05x07 - Glasses Prevent You from Seeing Certain Things

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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05x07 - Glasses Prevent You from Seeing Certain Things

Post by bunniefuu »

Sa: It's like a dream come true!

Sa: Gin-san buying a pair of glasses for me...

Sa: I'll think of these glasses as you and never let them go!

Sa: I'll treasure them forever!

Zenzo: I heard that you're not getting any assassination work.

Zenzo: Only makes sense after all the mistakes,

and you even injured your own men.

Zenzo: They'll be coming for you.

Zenzo: The Assassins of Assassins Squad!

Zenzo: The Lethal Punishers!

Sa: I'm sorry...

Sa: They were a present from Gin-san...

Sa: I promised to treasure them...

Gin: You don't need to see a thing right now.

Gin: Don't need to see a thing.

Gin: When you wake up,

Gin: there won't be any cracks in your vision.

Gin: The Assassins of Assassins of Assassins Squad!

Gin: Lethal Odd Jobs is moving out!

Zenzo: Is everybody in position?

Shin: Roger.

Zenzo: You all went to Don Quijote!

Zenzo: Don Quijote...

Zenzo: This sensation...

Zenzo: Someone's here...

Zenzo: two on the roof,

Zenzo: one inside,

Zenzo: and one in the yard...

A: I can smell multiple humans.

A: As expected.

A: But it doesn't matter how many there are.

A: This time, we'll finish her off

A: along with the others.

Zenzo: Th-They're here...

Zenzo: The hell are they doing?!

Zenzo: Hurry!

Zenzo: Hurry back!

Glasses Prevent You From Seeing Certain Things

Zenzo: Do you read me? Do you read me?

Zenzo: Five suspicious figures on the premises.

Zenzo: The Punishers have come!

Zenzo: Get your asses back here!

Zenzo: Sarutobi's completely helpless right now!

Zenzo: I can't hold them off for long!

Zenzo: I repeat!

Zenzo: Get back to the house!

Zenzo: Sarutobi's going to die, over!

Shin: What?

Shin: Gin-san, he said that the Punishers are already there, over.

Gin: Hold on.

Gin: They have the enema type,

but they're out of the suppository, over.

Shin: No, it's not for me!

Zenzo: Forget about that already, over!

Gin: Eh? You're the one who told me to buy some, over.

Zenzo: The situation has changed!

Zenzo: This isn't the time to be worrying about my anus, over!

Gin: Screw that!

Gin: I'm buying your damn Preparation H!

Gin: Get your hemorrhoids ready, over!

Zenzo: It won't be my ass that's bleeding all over the place!

Zenzo: I said to forget about it, over!

Shin: Zenzo-san, I sent Kagura-chan and Sadaharu back first.

Shin: We'll be right behind them, so you'll have to make

do with wet wipes in the meantime, over!

Zenzo: Damn...

Zenzo: My plan has been ruined by these fools.

Zenzo: Do you read me?

Zenzo: Zenzo here.

Zenzo: Where are you, China girl? Over.

Kagura: Who's there?!

Kagura: Who are...

Zenzo: Hey, what's wrong?!

Zenzo: Did something happe--

Zenzo: It can't be...

Zenzo: China girl!

Kagura: Are... Are...

Kagura: Are you using SECOM?

Zenzo: What kind of dream is that?!

Zenzo: Why do you sound like a commercial for a private security company?!

Zenzo: And why are you asleep again?

Zenzo: Why did you come back then, dammit?!

Kagura: It's too late for us kiddies and doggies to be up...

Zenzo: Don't fall asleep!

Zenzo: Wake up!

Zenzo: Do you want to die with Sarutobi?!

Kagura: Fine, fine.

Kagura: I get it.

Kagura: I'll keep my eyes open and stand watch.

Zenzo: You think you can fool me with that?!

Zenzo: Why are you sleeping next to Sarutobi?!

Zenzo: Idiot!

Zenzo: I'll have to go wake her up.

N: Punisher No.

N: Pillow Masa.

N: He makes sure that his target's slumber

N: is permanent by swapping the target's pillow for one

N: that has a b*mb in the blink of an eye.

N: An assassin who goes after targets when they're asleep.

Zenzo: H-Here he comes...

Zenzo: At the worst possible time!

Zenzo: A-A b*mb!

Zenzo: Hey! Wake up!

Zenzo: Run away!

Zenzo: A b*mb...

Kagura: Shut up!

Zenzo: What?!

Zenzo: Are you an idiot?!

Zenzo: This isn't the time to be sleeping!

Zenzo: Wake up!

Masa: Hmph.

Masa: Good night, ladies.

Masa: I-It's so heavy!

Masa: The pillow won't budge!

Masa: What's wrong with this girl?!

Masa: It's like her head is made out of lead!

Zenzo: He insists on k*lling people by swapping

out their pillows?

Masa: Don't take me lightly!

Masa: I've disposed of many traitors by swapping their pillows!

Masa: I won't let this little girl...

Masa: Won't let this little girl...!

Masa: Got it!

Masa: How sleepy can you be?!

Masa: Let go of your damn pillow!

Masa: There!

Masa: Yes, that's more like it.

Masa: Now, ladies,

Masa: good night.

Zenzo: This is bad!

Masa: Huh?

Kagura: I use SECOM...

Zenzo: Hey!

Zenzo: How can your sleeping be so violent?!

Shin: Do you read me?

Shin: Shimura here.

Shin: I just heard an expl*si*n in the yard.

Shin: Is everything okay?

Shin: Over!

Zenzo: Well, I'm not sure what just happened,

Zenzo: but one of them was taken out.

Shin: Huh?!

Zenzo: There are still four left.

Zenzo: I'll move Sarutobi. We can meet somewhere else.

Zenzo: Where are you?

Shin: We already came back,

Shin: but I got separated from Gin-san.

Shin: I'm trying to find everyone from a high place.

Zenzo: High place?!

Zenzo: You idiot!

Zenzo: The enemy's gonna spot you!

Shin: What am I supposed to do then?

Shin: There we go!

Shin: I can see you!

Shin: I'm up here!

Shin: Man, it's so hot.

Shin: I bought a few t-shirts.

Shin: Would you like to change into one?

Zenzo: Behind you!

Zenzo: Behind you, Shimura!

Shin: Wh-Who are you?!

Punisher No.

Tatsu: T-Shirt Tatsu.

Tatsu: An assassin who specializes in t-shirts.

Tatsu: He makes sure that his target is permanently too tight

Tatsu: by swapping the target's medium-sized t-shirt for his own

Tatsu: small-sized t-shirt in the blink of an eye.

Shin: What the hell is an assassin who specializes in t-shirts?!

Tatsu: He is very proud of his t-shirts

Shin: You're not even an assassin!

Tatsu: and is a big fan of artistic t-shirts.

Shin: You're just an old man in a t-shirt!

Tatsu: Strip.

Tatsu: Shut up and strip!

Shin: Wait! Let me go!

Zenzo: Hey, there's something wrong with this image!

Zenzo: It's creeping me out!

Zenzo: The hell are you people doing?!

Zenzo: Who cares about a t-shirt?!

Tatsu: It's so heavy!

Tatsu: I can't take off his t-shirt!

Tatsu: Is this a large instead of a medium?!

Zenzo: Is there really that much of a difference?!

Tatsu: Don't take me lightly!

Tatsu: I've put on many tight t-shirts

by taking off such loose t-shirts!

Tatsu: I won't let this large-sized t-shirt...

Tatsu: Won't let this large-sized t-shirt...!

Tatsu: Got it!

Tatsu: He was wearing a small t-shirt to begin with!

Zenzo: Who gives a damn?!

Shin: Well, Gin-san took the medium one.

Shin: Sorry about this.

Tatsu: No, I should be the one to apologize.

Tatsu: You should have told me that you were wearing a small.

Zenzo: What's going on?

Zenzo: Why are small ones acceptable?

Zenzo: What do you have against medium t-shirts?!

Shin: Actually, I have a bunch of small t-shirts here.

Shin: You can have them if you'd like.

Zenzo: What? I can try them on?

Zenzo: What are you doing?! Do your job!

Zenzo: Aren't you a Punisher?!

Zenzo: Did you come here to try on t-shirts?!

Tatsu: Whee! T-shirts are meant to be small!

Tatsu: It feels so good to have the cloth pulled tightly across your skin!

Tatsu: Huh? This shirt is bigger than I expected.

Shin: Oh, there weren't any mediums, but there was a large one in there.

Shin: That's okay though, right?

Tatsu: You tricked me!

Zenzo: Why?!

Zenzo: Why would he die because he put on a large t-shirt?!

Zenzo: What's the story here?!

Shin: I feel kinda bad.

Shin: But now, there are only three left.

Zenzo: Three?

Zenzo: Did this guy even count?

Gin: Sakata here.

Gin: I just heard a small-sized t-shirt being ripped apart in the yard.

Gin: Is everything okay? Over.

Zenzo: How could you hear that?!

Zenzo: Is everything okay with your ears?!

Gin: Oh, there you are.

Shin: Gin-san, where'd you go?

Shin: I was worried.

Gin: Well, it's so hot.

Gin: So I was digging through the fridge for something cold.

Gin: I found some Chuuberts.

Zenzo: Don't you people have any sense of danger?!

Zenzo: Why are you changing into t-shirts and looking around for snacks

while assassins are running around?!

Zenzo: And those Chuuberts are mine!

Gin: Don't be stupid!

Gin: I risked my life to grab these

Chuuberts while assassins are running around!

Gin: They're mine!

Zenzo: I was saving those for later!

Zenzo: I'm never gonna let you have the grape one!

Now, now.

Kagura: There's a grape and a soda,

so let's be nice and share.

Zenzo: Why are you back awake like nothing ever happened?

Zenzo: How did a Chuubert wake up someone

who was knocked out by an expl*si*n?!

Kagura: If we break them in half, we'll have four.

Kagura: I want soda.

Gin: I want grape.

Shin: I'll take soda then.

Kagura: See? It worked out perfectly.

Sa: G-Grape...

Gin: She seems to be having a nightmare.

Zenzo: Let's break them in half then.

Sa: Grape!

Ga: That's my choice...

Gin: Hey!

Gin: Why are you making requests while

pretending to have a nightmare?!

Gin: Grape, my ass!

Gin: Whose fault do you think this mess is?

Shin: Gin-san! You shouldn't do that to someone who's injured!

Gin: She's obviously awake!

Gin: She's only pretending to be asleep!

Kagura: Not much we can do.

Kagura: I guess the grape people will have to do rock, paper, scissors

with the loser getting the knobs on the end.

Zenzo: Don't be ridiculous!

Zenzo: The soda people should join in then!

Zenzo: I'd rather have a soda than the knobs!

Kagura: No way!

Kagura: This is a problem for the grape people!

Kagura: Don't drag the soda people into this!

Kagura: Right, Pachi-boy?

Shin: I'm fine with grape or soda.

Sa: Th-Then Pachi-boy gets left out...

Shin: How can you say such terrible things while

having a nightmare, Sa-chan-san?!

Shin: Gin-san! She's obviously awake!

Gin: Then the loser gets both the knobs.

All: Okay!

Gin: First comes rock!

All: Rock, paper...

Shin: Huh? Hold on.

Shin: Uh...

Shin: Don't these Chuuberts look a little strange?

Zenzo: How?

Gin: Now that you mention it, they seem a little clean.

Gin: Huh?

Gin: They don't have any knobs?

All: Ah...

Punishers No. , Assassins who specialize in Chuuberts. They make sure that their target is permanently suffering from a brother complex

Chu: The Chuubert Chu Brothers!

Chu: Refer to the caption for the rest of our introduction!

by swapping the longer part of the Chuubert for the shorter part in the blink of the eye. Incidentally, the brothers split their own Chuuberts vertically.

Gin: Don't bother coming up with an intro if you're too lazy to give it!

Chu: How unfortunate!

Chu: We switched the longer parts for the shorter parts!

Chu: The shorter end is perfect for you fools!

Chu: You get to experience the anguish

felt by a younger brother when relinquishing

the longer part to your older brother!

Chu: Even though you aren't little brothers!

Chu: Brother, it worked perfectly!

Chu: The souls of our comrades will rest easy now!

Chu: Let us return home and celebrate with the longer parts of Chuuberts!

Chu: This BGM is...

Chu: There are others who are able to use this BGM?!

Chu: Brother!

Chu: Th-There are Chuuberts...!

Chu: Chuuberts in our asses!

Chu: Y-You bastards!

Zenzo: Give back...

Gin: ...the longer Chuubert parts.

Chu: S-Spare us!

Chu: We already ate them!

Chu: Stupid brother!

Chu: H-Hold on!

Chu: We'll buy new ones for you!

Chu: Promise!

Chu: Please spare our lives!

Chu: Please! We'll buy as many as you want!

Chu: How many longer parts do you want?

Chu: Wait! Wait!

Gin: Yo.

Gin: Sorry to keep you waiting, boss.

Zenzo: We punished your Punishers.

Gin: Four weak-ass Punishers.

Gin: They need a special crash course on the art of k*lling.

Gin: Work 'em to the bone.

Gin: Take this message to your superiors.

Gin: If they want to crush Sa-chan the Assassin,

Gin: they better send every k*ller they got.

Boss: Don't worry.

Boss: I already let them know.

Boss: I knew that k*lling the top assassin

in Edo wouldn't be easy.

Gin: I-I was just kidding, boss!

Gin: Give me a break!

Gin: It was just a joke!

Gin: A little k*ller of a joke!

Gin: You don't have to be so serious!

Gin: Okay, there you have it!

Gin: Everybody's dismissed!

Gin: Good work!

Gin: Sorry about the mix-up!

Gin: Uh, are you listening?

Gin: Really, I'm sorry!

Gin: I'm apologizing!

Zenzo: Hey! What do you think you're doing?!

Zenzo: This is all because you got too cocky!

Gin: That's because I thought it was safe to start playing it cool!

Zenzo: Don't give me that sh*t!

Zenzo: I was coerced into helping these people!

Zenzo: Keep them and let me go!

Kagura: Bring it on!

Kagura: If Gin-chan dies, his soul will live on in us!

Gin: Why are you making it sound like I'm the only one who's gonna die?!

Gin: You can live on inside me!

Boss: Ayame Sarutobi, you have good friends.

Gin: We aren't friends!

Gin: We're total strangers!

Gin: We have nothing to do with her!

Boss: But your crime was to succumb to your weakness.

Boss: We don't need weak assassins.

Boss: I have cut down many evil villains with

Boss: this very blade to protect Edo from the shadows.

Boss: I cannot allow my blade to falter

for the sake of one weakling.

Boss: If you need something to blame, blame your own weakness.

Boss: And your failure to protect your own comrades!

Shin: Gin-san!

Zenzo: What?!

Sa: The bells of Jetavana toll,

Sa: echoing the impermanence of all things.

Sa: The color of the flowers on the sal tree...

Sa: Only the evil practice certain death.

Sa: I won't let you lay a finger on these people.

Sa: Or I'm not Sa-chan the Assassin.

Shin: Sa-chan-san!

Boss: So you've returned from the depths of hell, Ayame Sarutobi.

Boss: I was ready to grant you

a peaceful crossing of the River Styx.

Boss: You intend to resist us in your current state?

Boss: I'm sure that you've already seen

how you stand no chance against us.

Sa: I wouldn't know,

Sa: since I have poor eyesight.

Sa: But...

Sa: I can see clearly now.

Sa: How I was a fool.

Sa: How kind everyone has been.

Sa: How Zenzo's hemorrhoids are getting worse.

Zenzo: What?

Sa: And I now see what it is that I must truly treasure.

Sa: I can see everything

Sa: without wearing these.

Gin: Come on...

Gin: That was harsh.

Gin: Those glasses were a present.

Sa: I'm still wearing...

Sa: ...the glasses you and everyone else gave me.

Sa: I'm wearing the wonderful glasses which let me see your souls...

Sa: ...on the inside.

Sa: Thank you, Gin-san, Shinpachi-kun, Kagura-chan.

Sa: Who are you again?

Zenzo: You just had to turn me into the butt of a joke!

Sa: I promise to treasure the glasses you gave me.

Boss: What difference will a new pair of glasses make?

Boss: You don't need glasses to see...

Boss: ...that imminent death approaches.

Boss: With the Punishers on the case,

Boss: your death is assured!

A: I-Impossible!

A: She's sh**ting beams from her glasses!

Boss: Stand firm!

Boss: att*ck her glasses from behind!

Boss: Aim for her glasses!

Voice: Three enemies approaching at seven meters from the left rear.

Voice: Power levels are , , .

Voice: They will att*ck after the scene change. Prepare yourself.

Sa: I can see! I can see! I can see!

Sa: I feel like my entire body is wearing glasses!

Sa: I can see everything!

Kagura: Go, Sa-chan!

Shin: Show them the power of a glasses girl!

Zenzo: The power of the Oniwaban!

Gin: The power of Sa-chan the Assassin!

Both: Give it to them!


Sa: The Glasses School of Ninjutsu!

Sa: Ultimate technique!

Sa: Take this!

Sa: Flight of the Hundred Glasses!

Boss: I-Impressive, Ayame Sarutobi...

Boss: You were able to accurately place glasses of the

wrong prescription on every single Punisher.

Boss: Y-You are Edo's greatest glasses gi--

Boss: Assassin...

Kagura: You did it!

Kagura: Way to go, Sa-chan!

Shin: You've finally mastered the

ultimate technique of the Glasses School.

Zenzo: What is this Glasses School?

Zenzo: I'm the only one who doesn't know it?

Zenzo: You've all heard of it?

Gin: You can tell that those glasses were made by old Gengai.

Gin: They're not bad.

Zenzo: Are those even glasses?

Zenzo: Wouldn't they be considered a w*apon?

Gin: I should ask him to make me a pair of glasses

that can see through clothes and remove mosaic censors.

Zenzo: Oh, could you ask him to make two pairs?

Sa: Thank you.

Sa: I couldn't have done it without everybody's help.

Gin: Hey, could you not look in this direction?

Gin: I'm scared that you'll start sh**ting beams.

Sa: It's a marvel.

Sa: The world looks so beautiful through these glasses.

Sa: Take Zenzo's drab house.

Sa: It looks so flashy that it's almost on fire.

Zenzo: It really is on fire!

Zenzo: You're sh**ting beams!

Zenzo: The hell are you doing?!

Sa: It must be because these glasses were a present from all of you.

Sa: How wonderful.

Sa: I'm going to treasure them.

Sa: Thank you so much!

Sa: I love you, Gin-san!

Zenzo: Wait!

Zenzo: Don't walk around my home with those glasses on!

Shin: Gin-san,

Shin: it seems that glasses

aren't meant to be given as a present,

even from loved ones.

Kagura: Hmm?

Kagura: Why's that?

Shin: Because you can't regift them.

Gin: Clever, but it rubbed me the wrong way.

Gin: Hey, Kagura-kun.

Gin: How about a sh*t of beams for Shinpachi?

Look forward to next time.
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