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01x05 - Eye for an Eye

Posted: 09/10/22 07:47
by bunniefuu
- Ah. Sorry. We're from...
- I know who you are.

Last but not least.
We interviewed all of your sisters.

Yeah. I know.

- Can we come in?
- No.

We just, uh, have a few questions.

I don't like unexpected callers.

I thought your sisters would've told you.

Have my sisters got your schedule?

- Would you like us to schedule...
- No. But, yeah, we're here now, Matt.


Uh, keep yours on.

It's a really handsome space.



- Hmm. Well, somebody's a good shot.
- Yeah, I am.

Must be tricky. With the…


So, uh, we just have one or two questions
about the accident.

Which one? The crash that k*lled
my parents or the one where I lost my eye?

The latter. Although, yours was a bit more
than a fender bender outside a hotel.

- Sorry. I-It must be hard...
- However, I mean, it ruined your life.

Funny enough, no.
Losing an eye is just losing an eye.

Humans are adaptable.
Sometimes I forget completely.

- So you didn't blame John Paul?
- No.

Well, he blamed you
on his insurance claim form.

Yeah, we put it behind us.

I had my eye, he had his hole in his head.

It can't be easy,
having your brain exposed like that.

Even Stephens.

I have just seen Mary Tracey
having a sneaky f*g behind her shed

in a Christmas dressing gown.

The old shrew is human after all.

Hello. I'm Nora, um, Bibi's wife.

- How are you?
- How are you?

Did you get tea or coffee?

- No.
- No? Do you want tea or coffee?

- No.
- Yes, please.

Are you from a church?

What church?

Oh, uh, no. We're from Claffin Insurance.

Uh, I'm Matt and this is Thomas.

Right. Now that I have you here
in front of me, I can ask you straight.

When are you going to pay Gracie?
That poor woman has suffered enough.

- We're making sure everything lines up.
- Lines up how?

You draw a line from that man
in any direction,

and you'll find nothing but misery.

Look at Bibi.
He ruined her life in an instant.

Just to tickle his sadistic streak.

And worst still, he refused
to take any responsibility for it.

No, in his head, it was all Bibi.

- He said once, when I challenged him...
- How do you take your coffee?

What did he say?

How do you take it?

Uh, one sugar, little milk.

- What was I saying?
- John Paul.

Oh, yes. Yeah. He said, uh,
"Oh, you know what she's like.

She can go off anytime without warning."

And I said, "Her screaming at you to stop,
should've rung some alarm bells."

And you know what he said?

He said, "Oh, I stopped listening
to those Garvey girls years ago.

'Cause they're always screaming
about something."

How she sat at the same table as him,
is beyond me.

She is a better woman than I am.

I won't lie, I felt like punching him
every time I saw him.

- Hola!
- Hola!

Hola, chicas.

Hello again, Becka.

- Oh, hi. Good to see you.
- Hey. How are you?

We've taken up enough time.

That's fair play.

Oh, that's loads of goals.

- Uh, bye, Rubs.
- Bye.

You're welcome, my dear.

See you next time.

- Good doing business with ya.
- See you.

Oh, my God. Becka.

"Oh, my God" what? What happened?

You happened.

You need to throw that fish
back in the sea and let him swim far away.

I know, I know.

- I didn't know who he was, I swear.
- Ugh.

When did you even... Does Eva know?

No. And please, please don't tell her.
I'm begging you.

Promise me you won't see him again.

Swear to me. Say it aloud.

I swear.

Oh, my God.

Would you stop stealing people's rubbish?

Stop lying to yourself. Don't you remember
the tagline from that movie?

- Stop, Tom.
- "Never let her out of your sight.

Never relax on duty."

- What?
- "Never fall in love."

I'm not, all right?
That door is well closed.

Didn't look closed there.

How's my favorite beach ball?


I should've been here.

Blood pressure's gone down slightly.

Slightly? But it's supposed to be
less than 120 over 80.

- Was there protein in her urine?
- I haven't checked her urine.

Okay. I think you should check her urine.

Uh, maybe we should
take your blood pressure.

Odds are, it's higher than mine.

All right, I'm gonna head off,

but the second it sh**t back up,
you call your midwife. Okay?

Next time, we're taking you in.

Keeping her nice and calm is your one job.
Okay, Daddy?

Having a little stress bunny
hopping about doesn't help.

- I'll see you.
- Thank you.

I wanted to check in before
I'm heading off.

No. Hang on, Matt.

Um, you know what would keep me
nice and calm? A kebab and chips.

Of course. Hey, Matt. Would you go
to the chipper and go get some...

No, no. You go.

You know my order. He'll get it arseways.
Do you mind, petal?

No, it's fine. I... I can get it.

Matt will stay with me until you get back.

- Large or small?
- Oh, um…

That's a joke. It's always large.


What's going on, Matt?

With what?

"With what?" The weather.
The bloody Williams case.

He's convinced something's off.

And is it?

I don't know. Maybe.

Well, it has to end one way or another.
Have you seen the color of his skin?

The man is gray.
That is not a good look for a ginger.

- Yeah, I know. He's very into it.
- Yeah.

How much is the payout exactly?

- The payout?
- Mm-hmm.


It's 875,000 euro.

Do you know how I know that?

Because it was written
on the back of an envelope 22 times.

I have been trying, Theresa.

Yeah, but you agree.
I shouldn't know this figure, you should.

He's trying to protect me, I get it.

So you have to help me
get to the bottom of it.

I'd say the file is in the bottom drawer
of his desk.

- It's the only one he bothers locking.
- You're pre... I think you sh...

And the key is in the football mug
on the desk.

The password is "Polo1998,"
but replace the o's with zeros, right?

- You got it?
- Yes.

Right. Say it back to me.

It's Polo1998.

Polo. Polo, it's Dad's dog.

I know. White with…

- A hole.
- …a hole.


Why are you still standing here?

- Oh, you want me to do it now?
- Yes.

Okay. Yeah.


"Tom, I'm sorry to leave like this.

I've messed it all up.

This is the only way I know how to fix it.

- Morning, Tom.
- Hi. Morning, Liz. You fancy a chip?

- No, thank you.
- No, too early? Get those steps in.

What are you doing out here?
Is Theresa all right?


What did you do that for?

I found the letter from Dad.

What are you doing
going through me stuff, Matt? Please...

Please, don't. Don't.


So, no accidental overdose?

No. He intended to die.

Ah, f*ck.

And those policies in the bottom drawer?

Never filed.

He took his clients' money
year after year. And spent it.

Liam Claffin was a crook.

And a liar.

We can't pay the claim.

And if we don't find a way out,
it's gonna blow open for...

How could you not tell me, Tom?

I don't know.

For Dad?

For you?

That's how he did it.

Dad would live large, and me and Mom
would pick up the mess.

And you, well, ugh... You...

What? I was just the stupid kid
who made more of a mess for you?

No. No. But...
You know, you brought the sunshine.

That was your job.
I was there all seasons.

Anyway, it's done now.

So, if it comes out, we'll go to jail
for covering up his mess...

Jesus Christ.

Why did you have to
go and play the martyr?

You could've let him take the fall.

- I couldn't. I could...
- No, you could, Tom. You could.

And if you had told me at the time,
instead of treating me like a child,

I could've told you that.

I could've hit you over your stupid head

and told you that your father
had no right to ask you that.

- Hey, he's your dad too.
- No, he isn't.

He isn't anything anymore.

And now we have this shit show
to deal with.


Please. I'm sorry.

You gonna let me in?

What are you doing here?

I don't know.

I can't.

I thought you said you wanted this.

It's complicated.

It's my sisters.

Doesn't matter.

Aw, thank you.

There you go.

Will the Hardy Boys be back?

No, they just wanted
to talk about the crash with JP.

Was it hard talking about it?

I don't know.

You did all the talking, Nora.

You may as well
have put a target on my back.

What target?

Doesn't matter.

Oh, sorry, Bi.
I just got, like, a dose of the rants.

Oh, forget it.

Oh, I just hate
giving the prick more airtime.

I really wish he never existed.

Do I sound toxic?

You're allowed to hate him.

Oh, I do.

I'm glad he's dead. I really am.

Yeah, me too.

I deleted the photo.

I smashed his phone, Urs.
The photo's gone, you're safe.

Oh, come on, don't be naive.
He'll have copied it somewhere.

But he's not gonna tell Donal.
He likes the power over you too much.

Did you tell Ben?

f*ck no. I can't, he's a Scorpio.

I don't know what that means.

It means…
Ugh. God. I should end it, but I can't.

- I'm just...
- I'm just so tired.

Come here. I know.

Oh, come on.

What are you hugging it out for?

Just... Oh, shit.


- Grace.
- Straight to Baby B.

She always goes for the childless.

Sorry. I just meant that she knows
there's a better chance you'll answer.

Fine. I prefer "child-free," actually.

Hey, Grace. You're on speakerphone.

Hey, we're just going to Forty Foot.

Aw. Good for ye.

Look, I'm calling because you didn't reply
on the group about JP's birthday.


Today fortnight?

Um, Donal's working, so I-I'm on kids.
Sorry, love.


I, um... Is that in a fortnight?

- 'Cause I-I think I've got the, um...
- It's a great idea.

Is that Bibi?

Yeah, Nora can take all of the kids.
Free up Ursula.

Well, I meant to say, Urs,
Donal did tell JP he can come.

So, it's a date.

Yeah, I forgot how much you like
sh**ting things.

I do.

- Do you wanna come for a dip?
- Yeah, we'll wait for you.

Oh, I can't.

I need to get ahead on lunch.
But we'll speak soon though, yeah?

- Okay, bye.
- Bye.

- Bye-bye.
- Why, Bibi? Bibi!

- Hey, Blanaid. What you doing?
- Just making plans.

Oh, yeah? Anything exci…

I'll meet you there,
but don't do something without me.

Ask first. See what your mam says.

You wanna k*ll him at paintball?
It's a crazy idea.

Well, let's just talk about it.

Those things are fecking dangerous
if you hit the right place.

It's the perfect cover.
And my aim is gold.

What if we sh**t him
in the back of the throat?

Yeah. Let's just ask him
to open his mouth and say, "Aah."

In the temple, then.

You don't want to bruise the man.
I can do that with my fist.

In his creepy little head hole.

Yeah! The one from the car crash.

- Oh, his fontanel.
- Oh, please don't call it his fontanel.

It makes me picture him as a baby.

I've actually seen pictures of him
as a baby, and he was a prick even then.

- He liked drowning frogs.
- What?

Yeah. Minna used to dress him up
in girls' clothes.

- In his dead sister's clothes.
- Huh?

Jesus God.

Do you think you could get X-rays
from work?

It won't be easy.

Oh, nothing worthwhile comes easy,

Oh. Excuse me, Dad.

We've got two weeks. Can you get them?


I think his head hole
is somewhere here, at the back.

So if the fates are with us,
it won't be covered by his mask.

If it is, we could use itching powder.
So he has to take it off.

Jesus. The minute you bring itching powder
into the conversation, it's game over.

I don't know. It could be our plan B.
"B" for Baby Becka.

- "B" for Bitch-face Bibi.
- Ow! Oh, my God.

- Ow!
- Whoa.

- Becka! I'm stronger than you.
- Bibi! Bibi!

- I'm older. I'm stronger.
- How do you drown a frog?

In milk.

No, Bibi. No.

Sweet mother of... That...



Oh. Mammy, I need you
to make my office birthday cake.

Gerald loves chocolate,
and you do the best chocolate cakes.

Oh, you should take Friday off
for your birthday.

Mammy, I'm not ten.

- I thought we could do something.
- Mmm.

A financial director does not
take time off for his birthday.

You will have to make it today though,

'cause tomorrow's the only day
that Gerald's gonna be in this week.

Where's the, um... Oh. Thank you.

Okay. I'll do it after.

After my class.

What kind of chocolate cake
would you like?

Uh, the rich one.

The one you did last year w-w-with the,
um, with the raspberries,

and... and that, um... French word?

- Um…
- Ganache.


Ganache. Gerald loves the ganache.

I'll make it after lunch and let it cool
while I... while I'm at my class.

What class?

I'm taking dancing classes.

You know, just to... to do something.

Good for you, Mum.

Well, it's just a small thing.

Well, that's all you have time for.

You can go full Lizzo on it.

Might get myself a leotard.

Slut drops.


You little flea sack.

You like that?

Hello, everybody. Welcome back
to the second week of Afro-Ceilidh chaos.

We have some gorgeous new faces this week.

So just to explain the warm-up,
we're gonna form a lovely loose circle.


Great. And we're each gonna
take a turn in the middle

to introduce ourselves through dance,

and the outgoing dancer
selects the incoming.


Okay. Come on, guys.
Let's move however feels good.

Come on. Who's up next? Oh. Go, Toby.


That's it. Go with the music.

Good luck. Yay.

Come on.

I'm sorry. I can't.




You don't do anything,
and when you do, you do this.

- Oh, Bla. I'm so sorry.
- No!

Honey, I'm so s...

Go gentle, go gentle. Accidents happen.

- Oh, God. Oh, my goodness.
- Oh.

Especially when you have
a Garvey girl in the car.

- I hate you, Mum.
- Sweetheart.

You shovel him up
while I, um, park the car.

We'll bury him next to Oscar. Okay?

Can a skull look smug?

That's his head hole right there.



Hang on.

Well, I haven't been able to practice,
because I can't take this out at home.

- Mm-hmm.
- Mm-hmm. Mmm.

Stop doing that.
Looking at each other with those faces.

And it's not my eye.
You don't need two eyes to aim.

It's... It's all about the stance.
The... The grip. Breath.

Will you have time to do all that? 'Cause
it's gonna be very frantic on the day.

Can I just hit it first
before you start dismantling the plan?

No one's dismantling the plan. Okay?
Just take your time.

- It will come back.
- Yeah.

I'm just gonna move a bit.


No, Father. There was no penetration.

Yeah. I...

I... I think we're gonna have to
give it another thinkety-think.

You know, because,
I mean, hitting the target is one thing.

But if it's not even leaving a dent…

What a surprise. We're not gonna
paintball him to death.

I have to go to work.

And I have to go to my studio.

Oh! Oh no, wait. I don't have a studio.


Do you want some watermelon?

- Yeah. Mmm.
- Got some feta.

So, when do I get to meet
the rest of the Spice Girls then?

There is a scary one actually.
And a baby one.

And a ginger one, but sometimes.

Oh, so you're either Posh or Sporty.

Oh, I'm Posh with a capital "P."

There's no sporty ones.

And we're all good at downing wine
if that's a sport? Is that a sport?

Uh, if so, I'm an athlete.


Oh, my God.

It's not even his birthday until Friday.

Don't deny the big boy his birth week.

Old family recipe.

Ah, well, such heirlooms are priceless.

Um, I was thinking about
taking the boat out for my birthday.

- Mmm.
- Um.

- Bayliner 2566 model, 27 feet.
- Mmm.

I thought, perhaps,
you might like to join me?

I'm surrounded by women at home.

So, uh,
I could really use some proper man time.


Ah. We've had some good times on there.

Oh. Suits you.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Well, uh, what goes on tour stays on tour.

Sailor's honor.

Needless to say,
you'll be afforded the same honor.

Not that you or I
would drink to that excess.

- Didn't think she would either.
- What?

Ah, well, as Grace says
about her sponge cake,

"perfect until it collapses."

Anyway, we're all human, right?

So, um, enjoy, and I'll let you know
when she's ready for high seas…

- The same size?
- …okay?

- Well, yeah.
- Oh, I'm sorry.

So, we should get sporty.

- Yeah?
- Mmm.

- Like hand-to-mouth drills?
- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah, exactly. Like, build those arms up.
- Okay.

- Or maybe squeeze in some culture first.
- Ugh. Really? Do we have to?

Okay, we'll do a qui... quick lap
around the National Gallery.

- Yeah.
- We'll just get the bloods flowing.

Yeah. Oh. Uh, shall I wear a sweatband?

Well, do you have
matching, uh, wristbands?

- Naturally.
- Well, then, of course.

- Okay.
- Okay.

And your little shorts. Not really.


You can't go around hitting people
in your class, Ruben.

You broke his glasses.

Well, let's just leave it for now.

You could have done permanent damage.

Jesus, Ruben!

Tell me why you hit him.
Or I'll burn your comics.

- And your trading cards.
- No, she's not gonna burn your comics.

- What about my trading cards?
- Or your trading cards.

- You better not.
- Ruben!

I didn't do anything wrong!

What are we meant to do so?

You're supposed to wait until you're calm,
till you decide on the consequences.

We'll be waiting a while then.

We're doing
this positive parenting course.

We had to do a personality assessment.

My profile was…
…superior and controlling.

Nailed it!

What about Nora?

Pleasing and comforting.

Aw. She really is though.

You know what I thought? I thought,
"She's Grace, and I'm the prick."

You're not the prick, Bibi.

You'll never be the prick.

Do you think for a second
he's assessing his parenting skills?

Wondering how he can do better?

Not a chance.

Blanaid's not being raised
by a one-eyed lesbian though.

I'm on the back foot, Eva.

Have to get this right.

Listen to me.

You can't handle your drink, okay?
You're a terrible cinema date,

and you're one of the worst poker partners
I've ever had. Ever.

- Ow.
- You're one of the best parents I know.

Probably... You know, probably the best.

Just don't tell Ursula that.

And, you know, when you think about
what poor Blanaid's been damned with.

Not Grace obviously, although...

You are the opposite of that.
You are a light for Ruben.

Ursula says she wishes
Ben had seen her in... in all her glory.

Body-wise, you know.
Before kids and gravity.

Ruben won't remember me. Before…

That doesn't make you
any less of a parent.


Maybe one eye less of a parent.

I'm not gonna give up, Eva.

I will k*ll him.

But this is for Grace, remember?

And Blanaid.

That's why we're doing this, right?

Yeah, but we'll all be better off.

Revenge is toxic.

It's all right for you.
He didn't ruin your life.

I love this one.

Me too.

The heartbreak of forbidden love.

She can't bear to look at him.
And then he'll take any part of her.

You ever had a forbidden love?

A courtier never tells.

You have.

So, were you a culture-vulture in Paris?

I was more into antique fairs.

God, you should come to my house.

I've got the old family home
full of antiques.

Oh, so you've never left?

No. I grew old in that house.

You must have a painting in your attic.

f*ck off.

Compliment accepted
like a true Irish woman.


My mother used to…

- To?
- It's Ciaran.


- Hey.
- Wow.

- How are you?
- Yeah. Yeah, I'm good.

- Yeah, very good.
- Right.

Oh, sorry. Uh, this is my, uh...

This is Nadia.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Uh, boys, come on over.

This is Conor, and this is Tom.

- Oh.
- Hi.

Hi, I'm Gabriel.

- Hi, Gabriel.
- Hey.


- Hello.
- Hi.

We've just come from a workshop.

We had to choose our favorite paintings
and paint them.

And yours? Ah.

That is William Mackinnon's Hope.

That's my favorite.

It's my daddy's too.


- Well, we should be leaving, shouldn't we?
- Yeah, I was gonna... Because we have...

- Bye.
- Bye.

- Bye.
- Bye, Eva.

An old boyfriend?

Yeah. Old.

Ten-years-ago old.

Hard one to recover from?

Yeah. I mean…

- It was proper, you know?
- Mm-hmm.

We were going to have a family together

What happened?

Uh. Sad story. Um, I'm not super fertile.

Didn't, um...
Didn't deal with it very well.

Come on. Let's go drink
criminal amounts of brandy.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- f*ck culture.
- Yeah. Who needs it anyway?

Not us sporty types.

Show me them one more time.

Consent to kiss the g*ns?

The boy I hit is stupid.

Why is he stupid?

Tell me.

He was calling you Cyclops.

So you were defending my honor?


Cyclops is a man.

He has an optical blast
that can burn through anything.

You're just a mum.

With one eye.

No, I... I have an optical blast.

I use it on Principal Ní Mheara.

Does it work?

Blast through her nonsense
all the time.

So you are a super mum?

Yeah. Yes, I am.

Thanks for this.

When the third taxi cancels,
you start to take it personally.

No problem.

I don't want you to be late.

I'm not in a hurry.

What's with the nerves?
Because of your parents, is it?

Listen, cars are a lot safer these days.

And there was absolutely no need
for that accident to be fatal.

And your dad was a reckless driver.

I mean, I'm...
I'm all about safety, you know?

Uh, can you stop the car?
I, uh... I wanna get out.

I don't think I can.

- Stop the car!
- No, stop it! Wait!

- Stop the car! Stop the car!
- No. Let go.


I think you might have been right
about the dance classes.

Was it awful, Mammy?

I thought I could dance.

I thought it would make me feel…

It was…

But you are not a showgirl.

You're a queen.

This is your kingdom.

And when you leave bad things happen.

We need you here.

I need to get up to speed
on these accounts.

It's been so long, JP. We should.

Try tomorrow, Mammy. Hmm?

- Try tomorrow.
- Yeah.

Why do you live on a boat?

Oh, your boat is rocking me.

Oh! I'm gonna use your pole.

This is a bit fatter than my normal pole...

- Whoa!
- Whoa!

Are you okay?


Maybe... Maybe we shouldn't.

It's okay.


Oh, God.

Wait, stop.

Is it me?

No, no, no, no, no, no.
Jesus. No. It's me.

I'm not into women, Eva.


And if I was,
I'd be into you literally right now.



Why did you string me along then?

Well, I didn't mean to.

I mean, not like that.

I just really enjoy hanging out.

You're very beautiful.
You're funny. You're smart.

Yeah, but if I'd have...
If I'd have known, you know?

- If I'd have jus...
- Oh, no.

This is awful!

What do you mean?
No, it's not. It's great.

- It means we can be proper friends.
- Oh, shut up.


I mean, why aren't you out?

I mean, this is Ireland 2022.

We're a bit
f*cking progressive these days.

I know.

I just like to keep
my private and work life separate.

f*cking shoe.

Well, I wish I had done the same.
I don't know what I was thinking.

Don't go. Stay over, please.

I feel so stupid.

You could have...

You could have given me
a sign or something.

Like, hold up a sign, "I'm gay"?

No. But a bloody…
…bloody rainbow. You know?

A bloody little rainbow ribbon thing.


Come here.

You know when you asked me earlier
if I've ever had a forbidden love?

I did.

More than one.

'Cause it was all forbidden.

And for my family, nothing was...

Ah, what's the word?


Yeah, that's the word.

I mean, you could have
gone for a simpler word.

Like, "allowed" or "okay."

I'm sorry you had a tough time
with your family.

Oh, no!

I'm gonna freeze the little f*ckers.


- Oh!
- There she is!

- What's all the panic about?
- No panic. We're on.

- Oh.
- Look what she did. Look at that!

I nailed my aim and froze the pellets.

I can now get it through his thick skull.

We just need to work out
how to swap them out.

But how do you know
what kind of pellets they use?

I rang them.
Played the obsessive enthusiast.

They use .68s and masks, not helmets.

So, his head hole will be exposed.

Yeah. I mean, there's still some things
to figure out, but...

Yeah, but it... The pellet's going through.
That's a start.

There was penetration, Father.

- You need to hit the exact spot...
- Oh, my God. I can do this!

I know I do because I don't ever fail
when I want something this much.

- Ask Nora.
- You told Nora?

Of course not.

Once we're up and running,
I will find a quiet spot,

swap in the frozen pellets…

…and sh**t the prick dead.

Now, listen.

This is how it's gonna go.

Their regular session is two teams
against each other.

Let's put Donal with JP.
JP will love that. Boys against girls.

So, team A will be
JP, Donal, Ursula and Grace.

Me, Eva and Becka.

Urs, you'll keep Donal and Grace
away from me and Eva.

Eva, you and I will target JP.

Make him feel like
we're his real opposition out there.

- Well, what do I do then?
- Just don't get in the way.

- Over there.
- Come on.

What are we waiting for? Let's go!

Good morning, everyone.
My name is Cyril, aka, Cyril the squirrel.

Because I know and love every cubic inch
of these woods

so please, respect them.

Also, I like nuts.

Rule number one, never take off your mask.

If you do,
you'll go straight to the sin bin.

Everyone understand?

- Yes.
- Good.


Special request from the birthday boy
who's organized his own surprise.

So, today, instead of playing
our normal two-player teams,

we'll be playing a game
called "sh**t the Bunny."

sh**t the what?

One of you will have
a rabbit's foot in your breast pocket.

Ah! It's you, Mammy.

It's gonna be fine. It's gonna be fun.
Just run, run, run.

You're good, and you're fast.
You can do it.


It's your job to try and get
from one side of the obstacle course

to the other without getting hit.

- Okay? All understand?
- Okay.

Are we all ready?


Then please follow me.

What now?


- Come on, Ursula! Over here.
- Becka, come on.

You and I follow JP.

Now, Bibi.
While he has his back to us.

Come on!

Oh, shit.


What now? Bibi.

Follow me.


I found you, Mammy.

Look at him. Bastard.

Run. Can't hide.



Stop. Go back! Go!

Stay out of the way, Becka.

Oh, shit.

Lead him over there.
That way, that way.


- Hi there!
- All right, lads.

Give me five minutes there,
and we'll get you on no bother.

You've got a clear shot!

Bibi, do it.

Do it, Bibi.

Five minutes.

Go on!

Somebody call an ambulance!

Don't move. Try to stay still for me,
mate. That's it. Just stay on your back.

- Stay calm. Calm down.
- Just try to keep your hand by your side.

I'm Donal, I'm a paramedic.
This is Ursula, she's a nurse.

We're gonna look after you. Okay?
Try not to touch your eye. That's it.

- That's it. Just breathe.
- Take deep breaths, Cyril. In.

- We promise you it'll be okay.
- Oh, Bibi.


Did somebody call an ambulance?

W-W-What's going on?

- What happened?
- Don't scream, Mammy.

Keep breathing.

What the f*ck?

That's it. In. Doing good.

You're doing great.
You're doing great, Cyril.

I'd like you to stay with me.
You can hear me, can't you?

No, no, no.

No, no, no, no, no, no.