04x49 - New Year's Envelopes Are Perfect for Dirty Jokes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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04x49 - New Year's Envelopes Are Perfect for Dirty Jokes

Post by bunniefuu »

Remember! Was the woman you loved meant to stand in the rain under a dark sky? Seimei-san! What?! Who are you? Just a fan.

["That's How I Wish To Be, Beautiful And Strong.


Gin-chan! It's still not enough! Give me more until it's all hard and stiff! What's this?! They're channeling magic into his blade That will have no effect on me! Die! You've got it wrong, Doman.

This should be You're amazing, Seimei-kun.

You know so many spells that I don't.

Can't control the body The grown-ups spend all their time fighting, but I'm sure that we can be friends, Seimei-kun! Yeah.

When we grow up, we will protect Edo together.

We're unbeatable if we join forces, Doman.

It's a promise, Seimei-kun.

Yeah Let's get strong together, okay? What are these memories?! It's too bad.

I thought we could be friends.

These are These are! I felt the same way Doman! Doman Can it be? Are you? Are you restraining Antenmaru?! Seimei I refuse to listen to you Sacrifice your life to end this once and for all? I refuse to let you have all the glory.

Allow me this final moment.

Lord Doman.

Quickly Finish me off while you can I won't let that happen, Doman! A lesser being could never hold me back! Do it! The time has come for the Ketsuno clan and Shirino clan to join together after a thousand years of strife! Let us show him our clan's might to vanquish evil! Break free of our accursed fate! Lord Doman! That's Their power is gathering into Gin-san's blade! Doman! Seimei I've figured out how to make up with you.

Protect Edo with me We've had incessant rain for the past few days, but early this morning, the wind picked up and we now have a storm! Battering rain and wind that make it difficult to stand up straight! The door went flying! Catherine-san, it's dangerous to go outside.

Tama! Otose-san! Tama got! Look at this! The bridge has been swept away by the torrent! At this rate, it's only a matter of time before the rain floods the entire city! The heavy clouds above Edo are a mysterious phenomena that cannot be picked up by our weather satellites! What are those clouds?! What's going to happen to Edo?! Please, making such a big fuss over a hurricane.

Isn't it your job to report the weather? These fools will only make people panic.

Otose-san, help! Isn't there a reporter with some nerve to Good morning.

I can feel your raw emotion Big enough to reach anyone anywhere Guaranteed Strong enough to cut through these smothering dark clouds! Stop interfering, Doman! Begone! Your clan has been cursed by darkness! You can never clear away these clouds! The Mikado are fated to suffer an eternal rain of hatred! How is everybody doing after the extended period of rain? Are you feeling down because of the gloomy weather? Lost your cheer? The skies above Edo may be rough at the moment, but you don't need to worry.

Rain must eventually end.

Clouds must eventually part.

So cheer up.

Let us all wish together.

Our hopes will reach I just know it The sun will shine Along with our hearts.

Here we go! Namaste.

Tomorrow will be sunny! Ah, I finally remembered What I always wanted to see, to possess But it would fade when I tried to draw it close Never meant to be by my side Now here is the forecast for today.

Today's weather is Sunny! It can only be seen when standing in the sunlight Ah Still the same as back then.

What a great smile Wow, they've almost rebuilt the place while Gin-san was healing his xxxxicles.

A considerable job for both Onmyoji and shikigami.

Nobody will be able to return to protecting Edo for the time being.

Oh, then the Bakufu didn't get mad at you? Someone mentioned how you'd get in trouble for recalling the shikigami around Edo.

The situation was dire.

If we hadn't dealt with Antenmaru, Edo would have been destroyed.

So you weren't fired.

That's good news.

But what about the Shirino clan, the ones who summoned Antenmaru? Will they be punished? Punished? Why would that be necessary? Nobody can be blamed for Antenmaru's revival.

The seal on him had weakened after a thousand years.

The Ketsuno clan and Shirino clan cooperated to exorcise it.

Am I wrong? Seimei-san Thanks to a certain someone going on a rampage, he not only wrecked our homes, but utterly destroyed the huge wall that separated the Ketsuno and Shirino for a thousand years.

Honestly, how is he going to take responsibility for his actions? Marrying Christel and taking over the family won't be anywhere near enough.

Gin-san would love to hear that.

Hey, you gonna force her into another political marriage and repeat the whole tragic mess? That sponge is worthless.

I was only joking.

But I believe he will return home for the time being.

The entire clan will be holding a feast in his honor.

Speaking of which, where is he? His xxxxicles haven't been healed yet? Hey! The entire clan holding a feast I wish we had a chance to share a glass with him.

I wish we could have showed him this sky.

Oh? And who might you be talking about? Where are you going? We can't hold a feast without the guest of honor.

Guest of honor? Are you stupid? I said that I'm just a fan.

And if I stick around, Ms.

Ketsuno will hear about what happened.

You don't want Ms.

Ketsuno to find out about this huge fight over her, do you? You came with me so you could settle the matter without her finding out, right? So you were planning to work for free this entire time? You knew that Lady Christel would never learn of what happened, and still? Don't be ridiculous.

When have I ever worked for free? Get this signed for me and send it back.

I promise to send it back.

I'll get her to sign it "Gintoki Love," if it costs me my life.

Thanks a bunch.

Master Gintoki.

Lady Christel may never know what happened, but I will.

I will never forget what you did.

I will always remember my other, precious master.

Please take care.

What is this? Gedomaru, I would expect no less from a Ketsuno dog.

You have been trained well.

Do the Ketsuno make a practice of allowing your savior to leave empty-handed? Doman! Why are you alive?! You're Didn't you say that everybody's wishes would get through? They got through.

The desire everybody had to save Doman-san drove away the darkness.

The Shirino make a habit of paying back favors.

Men, we shall see them off properly! Behold the difference between us and the ill-mannered Ketsuno clan! Lord Doman! Pitiful, Doman! That's what you get for pushing yourself too hard when you're still recovering! Watch as the Ketsuno give them a majestic send-off! Behold the difference between us and the crude Shirino clan! Seimei! Curse you! You shall not defeat me! Observe my elegant and beautiful technique! Laughable, Doman! Observe my super elegant and beautiful technique! Super hyper elegant and beautiful technique! Super hyper wonderful elegant and beautiful technique! Super hyper wonderful excellent elegant and beautiful technique! Super hyper wonderful excellent dynamite elegant and beautiful technique! Super hyper wonderful excellent dynamite ultimate elegant and beautiful technique! Hey, look at them.

Did they really make up with each other? Beats me.

But that's probably how they're meant to be.

Let's go, Gin-chan.

Such a pretty line of ghosts and demons.

Sounds like they're having a lot of fun outside.

I'm stuck here recording this on DVD.

Oh, you too? My boss ordered me to do the same.

It's such a drag And now that her program's been brought back, we have Ms.

Ketsuno's horoscope.

Yes, the horoscope with the most luck today [Christel Ketsuno's Black Horoscopes]

is Libra.

Especially if you're a Libra with bushy hair and eyes like a dead fish Huh? What's wrong, Ms.

Ketsuno? Huh? You're crying? Are you crying? I'm sure that your feelings have reached everyone.

So allow me to say this.

To the samurai who was taking shelter from the rain Thank you.

There you go.

Anyway, what's with the "New Interpretation" crap? We're going to pretend the story on TV never happened? Or what? If you want to know how it was different from the first go, buy the DVDs? Yeah, or else it'll be all icky like trying to find the differences without any answer.

Man, grown-ups are so dirty.

Don't you agree, Shinpachi-kun? Could the main character not deny the whole point of the movie? I can't take this anymore I can't bear to star in a film that's produced by such dirty grown-ups Kagura-chan, you're not starring in anything.

Well, we're going to make it so you don't have to refer back to the TV version by recapping the Benizakura arc.

We don't have that much time left, you know.

Don't worry.

We were there when it happened, so we can summarize the good parts in a digest.

[Digest of Benizakura Arc]

Like this! The disappearance of the demonic sword, Benizakura.

[Might be too late]

We members of Odd Jobs search for the missing Katsura [Gwah!!]

to find that Takasugi is plotting to use Benizakura to destroy Edo.

Odd Jobs battles him to stop his nefarious plot.

Comrades fall, one after another.

Insurance money comes in, one check after another.

Gushing faster than the eye can perceive! Punching away at lightning speed! As the fierce battle continues, a slumbering monster within me awakens! Its name is the Cuticle Samurai! The hell are you twisting the facts for?! Your head's the twisted mess! Stop telling lies! You barely pay our salaries, but you bothered to put us under accidental insurance?! And you go off using the money to gamble?! Pretty sure that was how it went Oh, sorry.

They were life insurance policies That's even worse! How could anyone make a film out of this?! You can't blame him for forgetting stuff that happened in the past.

Let me handle this.

I remember Benizakura like it happened yesterday.


It was something like this.

The disappearance of the demonic sword, Benizakura.

I search for the missing Katsura, and three days later in Odawara City, I find Katsura without his memories and with a unibrow.

Upon asking, he starts babbling about being abducted by aliens.

You've got it completely wrong! That has nothing to do with the Benizakura Arc! [Reference to the Noriko Sakai drug scandal.


That's just the Tatsuya Gashuin mess! Really? I have trouble remembering what happened in the past.

The one you described is ancient history! Don't confuse this with something that happened twenty years ago! Why did Zura go missing anyway? Did he even go missing? You don't remember a single detail! I'm not exactly sure, but Zura was acting weird then.

He'd suddenly start rapping, mess up his hair, and DJ.

And then his hair was shorter when he came back.

Who the hell are you talking about?! That's not it! The Benizakura Arc has nothing to do with that! Oh, I see.

This was the Aoi Usagi Arc, not the Benizakura Arc.

There's no such thing! Who cares what color it is? Though I'm totally against white.

Shut up! Just forget it! Could the two of you please shut up! Oh, crap! We ran out of time while arguing! No choice.

We'll use the fastest and cheapest method! So if you want to know about the Benizakura Arc, I recommend volumes 11 and 12 of the manga.

A vital item for fully enjoying the movie.

In place of volume 0.

[Reference to the tenth One Piece film and its vol.


So this was all just one big advertisement?! [Preview]

The next episode "Santa Claus Red is Blood Red!" [Anyway, the theme song for the movie is "Bakuchi Dancer" by DOES.


[Bakuchi carries the dual meanings of "advancing straight forward" and "gambling.


[See you next time.

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