04x17 - The Claws of a Crab Can Snip Through a Friendship

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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04x17 - The Claws of a Crab Can Snip Through a Friendship

Post by bunniefuu »

Boom! Wh-What?! Watch TV in a well-lit room and don't sit too close to the screen.

Huh?! Where's the TV?! Oof.


Good morning, Tama.

Good morning, Otose-sama.

Unlike Catherine, you work very hard.

Making yourself busy bright and early every morning You could sleep in a little longer, you know.

We don't open till nighttime.

In my case, sleep does not serve as a method of replenishing my energy.

I can function normally on only a little recharge and oil.

So please do not concern yourself.

Sleep is the kind of thing that's beneficial without feeling like it is.

People and machines need time to rest and clear their minds.

Eat, sleep, and play.

The things we take for granted are more important than you think.

If you don't maintain a stable foundation, you'll end up like those losers upstairs.

Catching colds all the time, upsetting their stomachs, feeling under the weather all year round A robot can't catch a cold.

Please do not concern yourself.

You won't catch a cold, but aren't you feeling a little under the weather? You've been working non-stop the past few days.

An occasional trip to a hot springs Won't work, but how about soaking yourself in oil? Otose-sama.

Thank you very much for always being concerned about me.

But I'm truly fine.

The fact that I'm able to work here with everyone The fact that I can be here with everyone Is enough to make me happy.

["Smooth Polygons Smooth Men's Hearts Too"]

Eh? Something's wrong with Tama? Yes It may have just been the light playing tricks on me, but her face looked odd for a moment.

Her face looked odd for a moment? Better than looking odd 24/7.

That's right.

It beats having a face that looks like a cicada husk 24/7 the way you do.

It reminded me of those fighting games from a while back, all jagged What were they called again? Polygons? Yes, yes.

Her face was all jagged like it was made of polygons.

I'm sure she's tired after working so hard.

Could you check if any screws are loose or anything? First, you should go see a doctor for the screws loose in your head.

How could a little breakdown make a puppet look like polygons? How could a machine get tired? I saw it with my own eyes.

H-Hey What's with your face What do you mean? No, it's all jagged.

Not just your face.

Your whole body's all jagged! I am sorry.

I cannot comprehend what Otose-sama is saying.

No, this should be easy to understand! It's in plain sight! She has worked too hard the past few days.

I was worried, so I kept telling her to take a break.

It was probably an optical illusion.

Something that ridiculous could never happen.

You're the one who's tired.

Your time's coming.

I have returned.

Welcome back.

Thanks for Ah, Master Gintoki.

Good morning.

Forget polygons! She's down to pixels now! Tama completed her errand.

Even the speech bubbles are NES-level! Otose-sama.

Sorry for the wait.

The supermarket was crowded because of a sale.

And she's facing forward regardless of the direction she's moving, like a crab! The way it was in the first Dragon Quest! It's creepy! I can hear that sad song they played in Radatom Castle! Here, Otose-sama.

These are the goods you requested.

Tama handed over a medicinal herb.

[Note: This is a reference to a famous line from Dragon Quest.


There is no response.

It's just a corpse.

Who are you calling a "corpse"?! And I never asked for medicinal herbs! Tama handed over a cypress stick.

I didn't ask for that either! Which item store did you even go to?! There is no response.

It's just a corpse.

Don't try to play dumb! Tama-san! How did you end up like this?! What in the world happened?! I'm so sorry, Tama! You must have broken down because I worked you too hard! Gin-chan, fix her already.

It's dangerous when she's all jagged like this.

People will cut themselves.

You should fix her into a form that's completely round and child safe.

What's wrong with leaving her like this? There isn't that much difference.

Hell yes, there is! Just look! Her legs are still moving while she's quietly standing here! She only has two available poses, one with her right leg up and one with her left leg up! It'll be fine.

She'll get the pose where she's carrying a princess after she rescues Princess Laura.

[Note: Refers to Princess Laura from Dragon Quest game.


Princess Laura doesn't exist in this world! Appearances aside, she was always this useless.

Who cares if she stays this way? Besides, you young'uns are too used to CG and 3D rendering.

Pixels are classic.

Uh, what are you talking about? Back in our day, we couldn't wait to explore dungeons that consisted of just straight lines.

There wasn't any pretty CG, but we let our imaginations run the show.

Uh, so what are you talking about? Sure, the first time I turned the power on, I was a little disappointed with the flashy cover art not matching the actual in-game screens.

I was like, that's it? But by the time I reached the ending credits, I felt like I was the hero! I was so touched when I saw the word "you" in the cast credits.

Uh, what are you But nowadays, they play these long-ass CG cut scenes.

Are we trying to watch a movie? No, right? We want to play a game! No! How did this turn into a discussion about gaming?! Got it? Games don't play you! You play games! We don't need any CG or movies! You wanna let them lead you around?! Do you have no imagination?! Pixel graphics! Events that are text-only! That's all you need! That's enough.

Just shut up.

The Wizardry generation can go scour their dungeons for Muramasa.

[Note: Wizardry was a 1980s game.

Swords named Muramasa often show up in games.


You probably don't think you can fix her.

I get it.

I won't ask you.


As pathetic as a man who can't hook up a DVD player.

As pathetic as a man who screams when he sees a cockroach.

As pathetic as a man who still has his mommy buy his underwear.

Seriously, what's with the adults who get all nostalgic when they start talking about games? Tama handed over a medicinal herb.

Why are you trying to be nice to me?! What kind of wounds am I supposed to heal with that?! Hey, you shouldn't look down on the Wizardry generation.

I could fix this in a second if I wanted to.


If you're gonna be that way, fine.

I'll fix her.

Really? Just watch, polygon generation.

I'll show you the power of the Wizardry generation.

Huh? What's with the screen? [Ow!]









[Old Lady]

[A dark and musty room.


[There are bottles rolling on the floor.


[It appears this place was once a bar.


[A glance into the center of the room reveals a person amongst the bottles.


[No, a broken puppet doll is lying on the floor.


[A glance into the center of the room reveals a person amongst the bottles.


[No, a broken puppet doll is lying on the floor.


[Help it up and repair it?]

[Yes / No]

[The puppet doll was successfully repaired!!]

All right! You didn't fix anything! Why are you trying to go through events text-only like in Wizardry?! You think it's okay to use only text in an anime?! The screen won't last! You can't fix anything like that! I gave the viewers the freedom to imagine how she was fixed.

That's the Wizardry way.

You're just being lazy! And she isn't fixed! Forget it! The Wizardry generation can go and fail to resurrect at a church and turn to ashes! Zip it, polygon generation! Fail to resurrect at a church and turn into powdered polygons! Shut up! Teleport into a rock and wipe out the party! You teleport into polygons and live on for me as a Virtua Fighter! [Mechanic's Shop]

She's got a cold.

A cold? How can a robot catch a cold? It would be more accurate to say that she's caught a computer virus.

A computer virus? An illegal program that roams the virtual world destroying data.

She was probably infected when she connected to the Internet for her work.

So the computer virus has destroyed Tama-san's program, which is why she's behaving this way.

Hey now.

We finally recovered from our colds, and now this? Old geezer, you can fix Tama, right? You can put her back to normal, right? A commercial anti-virus program would be enough to deal with ordinary viruses, but she's got an especially tough one.

The computer virus "Tapir.

" A brand-new virus that infects the program, consumes it, and multiplies.

Tapir reads the data from the system it has infected while rewriting its own program.

It evolves, becoming more efficient as it multiplies and more deeply embedded in its victim.

A Tapir infection caught early on can be easily dealt with, but one that's been evolving over an extended period will be more difficult to remove.

And the Tapir virus will be as strong as the system it has infected.

Once it infected Tama, who is a highly advanced robot, it must have evolved a great deal.

And it's been there for a while.

Nobody can do anything about it.

It's evolved into the strongest and worst virus ever.

N-No way Even you, Gengai-san, can't fix her Don't be ridiculous.

I'm the top robot technician in Edo.

There's nothing I can't do.

However We're dealing with a brand-new virus.

It'll take some time to make a vaccine.

By the time I finish, Tama will have been completely consumed.

She'll be a robot with no soul.

No way But there's still a way to save Tama.

What? Let us hear it, old geezer.

It'll be a dangerous gamble.

For Tama And for all of you It doesn't matter.

Just tell us.

Should I interpret that response to mean that you're willing to risk your lives for Tama? Think what you will.

Just tell us already.

Huh? What's this? What's this robot doing? Hey, what's it Gin-chan!! Wh-Wh-What are you doing, Gengai-san?! Th-This is more than just risking his life! Th-This means Gin-san's This This is! Huh? What's this? Who is this? I don't like this.

G-Gengai-san?! What is this?! Why is Gin-san so tiny?! The magic mallet Z503.

[Note: Parody of legendary Japanese hammer, Uchide-no-Kozuchi.


It sends super magnetic waves through the object it hits and shrinks the target's cells and the target itself.

A high-tech w*apon created by yours truly.

You're joking, right? I'm wrong, right? Don't tell me you're going to smash us with S-Stop! Don't add to your crimes! What can you possibly accomplish by doing this?! Why are you doing this?! Shouldn't that be obvious? We're going to eliminate the virus.

Not through a vaccine or an anti-virus.

You midgets are doing it.

Best of luck to you.

You jerk! Gin-san.

Can we trade off already? Don't give me that crap.

We just switched.

Once you're old, you'll be willing to buy back the hardships during your youth at a Book-Hoff.

[Note: Parody of Book Off, a chain of used bookstores.


Even if they're used.

It's extremely tiring to row through oil.

I'm hungry.

You think any half-eaten food will float by? No, robots don't eat food.

Where are we right now? We entered through her mouth, so we're probably somewhere around the stomach.

Does a robot even have a stomach? I don't know.

Where are we even headed to begin with? I don't know.

How can you not know?! What are we supposed to do?! He turns us into midgets all of a sudden, tells us to defeat the virus, and throws us into her mouth?! We don't know how to defeat the virus or where it even is! Don't take it out on me.

This is all Gengai-san's fault.

That stupid old man Why am I the only one with two? Well? I call it Operation Midget.

That's so bland.

Use a little more imagination.

You're going to enter Tama's body and treat her from the inside.

Uh We don't know anything about robots, so what do we do? I was expecting you to ask that.

Use these.


Isn't this just a toothpick?! Old geezer! You sure you didn't just want to play with midgets?! Don't mistake those for ordinary toothpicks.

They've been modified.

Gin-no-ji, push on the base of your toothpick.

Eh? Like we can count on your modifications to be worth anything.

The last time Gin-no-ji! Push on your wooden sword's grip! It dispenses soy sauce.

So, why soy sauce?! Don't worry.

My technical skills have improved since then.

Go ahead.

Push it.

Tch, I'm not expecting anything But I'll give it a sh*t! It's dashi soy sauce.

[Note: Dashi is bonito fish stock.


How have your technical skills improved, stupid old geezer?! Woohoo! My egg rice will be tastier now! Shut up! You turn into soy sauce! Stop griping and get going.

Hey! Why a bowl?! You just want to play with midgets! It's important to have atmosphere.

It's all sticky.

This must be some kind of special coating to make it easier to enter Tama-san's body It's the bowl I just used to eat natto.

[Note: Natto is fermented soybeans.


I'm gonna strangle you! You'll be going through the mouth.

Godspeed, you three.

Damn old geezer What are we supposed to do with a toothpick?! It can't even remove the squid stuck between my teeth Hey, it got it.

It's actually useful! Thanks, old geezer! Like I'm actually going to say that! Die, you damn old fart! Choke on some squid and die! Pulling out some Do***mon-esque gadget and shoving us into hell! [Note: Parody of Doraemon.


If I ever get out of here, I'm going inside him and exiting through his urethra while slashing this toothpick around! Yeah, yeah.

That's enough whining.

This is the only way to save Tama-san.

We don't have a choice.

That's right.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

You can't reach the urinary uvula without passing through the palatine uvula.

Uh, Tama-san doesn't have one.

But her name means "balls.

" Get over it! I can see land! I wonder where we are.

We entered through the mouth and passed through the stomach, so we're probably near the entrance to the small intestine.

Does a robot even have a small intestine? I don't know.

Will this really work? We'll just have to look around.

We can enter the small intestine and head towards the anus.

And does a robot even have an anus? I don't know.

We don't have a choice.

It's not like we can gather information when there aren't any people around There's one! There's someone here! Why?! Why is there a person inside Tama-san?! And why is he wearing a bodysuit?! I don't really get it, but I'll take whatever I can get right now.

We can ask him.

Hold on! Gin-san! It's dangerous! Uh, excuse me.

Uh, sorry to disturb your nap, but I need to ask a few questions.

Uh, do you live here? We're on a company trip and this is our first time here, so we don't know our way around.

Uh, excuse me There's an arrow sticking out of your rear Are you okay? Greetings, travelers.

Fortune must be smiling on me to bring me an encounter with you as I lie on my deathbed.

Lie on your deathbed? You just have an arrow in your ass.

Please listen to my last request.

Uh, could you listen to me first? It's just an arrow in your ass.

I bequeath you to carry a message to my king.

King? It saddens me to say that our leukocyte army has fallen to the virus army.

This world will soon fall into the hands of the Tapir.

I pray that our king takes flight.

And searches for the legendary warriors from another world Search for the midgets [To Be Continued]

[A Little 3-Z Ginpachi Sensei]

A Little Ginpachi Sensei! Uh, we have a question from someone with the pen name Cherry Blossom Samurai.


I'm having a hard time drawing Gin-san's dead fish eyes.

Please tell me if there's a trick to it.


Here's your answer.

Basically, you need to separate the eyebrows from the eyes.

And draw heavy eyelids.

You should only be able to see half of his pupils.

Okay, all done.

Then you bring the eyebrows and eyes closer together and sharpen the eyelids.

There you go.

A serious-looking Gin-san.

Okay, Cherry Blossom Samurai.

Stop trying to escape the lecture by doodling in class.


Hey! There's an RPG world inside Tama's body?! Why do leukocytes, white blood cells, have a king?! Why does this look so much like Dragon Quest?! I don't know.

The next episode "The Human Body is Like a Little Universe!" [An RPG world of anti-leukocyte viruses has emerged within Tama's body.


[Gin-san and the g*ng set out for the castle in order to meet with the Leukocyte King.


[See you next time.

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