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02x28 - Big Time Interview

Posted: 09/13/22 14:15
by bunniefuu
[Sweeping upbeat music]

- Hey, madison michele here.

Welcome to a very special "backstage access"

where we are using the entire half hour

to give you a big time rush.

We'll give you exclusive access

to where the boys live and play

and visit the studio

where they traded the hockey ice for hollywood lights

and recorded the hit song that started it all.

[Together] ♪ ah, ah, ah-ah, oh

- ♪ make it count, play it straight ♪

♪ don't look back, don't hesitate ♪

- ♪ when you go big time

- ♪ What you want, what you feel ♪

♪ never quit and make it real ♪

- ♪ when you roll big time

- ♪ oh-oh, oh-oh all: ♪ hey, hey

- ♪ listen to your heart now

all: ♪ hey, hey

- ♪ don't you feel the rush?

- ♪ Uh-oh, uh-oh all: ♪ hey

- ♪ uh-oh, uh-oh - ♪ oh

- ♪ go and shake it up

♪ whatcha got to lose?

♪ Go and make your luck

♪ with the life you choose

♪ if you want it all, lay it on the line ♪

♪ it's the only life you got

♪ so you got to live it big time ♪

- on the eve of their second album release,

we sat down with kendall, james, carlos, and logan

as they dish on the ins and outs and ups and downs

of creating the big time pop band

that is hoping to rule the world.

All: ♪ so everybody get up, up out of your seats ♪

♪ kick off your shoes like you're down at the beach ♪

♪ and jump up, up, up on the beat ♪

♪ singing "aye oh!"

♪ If I ruled the world

♪ I'd give it, give it all to you ♪

♪ give it, give it, give it all to you ♪

♪ if I ruled the world

♪ so everybody get up, up out of your seats ♪

♪ kick off your shoes like you're down at the beach ♪

♪ and jump up, up, up on the beat ♪

♪ singing "aye oh!"

♪ If I ruled the world

- all right, guys, so say hello to your national audience.

All: hi, national audience. Both: hello!

- Okay, we're gonna get into the new album

and the upcoming tour in just a second.

But first, is it true that

you guys didn't plan for any of this?

- No. - I wanted to play hockey.

- Actually, it was this dude's fault.

James' fault. - My fault?

You guys can all thank me now.

All: no, no, no, no, no! - Because I'm gonna be famous.

Sing to sold-out arenas, have, like, five houses...

♪ Make the girls go crazy

[both grunting]

- do you want to be a pop star?

- Yes.

- Well, today's your chance

if you're in minnesota.

Are you ready?

[Overlapping shouting]

- my name is james diamond, and I want to be famous.

♪ Whoo-whoa-oh-whoa

- you have no talent!

- No talent? You're the one with no talent.

♪ Oh, you're such a turd

♪ oh, yeah, a giant turd

♪ and you look like a turd

♪ and you smell like a turd

- mrs. Knight,

I want to take your family to los angeles

and produce some demo tracks with kendall.

- Okay, I'll go to la with you and record some demos.

If you take my buds

and make us a singing group.

- [Chokes] - dude!

[Upbeat music]

all: ♪ go and shake it up

♪ whatcha gotta lose

♪ go and make your luck

♪ with the life you choose - ♪ the life you choose

all: ♪ if you want it all, lay it on the line ♪

♪ it's the only life you got

♪ so you got to live it big time ♪

- all right, guys,

so the new album is called "all over again."

So kendall, if you had the chance,

would you do it all over again?

- Oh, drum roll. [All mimicking drum roll]

- and the answer is...

- Big time.

- Kendall knight, born in shakopee, minnesota,

grew up a skating phenom with a secret love of music.

And despite being known as cool rush around the studio,

he has, on occasion, been known to lose that cool.

- Everybody just calm down!

Everybody calm down!

Everybody chill! And they are evil!

I don't know! All right, that's it!

This is not better!

Who invited all of these people?


Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

What is this? How could you?

Who's the dude?

Girl supposed to kiss me boy.

- Uh-- - back off.

- And even when things get intense,

this good guy is not afraid to be the bad boy.

- Ooh! It's a bad boy off!

- Bad boy off.

That sounds interesting. Doesn't that sound interesting?

- You know one thing I know about bad boys is,

they like breaking stuff.


- [Screams]

[glass shatters]

he destroyed my office.

My music awards!

And he used my drawer as a bathroom.

[Toilet flushes] - bad boys go where they want.

- That's a new one.

- And this former high school hockey captain

is also known for his famous pep talks.

- I smell speech.

- We are not beaten yet.

We have to do this on our own.

We're almost halfway there.

Gustavo might be loud, mean, obnoxious,

self-absorbed, unattractive...

Both: get to the point.

- We can do this together.

All: all right! [All cheer]

- hey, madison michele here.

Still hanging poolside with big time rush.

All right, guys, so what can you tell me

about where we're hanging?

- Well, we're at la's famous palm woods.

- Actors, singers, dancers,

basically anyone with big dreams usually stops here first.

- It's pretty much known as the home for the future famous.

- Bingo.

- How could you?

With my mom in the hospital

and my huge fight with my best friend

and my zit!

All: "degrassi" audition? - Wish me luck.

[Rock music]

[pop music]

[Record scratches] - oh!

♪ You got pranked, you got pranked ♪

♪ you got p-r-a-n-k

[clatters, string twangs] - look!

I'm a life-sized doll of myself!

- Jett is right here,

and I would expect a warmer reception

considering I'm the only one

who thought to bring a cheese platter.

- Eeny, meeny, miny... No.

[Buzzer sounds] - you're in on it.

- I'm not in on anything

except realizing you're all weird.

- Have you seen your hair lately?

- What? I'm busy.

Come back never.

[Synth music]

looks like it's time for bitters to crash the party.


- dude.

- Did you hear that?

It was the ghost.


[chainsaw buzzing]

- [laughing]


- [screams]

- hey, fellas. I heard you got a nasty clog.

- What do you got? - Oh, the city is ours.

For one night,

make your city yours.

[Trumpets blare] - interesting.

Go on.

- What?


There's a bunch of kids in it.

[Trumpets blare]

tall kids.

Weird tall kids.

Girls! Uh, teenage girls.

Itchy, itchy teenage girls.

No, rocking out!

Teenage boys and girls rocking out to b.t.r.

- Okay, so this next question is for james.

Who do you think is best looking in the band?

- [Scoffs] - you have got to be kidding.

- Oh, this will be good. - His best friend is his comb.

- Well, madison,

that's gonna take a lot of thought, but...

It's me.

- According to big time legend,

james diamond started singing and dancing at the age of two

and started using hair care products

by the age of three.

Owner of one very lucky comb and ten full-length mirrors,

it's no surprise they call this rush

the pretty one.

- I'm james.

Let's show them some handsome.

[Rock music]


[Animal growls]

better wear your cuda.

One boy next door; one bad boy.

One hot young doctor; one hot greasy mechanic.

Athletic dog trainer,

sassy speed skater,

confused astronaut.

Girls love it when you're fun and creative.

Like using my "will you go to the dance with me?" Flying disc.


[Upbeat music]


Look at yourself.

Who's handsomer than you?

No one.

Who's got more style than you?

No one.

Who's smarter than you?

Well, lots of people,

but that has nothing to do with being a model.

Hey, I'm still me.

Just better.

And we could all wear bandanas.

It could be our thing.


Let's do this.


[tires screech]


- [screams]


[together] we're not wearing bandanas.

- Bandanas are cool!

- Okay, guys, that was great. Cut.

After our interview,

we were given exclusive access to apartment j

where we met the band's official baby sister

and unofficial momager.

- She's always been kind of nervous

in front of the camera.

But if she could talk, she'd probably say,

even though we're not all related,

we're still one big happy family.

[Both scream]

- boys, boys, no fighting.

How about a healthy snack instead?

[Yelps] [all gasp]

[grunting and smacking] okay, that is enough!

- I love you, but I'm a little busy right now.

Ow! Ow! - Ow! Ow! Ow!

- Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! - Ow! Ow! Ow!

I have sensitive ears. You know that.

- Hey, what's going on?

[Together] we're sticking it to the man.

- I want to stick it to the man.

- You can't just sell big time rush gear.

- Yes, I can. It's called boot-legging.

- [Spits]

honey, you have got to be firm with this girl.

Just tell her that you are never, ever going to date her

and she should go back to her boyfriend.

You have to tell camille you want to date other people.

- What is with you parents

and telling the truth all the time?

[Pop music]

- sorry, boys, but that crown will be mine.

[Overlapping shouting]

- whoa, mama, knight!

- My work here is done.

- You know that producer lady's gonna have

every security guard on the lot after you.

- Not if my baby sister, whom I love,

creates a distraction.

[Helicopter blades whirring, sirens wail]

- one more level till I beat the game!

[Snickers] - [screaming]

[helicopter blades whirring, sirens wail]

- you know you were really annoying today

with all that overprotective stuff.

- [Sighs]

yeah, I know.

- Thanks.

- Mom!


- Come on!

- Okay, we're taking a break,

but stick around as we leave the famous palm woods

for the legendary rocqué records

where we ask the boys the one question

they won't want to answer.

- Wait, what? - Wait, what question?

- All that and more when "backstage access" returns.

- You have a question for us? - What's the question?

- Just give us a hint! - What question?

All: ♪ I try to speak

♪ but girl, you got me tongue-tied ♪

[car horns honking] ♪ I try to breathe

♪ but I'm f-f-f-frozen inside

♪ I try to move but I'm stuck in my shoes ♪

♪ you got me paralyzed

♪ paralyzed, p-p-p-paralyzed ♪

♪ I see you walking but all you do is pass me by ♪

♪ can't even talk

♪ 'cause words don't come into my mind ♪

♪ I'd make a move if I had the guts to ♪

♪ but I'm paralyzed

♪ paralyzed p-p-p-paralyzed ♪

all: ♪ talk of the town now and you already know ♪

♪ that you're a star - ♪ ah, ah, ah

all: ♪ a superstar, that you're a star ♪

- ♪ ah, ah, ah all: ♪ a superstar

♪ that you're a star - ♪ ah, ah, ah

all: ♪ and you already know

- Hey, madison michele back here with big time rush.

Where the question on everybody's mind is...

[All talking at once]

- coming up later.

All: oh! - You always do that!

- Why do you guys always do this kind of stuff?

- But the burning question on my mind is,

carlos, where's the helmet?

- Oh! - Nope, don't...

- Okay, look, I agreed not to wear it

during photo sh**t and interviews.

- But why? I think the helmet is cute.

- Well, so do i.

- Much better. - I knew he'd bring it.

- You just ruined your hair. - Hey, madison likes it.

- [Laughs]

son of a minneapolis police officer,

carlos garcia was voted most likely to marry a corndog

by his sophomore class.

Nicknamed the wild rush, he learned early on that

a little extra head protection can go a long way.

- Whoo-hoo!

[Electronic pop music]

- ♪ under the strobing lights... ♪

- The hardest part of any date is starting a conversation.

So just go in there

and tell her something interesting about yourself.

- Here is something interesting about myself.

- No... No helmets.

He hates helmets. - ♪ Can you feel it inside

[bell dings]

- then I started taking my rash medicine,

and it got mostly better.

[Bell dings] so then kendall says

he's gonna get me a girlfriend.

And here you are.

[Laughs, chomping]

when do we mouth kiss?

[Bell dings]

[belches loudly]

sweet. Now I can drink more.


[bell dinging]

step aside, boys.

My uncle was a locksmith.

You just place your hands between the cylinder

and the central housing,

and then hit it with a sledgehammer!


what have I done?

All my friends are all trapped in a well.

There's only one thing to do.



- [coughs]

all: what'd you do that for?

- I was lonely.

This looks like a job for...

El hombre el flaming space rock man.

- [Mimics buzzer] - not even a little.

- [Grunts]

[fanfare] - huh!

You really are a superhero!

- No, I'm a pop star.

[Whooshes, tin clangs, zooms]

- now, since we're here at rocqué records,

tell me, what is it like

to work with the legendary gustavo rocqué?

[All stammer]

- "working with gustavo is wonderful."

- "He is the best in the business."

- [Reads gibberish]


"He's nice."

- "We could not do it without him."

[Bell dings, slide whistle]

- wanting to talk to the man behind the band,

we sat down with gustavo

and his associate, kelly wainwright.

Now, I've spent a good part of the day with the boys,

and they can be wild.

How do you keep them in line?

- How do I keep the dogs in line, madison?

Oh, by the way, I call them dogs.

With a look.


That's right. That's all it takes.

[Snaps] a look.

[Upbeat music]

ooh. [Hisses]


[record scratches]

- Actually, it takes more than a look.

It takes the face.

- The face does not beat the look.

- Yes, it does.

[Bell dings]

[Growls] [screams]

[mischievous funky music]

- With gold records to his credit,

gustavo rocqué made a name in the 's

as the volcanic producer of hit bands

like boyz in the attic and boyz city.

But now that his new band is climbing the charts,

he claims he's calming down.

- [Growling, roars]

[gustavo screaming]

all talent are dogs!

And dogs need to know who's in charge

or they will not listen to commands

and poop on your carpet!

Dogs. Dogs.

Dogs! Dogs.

I need to stay with you dogs tonight.

Dogs. Hey, dogs.

I hate those dogs.

Dogs. Dogs.


What else do you dogs do on fish stick fridays?

You want me to let the monkeys mansion-sit?

- I thought we were dogs.

- You're monkey dogs!

♪ That you're a star

♪ a superstar

♪ that you're a star

♪ and you already know

so how was that?

- And now, the question you've all been waiting for.

- Do your worst.

- But first... - Oh, what?

- Again? - You keep doing this.

- A pop quiz for the group.

- Okay, let's do it. - A pop quiz.

- Who is the only pop star on the charts

who's also a member of the future doctors of america?

- Oh, stop, stop, stop. I got this one.

I know this. Um...

- It's me. - No, just--logan, stop.

It's, um... - No, it's me.

- Logan, you're messing up my concentration.

Stop it. I know this.

- It's me!

- The quartet's logan mitchell

was the last to join the group of friends

when he moved to minnesota in the third grade

where the boys say they quickly bonded

because he did their homework for them.

All: ♪ yeah, it feels right

- [cackles]

♪ everything's better with you ♪

- ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh

♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh - [screams]

- Wha!

- Everybody chill it out.

And hop aboard the logan train...


To mellow ville.



- How's it going? - Hey, chilling.

You know, doing my thing. Bleep, blop, bloop.

- Okay, you failed the first test.

- Yeah, well, I can't believe we can't get rid of a ghost.

Both: you believe in ghosts?

- I believe in the doo-doos in my pants.

- I have yet to meet one boy who fully understands my book.

- Yeah, well, um, hmm, that's crazy,

because I understood it, and...

I'm a boy.

[All gasping] ooh, yeah.

What do you girls think about that?

You like that? You like that?

[Record scratches]

so you don't like that.

All: boy!

- What? Where?

Because I'm a girl, and boys are stupid.

[Girls growl, logan shrieks]

[gasps] fresh.

♪ Don't want to get nasty, but this is how it rocks ♪

♪ this is big time rush's house not a kitty litter box ♪

♪ and you got posters on the wall but ain't no thing ♪

♪ 'cause we gonna rock this out ♪

♪ and put posters

♪ on the wall...



- And now the question everyone has been waiting for.

[Together] and us.

- Romance.

- Oh. - Whoa.

- Who's taken and who's available?

- We are all single.

- Free and clear.

- Call me. Right here.

- You know, we've discovered

that dating in hollywood can be...


- Complicated. - Yes.

- Will you be my date to the prom?

- No. - What?

- Will you go to the dance with me?

- No.

- Will you go to the dance with me?

- No.

- Don't even go there.

- Logan mitchell, will you go out with me?

- Yes.

[Dramatic music]

it is over, logan mitchell,

and I never want to see you again.

- ♪ I love you, I love you

♪ I love you, you know

♪ I love you, I love you, so don't let me go ♪

♪ I gave you my heart

♪ you gave me your soul

♪ I have looks that k*ll

♪ you sing rock and roll

♪ from two different worlds

♪ but still we stay strong

♪ they say it won't last

♪ but we'll prove them wrong

♪ I love you, I love you

♪ I love you, you know

♪ I love you, I love you, don't leave me ♪

♪ I love you [cell phone beeps]

- hello? Uh-huh.

I got the part? [All cheer]

it's sh**ting in new zealand for three years?

[All cheer]

they want me to leave this week?

- Oh, yes! [Laughs]

- this opportunity only comes once in a lifetime.

- Maybe you only come once in a lifetime.

- You are gonna be amazing.

- ♪ Wait - ♪ I'll wait

- ♪ a minute - ♪ I'll wait

- ♪ before you tell me anything ♪

♪ how was your day?

♪ 'Cause I - ♪ I'll wait

- ♪ been missing... All: ♪ you by my side

- ♪ i-i-i-i-i'm never

♪ never

all: ♪ never as far away as it may seem ♪

- ♪ no never - ♪ soon we'll be together

all: ♪ we'll pick up right where we left off ♪

♪ paris, london, tokyo

♪ there's just one thing that I gotta do ♪

♪ hello, tuck you in every night on the phone ♪

♪ hello

- ♪ girl, I'll be thinking about you worldwide ♪

♪ worldwide, worldwide ♪

♪ girl, I'll be thinking about you ♪

- ♪ worldwide - ♪ yes

♪ I may meet a million pretty girls ♪

♪ that know my name

♪ but don't you worry

♪ 'cause you have my heart

- well, we're about out of time.

- Boo. - Come on.

- But before we go, is there anything you want to say?

- We love our fans. - We love you rushers!

- We have the best fans in the world.

- Everybody call me. Call me.

You can call me. You can call me, guys.

- Well, that about wraps up

this special edition of "backstage access,"

and even though it's only their second album,

we want to leave you with a look back

at some of big time rush's greatest hits.

- All right, we'll see you guys soon.

- Don't forget to call me. - Bye.

- Call me. - Five, six, seven, eight.

[Tires screech] [expl*si*n]

[upbeat music]

- duh! - Dude, stop.

[Horn honks] [all scream]

- ah! [Both scream]

[All yelping]

[grunts] [all scream]


[Glass shatters] - [screams]

- [shouts] - ow!

What--ow! What're you doing?

- [Grunts]

[air whistling] [clatters]

[cat yowls]

- [grunts] ah!

- [Screams]

[Screams] [air whistling]


- [grunts, screams]

[sizzles] [screams]

- [grunts] - [gulps]

- [yelps]

[both grunt]

- ah!

[All grunt]

[cat yowls]

[all shout]

- ♪ step it up, get in gear ♪

♪ go for broke, make it clear ♪

all: ♪ got to go big time

- ♪ hey, hey

- ♪ make it work, get it right ♪

♪ change the world overnight

all: ♪ got to dream big time

- ♪ oh-oh, oh-oh - ♪ hey, hey

- ♪ give it all you got now

- ♪ hey, hey

- ♪ isn't it a rush

- ♪ oh-oh, oh-oh - hey!

- ♪ Oh-oh, oh-oh

all: ♪ go and shake it up

♪ whatcha gotta lose

♪ go and make your luck with the life you choose ♪

♪ if you want it all, lay it on the line ♪

♪ it's the only life you got

♪ so you got to live it big time ♪