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01x04 - Baby Becka

Posted: 09/10/22 07:46
by bunniefuu
This is Inspector Loftus.

Sorry, I can't get to the phone.
Please leave a message after the tone.

What's up with you?

Well, you don't expect
to be ghosted by a Garda inspector.

- I thought you were meeting this morning.
- Didn't show up.

Left me standing outside
Dundrum shopping center like a loser.

Maybe just stop calling him.
He's not that into you.

So, youngest sister. I googled her.

Wine surgically attached.
Different lad in every photo.

Goes to tampon protests.
Floaty, that kind of vibe.

I just don't know what we achieve
hassling this woman.

We might be able to spook her into
telling us something the others wouldn't.

And it's her time.


So, when you're talking to her,

focus on the lawyer's giveaways,
which are?

- Matt.
- What?

Refusal to name the victim directly.
Convoluted sentences.


Why are you taking that stuff
like it's your job? You all right?

My esophagus is on fire.

Like a shit dragon.


After this, I need you to go to
the pub where JP was the night he died.

- Why?
- Sniff around.

Flirt with the barmaid. Find out
what JP did, who he talked to, okay?

- Fine.
- No! g*dd*mn!

Come on!

Geez, man. You're becoming zero craic
in all of this, you know that?

- What flat number's she?
- It's open.

Here. This could be him.

Shit. Here. It's Theresa.

Here. You take the lead in this.

You all right, darling?

Yeah, is it important?
Just because we've...

Mayonnaise? Well...

Just because it's not in the room
doesn't mean...

It's in the fridge.

I'll bring it up later. I need to go.

- You're not at the gym.
- Of course.

Is this a surprise? Are you
jetting me to Paris or something?

Becka. Garvey.

Sorry. I had to take a call.

Thomas Claffin, Claffin Insurance.

Rebecca Garvey, I presume?

The insurance brothers?

We can come back
if now isn't convenient, Ms. Garvey.

A few questions about your
brother-in-law's death. Won't take long.

- We're so sorry for your loss, Ms. Garvey.
- Thanks.

- Matt, would you like to...
- No.


As you know, we're just crossing the T's
and dotting the I's on John Paul's claim,

making sure your sister, Grace,
gets what she deserves.

So, were you close to the deceased?

He was...

I mean, we weren't...

He was nice.

Was he?

Your sisters said something different.

Washing the floors?

- What did they say?
- "He's a prick." "He's a pleasure."

- Now, which is it, Rebecca?
- Yeah. Which is it, Rebecca?


I mean, you know families. They're...



So, massage?

- What about it?
- Does it keep you busy?

Yeah, I've got my hands full.

- Do you operate out of your own studio?
- Not at the moment.

No? Are your family
not supportive of your massage work?


Yeah, but you don't have your own studio.
You just... What? You bring people here?

All right, now, hang on.

Have you ever been
in financial difficulty, Ms. Garvey?

- Haven't we all?
- Could you not ask your sisters for help?

- Well, you can't always rely on people.
- That's true. That's very true.

But all those nice houses
and no one could give you a hand?

You need to go. I have a client,
and you don't have a right to be here,

- so I need you to go.
- Yep.

- Don't leave the country, Ms. Garvey.
- I'll do what I want.

Yeah, on your own head be it.

Thanks for your time.

Bloody hell, Matt.

Hey. I didn't know you had that in you.

You really got her rattled.

Good-looking girl. Stunning eyes.

Cold, though. Like a lizard.

I have...


...something to tell you.

I know her. Becka Garvey.

We were seeing each other.

What? Is she the one
that keeps calling and texting you?


That's how you knew
about her money problems?

She said her family let her down.

That could've been JP.
Maybe JP promised and let her down.

I don't know, all right? She lost a lot.

Yeah, which would give her...
motive, Matthew!

No, I don't want to talk about it,
all right? It's done. We're done.

- Okay... Is she...
- It's none of my business, Tom.

Hey, hey, hey.



Will you slow down a bit?

Why won't you answer me?

I don't wanna talk about
John Paul anymore, okay? It's enough.

We have to.

Oscar's dead, Bibi.
And he did nothing wrong.

He was a good dog.

He had a permanent hard-on,
and he pissed everywhere.

Yeah, around you, you scary bitch.

Can it breathe in there?

Yeah, think so.


Yeah, a kitten
will make everyone happy again.

Yeah, not JP.

Did Urs text you back?

- No.
- No?

That's not like her. Give her a call.

- What have you told Becka?
- Nothing.

I'm not gonna tell her anything either.

Don't want her involved.

Yeah, of course. She'd f*ck it up.

- No answer.
- Not because she'll f*ck it up.

Because she wouldn't
be able to handle it.

Could we speed it up?

I mean, my heart has stopped
from going so slow.

What? I thought we
were going on a stroll.

I thought it was a stroll. Bibi.

Come on, you lazy bitch.
We'll be late!

Gonna get the car.

So, each therapist
will be shadowed by a trainee

that will essentially be paying
that therapist's wage,

through their training fees.

Fresh out of the oven. Sorry.

I've worked it all out and
we'd agree to a rate of interest.

Beat the bank sort of thing.

The ones on the bottom
have apricots in them.

- Thanks, Grace.
- We are working here, love.

- Thank you.
- Sorry.

So, my financial ask
is actually very modest,

especially for a space like that
in a location like that.

So you're finally growing up.

Yeah. Well, I know that everybody thinks
that I'm the family screwup,

but I'm doing it. And I've got a website
that's almost ready to go.

And all of my reviews are so good.

Well, they're mainly good.

- And I had time to help your mom.
- What?

Yeah. It's no trouble.
Her hip's actually improving.

But we've got a professional on call.

- Well, it's a pleasure to help.
- You need to focus on your premises.

You're going to be busy.

- Are you saying...
- What is that quote?

"As long as you're going
to be thinking anyway, think big."

- Are you thinking big?
- Yes! So...

- So?
- Are you in?

- I'm on board. Yeah, you know.
- That is so good.

This is so exciting.


- Oh, my God. Cute. Quick!
- We knew you had to be together.

Look what they brought me.

Look at you!

She's from all her aunties.
We just thought,

- after what happened with Oscar...
- Hang on a second.

- It'd be nice to be asked.
- You can't just come wal...

Cats are a walk in the park, JP.
They look after themselves.

Can we, John, please?
Look at his paws.

- Please, Daddy. Please?
- You can keep him.

You're so cute.

- Thanks, Dad.
- Hey!

Thanks, Auntie Eva and Bibi.

And Auntie Becka.

I'm off for my run, finally.

Never exercise with the elderly.

Oi! Watch it.


- I'll catch up with you soon.
- Thanks, darling.

I'm gonna call him Harry
after Harry Styles.

Come on. Come on in to your new home.

Yeah. Come on, Harry.

Your youngest sister was in there,
on her knees, begging me for money.

Meanwhile, you're out here, splashing
cash on kittens nobody's asked for.

Kitten cost nine euro.

See you at the work quiz, Eva.

Cannot wait.

Take it seriously if you want
Gerald to take you seriously.

At least give me a fair fight
for the promotion, will you?


Leave it.

JP again. Jesus.

- What does he want?
- Don't know,

but I know I have no time
for his shite tonight.

All right. See you in the morning.

- Bye, kids.
- Bye.

- Love you.
- Love you too.

Okay, so...

It's Roger.

For God's sake.

Hope you don't mind me coming
around this way. It was... I guess...

I don't think JP heard me
knocking the door.

- That stinks.
- Razor clams.

Not the prettiest name in the world,
but I hope you enjoy them.

You're very good, Roger.

Becka, tell him your news.

- I'm opening a massage studio.
- Congratulations.

Tell you what? You could have Gracie
front the house with her lovely manners.

What is this?

We're just telling Roger
about your investment.

It's actually not a bad idea, Grace.

I haven't worked anywhere in yonks.
I wouldn't know the jargon.

There's no jargon.

Just welcome the people.
Manage the appointments.

You'd be amazing, Grace. Amazing Grace.

Like the song.

I don't know.

What do you think, John Paul?

Grace runs our home.

Right. Well, I'll leave yous lads to it.

I'm heading off for a residential
weekend with my wee church group.

Have fun.

- Thank you.
- Thanks for the razors, Roger.


I got a medical journal
from the library,

and apparently, if you cut the aorta,
you'll be done within 90 seconds, so...

Jesus Christ, Bibi. I don't wanna hear
the ins and outs of garroting someone.


Why? Because it's not happening, okay?

It was one moment of madness.
Two moments of madness.

And that's it. It's over. It's done.

Right, Urs?


I was just saying this whole thing
with John Paul, it...

Jesus Christ! Just
stop talking about him.

I don't wanna hear his name anymore,
all right?

And I can't believe I'm an accomplice
to an attempted m*rder, and for what?

- Your CV.
- Oh, f*ck off, Bibi.

Let's take it back
to the old-school, lads!

You've already started.
Didn't know we were meeting up.

- Rude.
- Oh, no. It's not like that.

Bibi was just waiting for Nora,
and Urs is...

Well, I wanted your opinion
on paint swatches because...

I just signed the lease on my studio!

- Hello?
- Right. So JP's given you the loan?

Yeah. He believes I can do this.

Well, go talk paint with him then.

You know what? I'm confused as to why I'm
getting more support from JP than you lot.

- Do you not believe in me?
- Yeah, we do...

Then what's this?

Secret craic without me?

Buying Blanaid sneaky kittens?

We're just concerned that
you're taking too much from him, okay?

Because he can be very...

- Evil.
- ...unreliable.

You know, I like the pink.

It's more your color,
and it will suit your skin tone.

- Your piggy skin tone.
- Piss off, Bibi.

Can you just stop?
Just stop, okay. Let's celebrate.

Let's just celebrate
the... your business.

Good? And the studio.

- And you.
- To the business and Becka.

- Business and Becka. Sl?inte.
- Sl?inte.

Urs, you're, like, deadly quiet.
It's giving me the creeps.

I'm not quiet. I'm hormonal.

I'm up for having
fun and sisterly chats.

And drinking. I'm up for drinking.

So go on then. Hit me with it.
What's the craic? What's the goss, huh?

Are you going to shag your man?

- What?
- Gabriel.

I don't know.
It's hard to gauge the signals.

What signals? Just shag him, Eva.

- Yeah, 'cause it's that easy, isn't it?
- It literally is.

You're a ride. You
deserve to get ridden.

Let Gabriel ride you.

- I'm going.
- That's my...

That's actually real champagne, Becka.

You leave me out of everything,
I take your champagne.

Quid pro quo.

Well, look. Don't be like...


What do you think, should I?

- Ride him?
- No, ask him out.

- Probably not.
- Why?

Oh, God, thanks for the pep talk.

Thank you, fine sir!


And this photo's John Paul
when he was just 12 years old.

With his frog.

John Paul loved frogs.

He'd give them names,
then drown them in milk.

I found seven different glasses of milk
with dead frogs under his bed.


He didn't stuff amphibians, you see.

He thought the frogs were vulgar.

But your brother, he loved frogs, Laura.

It's Becka.

Is this Laura?

Sorry. This is my daughter.

They're her best dungarees.

And her cat, Miso.

But she's gone now.

Is she coming back? Like George.

I'm afraid Laura is not coming back.

I'm sorry, Minna.

I have to piss like a Russian racehorse.

What the hell, JP?

This is how you run your sessions?

Jesus, Mary and Joseph.


Looks like a lovely afternoon.

I know you said that
she already has a physio, but I just...

Yeah, it's no problem. I just
don't want to pay for the care twice.

We were just chatting.
I love coming to see her.

Me too.

I'll leave you to it.

Bye, Min!

For Christ's sake.


"Gin later?"
"Does anybody have ibuprofen?"

"I'm hemorrhaging here."


Jesus, you girls need a priest.

Do you ever talk about novels? Politics?

You need to be on
it, Grace, for the quiz.

Periods and gin isn't going to cut it.

I will be. It's just sister chat.

I know we're a bit much sometimes.

Becka's the happiest I've seen her
in a long while.

She won't let you down. She'll pay
the cash back in no time like she said.

I can't give Becka money.


- Why not?
- Well, I never said I would.

She must have misunderstood.

I mean, she needs to build her own life,
doesn't she?

But I thought you...

You said...

She signed the lease, JP.

Well, she must have got help
somewhere else.

I mean, she is a very
well-connected lady.

No, you said you'd help.

I mentored her.

And she misunderstood.

Will you just pop round and let her know
she's got her wires crossed?

You're much better
at that kind of thing.

Thank you.

I can't.

This means a lot to her.

She's taking advantage
of your kindness, Mammy.

She misunderstood.

Your hair looks nice. Come in.

Hot chocolates from Starlings with
a bit of chili in it, like you like it.

You're an angel.

We can't give you the money.

What do you mean?

JP, he...

We can't fund the massage studio.

The loan, we can't.

I don't get it. Why? What happened?

Well, JP says he never actually said
he'd help you financially.

Excuse me?

It was more of an advice session.

Am I on dr*gs?

You were there, Grace.
You know he was into it.

I'm meeting the estate agent tomorrow
to pay for the second installment.

I put the first half
on a bloody high-interest credit card.

Becka, please.

He has to help me.
You have to talk to him.

Look, I don't know what's...

We could help you out
in other ways with it.

- We could come in...
- I'm broke! I signed a lease! I...

I don't need him to rub down clients.
I need the money.

I'm so sorry.

Why would he make you tell me?

I mean, that's demented.

This is messed up, Grace.

I mean, don't you think
that this is so off...

I think it's just a misunderstanding.


Fergal Loftus.

Who is this clown?

Thomas Claffin.
We were due to meet earlier.

I stood at Claire's Accessories
for 55 minutes waiting for you.

You didn't come.

Yeah. I was called to a
triple m*rder in Dalkey.

Yeah, apologies for keeping you waiting.

Apology accepted.
Now can we just get on with it?

- Fergal is golfing, insurance man.
- I wasn't talking to you.

If you want to speak to me,
you call my office, all right?

People are staring.
You're clearly not dressed for golf.

I told the receptionist
a pretty horrible lie

to get in here to talk to you,

so I'm not leaving
till I've said what I have to say.

- Jesus Christ. Make it quick.
- Right.

Fire in the cabin.
The car accident at the hotel.

See, there's too many claims.
Too many coincidences.

Well, I can do nothing
without actual evidence.

And without proper procedure.

I told you, the widow signed.

She wants this to happen. Why don't you?

Now, why would she put herself
through something like that?

Having a body exhumed, picked apart,
is agony for a grieving family.

Why did she sign?

She obviously feels something is off.

Something is off.

And I'm presuming the local Garda? found
nothing suspicious about this man's death.

Not as such,
but they haven't the...


I'm not going to exhume a body

every time an insurance firm
doesn't want to pay out.

Because as far as I can see,
you have got nothing.

Can you believe this guy?

He told the receptionist
his daughter's been kidnapped.

He doesn't even
have golf shoes on.


Tom, can we please go home now?
This is all getting a bit much.


Did you even go to the pub?

What pub?

Jesus. The pub.

To check if JP was actually there
the night he died.

Oh, right. Yeah, I did.
I talked to the barmaid.

JP ate all the free sandwiches,

he kept to himself,
tried to get money off his bill.

- That's it.
- So, nothing. Again!

Jesus, I can't keep doing this.

Well, we could just stop.

You know,
and declare bankruptcy and start again.

Stop? There is no stop, Matt.

I haven't slept a full night in weeks.

Can't hear anything
my wife says to me anymore.

All I hear is,
"Don't blow your lives up, Thomas!

- Don't blow it all up!"
- There's no need for this. It's mad.

Look, Matt.


Just, I can't do this on my own.


- You're still talking to her?
- No.

- Just stay out of it.
- We need information.

I'm up against the wall, and you
can help knock it down for me, Matt.

No. Please don't ask me, Tom. No.

You know her five minutes.
I'm your brother.

You're asking me to use Becka
to get to the sisters?

No. Look at me.

I am desperate here. I am desperate.

Help me.

Excuse me!

Hiya, Blanaid!

Blanaid, hiya!

Yeah, well. I should...

Wow. A little fist pump.

- You happy? Good news?
- No. I was punching the air in grief.

She's also sardonic. I love it.

Excuse me.


Thank you.

No. I just saved the company 50K
on the Henderson deal, so...

Gerald just high-fived me.

I mean, he missed,
and it was extremely awkward,

but I've never seen him do that before.
So, basically, I'm a bad bitch, Gabriel.

Yeah, you are. You're brilliant.

- Let's go out for lunch.
- Yeah?

Yeah. Yes.

Because I saw you drinking
from the third-floor tap yesterday.

And that shit's yellow, so, you know,
you clearly haven't got a clue.

You need someone to show you the ropes.
And by ropes, I mean pubs.

Okay. I won't argue with that.

- Yeah?
- Yeah, I'll come to your desk at 12:30.

Okay, cool. Coo...

Oh, my God.

Becka. I asked him out.

I just said it.
You know, like a woman in an ad.

So, we're going out.

He's distractingly good-looking.

No. I screwed it up.

Okay, okay. Hang on.

No smiling.



I can't believe
JP is married to your sister.

- Oh, yeah. Sorry about that.
- Yeah.

I don't know if I could listen
to r*cist, misogynistic shit

spewing out of his thin lips
on my days off.

I'm so sorry, that just came out.
He's your family.

Yeah, that man's not my family.

You know they just made
the first-floor toilets gender-neutral?

- Oh, yeah.
- Well, he stole a cubicle.

He did what?


He made a little sign
for one of the cubicles saying,

- "Men only. JP Williams's cubicle."
- Oh, my God.

"Do not enter."

- Shut up!
- Yeah.

Obviously, someone just took
the sign down, but what the hell?

With his little sharpie.

John Paul's toilet.


I don't know why I'm laughing, honestly.

He asked every single man in the office

to be his partner
for the table quiz tonight.

I told him I'd prefer
to partner with you.


Well, I'm partnering with my sister.

Sorry, babe.

It's just you and JP.

Yeah. I would rather lick a bus.

- Wow.
- Good, right?

- Yeah.
- Yeah!

I just heard a girl saying that
in a supermarket.

That's so cute.

You have the best laugh I've ever heard.

- Stop.
- No.

My sisters say I sound
like a van reversing.

Like a what?

Like a...

Like a van. Like a van reversing.

Love, why did you...

What, Mom?

Bla, you blanked me today in town.

I didn't see you.

- No?
- No.

I did see you. I saw you.

Well, I know you did. I saw you see me.

Can you just stand
up, Mom? Like, please.

I'm cleaning the bathroom
floor, Blanaid. Someone has to.

You never just stand up!

- I am standing up.
- You never do anything!

- Well, that's not strictly true, is it?
- Sadie's mom does pole dancing.

She has unbelievable core strength.

And Donncha's mom
is a human rights lawyer.

Like, she saves lives with her brain.

You're just here all the time.


- I'm not saying you're useless.
- Well, that's good then. That's lovely.

Just, you were going to
maybe work for Auntie Beck.

And now you just, what, give up?


- I didn't mean...
- No, it's fine.

God, sorry! Okay?





Bring back my shoe, hon.

- Hi.
- What are you doing? You don't run.

Yeah. No. I don't.

Demented way to spend your time.

Are you drinking? It's only lunch time.

My life is in tatters.

What's happened?

John Paul.

He lied to me, Ursula.

He's not gonna give me the money.

Was he getting
some kind of perverse pleasure

out of watching me do cartwheels
to impress him?



What's up?

I cheated on Donal.

Oh, my God. When?

Last night?

No, not last night.


Ursula. Donal is so sweet.

That's not helpful.

- Well, when did you do it?
- It's been going on a while.

Quite a while.


Hang on, who knows?

Eva and Bibi.

Everyone except me, basically.

And Grace. I didn't want to tell anyone.
It's not really the point.

So, everyone knows this huge thing,
and I'm on the outside again?

No. I can't.

Oh, my God. Don't be so selfish, Becka.

Seriously? That's rich.

Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm an assh*le.

I'm sorry.

It's not so bad.

Donal doesn't know. You could fix this.

It's not just that.

There's more.

It's the prick.

Okay, okay.

The annual Fisher & Co. pub quiz
must now come

to its inevitable,
horrifying conclusion.

Now, in the last round,
we had to say goodbye, au revoir, adieu

to the stunning Gabriel.

- Everybody say "aw."
- Au revoir.

I love him so...

And his basic partner, of course. What?

But this next round
is the "name that song" round.

Yes! I'm so good at this. I swear.

- Focus, Grace.
- One of you...

- going to hum the song. No lyrics!
- It's hot.

And the other one is
going to guess, okay?

Definitely okay.

Go, Gracie!

- At this stage...
- You ready?

- ...we only have two teams remaining...
- I am. I'm focused, I promise. the competition.

The beautiful Bibi and Eva and, of
course, JP and the amazing Grace.

But to hold the winner's trophy aloft,
it all comes down to this final round.

- Eva, are you ready?
- Yeah, I'm ready.

Here is a song.

- Okay. Can I see...
- Here's a microphone.

- Please hum that tune!
- All right.

Can't hear you down the back!

Literally just clearing my throat. Okay.

- You ready?
- Yep.

Frank Sinatra!

"Dirty Old Town."


- Gorgeous. Congratulations. Well done.
- Thank you.

So, it's over to you, beautiful.
You ready?

- Here we go. Right.
- Here's your song.

Take that microphone. Hum that song!

You know this one. It's gonna
be so easy. Yeah, here we go.

Britney Spears!

Oh, my God.

Shut up.

Do you know it?

- Try the second verse.
- Think of our wedding.

- Try a different verse, perhaps?
- Listen, listen.

Come on, JP!

Oh, come on, Grace!
Nobody's getting it! Come on.

- Yeah, we are.
- Well, we all get it.

Sing it, Grace.

Sing it for Christ's sake! Just...

Time is up.

And the winners are
the beautiful Bibi and Eva!

We haven't had this much fun
since last year's annual quiz.

- What the bloody hell was that?
- I nearly sang the whole song, JP.

It's pathetic.

You embarrassed me.

Want some more?
'Cause I know you love shitty...

- of champagne...
- Yeah. tacky c**t.

Loser spoils for the loser.

Happy to let the girls win, Gerald.

You all right?

Yeah, just a little bit worried
about Eva. That's her seventh gin.

Seventh? Jesus.

I don't want to hassle her,

but I'd like to get her in a cab
before she regrets anything.

Here comes trouble.

I need to talk to you.

- Well, hello.
- We should get you a 7 Up.

- I don't want a drink. I wanna talk.
- Excuse me?

Or we could talk here if you want.

Sister problems, Gerald. Sorry.

This is my work.
We don't play with my work.

Ever, Rebe... Ev...

You're sick.

Lower your voice.

I'm warning you.

- Maggoty piece of shit!
- I'm warning you!

Shut your mouth!

Hey! What the f*ck? Get off her!

- You're a bastard! You're a bastard!
- Well, I just...

- I tried to calm her down.
- That's enough.

Becka, let's get you a drink.

- She doesn't need to drink. She's a wreck.
- No, I'm not a wreck. I'm angry.

And that doesn't make me mad,
or drunk, or hysterical.

That just makes me angry!

Okay, B.

You don't know what he did.
Don't defend him, you hate him!

I'm the one who always said he was okay,
but he is not okay.

What he did to Urs is sick!

Please just not here.

- You can go.
- Thanks, cyclops.

- What is going on?
- He's trying to ruin us.

- We need to call the guards.
- What happened, Becka?

Not that the guards
ever do anything about this.

- But we can't just do nothing!
- Becka, what did he do?


I think she should tell you herself.

I took the picture for Ben.

But I sent it to JP's phone.


He made himself Ben in my phone.

And I told him, "This p*ssy is yours."

- Jesus!
- It's a quote from a book.

It doesn't matter where... Just...

I know I shouldn't have been
messing around with Ben

behind Donal's back. It was weak of me.

Why are you saying that? It's not...

Listen to me, Ursula Garvey.

This is about that perverted prick.

Okay? It's on him!

It's not safe in general
to send pictures of your p*ssy.

- Nothing's ever really encrypted.
- Don't shame her.

That's your fecking vulva,
you can do what you want with it.

She's right.

She is. To be fair.

I can't cope anymore.

I just don't know what
he's gonna do next.

I can't even spend proper time
with the kids.

So what... So what are we gonna do?

Are we just gonna allow this to happen?

I mean, he's ruining people's lives!
He should be f*cking underground!


- Bibi!
- No, I'm sorry.

But he messed Ursula up.

He promised me a loan
and then just binned me off.

I mean, he screwed me.

And Grace is so lost these days.

I mean, she just lets
him rewrite reality.

And nods along like,
"Did he? Sorry, you misunderstood."

Stay here.

Well, where's she going?

Come to the front door.

Eva. What a nice surprise.

- Hey!
- No!


- Give me that!
- No!

Give me that!

You lunatic!

Have you it saved somewhere else?
Have you the photo saved anywhere...


- Hi.
- Auntie Eva.

What's up? It's so late.

Yeah, I thought I
left my keys here so...

Eejit. But I hadn't so,
I'm gonna head off.

But I'll see you on Thursday, right?

- For the cinema.
- Yeah. Okay.

- Okay. Okay, dote. Bye.
- Bye.



I want in. I wanna help.


- No way.
- You're pushing me out, Eva.

You're not being my mom,
or my sister, or my friend.

Fine if I'm not being any of those things,
but I'm not gonna stop protecting you...

- You're not protecting me!
- ...because that is my job!

- You're isolating me.
- I don't even know why I'm having to...

What we're doing,
it's really, really bad.

No, it's not.

It's survival.

Someone's not coming out
the other side of this.

And it's not gonna be me.

And it sure as shit is
not gonna be one of my sisters.

Let me in, Eva.


Come on.

Theresa will eat me
if I don't bring food up.

She's texting me again. Gimme a sec.

I'll follow you up.

Just do what you gotta do.

- Sorry.
- Please.

Thanks for letting me in.

What? So, you're just...
You're stalking me now?

I just wanted to clear this up.

You think I'm some kind of vixen liar,
and I'm not.

Well, what do you expect? You lied.

Not lies. Just misunderstandings.

- I didn't know you were a Claffin.
- I didn't know you were a Garvey.

Information was withheld.

I didn't say my last name, that's all.

- You told me you were a bassist.
- I am...

I am a bassist.

- Insurance is your hobby or so is it?
- I just... I can't handle lies.

- I can't handle controlling men.
- I'm not controlling.

I'm not trying to be.

I don't wanna fight with you.


Well, then why are you here?

Why did you spray half a bottle of Joop
on yourself before you let me in?

- It's not Joop.
- It 100% is Joop.

Okay, it's Joop.

You have to go, Becka.

- I know you want this.
- I can't. I can't do this.

I'm not gonna beg.


I'm sorry. No. You have to go.