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01x11 - Clear World

Posted: 09/15/22 11:01
by bunniefuu

Your strike's too shallow!

We're counting on those guys
to make Ruri's medicine,

but she'll never get it

unless one of us
wins the Grand Bout!

Okay, so while Gen is busy
smooth-talking ol' Tsukasa,

the science team needs to
start on our wonder drug.

Hell yeah! What's next
on our science journey?

Another fundamental component,

one as essential to
civilization as iron.

The first material in history
to be synthesized using science.

We call it glass.


What's that?

I mean, now that
we have electricity,

isn't the plan to start
making medicine?

Yeah, it is.

But in order to do that,
we need glass first.

Those clay pots
aren't gonna cut it

for the kind of experiments
we'll be doing.

Glass can stand up to
just about any chemical.

In fact, we wouldn't even
have chemistry without it.

And it's ten billion
percent easy to process!

It can be fragile
or durable as hell.

You can even see through it,

which means you can observe
the reactions inside.

Seriously? That's bad!

[SENKU chuckles]

To top it off, once
glass is acquired,

we might finally get the chance
to yank off that melon,

take a look at Great
Detective Suika,

and finally see
that mysterious mug.


Stop, Senku! Suika doesn't
want anybody to see her face!

I don't understand why not.


My gosh, Suika! You are just
the most adorable little thing!

What in the hell?!

[SUIKA] There's something
wrong with my eyes.

They've got the fuzzy sickness.

Everything looks fuzzy to me,

so when I try really
hard to see,

I end up looking like this,
and it's super embarrassing.

But when I put on
my watermelon mask,

it gets a little bit easier
to see for some reason!

Yeah, that's known as
the "pinhole effect."

If you look at an object
through a small hole,

the light passing
through it narrows

and brings it into focus.

So glass and the fuzzy sickness,
are they connected somehow?

Dude, they're like ten
billion percent connected!

Here's the deal, Suika.
You're nearsighted as hell.

It's not some kind of sickness.
There's nothing wrong with you.

In a technological civilization,
this isn't a big deal at all.

We have scientific eyes,
made outta glass.

They're called glasses,
and they help you see clearly.

[SUIKA] Science users can
actually make new eyes?

That's amazing.

It is.

If it's really possible,

I'd love to see all the
beauty in the world.

Even just once.

[SUIKA] I wanna see you guys
without the fuzziness.

I wanna see the real you.

Just one time would
be all I needed.

All right. I'm ready to do this!

Let's make some of this glass!

[KOHAKU] Oh, yeah! What
materials do we need to gather?

[SENKU] Glass is mostly made
out of silica, or quartz sand.


However, I didn't see any of
that in the Chrome Collection.

[CHROME] Why in the heck
would I be collecting sand?

Although, I did see a clue
that should lead us to some.

This is the spot.

When I was a kid,
I found this cool,

see-through rock right here.

Well, that little
chunk is worth more

than you could
imagine right now.

That translucent rock
you've got in your hand

is a quartz crystal,

and it tends to be found in
areas of decayed granite.

And in my hand,

I'm holding lots of the
raw material for glass:

Quartz sand.

[ALL gasp]

Whoa, bad.

Those tiny white grains
are falling out like crazy!

I didn't know this
would be so fun!

We're gonna get a bunch
of this stuff here!

Just try and gather as many of
the see-through ones as you can.

[SENKU] We crush all
the quartz sand down

into even finer grains.

Then we mix it with a bunch
of other stuff and melt it.

Do we need to get anything?

Actually, we've already gathered
everything we're gonna need.

Our hard work keeps paying off.

Ten percent calcium carbonate
from the sea shells,

then add 20% cooked seaweed.

[SENKU] All of the
same materials we used

back when we made soap.

Now that's done.

I can't believe
you've got galena!

Lead has been acquired!

[SENKU] We throw in a bit of
molten lead, and lo and behold,

we have super-transparent
crystal glass,

perfect for a lens.

[CHROME gasps]

It's all sparkly
and see-through,

kinda like a piece of ice!

Or some sorta gem.

[SUIKA] So what's that
weird tool thing do?

It'll polish the glass,

'cause doin' it by
hand would k*ll us.


I bet we can use that
super bad corundum stuff

I've got for polishing it up,
whaddaya think?

Glass has a Mohs hardness
rating of about a six.

Corundum's is nine,
so it's perfect!

Aw, yeah! It's gonna
work like a charm!

[SENKU] Of course, the
hardest one is diamond,

which is up there at ten.

Diamond is crazy!
That's freakin' insane!

Suika, I want you to look
straight ahead of you

and tell me what you see.

I see sunflowers, of course.

It's not like I can't see
anything at all, ya know?

I just have to try--

[CHALK howls]


Come on! Again with
that shallow strike!

Kinro, you've got to
break that habit!

If you wanna fight with a spear,

you have to be able
to judge distance,

or you'll never b*at Magma!

Judging distance. Right.

I heard what she said,

but I don't know how you're
gonna be able to do that.

I mean, let's be honest here,

you obviously have
the fuzzy sickness.

That's the main
reason why you have

such a menacing
look on your face.

I was born like this.

Don't you understand, Kinro?

It would be better if you
went up to her and said,

"I'm not weak,
it's just my eyes.

I know how to fight already.

And if you wanna know the truth,
I'm incredibly strong, okay?"

Such excuses are
unbecoming of a grown man.

Don't tell anyone
about this, Ginro.

[CHALK barking]

It's kinda surprising,

but both you guys
look really cool.

And why is that so surprising?

[SENKU chuckles]

[SENKU] It's finally time to
make some glass equipment.

And now that Suika's leveled up

on her labor
potential statistics,

that means we can actually put
together a full chemistry set.

Calling it "labor
potential" is rude!

Way to ruin the moment, man!

[SENKU, SUIKA laugh]

What's so funny?

What are you laughing about?

[SENKU chuckles]

Get excited to start our
primitive glass-making class!

Yeah! I'm ready to
do this, Senku!

We keep throwing in these
black rocks, right?

[SUIKA] I'm gonna to keep
these comin' for ya, guys!

Ah! Wow, Suika, you're like
a little speed demon.

How cool.

Now that everything's not fuzzy,
it makes things way easier.

Whoa, there are little white
bubbles comin' outta that stuff.

That's what we want.

When you heat obsidian like
this, it creates a foam.

[SENKU] Then, we'll use
that foam as insulation

and make a specialized
glassblowing furnace.

Next, we'll craft an iron straw,

use it to blow up the glass
with air, and that's it.

[SENKU chuckles]

[SENKU] Hey, that's fine.
This was our first try.

When I started making clay pots,

it took months before
they looked decent.

It's not fine!

We don't have months to
get it right this time!

Ruri's health doesn't
seem to be getting better.

I'm not some kinda
glass craftsman,

so I have to learn
by trial and error.

A craftsman?

I don't care for
this one bit, Chrome!

Who the hell is that old fart?

Oh, come on, Old Man Kaseki!

We're in desperate need
of your crafting skills!

Now, is this really
how you youngins

ask for favors these days?

'Cause I'm not into this
kinky rope play stuff.

And I'm definitely not
interested in being a part

of whatever black arts
you're doing here.

See? And this is why I had
to do things the hard way.

Old Man Kaseki.

I forgot to bring your lacquer
back to you. I'm sorry.

Ah, that had slipped my mind.

Tell me, were you the
one who made that?

Her lacquered shield is amazing.

And you crafted it
without iron tools

and hardly any dyes to speak of?


That shield was a
prize from the year

that Kohaku's father, Kokuyo,

became the champion
of the Grand Bout.

I tell ya, I really did go all
out when I made that old beauty.

Gosh, that does take me back.

[KOHAKU giggling]

The handiwork on that shield

is remarkable for this era.

So I had a feeling there must be
an expert craftsman behind it.

But I never expected you'd
be a dusty old fossil.

Did you make that awesome
suspension bridge, as well?

Yeah, I sure did.

And you had the nerve
to pull the planks out!

So you can count me out of
whatever bogus sorcery you--


Wait, what is this see-through
stonework you've got? Wow.

[SENKU, CHROME snickering]

[SENKU] We won't force you
to help if you don't want to.

So just sit back
and watch the show.

You should get a kick
outta this, Kaseki.

In fact, I bet you're gonna be
ten billion percent entertained.

So get ready to get excited!


It would seem that heat makes
the material pliable and soft.

It's like blubber.

The shape changes so easily!

Crap, blew it up too much again.

[KASEKI] What are you
doing you fool?! Stop!

[KASEKI] He's not spinning
it steadily at all.

At this rate, he's never going
to make a good vessel

or anything worth the effort.

Are they doing it this badly
on purpose just to piss me off?

Because that's definitely
what's happening.


There's no way a guy
who spent his whole life

as a craftsman is gonna stand
there and watch a newbie

do something as drool-tastic
as glassblowing.

How much more of this can
you take, Old Man Kaseki?

This has gotta be getting
under your skin.

[growls] I can't
take it anymore!


Boy! You got me
real good, damn it!


Let me take a cr*ck at it!

[CHROME screaming]

He's jacked. Who'd've guessed?

Suika, water!

On it, sir!

Ah, man! That's nuts!

You'd never seen it before,

and you're like a
glass-making master!

[SENKU chuckles]

It's because he's got all those
years of crafting experience.


I've been a craftsman for
50 years, believe it or not.

In fact, son,
I'm kind of a big deal.

There are people like him
in every single era.

Dudes with true talent who've
spent their whole lives

with their heads down

and completely dedicated
to their work.

--[SUIKA] Yay!

Oh, wow!

[CHROME] Come on, Senku, what's
the matter with you, man?

We finally have a k*ller lab!
I thought you'd get excited!

Yeah, sure. Yippee.

At this point, we've reached
the dawn of chemistry.

Things are starting to get fancy
here in our neck of the woods.

Just look at all
the attractions.

It's gotta be ten billion times
more fun than Tsukasa Land.

Because the Kingdom
of Science rules!

Long time no see!
Mecha Senku, at your service!

Here to take you on a tour
of the Kingdom of Science!

This is the kingdom's home base.

It's a treasure
trove of minerals

Chrome's been collecting
since he was a kid.

Ha-ha! I've got tons
of awesome stuff!

Our scientific gourmet dish:

Foxtail millet ramen!

Now this is somethin'
I can eat all day!

It's so yummy!

We rely on strength in numbers

to make our iron supply!

Take it to 1,500 degrees!

This is such crazy-tough work.

I'll be up in a
second. Probably.

[SENKU] To b*at Magma, we built
this hellish training arena.

Actually, it's just part
of the clearing.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Friendship! Hard work! Victory!

You're just sleeping!

Get with the program!
Wake up! Let's go!

[KINRO, GINRO yelling]

[SENKU] We've got the
ultimate in green energy:

The elbow grease generator!


[SENKU] Blowing glass with the
skill of an absolute master.

Shaping it just like clay.

[SENKU] The scorching
hot glass is cooled.

Nice and slow, 'cause we
don't want it to cr*ck.

Our state of the art laboratory.

We're speeding through
the sulfa drug route

with all the bad chemicals
we can get our hands on!

Man, this is really
amazing, isn't it?

The Kingdom of Science is
starting to turn into something.

[SENKU chuckles]

We've only made the
bare essentials so far.

We wouldn't get anywhere
if we were missing

a single one of
these components.

So before the whole
world collapsed,

was the technology, like,
ridiculous or what?

Yeah. It took two million
years for us to get there.

And we're going to catch up
and run right past it.

[CHROME chuckles]

Our next step is
the sulfa drug.

We're gonna make
ourselves a cure-all.



--[SUIKA] Yay!
--[KASEKI] Yay!

--Yay! Yay!
--Yay! Yay!

Oh, man. Their team's so lucky.

It looks like fun.
They're playing.

They got shiny stuff.


Hey, Kinro, how's this idea?

What if the spear tip
was like, super shiny?

Don't you think that would
improve your training

since you could get a
better sense of distance

with your fuzzy vision.

What are you babbling about?
You're starting to annoy me.



Oh, well, uh, if we're talkin'
'bout things that are shiny,

we need gold and silver spears!

That would be so freakin'
awesome, right?

I mean, strictly to use in
the Grand Bout, of course.

Those will definitely give us

just the edge we need
to win, won't they?

[BOTH grunt]


[GINRO gasping]

I don't know anything
about fighting.

Is it true that a gold
and silver spear'll

help them b*at Magma?

Or is that just crap?

Okay. I'll put it in a
way you'll understand.

They ten billion percent only
want gold and silver spears

because they think
that'll make 'em cool.

Oh, wow! Would you look at
all of this "glass," was it?

And this beautiful working area.

With this kinda stuff,

a silver spear must be
a snap to make!

And then takin' down Magma
would be easy-peasy!

[SENKU laughs]

Yeah, good point.

And now that we
have our glassware,

we're gonna have to suck it up
and go get the next ingredient.

Which is also the most
difficult material to obtain.

All right, let's break in
this lab with a silver spear.

But only a silver one.

--[KINRO grunts]
--[GINRO laughs]

Oh, I'm so sorry
about that, Kinro.

It's my way. I'm always
everyone's favorite.

[SENKU] You are in no way
my favorite, you clown.

This mission is quite risky.

It may well cost you
your life, Ginro.


[SENKU] We're going to set
off on a grand adventure.

One where we'll discover
chemistry's greatest treasure.

So you'll be exploring an area
that's ridiculously dangerous.

Where you could literally
die in an instant.
