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04x06 - Evans Versus Davis

Posted: 09/09/22 15:28
by bunniefuu
♪ Good Times ♪

♪ Anytime You meet a payment ♪

♪ Good Times ♪

♪ Anytime You feel free ♪

♪ Good Times ♪

♪ Anytime you're
Out from under ♪

♪ Not getting hassled
Not getting hustled ♪

♪ Keeping your
head Above water ♪

♪ Making a wave when you can ♪

♪ Temporary layoffs ♪

♪ Good Times ♪

♪ Easy credit Rip-offs ♪

♪ Good Times ♪

♪ Scratching And surviving ♪

♪ Good Times ♪

♪ Hanging in A chow line ♪

♪ Good Times ♪

♪ Ain't we lucky we got 'em ♪

♪ Good Times ♪♪

Bird, you still tough.

If you were alive, you'd
be a Marine sergeant.

Back you go,

and I want you to hang
in there till you tender up.

Hup, two, three, four.

Hup, two, three, four.

There you go. Hi, Ma.

Hi, honey.

Oh, you found the paper.

I looked all over
the hall for it.

Yeah, it's a little messed up.

One of our neighbors got to it

before we did.

Mm, must have been
that Miss Crutcher.

She's always stealing our paper

and then complaining

about how the crime
rate is going up.

I want to see if they
got anything in here

about J.J. winning the
award for his art exhibit.


Ooh, Ma, you must be
some kind of magician.

You finally figured out a way

to make ham hock
smell like chicken.

I did better than that.

I made chicken
smell like chicken.


This is some big
occasion, huh, Ma?

Biggest we had in months.

J.J. winning the award.


When we celebrate,
we eat chicken, right?


What do chickens eat
when they celebrate?

Less fortunate chickens.





Hello, Alderman Davis.

No, J.J. isn't here right now,

but I'm expecting
him any minute.

Yes, I'll tell him.

Well... There's a surprise.

That was Alderman Davis.
He's coming over to see J.J.

Now, what does that buzzard
want with our gooney bird?

Ooh, here it is.

"J.J. Evans wins Urban
Community art show,

"second year in a row.

"The award ceremonies were taped

and will be shown
tonight on the 6:00 news."

All right.

Hi, Ma. Hi, Thelma.

Hi, baby.

Michael, we got a
big surprise for you.

J.J.'s going to
be on TV tonight.

How did you know?

Miss Crutcher told me.

Now, what's your surprise?

Never mind. Turn on the TV.

We don't want to miss J.J. Okay.

Ma, you think J.J. knows
he's going to be on TV?

I ain't rolling nothing
but sevens and 11s.

Here come the
TV star, J.J. Evans.

He knows.


when does the ebony
idol of the airwaves

grace the boob tube?

Well, you still have

a few more minutes
before you boob up the tube.


Let's get this
thing rolling here.

Come on, let's get
this picture happening.

the national scene,

Governor Carter
was in Oregon today,

President Ford made
a speech in Iowa,

and it is reported that
Secretary of State Kissinger

was seen in Washington.

And now for the local news.

Oh, local news.

The Urban Community
Center presented its coveted

annual awards for
excellence in the arts.

Here was the scene

as the director of the center
made the presentation.

for the award in visual arts.

Hey, I'm standing up now,

getting ready to
walk down the aisle.

In a second, you'll
hear me clear my throat.

This young man's painting

of contemporary
black athletic heroes

was the highlight
of this year's show.


Uh, that's me
clearing my throat.

It sounds fine, J.J.

Here I come.

And now, here is this year's...


Oh, come on, tube. There I go.

Come on, TV. Oh, come on.

Honey, try flipping
it off and on.

Oh, why me, Lord?

Why couldn't this happen
during the Ford/Carter debates?

They ain't got
nothing to say anyway.

Baby, quit kicking it.

Show some respect for the dead.

Hey, well, you know what?

Let's go watch it
on Willona's TV.

Oh, good idea. Ooh, hurry up.

Hi. Ain't got no time.

Going to watch me at
Willona's house on TV.


I saw you on TV, J.J.

That's more than I can say.

I was so disappointed.

Give it to me straight, Willona.

Was I as great on
TV as I am in person?

J.J., you were fantastic.

Well, you know, what can I say?

At the beginning, I had
a little trouble seeing you.

You were standing
behind the flagpole.

Only kidding, honey.

Now, come on, Willona.

Tell me, truthfully,

what did I say to the man?

J.J., what do you
mean, what did you say?

You were there. You
should know what you said.

It's not the words,
it's the execution.

Well, I'll vote for that.

Ma, we got to get a
new TV. That one's had it.

Yeah, I expect to be winning
many more awards, Ma,

and I can't stand
to watch myself

blow up on TV every week.

Yeah, Ma, we missing
all the new shows.

That's right.

Missing all the new shows.

My friends, Poppo and Head,

they was telling me
about this new show

called The Bionic Black Man...

About this black dude
gets into an accident,

the white scientists
want to save him,

but they don't have
enough bionic parts,

so they put the dude together

with old parts
from his Cadillac.

Well, we can stand a new TV set.

Well, honey, all you're
going to see on television

is some kind of debates.

They got a debate now between
President Ford and Jimmy Carter,

and Jimmy Carter wants
it to be winner takes all,

and President Ford wants
it to be two falls out of three.

And both the candidates
come on the air with dyed hair,

caps on their teeth,
whole lot of TV makeup on,

and they got the nerve
to say, "Trust me"?

And you'd be surprised
how the debate

has influenced the clothes
coming into the boutique, honey.

They got this new number
called the election special.

Whoo! Cut low, making
all kinds of promises

you know you just
ain't going to keep.


I'll get it, Ma.

Hey, hold on there, Michael.

If that's one of my chicks,

tell her I'm busy till 1989.

All right.

Oh, Alderman Davis.

Hello, Florida.

It is indeed a rare
honor to cast my eyes

on my favorite family
in the entire precinct...

And you, too, Willona.

Honey, hide the silver.

Come in, alderman.

Thank you, Florida.

My, but your family has grown.

I wouldn't have
recognized you, Theresa.

That's Thelma.

And you, Mitchell.

Uh, that's Michael.

And, of course,
everybody knows you, J.J.

Nice of you to remember
my initials, Alderman.

Son, I wanted to tell you

how impressed I am with
your current art exhibit,

so I decided to come over here

and personally compliment you.

Flo, hide the
paper napkins, too.

Down at the community
center, they tell me

that they never had
so many young people

get so excited
about an art exhibit.

Well, you know, what can I say?

When you got it, you paint
it, you frame it, you hang it.

And, Davis, you can stuff it.

J.J., you're a vital force

among the young
people in our community.

Get to the point.

Exactly what do
you want from J.J.?

Now, Florida, why in the world

would you doubt my sincerity?

Oh, it's not that I
doubt your sincerity.

I've just that I've
never seen it.

Florida, I do what I do.

Remember, I'm merely
the people's servant.

Oh, servant, huh?

Do you do windows?

Willona, I am constantly amazed

at your wonderful lack of humor,

but going from the ridiculous

to the sublime,

J.J., I want to
congratulate you.

Your art speaks

for all the young
people in our community.

Well, as usual,
it's been a pleasure

seeing all the
Evans' glowing faces,

and yours too, Willona.

And I bid you goodbye.

That Davis has
just got to be sick.

He didn't ask for anything.

And that's like a fox
going into a chicken coop,

ordering a vegetable plate.


There's one little thing
I just remembered.

Cancel the vegetable plate.

There's a pre-election dinner

being given in my honor,

and here's four tickets
for you good people.

There's one in there
for you too, Willona.

By the way, they're $5 apiece.

You can put the
money in the envelope.

That's very
thoughtful of you, but...

Ah, now, now, Florida.

Don't beg for any more tickets.

That's all I can spare you.

Well, it's nice to know
he's his rotten self.

This way, we don't have to
worry about him going bad on us.

Well, well, well.

Long time, no see.

There's one more little thing

that I just remembered...

If these old nostrils of mine

don't deceive me,
that aroma I smell

is Florida's famous
home-cooked chicken.

Bring along a few of those

famous birds of yours, Florida.

Alderman, I'd love
to give you the bird.

Uh, Willona, you can
bring some coleslaw.

Anybody can cut cabbage.

But it takes a cabbage
head to know that...


Goodbye, all.

Ma, you're not gonna really
fix him any chicken, are you?


There's another little
thing you just remembered.

Based on your influence
with the young people, J.J.,

I'd like for you to head
up the YAM committee.

What's YAM?


Young Artists for Me.


Yams go good with a
stuffed turkey like you.

J.J., I'd like for you to
sit on the dais with me

and make a little
speech in my honor.

Yeah, but I ain't
no speech writer.

No sweat, son.

We'll have an
extemporaneous speech

all prepared for you.

You'll be picked up
at 7:00 by a limousine

from the Green Funeral Home.

Oh, I hope it's the
one with the seats in it.

All right, then
it's all settled.

I'll see you at the dinner.

Hold it, alderman.

Nothing is settled.

Now, I'm not about

to let J.J. be bait for you

to get in your young voters.

These young people nowadays

can make up their own minds.

And I'm not about to
cook you any chicken.

You cook your own bird.

Give it to him, Mama.

And, uh, Balderman,

you do know what you can do

with your cabbage, don't you?

Tell it like it is, Willona.

Well, we have a
saying down at city hall.

"How soon they forget."

Florida, it pains
me to remind you,

but it was through the
good graces of my office

that I got you this
apartment in the first place.

And you never let us forget it.

Oh, look, Florida.

Now, what possible
harm could it do

if J.J. would say

a few modest words
to those young people?

Well, why don't
we just ask J.J.?

I agree with you, Ma.

I'm getting tired
of Alderman Davis

coming up here blackmailing us

about this apartment.

You know, alderman,

I think it would be a crime

if the people in this
district reelect you,

and I am not about to let J.J.

become an accessory to a crime.

All right.

If that's how you
want it, Mrs. Evans.

All well and good.

We have another
saying down at city hall.

"The essence of democracy
is the freedom of choice."

May I use your
telephone... Hello, Bookman.

Alderman Davis here.

Bookman, an apartment has
suddenly become available

in your project.

The Evans family have
freely chosen to leave.


Just what do you want, Bookman?

Well, since you're getting out,

Alderman Davis requested

that I take inventory
for the new tenants.

Ma, he can't do
this to us, can he?

I mean, there are laws.

That's true, honey.

Unfortunately, it's
politicians like Davis

who make those laws.

This place will have to
be completely redecorated.

Oh, yeah? What
you plan on doing?

Bringing in a new
set of roaches?

Bookman, how come you got

a "Win With Ford" button

and a "Win With Carter"
button on each side?

Because Nathan Bookman's

always on the
side of the winner.

Yeah, but they both can't win.

And they both
can't lose, either.

Look here, no matter
who's in the White House,

a donkey or an
elephant, there'll still be

a horse's behind
running this building.

Now, that's a cold shot.

You're right.

Now, J.J., you should
not have said that,

and I want you to apologize...

To horses everywhere.

Okay, I'll see how smart you are

when you're living
out on the streets.

Now, I got to get
back to this inventory.

Let's see, now. One sink.

Chipped and rust-stained.

Mint condition.

Two faucets.

Needs washers.

Excellent condition.

One stove.

Pilot light keeps going out.

Ideal. Saves on gas.


The door sounds fine, too.

Hello. We came to
look at the apartment.


Is this the Evans apartment?

Yes, it is.

Oh, I'm Mr. Gillard.

This is my wife, Margaret.


Alderman Davis sent us over.

He said this
apartment is available.

Alderman may be rotten,
but he sure works fast.

Oh, come right in, folks.

I'm Nathan Bookman,
the supervisory engineer.

Better known as
Buffalo Butt, the janitor.

We're going to miss that kid.

You folks, excuse
the conditions.

The last tenants
were a little sloppy

in the housekeeping department.

Just a minute, Bookman.

But with a little paint
and a little plaster,

you folks will have a beautiful
little honeymoon cottage.

Come on, let me
show you the layout.

Now, right over here we
have the master bedroom.

Right here.

Look, George, it has
a separate bedroom.

Yeah, sure is nice.

Where we live now, there
are four of us in a single.

Mm. You see, this is one of
our most sought-after apartments.

Yeah, right now
it's eight to five

the rats will take it
from the roaches.

Uh, you know something?

You really won't be happy here.

I mean, the bathtub
leaks, and the pipe freezes,

and sometimes we
have to wait 20 minutes

before the water
warms up. It's tough.

Yeah, but your bathroom
is in the apartment.

Ours is down the hall,

and we have to share
it with six other families.

Uh, hey, well, um,

if you like snow
in the wintertime,

you don't have to worry

about going outside to get it,

because it comes right
through that window.

Well, our windows
are all boarded up.

Lots of vandals in
our neighborhood.

Well, you know,

this neighborhood
ain't exactly peaceful.

You don't have to watch
TV to get sex and v*olence.

We got it on either side of us.

One side, the battling
Johnsons, and the other side,

a religious fanatic known
as "Our Lady Of The Streets."

That's right.


FLORIDA: It's all right.

It's all right.

Look, Mr. And Mrs. Gillard.

This may not be the
best place in the world,

but it is our home.

Now, we are being forced out

by your friend, Davis,

and he just might do
the same thing to you.

We'll take that chance.

It's so much nicer
than what we have now.

Then it's settled.

Yours is a lease,

and yours, Mrs. Evans,
is an eviction notice.

Come with me, folks.

I'm so sorry.

It was nice meeting you.

Come on, let me take you
down to the laundry room.

The way I keep that place,
it should be in a magazine.

Yeah, Better Slums and Garbage.

Well, Ma, now what we gonna do?

The only thing we can do, son.

May I speak to
Alderman Davis, please?

And in conclusion,
ladies and gentlemen,

this year, 70 million people
in our country will not vote.

A sad commentary on my opponent,

who seems unable
to attract the voters.

Why, in this ward alone,

hundreds of young voters
will not go to the polls.

Just remember, young people,

it doesn't matter
who you vote for,

as long as you vote...
for Fred C. Davis.


And now, I am
honored to introduce

a young man who has asked to
say a few words on my humble behalf.

That is the humblest
lie I ever heard.

Ladies and gentlemen,

the winner of the Urban
Community Award,

Mr. J.J. Evans.



Ladies and gentlemen,
Yams and Yamettes,

this is a rare honor
to be able to speak

on behalf of a great
public serpent...

That's servant!

No, that's serpent.

Who has dedicated his
whole life to his fellow man.

Forgive him, Lord,

but apartments
are hard to come by.

For Fred Davis, no
sacrifice has been too great,

and I am thrilled to be able

to say these things
about this man,

and I am overjoyed
that he has allowed me

to speak on his behalf.

And I'm getting
sick to my stomach

saying all this garbage.

I'm sorry, Ma, but I just
can't go through with it.

Now, I'm going to tell you

about the real Fred Davis.

I haven't finished
yet, Mr. Davis.

The Fred Davis who
promised to increase

the number of people
working, which he did.

The unemployment offices
have doubled their staff.


I'm talking about
the real Fred Davis.

You know what I'm talking about?

The real Fred Davis.

The Fred Davis you don't
read about in the newspaper,

but the Fred Davis

that should be wrapped up
in a newspaper, like a fish.

You can't say nothing
bad about Fred Davis.

Why? Is it your turn, brother?

Sit down.

Boo! Boo! Boo!

You let him talk.

Right on, J.J.

Pluck that turkey.

Yeah, talk.

Even though Fred has walked

with the highest
and the mightiest,

he has not lost personal,
common touch with the people.

Matter of fact, there
isn't one of us tonight

he hasn't touched
personally for five bucks.

Whenever you hear
the name "Fred Davis,"

you hear the words "honesty,"
"integrity," and "trust."

Unfortunately, these words
only apply to his opponent.

And to all you young brothers

who have dropped out
of the political arena,

drop back in.

Make your vote count.

Vote on election day.


Right on.

All right.

Well, Ma, I guess I blew it.

No, son.

You said what you had to say,

and I'm proud of you.

And I love you, J.J.

Hey, J.J., I'm proud
of you, too, man.

J.J., you are the greatest
thing that happened to politics

since they kicked
Earl in the butts.

All right, Evans family.

This time, you've gone too far.

I know, alderman.

We're evicted.

Eviction is too good for you.

No more Mr. Nice Guy.

I am not a crook.

Don't punish them.

I was the one that did it.

That may be,

but all of you
are going to get it.

Hey, hey, Fred.

Hey, have you heard
what the crowd is saying?

Hey, it's a success.

Yeah, for that big-mouth kid.

No, it's for you.

I sure enjoyed that.

Funnier than any roast
I've ever seen on TV.

And they say

that politicians have
no sense of humor.

Yeah, come on.

Let's hear it for
Fred... C... Davis.




They love you. They love me.

Yeah. Yeah, they think it's
just like a Dean Martin roast.


Oh, Evans, you're
still my favorite family.

And you, too, Willona?

J.J., I'm scheduling more
campaign dinners for you,

and Florida, as
long as I'm alderman,

you'll be living in the project.

And that's the sad part.

As long as there are
aldermen like Fred Davis,

people like us will
always live here.

In the ghetto.

♪ Mmm... ♪

♪ Just looking
Out of the window ♪

♪ Watching the asphalt grow ♪

♪ Thinking how It all
looks hand-me-down ♪

♪ Good Times ♪
♪ Yeah, yeah ♪

♪ Good Times ♪

♪ Keeping your
head Above water ♪

♪ Making a wave when you can ♪

♪ Temporary layoffs ♪

♪ Good Times ♪

♪ Easy credit rip-offs ♪

♪ Good Times ♪

ANNOUNCER: Good Times is
videotaped in front of a studio audience.

♪ Good Times ♪♪