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03x07 - Big Time Decision

Posted: 09/13/22 14:43
by bunniefuu
Male announcer: previously on big time rush...

- What do you mean, the witch turned carlos into a log?

Keep rolling!

They can't prove anything without a body.

- [Snarling]


- Kendall?

[Record scratches]

- jo!

You're in new zealand filming a movie--

three movies.

- Well, the studio tested the first film,

and the test audience hated it, then burned down the theater.

Then the studio canceled the sequels,

and then I came here.

- Jo. [Laughs]


I'm lucy.

I've heard so much about you.

- Hi.

So are you

- Oh!

I mean, I guess you could say...



- ♪ Ah, ah, ah-ah, oh

- ♪ Make it count, play it straight ♪

♪ don't look back, don't hesitate ♪

- ♪ when you go big time

- ♪ what you want, what you feel ♪

♪ never quit and make it real ♪

- ♪ when you roll big time

- ♪ oh-oh, oh-oh

- ♪ hey, hey

- ♪ listen to your heart now

- ♪ hey, hey

- ♪ don't you feel the rush

- ♪ oh-oh, oh-oh

♪ oh-oh, oh-oh

- ♪ go and shake it up

♪ whatcha gotta lose

♪ go and make your luck

♪ with the life you choose

♪ if you want it all, lay it on the line ♪

♪ it's the only life you got so you got to live it big time ♪

- so you get that date with lucy?

- Guess what was banned in all states

but I got the last two bottles of.

- Please don't show us.

- Zom-b-gone.

- Tell me you didn't buy that

from that stupid late-night commercial.

- Zom-b-gone, the only drink that gives you

complete immunity from zombie att*cks.

Don't get eaten. Get zom-b-gone.

Results may or may not occur.

[Both groaning and moaning]

- go ahead. Mock.

But when the zombie apocalypse hits,

stay away from my zom-b-gone.

- I'm not here.

You haven't seen me.

You don't know where I am.

- Hey, guys.

Both: jo.

- You're back!

- I'm looking for kendall.

- He's not here. - I haven't seen him.

- We don't know where he is. - Mm-hmm.

- Oh, okay.

Well, if you see him, tell him I'm around.

- Of course, yeah. - Sure.

- See you later.

- I got problems.

- Hey.

- Hey!

Now...go away.

- Great.

Just sign this form saying that

I worked here for three hours

and learned about the record industry.

- Fine.

Wait, doesn't this mean

that you have to work for me for three hours,

or you don't get school credit?

- In theory, but I already know all about the record industry.

- Oh, really?

Well, then, you would know

that lesson number one of the music industry

is that you have to get me gingersnap-snaps,

or I'm not gonna sign your sheet-sheet.

[Chuckling] power!

- Gustavo, I couldn't help noticing that I need more money.

So where's my next btr album?

- Ah, you know, griffin, making an album takes time.

- But we are picking demos,

and we should have something ready for the holidays.

- Now I can't help noticing that I'm sad.

- Just release a digipak of remixes.

Hire a guest dj to rework some classics,

throw in one new single, and you'll be seeing new profits

in less than three weeks.

- Katie, I'm putting you in charge of roque records.

- What? - What?

- What?

- Griffin, she's in the seventh grade.

- Which means she's young, and we all know that youth

is what drives the youth-driven music business.

- You can't put her in charge of all of this.

- But I just did.



- Not here. Haven't seen him.

Don't know where he is.

- Well, let him know we need to talk...

About jo and stuff.

- [Exhaling]

okay, you know you can't just hide from your problems.

- Yes, I can.

- Aha!

I knew you were in here!

How could you avoid jo, who you dated,

and lucy, who you just started dating,

but jo came back and saw you kissing lucy,

who you don't know as well as jo,

who you didn't know was coming back, and...


No wonder you're avoiding them.

- And confused.

You forgot confused.

- Which means you have to figure out your problem.

Like, does jo even want to take you back?

- She does. She told me.

- She does? - Mm-hmm.

- Okay, that. But do you still like jo?

You guys have been apart for a long time,

and you really like lucy.

- I haven't even thought about that.

I guess I don't know if I still have feelings for jo.

- Okay, well, then, let's figure it out.

Take a deep breath.

Imagine you and jo are running through fields of flowers...

- Yeah, I still like her.

[Yelling and crashing]

- [grunting]

that mouse is smart.

Real smart.

- Just catch it before people see it.


- I would like to store

the last two bottles of zom-b-gone

in the palmwoods safe.

- You bought zom-b-gone?

- Zom-b-gone, comes in licorice, corn, and green flavor.

Order now.

- What a waste of money.

- [Grunting] actually, norwegian scientists theorize

that with the rise in dirt toxins

and global zooming, there's a % chance

of a zombie apocalypse

occurring in the next fermaherbits.

- How long is that?

- I think it's, like, soon.

- I'll give you bucks for one bottle

and free storage for yours and my zom-b-gone.

- Show me the money.

- I have to go to an atm.

Don't sell it to anybody while I'm gone!

- What was that about?

- I just sold my extra bottle of zom-b-gone to bitters

for--guess what-- bucks!

Now who's crazy?


- Where are my music awards?

- Where's my song?

- In case you didn't know,

griffin is nuts.

And the minute he realizes

that you don't know what you're doing,

he's gonna fire you and hire me back,

and then I will laugh-- ha-ha-ha-ha--

and then you will be banned from roque records forever.

- Katie, just give this up now.

You are in way over your head.

- Great news, everyone.

Katie just licensed btr music

to the new battle blast video game

and made us $. Million.

- It was nothing, griffin.

Juice box?

- Uh, well...

It's : somewhere.

- Okay.

So we now know your problem.

You have to make a decision.

- Do you stay with lucy or get back with jo?

- And how do we solve these problems?

- You run from them.

- No. You confront them...


- Right.

I'm gonna find jo and lucy

and discuss this situation like an adult.

I am confronting my problem.

And now I'm turning around.




[knife clashes] - hey!

What's your problem?

- So, carlos...

- Oh!

- I've been thinking about it,

and I've decided that you should give me

your extra bottle of zom-b-gone.

- But you said it was stupid.

- It probably is,

but how dare you give it to bitters

instead of your best friend,

who, again, will probably never need it?

- But bitters is giving me bucks for it.

- This will not look good with rotting flesh.

- I'm back. Give me the bottle.

- Back off, zombie lunch.

It's mine.

- But we had a deal.

- Ah, deal schmeal. He's my best friend.

- But I went all the way to the atm.

- But I went all the way-- it's mine.

- Give it to me. - Give it to me.

- Give it to me. - To me.

- Give it to me. I'm your best friend.

- No, give it to me. Give it to me.

- Wow, kendall.

Jo and lucy both sound like amazing girls.

- That's the problem.

- You know, my grandma used to say,

% of problems go away by themselves.

- They just go away by themselves?

- By themselves.

- They just go away?

- Just go away.

- Problems just go away.

- You're going away?

- Look...

I'll understand if he wants to get back with jo,

but I don't want to be around to see it.

If I don't hear from him by tonight,

I'm gonna save myself the broken heart

and leave the palmwoods.


- she's leaving the palmwoods?

- It's bad!


- it's jo!

Both: locker!

- Hey!

Both: sorry. We haven't seen him.

- [Sighs]

I guess I made a mistake,

thinking we could just pick up where we left off.

Just tell kendall, if I don't hear from him by tonight,

then I'm gonna leave the palmwoods.

[Locker banging]

- uh... [Clears throat]

- okay, you're hiding from your problems again.

- Yeah, and if I don't make up my mind today

and pick jo or lucy,

they're both gonna leave the palmwoods.

- Just choose who you like better

and go knock on her door.

- I don't know which door to knock on.

I mean, jo is amazing, but she's an actress,

and who's to say that she's not gonna leave again

for another big movie?

And lucy's amazing too,

but we've only been dating for minutes.

- Mm. - Okay.

There's really only one way to solve this problem,

and I didn't want to go here, because it's a little extreme,

but you are gonna have to do everything I say

because I'm the only one who knows how it works.

- Please don't say love science.

- Love science!

All right!

This is gonna work great.

[Electricity zapping]

- wait.

This isn't how you picked me, is it?

- What? No.

[Mouthing words]

[men shouting, glass breaking]

[cat yowling]

[girls screaming]

- I got smartie mouse!

Ha-ha! Ooh!

He's also kind of cute.

[Gasps] I'm gonna call you "brains."

Hi, brains.

- No, we had a deal! - Deal schmeal!

- Guys!

It's a big decision, okay?

But only one of you

can have my extra bottle of zom-b-gone.

- Zom-b-gone, you know it works

'cause it says so on the label.

- Then think of it this way.

Who do you want to be by your side

during a zombie apocalypse?

Me, your best friend ever, who has a protective nature,

or a slacking hotel manager

who only ever looks out for himself?

- I think he wants me...

And my good friend benjamin franklin.

- [Squeals] that's unfair.

- I do like ben.

- Mm-hmm.

- But james is right.

Who will fight best by my side

when the undead invade?

There's only one way to find out.

- Please don't say zombie apoca-lympics.

- The zombie apoca-lympics!

- Can I get another juice box?

You want something done right,

you got to do it yourself.

- Looks like boss lady didn't know about the secret passageway

that leads right to her office.

And now to find the evidence that will prove to griffin

that she has no idea how to run a record company.

"Katie's q objectives:

"increase profits by diversifying foreign assets

and restructuring subsidiary debt."


"Install solar-powered toilets"?

That's actually pretty good.

"Book btr for birthday parties to make extra cash."


[Laughing maniacally]

looks like your new company president

is about to destroy big time rush's image

and profit sharing stuff

by booking them for little kiddie birthday parties.

Fire when ready, griffin.

- Katie, is this true?

- Yep.

I booked btr to play

the sultan of cydonia's daughter's sweet party

for $ million...

And a t*nk.

- A-shink!

- A-shink indeed, gustavo.

Keep up the good work, katie.

I have a t*nk to drive.

- Now, emotions can be deceptive and confusing.

But heart rate, brain waves,

and sweat levels cannot.

Now, camille will bring both lucy and jo out by the pool.

You will observe said girls,

and I will calculate all data

to determine which girl you like better.

- Camille, what are we doing?

- You need to get your mind off kendall,

which is why you have to see the rare albino coconut.

[Electronic beeping]

- okay, data coming in.

Okay, bpms.

Carry the two...

Jo got a ten.

- Told you it was cool.

You should get a smoothie.

- Oh, okay.

- And now for lucy.

- Camille, an albino coconut

is not gonna help me get my mind off kendall.

- Uh, yeah, it will.

It's really cool.

- Over divided by cvms.

Lucy got a ten too.

- They both got tens?

- Uh...

Wait, wait, wait.

N-no, she got an ...


- She sees me. - Oh!

Heart zone reaching dangerous levels.

- Now jo sees me!

- God! It's too much love science!


- what do I do?

- Calculate the margin into...

You run, man! Run!


- Brains, oh, you're funny and smart.

- [Yelling]

sorry, buddha bob!

- Brains? Where are you, brains?

Oh, brains!


- Now, the pool in front of you

represents radioactive plasmatic waste.

The first one of you two to swim through it

and save me from the zombies that are trying to eat my flesh


- I'm immune to plasmatic waste.

- You're going down, snack food.

- And...

[Air horn blares]

- you're going down!

- Wow!

James wins!

- Yes!

- So that's events for james,

zero events for bitters,

which brings the score to to nothing.


The final event is worth points.

Zombie dance-off!

- ♪ It feels right, girl, just give me a sign ♪

♪ we're gonna party all night

- I'm not dancing.

I'm your best friend.

Now choose who gets the bottle.

- Bucks.

My final offer.

- Fine.

Mr. Bitters,

you're an amazing dancer.

But james is my best friend.

And I want him by my side.

- When I'm a zombie, I'm eating you two first.

- Wrong, 'cause we have...

Both: zom-b-gone!

- Oh!

I'm not protected from the zombie apocalypse!

Why'd you do that?

- I'd rather be a zombie with my best bud

than be human without him.

- Besides, there's no such thing as zombies, right?

- Zombie, uh, uh...

[Girls screaming]

- brains!

Both: it's the zombie apocalypse!

- Go!

- Brains!



- okay, I finished the cost reports

and the new song you wanted.


- And I just finished coloring my whale.

And I stayed inside the lines.

- And I just finished writing my letter of resignation.

- You're resigning? Why?

- Because I've been running roque records

for exactly three hours,

which means gustavo has to sign my work-study slip.

- Wait, this whole thing

has been about you completing your hours?

- Yep.

But as my last act as president,

I would like to name gustavo roque as my successor...

Provided he never bans me from roque records, ever.

- Done.

- Bye, guys.

- You know, we're all gonna be working for her one day.

Both: yep!

- Hi, big brother.

- Hey, baby sister.

What are you doing here?

- Oh, I just ran roque records.

What are you doing here?

- I just ran from two girls

who are both amazing and...

I don't know what to do.

- You know you can't run from your problems.

- They also don't go away on their own

or get fixed with love science.

So I'm not sure how to solve it.

- You walk.

- What do you mean "walk"?

- Clears the head.

- Yeah, but my head won't tell me what to do.

- Of course not, but your heart will lead you

where you need to go.

It always does.

[Pulsing rock music]

- [Echoing] ♪ I love ya

♪ if you ain't got nobody to love ♪

♪ And, girl, I'll adore ya ♪

♪ adore ya, adore ya ♪

♪ when there's no one to adore ♪

♪ adore, adore

♪ yeah

- ♪ every time you come around

♪ you put a lightning bolt on my face ♪

♪ 'cause I want you to breathe until ♪

♪ you take me in

♪ but the truth is

all: ♪ she has no idea

♪ no idea that I'm even here ♪

♪ I'm even here

♪ she has no idea

♪ no idea I'm standing here

♪ I'm standing here

- ♪ I kiss you, yeah

♪ whenever you want to be kissed ♪

♪ Oh, I miss you two seconds after you leave ♪

♪ screaming, come back to me ♪

♪ come back to me

all: ♪ every time you come around ♪

♪ you put a lightning bolt on my face ♪

♪ 'cause I want you to breathe until ♪

♪ you take me in

♪ but the truth is

♪ she has no idea

♪ no idea that I'm even here

♪ I'm even here

♪ she has no idea

♪ no idea I'm standing here

♪ I'm standing here

♪ I'm standing here

- Hey.

- Hey.

- ♪ Step it up, get in gear ♪

♪ go for broke, make it clear ♪

- ♪ got to go big time

- ♪ hey, hey

- ♪ make it work, get it right ♪

♪ change the world overnight

- ♪ got to dream big time

- ♪ oh-oh, oh-oh

- ♪ hey, hey

- ♪ give it all you got now

- ♪ hey, hey

- ♪ isn't it a rush

- ♪ oh-oh, oh-oh

♪ oh-oh, oh-oh

- ♪ go and shake it up

♪ whatcha gotta lose

♪ go and make your luck with the life you choose ♪

♪ if you want it all, lay it on the line ♪

♪ it's the only life you got so you got to live it big time ♪