04x35 - Don't Say Goodbye Lionel

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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04x35 - Don't Say Goodbye Lionel

Post by bunniefuu »

Squiggly and squirty! Mayonnaise.

Damn light yellow stuff! Yummy, yummy.


Eggs and vinegar and oil! Naturally delicious on salad! Still great when sucked straight from the bottle! A perfect miracle!! Revolutionizes cooking! Mayonnaise! Hey, everyone! Is everybody doing slurpingly well today? Here's an announcement from Mayorin! Does anybody want to know where mayonnaise comes from and how it gets to you? Guess what? Whoever finds a ticket, 1 in every 30,000 bottles, gets an invitation to Mayorin's home! Mayo lovers should suck away to find a ticket! I'll be waiting! That was a squishy message for your dinner table from Mayorin Mayonnaise.

Mayorin ["Hometowns and Boobs are Best Thought From Afar"]

And so starting today, amendment as you can see, Less than Five Mayonnaise a Day is Unacceptable.

requires each person to consume five bottles of mayonnaise a day! What?! Shut up! This is an order from your Vice-commander! What is this? We were told to assemble on short notice for the sake of this order? Maybe the Vice-commander's lost his mind after eating too much mayonnaise Hijikata-san.

What is it, Sogo? Well, I don't know what you're plotting, but I can't understand why the rest of us have to go along with your mayo fetish.

Eh? 'Sides, it's got nothing to do with the samurai code.

Yeah! Yeah! This is oppressive, even for the Vice-commander! Toshi, when you decide something, you need to explain it in a way that everyone else can accept.

This is too much even for Hey, Yamazaki.

Explain this to everyone.

Huh?! U-Uh, no, but You never told me anything In fact, I'd like to have this explained to me, you know? Hey, I'll k*ll you.

Listen up, you morons! Ya' think keeping the streets safe is enough for us Shinsengumi during the time of this great recession?! We need to keep the economy safe too! Gotta do our part in building domestic demand! Consume lots of mayonnaise to help the economy recover! Our organization needs to appeal to the public in multiple ways! You got that, fools?! Okay, good job.

Everybody who understands should applaud.

Applause! Don't hold back.

There's still dessert.

Squiggly and squirty! Mayonnaise.

Damn light yellow stuff! Damn it! Squiggly and squirty! Mayonnaise.

Damn light yellow stuff! I can't find one Get that mayonnaise away from me! Ketchup Ketchup is better Everybody! Have you already found your tickets? There's only a little more time until the deadline for invitation tickets.

Hurry, hurry! That was a smooth and shiny message for your dinner table from Mayorin Mayonnaise.

Why? Why can't I find one?! What the hell?! What's wrong, Yamazaki?! Vice-commander, please look at this! I was squeezing mayonnaise out when a weird piece of paper Th-This is! This is it!! What do we do with this? We should probably call the manufacturer to complain about a foreign object Ya-Yamazaki, that's Congratulations.

Huh? Isn't that great, Yamazaki? You can go to the mayonnaise factory now.

Huh? Oh? You look pale, Hijikata-san.

What? Did you force everybody to eat mayonnaise because you wanted to go to the factory? Even if it means taking away someone else's winning ticket? O-Of course not, you fool! We said that it was to help build domestic demand! H-He figured it out! That's good to hear.

I couldn't imagine that the Vice-commander would take a winning ticket from a subordinate.

Then go have fun at the mayonnaise factory, Yamazaki.

I-I don't really understand Should I be happy about this? Yamazaki, you You're really No, really Congrats, Yamazaki! You're scaring me! Uh, you can have this if you'd like It's too late for that now! 'Cause you're the one who found it! 'Cause it's only natural for you to go! 'Cause I'm sure Mayorin is waiting for you!! Hey, don't be so stubborn, Toshi.

Eggs Kondo-san Everybody knows your love for mayonnaise.

And we went along kind of knowing what this was all about.

So think of that ticket as our blessing and accept it.

Vice-commander Thank you All of you Thank you so much Gori I mean, Kondo-san.

Huh? Were you about to say Gorilla? After I said all those nice things, you were about to call me Gorilla? [Mayorin Mayonnaise Factory]

[A few days later]

Now then, members of the special field trip, I shall take you to the next step.

I heard that we get mayonnaise as a souvenir this time! All right! These new facilities are amazing! Thank you for visiting today.

Ma-, Ma- Mayorin Where are you? Ah, man.

Give me a break already.

Why do I have to wear this suffocating thing? My underwear is stuck to my ass like crazy.

It's all like, is that my underwear or my ass? Like I'm it and it's me.

We don't have a choice.

It'll get ugly if we don't go in prepared.

Would you rather be k*lled or have sticky underwear? Getting rid of a beehive? Why did you accept this job? And from what I heard, we're up against their violent brothers, the wasps.

It'll be fine.

Since we came in full gear.

Hey, don't underestimate those wasps.

They're nothing like those soft honey bees making their high school debut.

These big guys aren't satisfied by transporting pollen.


They even carry out hits.

It'd be no problem for them to raid another school in small numbers, and end up slaughtering them all.

They don't care if they knew you back in middle school.

Not to mention impregnate the school madonna and raise the young by feeding them the corpses.

They're devils.

Insane bastards.

And we're crazy enough to go destroy their home? There's still time.

Let's buy some soba and sake and give them a warm welcome to the hood.


They're just a bunch of bees.


They might be big, but that's only relative.

Seriously Ah, are you Odd Jobs? Over here, over here.

Ah, sorry to keep you waiting.

I apologize about making you come all the way out here.

Well, that's the one I mentioned.

It just popped up when I wasn't looking Can you do something about it? ["The Whole Peeing on a Bee Sting Is a Myth.

You'll Get Germs, So Don't Do It!!]

How does it look? Well, I'll leave it up to you What's that supposed to mean? Are we playing "Feeling Couple" here?! [Note: From a 70's dating game show called "Propose Daisakusen"]

Are the two of us supposed to build a love nest now?! How is that a beehive?! More like a salamander nest! F-Forgive me! But, there wasn't anything there last night.

These popped up all over the place overnight.

What kind of world would have bees that could build a nest like that in one night? Is the queen a sl*ve driver? You shouldn't be talking when you don't even pay us.

Master Monk, I'm sorry to say that this isn't from Earth.

It's an alien species.

It's too dangerous.

We can't handle it.

Could you please deal with it? Consider my occupation I couldn't take a life.

But you're okay with humans dying? You're okay with us being incinerated by salamanders?! This will be a nuisance to the neighbors if I leave it alone.

I beg of you.

We shall also cheer you on.

We shall pray for you.

Stop the chanting! That's bad luck! Then rap should be okay.

Hey! They'll do it if we rap! Ah, hey! Wait! What are you Right, there was a tape.

Yeah, yeah! What do we do? They went to get a tape deck.

We're leaving.

Who knows how big the bees in that thing are? These protective suits won't do a damn.

It'll be over if they plunge into us.

But what will happen to the monks if we just ignore it? Don't worry about it.

Monks and bees get along well so they'll be fine.

[Bouzu = Monk]

Didn't Shonen Magazine have a "BOUZU BEE"? No, that was "BOYS BE" Same difference.

It's that manga where everyone's crotch stinger is twitching, right? It's over.

What are you doing? Hey, Gin-chan, Shinpachi.

Don't talk to me! I know nothing at all! I'm a rotting corpse who has nothing to do with that fool! Nothing good will come of stinging me! I'm just a rotting corpse! Gin-san! Does playing dead work against bees?! I've never heard of anyone doing that! Are you sure about this?! Is it going to work?! Don't talk to me! Do you wanna die?! And why are the monks also playing dead?! Hey! How dare you play dead by yourself after talking to me?! [Please take good care of the garden.


Huh? It's awfully quiet Gin-chan, what do we do next? Huh? I don't sense anything coming to att*ck us.

Normally, they would come swarming out in a rage after that much of a mess.

I guess we should be safe.

Hey, maybe this wasn't a beehive to begin with? Huh? I mean, who's ever heard of such a huge beehive? Then what is this? A prank? That monk didn't seem very nice.

The neighbors probably hate him.

Don't mess with us! We don't have time for this crap, damn it! Hey! You two! Oh dear Whatcha doing, big guy? Uh Don't give me that crap.

I asked what you were doing.

Yeah Sorry.

I didn't realize that there were peoplebees inside.

I see.

So it's okay to kick a bee house if there aren't any bees inside? N-No Huh? Bee? So you're a bee? So you're actually a bee? Hey, boss! The support's snapped in half! No, you've got it wrong.

That wasn't me, it was her So the earthquake was your doing?! Could you come down to the office with us? H-Hold on! Hold on! You've got it wrong! Coming through! Coming through, my ass! Whose fault do you think this is?! Excuse me, more honey! Allow me to introduce myself.

I'm the young head of planet Royal Jelly, Hacchi (Bee).

Well then, we need to have a talk.

How ya gonna pay up for this?! One or two stingers won't be enough! Actually, we don't have stingers to begin with.

Uh, I don't know about your planetary customs, but on Earth, we make a practice of eliminating beehives for safety purposes.

And? It's our fault for building a nest on someone else's planet without permission? I wouldn't say that it's your fault Nobody would mind if you made hives away from residential areas I've also got something to say to you.

If you want us to leave, shouldn't you ask? Using force without even trying to talk things through Isn't that how the yakuza would behave? Earth is a damn scary place.

And we aren't angry about our hive being ruined.

The youngins will have it back to normal in no time.

But some things in this world will never come back.

That earthquake sent our Lady on her way to the hive in the sky.

The old QS3 fell out of the dresser.

[Note: Parody of PlayStation 3]

Forget about Qlaystation She's been sent to a completely different station! How you gonna make up for this?! The Lady was our only female! We were all her sons! The Queen Bee dying is the same as the planet dying! I'm gonna s*ab you all dead! s*ab every Earthling dead and destroy this planet! Stop that, Riki.

But boss! You were the one who bought this QS3 at Akihabara! Didn't I tell you?! Be careful because the QS3 is damn heavy! The QSP is better! But boss! You were also obsessed with ChimiKiss! [Note: Parody of PS2 dating game KimiKiss.


You so wanted to play that thing! ChimiKiss was on QS2! Not QS3! Besides, I wouldn't bother with that p*ssy crap! It was Fetal Gear! [Note: Parody of the Metal Gear Series.


Fetal Gear was on QS3! Too bad! Liar! It was Chimi Kiss! What's wrong with Chimi Kiss?! Berakami was also great! [Note: Parody of PS2 dating game Amagami.


Now, now, enough of that.

Have some honey and calm down, for crying out loud.

No more fighting, you hear? Sorry.

This is bad.


What do we do, Gin-san? What do we do? Uh So you won't need to destroy our planet if we do something about your queen, right? Gotcha.

We'll be responsible for that.

In return, you'll leave if we patch up your queen, yeah? What?! You're saying that you can bring the Lady back?! You know what's gonna happen to this planet if you fail! Gin-san, what do you intend to do? The fate of the planet is in our hands.

Don't worry.

There's a way.

We just have to find another queen.

Huh? Did you forget? These popped up all over the place overnight.

That wasn't the only hive built on these grounds.

We'll talk to the other hives and ask if their queens can help out.

Is that possible?! Didn't you say that wasps didn't hesitate to b*at up others who were in the same middle school?! I brought plenty of honey for negotiating purposes.

They won't turn us away.

Okay, I'm off then! Wait! You keep quiet and drink your honey.

Excuse me! We were sent by Planet Royal Jelly! Huh? Are they out? Did they go to harvest pollen? I'll go take a look.

Get this over with in a jiffy.

You guys better not do anything dumb.

Sit tight.

Especially you, Kagura.

Don't even twitch.

Nothing good happens when you move.

Excuse me, more honey! Uh How are you going to make up for what's happened to our Lady? You k*lled her! You actually k*lled her! Wait.

Calm down, Masa.

You were the one who bought an old Zbox! [Note: Parody of Xbox]

Didn't I tell you?! Be careful because the Zbox is damn heavy! The TS is better! [Note: Parody of Nintendo DS]

But boss, you were also obsessed with iDOLM@SKER! [Note: Parody of Xbox 360 game iDOLM@STER]

You so wanted to play that thing! Who would bother with p*ssy crap like IM@S?! It was Gears of God! [Note: Parody of Xbox360 game Gears of w*r]

You're obviously an IM@S fan when you know the abbreviation! Gin-san! What are we going to do?! Another hive! Find another hive quick! This is no good! She's still breathing! That's it! The Owee is lighter than the other consoles, so she was only slightly injured! [Note: Parody of Nintendo Wii]

Hang in there, queen lady! C'mon, we're beggin' you! Can you take care of all those bees?! Hey, don't die! You're the only one left! I followed you because I was worried, and I've run into our blood enemies! Planet Royal Pudding! Why did you come to Earth?! Planet Royal Jelly! You were also targeting this place?! I see Everybody was after the same thing.

Planet Royal Yogurt?! There was someone else to deal with before we conquered this planet and exterminated the human race.

You aren't getting this! I'm not letting anyone touch this! You fools The QS3! The Zbox! The Owee! is ours! On that day, what started as a beehive removal turned into the destruction of three planets.

We inadvertently stopped their attempts to conquer Earth, but it wasn't anything to feel good about.

One beehive is the same as an entire planet.

It shouldered the burden of countless lives.

Our lives were built upon as many lives as there were stars in the night sky.

Yo, Odd Jobs! We ready to rap.

Huh? You're already done? Chant away.

Huh? Would you say a prayer for their sake? To all living creatures in this universe Namu.

You know where they went? Not the slightest.

Anyway, wanna go hunt down Queen Aragosta? [Note: Parody of Queen Rangosta from Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G for the PSP]

Let's, let's.

They're alive.

Next time: "Beware of Foreshadows.

" Is that meant for me? [There is a "death flag" which signifies that you will die.

And once you think everything is right and well]

[Yuden raises the deathflag and viciously sets out to get revenge.


[See you next time.

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