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05x24 - That's Entertainment, Evans Style

Posted: 09/10/22 17:50
by bunniefuu
♪ Good times ♪

♪ Anytime You meet a payment ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Any time You feel free ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Any time you're
Out from under ♪

♪ Not gettin' hassled
Not gettin' hustled ♪

♪ Keepin' your
head Above water ♪

♪ Making a wave when you can ♪

♪ Temporary layoffs ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Easy credit Ripoffs ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Scratchin' And survivin' ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Hanging in A chow line ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Ain't we lucky we got 'em ♪

♪ Good times ♪

Just think, Thelma.

J.J.'s on his way to New York

for his first
advertising convention.

Yeah, I hope he
finds that sandwich

I put in his jacket pocket.

Yeah, I hope he finds it too,

because if he doesn't,

the plane will never
leave the ground.

Funny, Michael. Funny.

Hi, Thelma. Hi, Michael.

Hi, Penny.

Hey, where's Gary?

Yeah, aren't you supposed to be

keeping an eye on him?

He's coming.

So there you are!

Woman, what's the big idea
of you running away from me?

Gary, I wasn't running.

Your legs are just too short.

Whose legs are
you calling short?

Woman, that's no
way to talk to your man.

Gary, you're not my man.

We're just good friends.

He's impossible.

Well, I think he's cute.

Wait your turn, mama.

Gary, this may hurt you,

but personally, I like
older and taller men.


Yeah, Gary,

but we would be
lost without them.

Now, why don't the two of you

go in my room and
play for a little while?

Okay, Penny.

To the room.


Hey, Thelma, how's
that soup coming along?

Let me taste it and see here.


Ha, ha. Delicious.

You ought to be ashamed of...

Girl, I can't wait to...

Hey, you ladies sure do
sound in a good mood.


My first check from
the beauty parlor.

Mm. Some cash, huh?

Yes, and as of today,
I'm officially off welfare.

Congratulations, Joyce.

Well, I am kind of excited.

"Kind of excited"?

Honey, we got on
the bus with a $5 bill,

and we needed change.

And before the bus driver
could give us change,

Joyce had washed, set,
and blow-dried his hair.

Girl, that's a lie.

Want some coffee?

Yeah. I never lie.

Where's Gary?

Oh, you mean...
"Wait your turn, Mama."

The kids are in
my room, playing.

Gary, you're wrong.

I am not.

You are. I am not.

You are! I am not!

You are! I am not!

Oh, hi, Mama.

Hi, baby.

Is there a holiday next week?

No, I don't think so.

Yes, there is, because
Mrs. Simpson told us

the daycare center will
be closed starting Monday.

What? See?

Honey, maybe you
just misunderstood.

Then why did that jive teacher

have us take all our junk home?

Uh, Penny, why don't you

take Gary over to our place

and play for a while?


Outta sight.

We could play
doctor and nurse...

Hold it, doctor.

Now, ain't nobody playing doctor

with my daughter unless he's had

four years of medical school,

two years' internship,

and a MD license
plate on his Cadillac.

You got that?

Now, get.

Okay. After you, mama.

Hi, Penny. Hi.

Hey, Gary, old buckaroo!


Watch the threads, Lardo.


Well, Lardo... what do you want?

Well, I figured

since Ms. Daniels
is a hairdresser,

maybe she can
give me a new look.

Buffalo Butt, why don't you
wait for the game warden

to come by and tag your ear?

Bookman, my son just told me

the funniest story.

He said the daycare
center is closing down.

It is closing down.

Are you serious?

Oh, no.

It can't be.

Not now.

How can they close the center?

Not enough money, I guess.

Why don't you talk
to Alderman Davis?

He makes these decisions.

Are you kidding?

Alderman Davis?

That's like playing a jukebox.

You don't hear one sound

till you drop in the coin.

If the daycare center closes,

I'll have to hire
a sitter for Gary.

And by the time
I pay for a sitter,

I'll be taking home
less from my job

than I was making on welfare.

Ms. Daniels, maybe you can find

another daycare center.

I was on a waiting
list for six months

before I got Gary into this one.

Hey, Ms. Daniels,

you can probably
get back on welfare.

I don't want welfare.

I want to make it on my own.

It seems like every time

I manage to pull
myself out of a hole,

somebody is waiting at
the top to kick me back in.

What's going to
happen to me now?

Hey, does this mean

you're not gonna
give me a new look?

Oh, Bookman...

Bookman, uh, while you're here,

you know, the lock on the door

is just not working.

Can you fix it for us please?

Sure, yeah. Thank you so much.

Working fine now.

Hey, I can't get back in!

I know.

Uh, who are you
calling, Willona?

Alderman Davis?

This is Willona Woods speaking.

Now, listen, you
jive-time turkey.

What is this I hear

about you closing down
the daycare center?

Now, you listen,

the same folks that vote
you in can vote you out.

You got that, Chromedome?

You told him! You
sure did, Willona.

What did Alderman Davis say?

Honey, he did not say
a single, solitary word.

He didn't say a word?

Because I as talking to,
uh... his answering machine.

Well, I guess I
better go collect Gary.

I've got some
heavy thinking to do.

Hey, baby, look,
hang in there, okay?


Something will work out.

See you, Joyce. Catch you later.

Oh, I guess it's hard
being a single parent

and trying to raise a kid

and make ends meet all at once.

Amen to that.

We've got to think of
something to help Joyce out.

I just wish I knew what.


Look who's here.

Alderman Davis.

Hi, Alderman Davis.

What can you do
us out of this time?

Well, it's close
to election time,

so I thought I'd drop in on
my favorite project people,

the Evans family.

And of course,

my warmest and heartfelt
greetings and salutations

to you too, Winnefrieda.

Alderman Davis,
what is this I hear

about the daycare
center closing down?

I have one question
I'd like to ask you.

Do you have any idea

how important that
daycare center is

to the working women?

How could you let them
close the center down?

I'm glad you asked that
question, Winsomnia.

My name is Willona, baldy.

Let me make one
thing perfectly clear...

I see you got a new couch.

The Alderman Fred C.
Davis supports daycare.

In fact, some of my favorite
small people are children.

That's only because

they're too young
to vote against you.

Nice chair too.

Let me assure you

I am doing all I can
to expedite matters.

You see, the center
depends on funds

from the federal government

that are channeled in
through the city payroll.


those funds are
temporarily frozen.

Huh. Frozen?

I suggest somebody
look in your pocket.

I bet they find some icicles.

I'm going to let that
one slide, Wyomia.

Well, we have to find a
way to raise some money

to keep that center open,

and I thought of a cake sale.


No, Thelma. No, no, no, no.

If you make a cake,

only half the money
will go for daycare.

We'll need the other
half for Medicare.

Oh, wait, wait, wait a minute.

I've got an idea. Yeah?

We can put on a show
and raise some money.

We've got enough
talent here in the project.

That's a good idea!


And dear friends,

the owner of the
Slipped Disc Disco

will gladly donate
his facilities

for a worthy cause
such as yours.

He will?

How can you be so sure?

Either he cooperates,
or as chairman

of the building commission,

I've just found a new site

for a municipal parking lot.

That's a good idea.

I'll tell you,

for a politician,
he's not a bad guy.

Alderman Davis...

Alderman Davis, I
have misjudged you.

Well, anybody can
make a mistake,


What is that? A hand calculator?

No, this is my remote
control answering service.

I merely push this button...

and the machine in the office

plays back all the messages
people left while I was out.

Uh, e-every message?

Every last word.

Oh, here's on from you.

The same folks that vote you in

can vote you right out.

You got that, Chromedome?

Oh, boy.

Hey, am I on yet, Miss Woods?

Hey, will you
please stop walking

on the back of my shoes?

I told you, you was
not on the program.

Hey, Miss Woods, give me a shot.

I know I can knock 'em dead.

Only if you fall off the stage

and on somebody's head.

Now, will you please go away?

Willona, have you seen this?

What is that?

"Save the Daycare
Center Benefit,

"starring Harry Belafonte,

"Wolfman Jack, Carol Channing,

Tony Bennett, John Wayne..."

Girl, where did you find this?

Right outside.

These are all over town.

Well, Joyce, don't you
worry about nothing,

because the people
that came here tonight

came to give to a
very worthy cause.

They did not come here
to see any celebrities.

No problem.

We want Belafonte!
We want Belafonte!

We want Belafonte!

We want Belafonte!

Lord, child, I think
we got... A problem.

We want Belafonte!
We want Belafonte!

What's going on?

I better get out there.

I better go out there.

We want Belafonte!

Hello, ladies and
gentlemen. All right.

We got a great show...
We want Belafonte!

Cool it, cool it.

We got a great show
for you, I'm telling you.

It is my pleasure
to introduce to you

the newest singing sensation,

the baddest thing, oh, honey,
in Chicago, you hear me?

Our one and only Michael Evans,

and my own adorable,
talented Penny Woods!

♪ Baby Come as you are ♪

♪ With just your heart ♪

♪ And I'll take you in ♪

♪ You're rejected And hurt ♪

♪ But to me you're worth
What you have within ♪

♪ Now, I don't
need No superstar ♪

♪ 'Cause I'll accept
you As you are ♪

♪ You won't be denied
'Cause I'm satisfied ♪

♪ With the love you inspire ♪

♪ And you don't have
to Be a star, baby ♪

♪ To be in my show ♪

♪ You don't have
to Be a star, baby ♪

♪ To be in my show ♪

♪ Don't think A
star has to shine ♪

♪ For me to find out ♪

♪ Where you're Coming from ♪

♪ What is a beauty queen ♪

♪ If it don't mean I'm
your number one? ♪

♪ There'll be no
cheering From the crowd ♪

♪ Just two hearts
Beating out loud ♪

♪ There'll be no
parade No TV or stage ♪

♪ Only me To your dying day ♪

♪ You don't have
to be a star Baby ♪

♪ To be in my show ♪

♪ You don't have
to be a star Baby ♪

♪ To be in my My,
my, my, my, my show ♪

♪ You don't have
to be a star Baby ♪

♪ To be in my show ♪

♪ And you don't have
to be A star, baby ♪

♪ To be in my My,
my, my, my, my show ♪

Weren't they wonderful?

Isn't it wonderful?

We want the Duke!

Well, we... We want the Duke!

We want the Duke!

Well, hold it, hold it.

I-I got something for you.

I got something for you.

Be cool.

Now, this next young lady

that I'm going to
introduce to you

will knock the Duke right
off the back of his horse.

You hear me?

So hold on to your saddle horns,

and let's welcome
Miss Thelma Evans.

Hit it!

♪ Young and pretty
New York City girl ♪

♪ Twenty-five, thirty-five
New York City girl ♪

♪ You grew up
Riding the subways ♪

♪ Running with people ♪

♪ Up in Harlem
Down on Broadway ♪

♪ You're no tramp
But you're no lady ♪

♪ Talking that street talk ♪

♪ You're the heart and
soul Of New York City ♪

♪ And love ♪

♪ Love is just a passing word ♪

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ It's the thought
you had In a taxi cab ♪

♪ That got left on the curb ♪

♪ When he dropped
you off At East 83rd ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ You're a native New Yorker ♪

♪ You should Know
the score by now ♪

♪ You should Know by now ♪

♪ You're a native New Yorker ♪

♪ Ooh... ♪

What do you think?
Did they like me?

Oh, oh!

Wait a minute!
Did they like you?

I had to call the
fire department.

What for?

To hose down the audience.

We want the stars!

We want the stars!

That audience is getting ugly!

I wouldn't send my
worst enemy out there.

I would.

Where's Bookman?

Willona, if we don't
have any celebrities,

the people can demand
their money back!

I wish I could find who
put those posters up!

I would k*ll 'em!

I guess this means the
daycare center is closing

after all.

Hang in there. I'll
think of something.

I'll think of something.

We want the stars!

Hey, you know what?

Hold it, hold it.


Have y'all heard
that joke about...

We want the stars!

L-ladies and gentlemen,
please, please.

I'm... I'm... I'm sorry.

It's obvious most of
you came here tonight

expecting to see some
big-name stars, huh?


Well, uh, like Harry Belafonte
and those kind of people.

Well, look, the truth
is... ♪ Day-o! ♪

♪ Day-ay-ay-o! ♪

♪ Daylight come And
me wan' go ho-ome ♪

Hey... Hey, this
is Wolfman Jack.

We got a great
show for you tonight,

but before we start,

we'd like to pay tribute
to some of the greats,

like Nat King Cole.

♪ Say, I just found joy ♪

♪ I'm as happy as a baby boy ♪

♪ With another
Brand-new choo-choo toy ♪

♪ When I marry sweet Lorraine ♪

And now Miss Billie Holiday...

♪ All of me ♪

♪ Why not take all of me? ♪

♪ Can't you see I'm
no good without you? ♪

♪ Well, you took the part ♪

♪ That used to be my heart ♪

♪ So why not ♪

♪ Why not take all of me? ♪

And now Miss Carol Channing...

♪ A kiss on the hand
Can be quite continental ♪

♪ Diamonds Are
a girl's best friend ♪

John Wayne... Well,
I've never been kissed.

Not on the hand,
anyway, pilgrim.

Let's take it away.

The man who left his heart in
San Francisco, Tony Bennett.

♪ I left my heart ♪

♪ In Fris-can-cisco ♪

♪ High on the hill ♪

♪ High on the
hill It calls to me ♪

♪ When I come home to you ♪

♪ Sis-can-franco ♪

♪ Your golden sun ♪

♪ Will shine for me ♪

The ambassador of goodwill,

Mr. Louis Armstrong.

♪ I feel the room swaying
And the band keeps playing ♪

♪ Our old favorite songs
From way back when ♪

♪ Yes, so Now take
her wrap, fellas ♪

♪ Find her some
empty laps Fellas ♪

♪ Dolly will never go away ♪

♪ Dolly will never
go away Again ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪

Ms. Woods, how'd I do?

Oh, you were wonderful!

Thank you. You were wonderful!

Did you really like it?

Yes! You were great!

You know, I think

those posters that I put up

really brought the crowd in.

You... put up these posters?


When I get finished with you,

you're gonna wish you
had never learned to write!

Ladies and gentlemen,

I am not here tonight to
campaign for public office,

though the election is a
scant six months away,

and I'm sure you will
remember the name

of the honorable Fred
C. Davis, incumbent,

when you step into
the voting booth.

You've been gonged!

Get off the stage!

Move it, cue ball.

This is show biz.

I love that kid.

And now, ladies and gentlemen,

may I present the
incomparable, indubitable,

Ms. Willam... Uh, Ms. Wilm...

Ms. Willini... Willona
Woods, you shnook.

Ms. Willona Weeds!

♪ As long as she needs me ♪

♪ I know where I must be ♪

♪ And I will stand steadfastly ♪

♪ As long as you ♪

♪ Need me ♪

♪ For once in my life I have
someone who needs me ♪

♪ Someone I've needed so long ♪

♪ For once unafraid I can
go where life leads me ♪

♪ And somehow I
know I'll be strong ♪

♪ For once I can touch What
my heart used to dream of ♪

♪ Long before I knew ♪

♪ Someone warm like you ♪

♪ To tell my troubles to ♪

♪ For once in my life I
won't let sorrow hurt me ♪

♪ Not like it's hurt me before ♪

♪ For once I have someone
I know won't desert me ♪

♪ I'm not alone anymore ♪

♪ For once I can say ♪

♪ "This is mine
You can't take it" ♪

♪ Long as I know I
have love I can make it ♪

♪ For once in my life I have
someone who needs me ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ He needs me, I need him bad ♪

♪ Tell you what it is ♪

♪ She needs me I
know it, know it, know ♪

♪ He needs me ♪

♪ He needs me ♪

♪ He needs ♪

♪ Me ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

Thank you! Thank you.

Thank you.

Did we raise enough money?

Willona... Willona,
we're $300 short.

Oh, no!

What are we gonna do now...?

Well, dear friends,
never fear nor doubt.

Fred C. Davis will pull you out.

Friends, neighbors
and constituents,

I want to make one
thing abundantly clear.

I am not a shnook.

That's why I have decided,

out of the kindness of my heart,

to donate, from my own pocket,

the 300 votes... uh,
uh, dollars you need

to keep your
daycare center open!

Isn't that fantastic?

You know what we're gonna do?

We're gonna rename the center...

What is your name, sucker?

Fred C. Davis.

To "The Fred C. Davis
Day Care Center," right?

Let's hear it.

Isn't that great?

No, no, no, no. No, no.

Modesty prevents

my accepting such an honor.

I insist you name it
after you kind people.

Name it "The Friends of
the Honorable Fred C. Davis

Day Care Center."

You know, you are a champ!

He's a champ!

♪ He's a champ ♪

Say it!

♪ He's a champ ♪

Come on, baby.

♪ He's a champ ♪

♪ Fred Davis Is a champ ♪

One more time!

♪ He's a champ He's a champ ♪

♪ He's a champ ♪

♪ Fred Davis Is a champ ♪


♪ He's a champ Champ, champ... ♪

♪ Mmm... ♪

♪ Just lookin' Out
of the window ♪

♪ Watchin' the asphalt grow ♪

♪ Thinking how It all
looks hand-me-down ♪

♪ Good times ♪
♪ Hey, yeah ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Keepin' your
head Above water ♪

♪ Makin' a wave When you can ♪

♪ Temporary layoffs ♪

♪ Good times ♪

♪ Easy credit Ripoffs ♪

♪ Good times ♪

Good Times was videotaped
in front of a studio audience.

♪ Good times ♪