bask in sunlight in the afterlife,

Oki: so I specially prepared this tanning salon-style coffin for you.

Kag: Hot!

Kag: My body's burning up!

Kag: What the hell are you thinking?!

Kag: Let me out! Let me outta here!

Oki: Yeah, I can tell how deeply thankful you are to me, even if you don't say a word.

Kag: Thankful, my ass!

Oki: You did all that because you wanted to test their love for you, right?

Oki: In that case, instead of feigning illness,

Oki: dying would better let you see how they truly feel about you.

Oki: Don't worry. You won't be able to move or speak for another twelve hours.

Oki: It'll be the perfect playing-dead act.

Oki: Not many people get the chance to see their own funerals,

Oki: so you'd better be grateful.

Oki: If their love for you is real,

Oki: I'm sure they'll notice.

Oki: Though, by then, you might already be burned to a crisp

Oki: inside this coffin or the incinerator.

Oki: Well, you reap what you sow.

Oki: If you must resent someone,

Oki: resent yourself for doing something so stupid as faking an illness.

Kag: Hold it!

Kag: Get back here, you scumbag!

Kag: I can't believe it! He was the last person I wanted to figure it out!

Kag: He's trying to use my fake illness as a pretext to k*ll me off!

Kag: So hot! I can't take this!

Kag: At this rate, I'll go to heaven for real!

Kag: I need to do something!

Kag: I can't move or speak,

Kag: but if this many people are gonna come say their farewells,

Kag: then I'm sure someone will notice I'm alive!

Kag: They just need to take a good look at my flushed complexion!

Soyo: Excuse me, everyone!

Soyo: Perhaps due to the tanning salon-style coffin,

Soyo: the body is starting to deteriorate.

Soyo: We're running out of time.

Soyo: In order to make things more efficient,

Soyo: we'll put the coffin on a conveyor belt,

Soyo: so please say your farewells as it goes past you.

Kag: What kind of farewell is that?!

Kag: Soyo-chan, don't let him trick you!

Soyo: The belt runs from this funeral parlor to the crematory.

Venue,Sign: Funeral Parlor

Soyo: After everyone has said their farewells, the body will head to the crematory,

Crema,Sign: Crematory

Soyo: where it'll automatically be turned into ashes and shipped to heaven.

Crema Small,: Crematory

Venue Small,Sign: Venue

Kag: What is this, a factory?!

Soyo: Please make sure to be quick, so as to not clog up the line.

Kag: Hey! Could this funeral be any more inappropriate?!

Oto: Kagura...

Oto: How could you pass away before me?

Oto: How could you make me go through this?

Oto: You know, I saw you as my own daughter...

Kag: She's not done yet!

Kag: She's not done saying all those nice things yet!

Cat: Otose-san, you're taking too long.

Cat: You need to make it more compact!

Cat: Hey, wait!

Tama: Otose-sama, Catherine-sama,

Tama: you forgot to place your flowers in the coffin.

Tama: Hurry, give them to me!

Tama: Kagura-sama,

Tama: please rest in peace—

Kag: Wh-Where are you sticking them?!

Kag: How am I supposed to rest like this?!

Tama: Oh, no! Kyubei-sama!

Tama: Could you fix the roses, please?

Kyu: Wait, what?

Kyu: K-Kagura-chan, thanks for everything!

Kag: Why'd you fix the roses in my nose?!

Tsu: No, Kyubei! Roses, not nose!

Tsu: Pull out the roses!

Tsu: K-Kagura, I'll always be indebted to you!

Kag: What the hell are you guys doing?!

Tsu: Goodbye!

Kag: No, hello.

Sac: Hey!

Sac: Just how much brute strength have you got, Tsukki?!

Sac: Kagura-chan's...

Tsu: I-I did what I could!

Tsu: The rest is up to you, Sarutobi!

Sac: You say that after messing everything up? How irresponsible!

Sac: Push or pull, she's not budging!

Sac: What am I supposed to do?!

Sac: What should I do?!

Sac: Kagura-chan,

Sac: I'll make Gin-san happy,

Sac: so relax and go back to the afterlife already!

Kag: Can't breathe!

Kon: Hey, look.

Kon: What is that, Toshi?

Kag: Help, Toshi!

Kag: Somebody, anybody! Just help me!

Hij: I never knew there was a funeral rite like this.

Hij: Just what kind of religion was she a part of?

Kon: At times like these,

Kon: it doesn't matter if she was a friend or an enemy.

Kon: Let's give her a proper send-off, too.

Kag: No!

Kag: As if there'd ever be a funeral rite like this!

Kag: I'll die!

Kag: If I get hit with that, I'll die for real!

Kag: Speed up, conveyor belt!

Hij: We can't catch up!

Kon: Hang in there, Toshi!

Kon: Don't give up!

Kag: No, don't try so hard!

Hij: How pathetic of us.

Hij: Can't we even give a kid a proper send-off?!

Kon: We can! We can do this!

Kon: Let's throw this boulder onto that coffin!

Kag: I can't tell if these idiots are nice or evil!

Tae: What are you two doing?

Kag: Boss lady!

Tae: Why are you two carrying that boulder?

Kag: You're a lifesaver!

Kag: Stop those morons!

Tae: Why didn't you ask me for help?

Kag: That's what you take issue with?!

Kon: Otae-san!

Tae: Thank you, Kondo-san, Hijikata-san.

Tae: You're going so far for Kagura-chan...

Tae: Let's work together.

Kag: Hey!

Kag: They usually mix like oil and water, so why are they cooperating now, of all times?!

Kon: Let's do this!

Kag: Run away!

Kag: Run for it, conveyor belt!

Hij: Crap, it's a slope!

Kon: No! The boulder!

Kag: Nice. Now the boulder's done for.

Kat: I can't see you on the other side of the boulder, but I'll take over from here!

Hij: I can't see you on the other side of the boulder, but I'll leave the rest to you.

Kag: What?! Now they decide to help each other out, regardless of allegiances?!

Kat: Just you wait, Leader!

Distance,Sign: Distance to Crematory

Kag: These mortal enemies have joined forces to try to k*ll me!

W: Hang in there!

G: Don't lose hope!

Kag: Who are you cheering for?!

Kag: Who are you singing for?!

Kag: Who is this funeral for?!

Mad: Now's your chance, guys!

Mad: While I'm offsetting the conveyor belt's motion,

Mad: crush the coffin along with me!

Kag: Just how badly do you guys want to send me off?!

Kat: Here we go, everyone!

Kat: Leader...

All: Goodbye!

Kag: Oh my God.

Kag: I can't believe this is actually gonna end up becoming my funeral.

Kag: Is this my punishment for getting mad over a trivial dispute

Kag: and faking illness to test their feelings for me?

Kag: But I never needed to. I already knew how they felt.

Kag: They ran around in circles and k*lled me in the end,

Kag: but they all came together for me.

Kag: They were all genuinely worried about me.

Kag: They all cried real tears for me.

Kag: And yet, I... I...

Kag: I should've said that one simple thing sooner...

Shin: Sorry, everyone.

Shin: While your desire to give Kagura-chan a proper send-off makes us happy,

Shin: we can't bid farewell to her just yet.

Shin: There's something we need to tell her first.

Gin: I forgot to return your parasol.

Gin: In truth, I thought about holding on to it as a memento,

Gin: but never mind raindrops or sunshine,

Gin: you're a girl even boulders rain down on.

Gin: You'll probably need this in heaven, too, right?

Gin: Kagura...

Bo: Sorry.

Bo: Huh?

Kag: Oh, crap. I said that out loud.

Tae: Uh, did Kagura-chan speak just now?

Gin: Sh-She didn't!

Gin: What's wrong with you?

Shin: After all the money and help we received,

Shin: there's no way we could play the "actually, she's still alive" card!

Gin: She's completely dead, right?

Gin: Yeah, no doubt about it!

Gin: She's dead!

Shin: Shall we continue the funeral?

Shin: Let's burn her to a crisp already!

Tae: Didn't she say "sorry"?

Gin: She didn't!

Tae: Could she have faked an illness to get back at you after a fight?

Gin: Of course not!

Kag: Crap.

Gin: Th-This is bad. I feel sick all of a sudden...

Shin: I-I'm sorry, but I don't feel too good,

Shin: so could we postpone the service to a later date?

Tae: Oh, no need to worry.

Tae: That illness you have is already terminal.

Tae: Let's resume...

All: ...the funeral for the three of you.

Gin: Wait! I didn't do anything wrong!

Gin: If you wanna cremate someone, cremate her!

Kag: What are you talking about?!

Kag: In the first place, this is all because you—

Shin: Sis, I'm just a victim here!

Shin: I just got mixed up in this!

Soyo: What a relief.

Oki: You can say that again.

Title: One Editor Is Enough

Title: {\fad( , )\an }The G-Pen Is Capricious, and the Maru Pen Is Stubborn

Sha: Next episode: "One Editor Is Enough," and

Sha: "The G-Pen Is Capricious, and the Maru Pen Is Stubborn."

Preview Green,Sign: Preview

Sha: A double feature!

Sha: They're both about us, Akurogi Musai, and our road to manga stardom, Bro!

Winter,Sign: This {\c&HAF D F&}Winter

Gin,Sign: Gintama

Turn,Sign: takes a sudden turn.

Zen: This isn't exciting.

Zen: Rather than guarding the shogun, assassinating him sounds way more exciting.

Sac: You've really forgotten, huh?

Gin ,Sign: Gintama

Assass,Sign: Shogun Assassination Arc

Soyo: Brother?

Soyo: Brother.

Soyo: Jeez, Brother!

Sho: Oh, Soyo.

Sho: Forgive me. I was lost in thought.

Soyo: Brother!

Sho: Don't tell me, it was poisoned?

Assass ,Sign: The Shogun Assassination Plot

Assass ,Sign: is put into motion.

Enemy,Sign: Enemy...

Nbnb: Shigeshige,

Nbnb: you no longer have any allies in this country.

Mat: Let's fight together for a buddy!

Ally,Sign: Ally...

Mat: I'm counting on you, buddies.

Mat: And you too,

Mat: double.

Gin: Uh, not that I care, but could you hurry it up?

Bo: Why are you the double?!

Oki: I'm on your side, you know.

Enemy,Sign: Or Traitor?

Kam: Aren't you the same?

Kam: You have the eyes of a k*ller.

Kon: You're the only ones who can.

Kag: What are you so afraid of?

Shin: Gin-san...

Shin: Just what's going to happen to the world now?

Tak: Took you long enough.

Tak: I got sick of waiting for you,

Tak: Gintoki.

Gin: Before dawn.

Gin: The night is darkest just before the dawn.

Past,Sign: The past and {\c&H A &}the truth

Reveal,Sign: are revealed.

Gin: But keep your eyes open.

Gin: I'm Sakata Gintoki, disciple of Yoshida Shoyo!

Gin ,Sign: Gintama

Assass,Sign: Shogun Assassination Arc

Sho: Zenzo...

Sho: I leave the rest to you.

Gin ,Sign: Begins airing December .

Story ,text r: The story

Story ,text l: begins to unfold.