04x32 - Space Ururun Homestay

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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04x32 - Space Ururun Homestay

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, Gin-san?! The movie we mentioned last week was for real?! What? You didn't believe me? I mean, this show's been nothing but lies That's not true.

In the story of the Boy Who Cried Wolf, a wolf actually showed up at the end and the boy d*ed.

Same goes for this show.

Isn't that metaphor a little ominous? In any case, we should celebrate.

So this week, we have something special.

In celebration of the GinTama anime becoming a movie! And for DVD sales breaking one million! The Second Character Popularity Poll!! Here are the results! Except we're reusing the same CG.

Well, this is still amazing! Not only has a movie been announced, but we've sold over a million DVD's without even realizing it! More or less.

To be precise, we've sold 878,236 copies.

If you round up, we've broken a million! [Seasons 1-3 retail sales only - Through Aniplex Research]

Hold it! I've never heard of rounding up over 100,000 copies like that! Stop sweating the nitty-gritty.

Plus, you said this is the second popularity poll, but since when did we ever do a first one? The first one came before there was an anime.

The anime staff had the same question so they went back through the manga.

And there it was in the ninth volume! They should do a better job of reading the manga before they make an anime.

And so, here are the results of the Popularity Poll.

Starting with 30th through Count Down! [Second Character Popularity Poll: 30th-21st place]

[30 / Mutsu / Previously 15th / DOWN]

[30 / Kyojiro Nakamura / Previously - / NEW]

[29 / Prince Hata / Previously 18th / DOWN]

[28 / Abuto / Previously - / NEW]

[27 / Tsu Terakado / Previously - / NEW]

[26 / Ayame Sarutobi / Previously 20th / DOWN]

[25 / Ayumu Tojo / Previously - / NEW]

[24 / Tama / Previously - / NEW]

[23 / Matako Kijima / Previously - / NEW]

[22 / Justaway / Previously 19th / DOWN]

[21 / Kamotaro Ito / Previously - / NEW]

That was 30th to 21st! A four-year gap leads to lots of new characters placing.

Then moving right along Since we can't waste time on low-ranking losers, here's 20th through 11th place.

Count Down! [Second Character Popularity Poll: 20th-11th place]

[20 / Mitsuba Okita / Previously - / NEW]

[19 / Bansai Kawakami / Previously - / NEW]

[18 / Taizo Hasegawa / Previously 13th / DOWN]

[17 / Tae Shimura / Previously 12th / DOWN]

[16 / Hideaki Sorachi / Previously 14th / DOWN]

I wish I could become a cheesecake! [15 / Isao Kondo / Previously 10th / DOWN]

[14 / Kyubei Yagyu / Previously - / NEW]

[13 / Sadaharu / Previously 16th / UP]

[12 / Tatsuma Sakamoto / Previously 9th / DOWN]

[11 / Elizabeth / Previously 11th / STAY]

Huh? Didn't one of them get to say something? Sure.

Special privilege of the original author.

Anyway, there are loads of new characters showing up.

It's interesting how most of the old regular characters have been dropping.

What?! Crap And here's what you've been waiting for Count Down! [Second Character Popularity Poll: 10th-4th place]

[10 / Tsukuyo / Previously - / NEW]

[9 / Sagaru Yamazaki / Previously 5th / DOWN]

[8 / Shinpachi Shimura / Previously 8th / STAY]

[7 / Kamui / Previously - / NEW]

[6 / Kagura / Previously 7th / UP]

[5 / Kotaro Katsura / Previously 6th / UP]

[4 / Shinsuke Takasugi / Previously 4th / STAY]

Like I'd lose to my stupid brother and the swarms of new characters! Hell, I even went up a spot! They only served to make me look better! Shinpachi, on the other hand You get all this screen time Yet nothing changed, huh? Just move on Now all that remains are the top three! Here comes 3rd and 2nd place! Count Down! [Second Character Popularity Poll: 3rd-2nd place]

[3 / Toshiro Hijikata / Previously 3rd / STAY]

[2 / Sogo Okita / Previously 2nd / STAY]

The mayonnaise/nicotine addict and sadistic freak! Only number one remains! Well, we all know who it is.

Kind of embarrassing, yeah? Though it's only natural as the main character.

But we still have to announce it as part of the process.

So number one in the Second Character Popularity Poll! [Cue card]

Count Gin-chan.

Huh? We're out of time.

Huh? Huh?! And here is the weekly ranking for DVD sales.

This in fourth place? What a laugh.

Humans are creatures who love rankings.

Here are the top ten most watched shows for the month.

They have a tendency to compare everything.

Like sales rankings Listing the richest people Viewership ratings Shonen JUMP survey polls For a while, there was a movement against this trend.

There were schools that held sports festivals without standings, claiming everybody who tried hard should be first place.

But that's been abandoned now.

It's said that rankings are a way to know your own standing, so you can better improve yourself.

However If your ranking doesn't improve after grueling hard work, what are you supposed to do? If your ranking leaves you feeling defeated instead of inspired, is there a point to that ranking? [8th place]

Are popularity polls really necessary? Even if they are, is it necessary to publicly announce the results? If I couldn't budge from my 8th place ranking, am I necessary? ["Screw Popularity Polls"]

Shinpachi-kun? What are you doing here? Oh, 9 Yamazaki-san.

You were about to call me 9th place, right? Not that I care, but you were about to call me 9th place, right? Aren't you working? Yeah, I'm just not in the mood I see.

You work with 1st and 6th.

I've got 2nd and 3rd.

Oh The same for you too, huh?.

I can't stand the smug looks Captain Okita didn't say anything last time either, but that look on his face Even if they act normally, it still pisses me off.

Like, they're being conscious about it, aren't they? Deep down, they're being all proud of themselves, you know? Kagura-chan and Sadaharu both went up I'm the only one who didn't change Still at 8th.

What's so bad about not changing? My rank went down.

Oh, sorry.

That wasn't my intention Maybe the mohawk was a problem I'm very sorry No, it doesn't matter.

Less stress this way.

My previous ranking was odd to begin with.

Must have been an organized vote, or some under-the-table business Th-That's not true.

It's impressive, considering how little screen time you get.

I have the second-most screen time in the show Uh Did we do something wrong? No It's not an issue of right or wrong The problem would be that we haven't done anything You've gotta catch their attention Whether in a good way or a bad way, if you can't hook the audience, you're going to pass under their radar.

A hook It's true that we haven't done that.

Ah, sorry about grouping us together.

Nah, it's fine.

You don't need to be considerate today.

But it's too late to try to hook them Quite frankly, I think it's over This is as far as I can go No matter what I do, my image's been established.

And Bandai-Namco is clearly looking down on me Maybe it's just wrong for me wanting to be more popular Wishing for character merchandise based off of me Maybe they've realized how desperate I am Maybe it's turned people off Shinpachi-kun Is it so shameful to place 8th and 9th? Huh? Wouldn't 8th and 9th place be as good as first for boring characters like us? Yamazaki-san Even if we're to place 1st or 2nd, would that be okay? No, right? There are plenty of colorful people, flowers, around us.

And those flowers need dirt, a steppingstone, to bloom.

We don't need to become number one in a popularity poll.

We can be number one at being their steppingstones.

Do the best you can in the role you've been given, the position you hold Yamazaki-san Yamazaki-san You're such an adult.

But I'm I'm no adult.

I was the same as you a while back.

I thought that if I worked hard If I worked hard I could place 1st Yamazaki-san Huh? That's odd I gave up on that a long time ago Why is this happening now? Sorry! Ya-Yamazaki-san! H-Hang in there, Yamazaki-san! What What happened?! Yamazaki-san's ranking is sinking like a rock! His underwear being removed to reveal a shameful sight has led to a dramatic change in his popularity! Th-There's still someone who hasn't accepted the results of the popularity poll Quickly Run away Th-That person intends to forcibly alter the results of the poll [Popularity Poll Arc]

Th-There's still someone who hasn't accepted the results of the popularity poll Quickly Run away Th-That person intends to forcibly alter the results of the poll Wh-What's that?! Hurry Protect your 8th position Th-The number one position for a boring character Y-You must protect it at all cost Ya-Yamazaki-san? Yamazaki-san in 136th place! I-Impossible! How can you alter the results of the popularity poll now?! The results were announced before the opening sequence! What could possibly be accomplished now?! In any case, I have to let everyone know! They're all targets! But who did this?! I don't know who it could be The perpetrator removed Yamazaki-san's underwear to climb the rankings It must be someone ranked below Yamazaki-san! Damn it! There are too many candidates! Who can I trust?! Th-That's Sa-chan-san! Why is she here? Could she have?! So you're the one who's trying to ruin the popularity of the higher ranked characters and stir up the rankings.

The perpetrator?! She's talking to the perpetrator?! Who is it? Despicable.

Will you be satisfied with a high ranking through this method? Who is it?! Sarutobi-san, could you not make odd accusations? If that's your reason for calling me out here, may I leave? I'm quite busy, you know.

S-Sis!! Don't play dumb.

Look above your head.

Your ranking's gone up.

So has yours, for that matter.

It must be nice to sit at such a round number.

Oh, but it doesn't matter if everybody's rank went up.

Sorry, the gap between you and Justaway will never go away.

But don't b*at yourself up about it.

You haven't had much screen time lately.

It's not your fault if you lose to a lifeless object.

Oh, but Justaway hasn't had any screen time either, so I wonder why it's a higher rank than Sarutobi-san? I-If I had more screen time, Gin-san and I would have finished in 1st and 2nd place.

But look at you, Otae-san You had so much more screen time than I did and yet Huh? I see gorillas Twin gorillas? What are those? Pets? Huh? But you're ranked below them! Why are the three of you lined up together? Gonna start a band? Gorilla triplets? N-Not good This is starting to look very bad Hey, I don't care about the rest.

But don't group me with those animals.

Animals? Otae-san You shouldn't say that about the manga artist.

Wait, you also called them twin gorillas, remember?! Otae-san, you'll be the one that's ignored this year! What?! I'll make it so you never show up again, whore! Bring it on! Once you're gone, I'll get a little more screen time, gorilla bitch! Sis! Stop! That's enough, you two Ky-Kyubei-san! Kyu-chan Now isn't the time to be fighting here.

Both of you must be aware by now There's an insolent villain ruining the popularity of the higher ranked characters for personal gain.

Yes, yes! That's right! This isn't the time to be fighting! We must prepare preventive measures.

That's right! That's right!! They should be fine.

None of them seem to be the perpetrator.

Okay, I'll join in We must take advantage of the chaos to att*ck the keep! Eliminate every high-ranked character and conquer all! Wh-What is she talking about?! Wait, Kyu-chan! Are you serious? I know that I'm being unreasonable, but I can't stand the fact that Otae-chan isn't 1st.

The rest doesn't matter.

She isn't the perpetrator, but she might as well be! In w*r, he who strikes first, wins.

Fortunately, the highest-ranked characters didn't gain anything.

They haven't noticed this mess.

Now is our chance to catch them off guard.

So you say, but you're the highest ranked character here.

Won't you end up 1st in the end? Once I have completed my conquest I will! Take my own life.

Why are you risking your life for a popularity poll?! You don't have to do that, Kyu-chan! Besides, I can't possibly do such terrible things for personal gain.

Ranking in the top 10 is more than enough.

She intends to take out most of the higher-ranked characters! That's right! Gin-san's included, so we can set the cutoff at 8th place.

That barely includes me! Couldn't you barely leave me out?! But maybe we shouldn't Yes! That's good! Peace is good.

After all, that would include Kagura-chan and Sadaharu-kun Hey, what about me?! Oh? Who is this girl? Tsukuyo? What is this? Who is this? What's with this girl?! Why is she ranked 9th ahead of us?! Wait, Otae-san.

This girl had twice the votes you did! O-Oh? Ah, she's fairly cute, I guess.

Fairly cute? This girl is loaded with hooks! A scar on her face plus the pipe! How greedy is she?! What's wrong with this girl?! According to Tojo's investigation, she speaks with a classic prost*tute accent.

What?! What's with this girl?! Otae-san, what's with this girl?! What?! What?! O-Oh? She's determined to make an impression There's no need to speak in such a manner.

This is starting to get scary And also according to Tojo's investigation, Gintoki groped her breast.

Groped?! What the hell?! I ain't never been groped, biotch! Say, this is starting to get ugly Oh? Ah, that's why Gin-san's been down on his luck.

This girl must be a bad luck woman.

You're right.

Her face screams bad luck, biotch! Right? Nothing good can come from getting involved with this type.

Poor thing.

What, this is the bad luck woman I've heard about? Coming from three of the worst bad luck women! Stop it!! I don't want to see any more of this ugly act!! And according to Tojo's investigation, she was featured from episodes Oh? Then starting from episode 182 She shouldn't need any more screen time! Sis! Sa-chan-san! Stop! Somebody stop them!! I see Then we should att*ck her first? Otae-chan, where are you going? I'll let the two of you handle her.

I'm going to deal with the source.

Source? To make sure there aren't any more new female characters taking away my screen time I'll go crush the gorilla in 15th.

Not the gorilla! This manga, I mean, anime will end! This is bad! This is getting really bad! On second thought, I shouldn't be searching for a perpetrator, when I'm surrounded by all these egotistical people who could become perpetrators at any minute! What do I do?! What do I do to stop this?! I need someone's help! The one person who would never become a perpetrator in this situation I'll have to rely on the guy in 1st! Huh? Wh-What is this?! Something's wrong All distorted Is this Could it be [Please wait one moment.


Sorachi's been taken out!! [To Be Continued]


And so, since the original author's been taken out, the GinTama anime will be off next week.

[Or so we thought, but that wasn't doable.

You should give us a break every once in a while, TV Tokyo.


[The original author's gone and we're out of stock footage.

Can we use backgrounds only for the entire episode next week?]

[See you next time.

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