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01x17 - A Hundred Nights and a Thousand Skies

Posted: 09/15/22 11:04
by bunniefuu
Look there. Outside the window.

The Earth.


So dark.

I'm scared!

I can't move.

I don't feel anything.

[SENKU] If I'm aware enough
to realize that much,

then my brain must
still be working

at ten billion percent capacity.

Not bad.

Now start thinking.
For instance...

...there should be a delay

between the average time
stamps of the last posts

on social media like
Twitter or Instagram.

[BYAKUYA] Find those and
calculate backwards,

and we can learn where the
mysterious light originated.

It looks like it started
in South America,

since the petrification wave
spread out radially from there.

What a way to figure it out.

I never would've
thought of that.

I'd love to brag, but I can't
take any credit for the idea.

My son Senku told me about
using this method many times.

Now that we know that,
it's time to go.

Hang in there, Senku.
I'm gonna save you.

You and all seven billion
other humans down there.

Are you really going back?
We're in the dark!

For all we know, you might
be petrified when you land.

If you have to, then go
somewhere far from the source.

Japan's the opposite side
of Earth from South America.

If that light acts
like radiation,

you need to stay away from it.

Yeah, well, somebody
around here's

gotta be the guinea pig, right?

It's my idea, so I should
really go alone, but--

Then there wouldn't be enough
room for us all to return.

There's two pods,
three seats each,

which means three of us
need to take the plunge.

Sorry, but I guess I'll need
two more to come with me.

Or not.

Shamil! What are you--?

You'll have no ground
crew to help.

It's an unprecedented feat.

You could even be petrified
while maneuvering.

And you've got a son,
don't you, old man?

A mission like this
is meant for a loner.

Someone like me.

Eight... Nine...

Two hundred sixteen
thousand seconds.

Roughly 60 hours since
I became immobilized.

[SHAMIL] There is good
news and bad news.

The good news is,
we've landed on Earth

and we aren't petrified.

The bad news is, we severely
missed our target

and landed in the
water upside-down.

If we open the hatch,
we'll take on water and sink.


It's okay. There's precedent
for this kind of thing.

I think you've got
nine hours of air.


But then, that will be
the end of our lives.

Five. Six. Seven.

Count these insane numbers
and keep track of the date.

I need to know
what season it is.

In case I ever get the
chance to revive myself.

That's all I can do right now.

This is the worst-case scenario,

so I have to seize
my one chance.

We have to go down there.
We can find a boat and get them.

And where do we find the
key to start this boat?

Are we going to search thousands
of stone pockets for it?

The closest continent
is hours away!

[BYAKUYA] We'll land on
the nearest island

and rescue them from there.

Even if it's uninhabited.

If we can't find a boat,
we'll make a raft.

Do you really think we can land
perfectly on some island?

We could be off
by ten kilometers!

Ten kilometers is nothing.

I can swim a distance like that.

Even fully clothed if
that's what it's gonna take.

Let's calm our breathing.
We have to conserve our oxygen.

Limit conversation, too.

♪ N-Na na na na na na na na ♪

♪ You can feel the
music in the air ♪

Why are you singing? I just
said to calm your breathing!


I'm sorry. But I don't think
we need to worry anymore.

Just take a look for yourself.



Sorry, guys. Didn't think
it'd take over ten hours.

You're not that young anymore.
Y'know that, old man?

Don't push yourself.
You take way too many risks.

I can see them!

[YAKOV laughs]

Everyone's safe!

[BYAKUYA] The boat was
abandoned on this island,

as far away from the source

of the petrification
wave as possible.

Which means, there might be
survivors on this island.


No. Don't tell me...

Fire's going out.

We need kindling. Why don't
we all go look for some?




I present to you the
Soyuz survival kit.

Made for emergencies
just like this.

It looks cool.

We've been trained for
this type of situation,

so we've got a better
chance than most.

That's right! Why don't we
start by figuring out dinner?

Oh! I know where to go to
find some food, actually.

When we found that man earlier,
I saw a farm nearby.

Hey. Sounds perfect!

The team's counting
on you here, Connie.


I'll, uh, help.

[GROUP cheering]

[BYAKUYA] Congrats on your
marriage, Connie and Shamil!

Yeah, congrats!

You make such a cute couple.

I do appreciate the gesture,
but we don't need a fun ritual.

With the world in this state,
I'm just grateful to be alive.

Oh, lighten up a little.

With the world as it is, we need
more excuses to have fun!

There's hardly any
entertainment left.

You're forgettin'
somethin'. Music!


And now for the
wedding, I'll sing!

Ah! I get to hear the diva
Lillian perform! Lucky me!

♪ How far we've come ♪

♪ How much we've changed ♪

♪ A thousand nights
and a million tears ♪

♪ Now I can say that
I've conquered my fear ♪

♪ If I could go back,
what would I tell you ♪

♪ Wish you'd listen
to the truth ♪

♪ Till then I'll be patiently
waiting right here ♪

Sorry. I just feel so defeated.

The music composed
by so many geniuses

over thousands of years--

Mozart, the Beatles,
all of 'em.

It's just now hittin' me that
we're gonna lose every piece.

No, we won't.

We'll undo the
petrification someday.

Humanity isn't over.

Because, if nothing else,

I know that Senku
is still alive.

Yeah. I'm sure that he is.

He's your son, after all.

I mean, we aren't
related by blood,

but he's my kid.

And plus, he's ten billion
times the man I'll ever be.

He'd be like,

"Giving up is the least
logical course of action."

Or something.

He wouldn't let some
rocks do him in.

Maybe we won't live to see
it ourselves, but him?

He'll figure it out.

He'll save everyone. All seven
billion people on Earth.

Someday, when Senku is revived,

he's gonna need some
friends to help him.

So we'll pass along the baton,

thousands of years
into the future.

[SUIKA] I wish I could say
that I followed that,

but it's such a crazy story
that I'm completely lost.


So a few thousand years ago,

all of humanity was
turned into stone.

You know those stone statues
we see everywhere?

Those are all people.

But Senku's dad and
five others survived

because they were up in
the sky when it happened.

And all of us here
in Ishigami Village

are actually descendants
of those six people.

Hold on. That raises
the question:

Are we all related to Senku?


Byakuya and I are legally father
and son, but not by blood.

Besides, we're hundreds
of generations apart.

No one's related
after that much time.



[GAN'EN] What're you doin'?
It's your big day!

Don't forget about the party!

We're still celebrating
our new village chief!

You two just want
an excuse to drink.

Why don't we join the
celebration? All of us.

[VILLAGERS laughing]

Hey! Drink some more,
sorcerer boy!

I'm a scientist, thank
you very-- Whoa, stop!



Any more, Chief?

I'm not the chief
anymore, remember?

Yes! My apologies!

I'm still not over Ruri
getting a divorce.

It hasn't been this lively
in quite a while, has it?

I dunno the last time
everyone had so much fun!

Yeah! You said it!
I'm having a bla--

You and I are supposed
to be guarding the bridge.


No fair!

No, I'm fine! You don't have
to worry about this outsider!

I don't care if you're
from here or not!

Get in there and drink
your heart out, man!

Uh. Hang on.
Where'd the chief go?

[RURI] I brought you
out here to tell you,

the story ends with a message.

One left by Byakuya.

I thought you should be
the only one to hear it.


Yeah, I kinda figured it would
be something along those lines.

[CONNIE coughing]

If we go to the main islands,
we can find antibiotics.

You've taken your risks,
now we'll return the favor.

But if we don't make it back,
take care of the kids.

[BOYS crying]

Come on, it's time
to head back now.


It was only pneumonia.

Damn it!

It was only pneumonia!

Well, that's new.

You look unusually glum,
you old man.

You said it yourself,
we need to be able have fun,

especially with
the world as it is.

Yeah, you got me there.

Sorry, fun's not crucial
to human survival.

In the end, I had fun.

Since humanity had
already made it to space,

we were lucky enough to survive.

And looking back on it,

I ended up with a wife and kids
that I never imagined I'd have.

Guess life wasn't so bad.

I had fun since the day we
all went to space together.

Hey, old man.

There's one thing I never
got the chance to tell you.

The day that humanity
was turned to stone...

[SHAMIL] made me
eat that ramen, remember?

That packet of ramen
I had up in space

was so unbelievably good...
it was almost hilarious.


Humanity's gonna make
a comeback someday.

To the point where we're eating
ramen in space again.

I'm sure of it.

[CHILDREN laughing]

What's that? A story?

Just some essential knowledge
to help our descendants survive.

I'm making stories out
of it so it's fun.

You were a teacher. I'm not
surprised you'd think of that.

I'm having some trouble
doing it in English, though.

Then do it in Japanese.

It'd help me out--

I'd love to learn more
of your mother language.

The Hundred Tales.

Top priorities are
how to manage food

and how to avoid danger,
like wild beasts.

We'll want a story
about minerals, too.

Someone might come along

who takes an interest in
rocks and collects them.

You can do so much with them,

they'll be useful
to have around.

[BYAKUYA] The first story
of the Hundred Tales.

It'll have to be one
that makes them

want to head to Japan,
where Senku is waiting.

And exactly as
Byakuya had hoped,

someone did take
an interest in rocks

and collect them
because of his stories.

That's our Chrome.


[SENKU chuckles]

Nice to know my old man wasn't
totally useless after all.

This is the village cemetery.

And this small grave marker
was brought here

on behalf of your father
and the other founders.

[SENKU chuckles]

[SENKU] They bit the
dust 3,700 years ago.

Even if they were
buried right here,

you wouldn't find a single bone.

And the last of the Hundred
Tales, the hundredth story...

[BYAKUYA] a message from me.

Hey there, Senku!

If you're listening
to this story,

it means you've broken
out of the stone,

maybe thousands
of years from now.

I'm doin' great!

I mean, I'm already dead
by now, but, you know.

Just as promised, I got
you some souvenirs.

The friends that the Hundred
Tales will connect you with.

The post-apocalyptic world
was pretty fun actually.

But with your science,

and the help of
your new friends,

I know you'll make the
world as fun as it was

before the collapse.

Because you won't
lose this fight.

You'll rebuild, from
scratch if you have to,

and save all of humanity.

Right, Senku? I know
that you can do it.

[SENKU] I think... I'll have
a look around before I go back.

[RURI] Okay. I'll be at the
village with the others.


Right. So that was thousands
of years ago now, huh?

Back when I was still
alone in the dark,

just counting hundreds
of millions of seconds.

[SENKU chuckles]

Really takes me back.

Yeah. It really does.

I'd probably be royally screwed
without your souvenirs.

Might've taken a few millenia,
but I gladly accept 'em.

[VILLAGERS chattering]

Thanks for the offer, but
I'm strictly a cola man.

Never heard of it.

I wouldn't be able to talk
business if I got drunk.

And now that the
village is gathered,

I've got a message to deliver.


Well, let's hear it then,
mentalist. What've you got?

I can take a guess.
The Tsukasa Empire?

He's coming. And he's
bringing an army.

[ALL gasp]

[SENKU chuckles]

[SENKU] Sounds like we'll
finally get the chance

to show them what the Kingdom
of Science is made of.

Are you guys ready? Get excited.