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02x03 - Backlash

Posted: 09/05/22 02:41
by bunniefuu
- [ Rings]
- Hello?

Ah. Buenos dias.

Buenos zfias, Emily.

JQHE' E's uh...

e/ breakfast?

- Huevos rancheros.
- Huevos rancheros. That figures.

- Well, Bob, I'm just trying to get you in the mood.
- Emily, I'm in the mood.

Haven't I said "Buenos zfias” every morning
since we decided to go to Mexico?

Yeah, but it's the way
you say it.

If you're gonna make me feel
like I'm dragging you along...

it's not gonna be any fun.

I mean, you just don't seem excited.

Emily, I'm excited. I just-
I just don't show it the same way you do.

- Oh.
- Emily, look.

Uh, you tell me about Mexico.
We'll talk about it...

and-and I'll show you
how excited I get.

Okay. Our first day there,
we're gonna go to the bullfights.

That's fine, as long as we can watch 'em
from the hotel window.

Oh, Bob. I hope you don't expect
to spend the whole vacation...

lying around the hotel room.

I really wanna see the bullfights...

and Sunday is the only
day they fight.

- What about the next Sunday?
- Oh, that's no good.

That's the th, and, according
to my temperature chart...

that'; the day we should
lie around the hotel room.

They can, uh- They can really
pinpoint it that closely?

I don't know what you mean
by pinpointing it...

but the doctor said the I th is the day,
and : is the time.

Hmm, sounds like
pinpointing to me.

He also said, when people are relaxed
and comfortable in a different atmosphere-

you know, like a vacation- that's the time
that a lot of babies are conceived.

But he didn't pinpoint Mexico.
I mean, we-

We could be anywhere.

Let me put it this way, Bob.
I'm gonna be in Mexico...

and I think
we ought to be together.

Maybe I'll come down
for the day.

- [ Laughing]
- I'm just kidding. I'm looking forward to Mexico.

But underneath all that kidding
is a man who hasn't learned any Spanish...

and who probably
hasn't even packed.

Emily, I'm all packed.
Everything is in my shaving kit.

All you have to do is zip it up.

- You just don't seem enthusiastic.
- I'll tell you one more time.

I'm excited about going to Mexico.
I'm looking forward to going to Mexico.

I have one appointment this morning.
I'm gonna rush back here, and then we're off.

When we get to Mexico, I promise you
I will love everything about Mexico.

Okay, honey. I believe you.

Oh, Bob. You barely touched
your huevos rancheros.

I just- I don't like Mexican food.
I don't know.

[Blowing Nose]

Well, Mr. Trevesco, a lot of people
have trouble showing affection.

From what you've told me,
your-your father was not a demonstrative man.

Oh, he was demonstrative all right.

I mean, you did something wrong,
and- whack! You know, whack!

I know what you mean by “whack?

You know, I can't remember
my father even huggin' me once.

- How about your mother?
- I don't think he ever hugged her either.

No. I mean, did she hug you?

Oh, yeah. She was different.
She hugged me lots...

after my father hit me.

Well, maybe we ought
to work on that while I'm away...

you know, trying to be-
to be more affectionate.

If you, uh- If you feel
like hugging your wife, uh, go ahead.

I mean, when- When was the last time
you hugged your wife?

- You mean, just hugged her?
- Yeah.

New Year's Eve.

Well, have-have you ever
felt like hugging her since?

I mean,just... hugging her.

Well, yeah, I guess so.

Well, why don't-
Why don't you go with that feeling?

Yeah. I see what you mean.
lfl feel somethin'...

I should show it,
express myself.

Right. But, uh, our time is up.

So, why, uh- Why don't
you work on that while I'm away?

Aw, gee, thanks, Doc.

- Hey, you're terrific.
- [ Gasps]

Aw, that's nice.

Yeah, I get
what you mean, Doc.

I'll try it. I reallywill.

Yeah, that's a terrific feeling.

Hey, Doc, that's enough, huh?

Hey, Doc? Doc?
Hey, what's wrong?

- My back.
- Hey. Hey, somebody. Come in here.

There's something wrong
with the doc.

Oh, my gosh.
Uh, give him air.

- Stand back!
- Stand back, and he'd fall over.

All I did was give him
a friendly whack on the back.

Geez! I gotta learn
to be more gentle.

- Hey.
- Now, Bob, don't move. It'll only make it worse.

Hey, I'm the one that-
that knocked it out of place.

- You think maybe I could just, uh-
- No! No!

No, no. I'll just call a doctor.

Um, Bob, don't move.

- {Tapping Keys]
- Bob hurt his back. Come right away.

Hey, he's tryin'
to go to the couch.

Can you get him to the couch
without moving him?

- Ah! You're moving him.
- No, I'm not.

I'm steering him
in the right direction.

That-That's it.

- There you go.
- [ Moans]

Hey. Hey, look at that, huh?

My shrink on a couch.

Where is he? Oh, my gosh.

Look at him.
How did this happen?

[Gasping] My back is out.
It's nobody's fault.

No, no. It was my fault.
I'm like a cow in a china shop.

- Did you call a doctor?
- I called you.

His teeth are fine.
Now call somebody for his back.

He needs a back specialist, someone
who'll give him heat therapy, traction-

the works- even though
it usually doesn't help.

- What about acupuncture?
- No!

Well, maybe-
Maybe I should call Emily.

No, no. Don't-
Don't call Emily.

I feel-l feel fine.
Everything's gonna be all right.

- I'm just-
- Are you sure, Bob?

Yeah, I'm sure. It's-

It's amazing how it canjust-

just go awayjust-just like that.

Geez. That's a miracle.
He's all better.

Well, I gotta go. Unless
there's something I gotta-

- You want me for something?
- Oh, no, no, no.

You've done enough.
Thank you.

Bob? Bob, where do you
thinkyou're going? Uh-


Mexico? You're lucky if you make it
as far as the elevator.

Jerry, I don't have any choice.

Emily already-already
feels I don't wanna go.

Ifshe-she finds out what happened here,
she'll think I'm faking it.

Well, you're not, are you, Bob?

No, I guess you're not.

Boy, luckyl came
by the garage and found you.

- Take it easy. Watch it.
- Thanks, Howard.

Wait. Let me get the door closed.
Watch the steps.

Boy, it was really spooky-
just sitting there in your car...

staring straight ahead.

I thought you were listening to the music
on the radio, but you weren't.

No. I couldn't tap my feet, Howard.

Easy, easy does it.

Boy, you should have a doctor
look at that back.

Yeah. I- I ran into a back specialist
on the elevator.

- What'd he say?
- He gave me some muscle-relaxing pills...

and said I was doing
a great impression of Boris Karloff.

- Easy, Bob. Easy.
- [ Exhales]

Boy, Emily's really going to be disappointed
about not making that trip.

No, she isn't, Howard,
because we're-we're going.

- Really?
- Really.

- [Key Turning In Lock]
- That's- That's Emily. Now, remember, Howard.

Don't worry about me.
My... lips are sealed.

Oh. Hi, honey.
Hi, Howard.

Hi, Emily.

Oh, honey. I'm so glad you got home
on time. Everything's all set.

I canceled the newspaper,
Marilyn's gonna pick up the mail.

I'm all packed, and all we have to do
is sit on the bags. I'm gonna need your help.


Never mind,

Gee, I didn't need your help.
I hope I'm not putting on weight.

I wanna leave a light burning.
Which one should I leave?

Bob, would you get the suitcases?
I think I'll leave this one.

Bob? Aren't you ever
gonna get up?

Well, I- I hope so. There's-
There's so much I wanna do.


Bob- what's wrong?

Nothing. I was just noticing the-
the carpeting needs cleaning.

Bob, now, something is wrong.

No, no. We can clean it.

What is it?
What happened?

All right, I'll tell you.
One of my patients whacked me in the back.

- Why?
- Because he likes me.

- And you can't even straighten up?
- It's not all that bad, Emily.

I've found a whole new world
I never knew existed down here.

Oh. Bob, now,
this is nothing to kid about.

Emily, I can kid about it
because-because I'm fine.

I'll- I'll go get the bags.

Bob, look at you.

I can't.

Bob, you're in no shape
to go anywhere.

Emily, yes, I am.
We're going to Mexico.

I just want you
to stay by my side...

to make sure no one
throws a saddle on me.


- Yes, honey?
- Go to bed.

I'm on my way.

♪♪ [ TV: Organ, Melodramatic]

Yes, this is Stephanie.

Who is this?

' iason?
" a? I Organ]

- After all these years?
- [ organ

Yes. Ifsjason...

- .'! ]
- after all these years.

Bob, you're not really watching
that soap opera, are you?

It's been a lot ofyearsJason.

Yes. A lot of years.

;, '[Organ: Background

No. I just- I was waiting
for the news to come on.

Bob, the news doesn't come on
for four hours.

Well, they're always breaking in
with bulletins, you know.

You can- You can turn it off.

[Clicks OffTV]

Oh, uh- It's kind of
hot in here, isn't it?

Well, Bob, you wanted
all those blankets.

I know I did, but I'm kind of,
you know, warm now.

Oh, well, we'll just
take off one of the blankets.

Yeah, actually, it's the-
the comforter that's the warmest.

Then we'll just
take off the comforter...

and we'll put back...

one of the little blankets.

- Thank you, Emily. You're- You're so good to me.
- Yeah. [Chuckles]

Well, is there anything else, Bob?

Yeahjust, uh-
just one more thing.

Could you bring me
my next muscle-relaxing pill...

and, uh, a-a glass
of freshly squeezed orangejuice?

And a... cup of tea
and, uh, a lemon?


That's three things, Bob.
Four with the lemon.

Yeah, but the beauty of it is,
they're-they're all in the kitchen...

so that it'd, you know,
just be one trip.

Yeah. That is beautiful.

- Uh, Emily?
- Yes, Bob?

Would you leave the door open
sol could see outside?

Bob, why don't you just go...
freshen up?

I thinkyou'll feel a lot better.

Yeah. That's a good idea.
I thinkl will.

- [Clicks On TV]
- .'! ]

How many years has it beemjason?

I-l don't remember.

Of course you don't remember.

- You had amnesia.
- [Door Slams]

Ah, yes. I forgot.

Boy, amnesia.
That's rough.

[Stephanie] Then I don't suppose
you recall... the baby?

The baby?

The ba- The baby?
What baby?

What baby?

Why, our baby.

- ♪♪ [ Organ]
-[Clicks OffTV]

Oh. There, doesn't it
feel good to freshen up?

Yes, it sure does.

Well, here's
your muscle relaxer...

am have' s yam Mae.

And the, uh-
And the tea?

It's steeping-

Uh. Emily?

Is this freshly squeezed

No. It's frozen, Bob.

Well, it's, uh- It's good...
for, uh- for frozen.

Emily, are you, uh-
Are you angry?


Why-Why don't we
talk about it?

Oh, Bob, there isn't
anything to talk about.

You're sick, and I just
hope you get better. Soon.

Well, I-l am getting better, Emily,
day by day.

- And, uh, thanks to you.
- Good.

Yeah. I really mean it, Emily.
You're doing a- You're doing a wonderful job.

Boy, these, uh-

These muscle-relaxing pills
really wor- really work fast, don't they?

I mean, if, uh-

If you're, uh...

upset, you know, it's...
better to get it, uh-

- get it ofi' your, uh-
- Chest.

You're right, Bob.
I-l am upset...

and I do think
we ought to talk about it.

Yeah, well, it'll-
it'll makeyou, uh-

Well, you see, I'm upset
because we're not on vacation.

- Feel better.
- And that'; another thing.

You are talking so slow,
I just want tojump in your mouth...

and pull the words out.

I know it's not your fault. I know
it's those muscle relaxers you're taking...

but it is driving me crazy.

And I am upset because
lam waiting on you hand and foot...

and I am upset because
you seem to be enjoying it.

I can't help it, Bob. I wouldjust rather
be on the beach in Acapulco...

getting a terrific tan
and possibly a baby.

Now, there. I said it,
and I don't feel any better.

I mean, I feel worse,
'cause you're lying here sick...

and I'm standing here yelling at you
because I'm a terrible person.

Good. Uh-

Could I-
Could I have my tea now?

Oh. Yes, Bob.

-[Clicks On TV]
- ♪♪ [ Organ]

[Stephanie]jason, can it ever
be the way it was... again?

The way what was?

Oh, Jason, Jason. We'll run away...

iust... the two of us.

. ' [Ofgafl]

What about the baby?

Yeah. I go, uh, back and forth
from here to the bedroom...

and I wash my face,
turn my head from side to side.


Oh, Bob. I didn't mean
you were boring.

Oh. I mean, when- when moving your head
is the highlight of the day, Bob.

- Boring.
- [ Doorbell Buzzes ]

Oh, should I get that?

It might be faster, yeah.

Come on in!

Carol, I could've done that.

- Hi, Carol.
- h, hL/er.

Well, here he is.

- It's him, all right.
- Yeah.

- Looks pretty good.
- Mm-hmm.

- How about a few sets of tennis?
Jerry, I would...

but after I beat you,
I'd have troublejumping over the net.

- [ Laughing]
- Carol, how about a cup of coffee, huh?

Oh, there's no escaping you,
is therejerry?

- The instant is in the right-hand cabinet.
- Oh, wonderful.

Hey, Bob.
How you feeling?

I'm coming along
pretty nicelyJerry.

Seriously, Bob. I mean, really,
how are you feeling?

I feel pretty goodJerry.

Come on, Bob. I know you too well.
You can tell me.

The doctor gave me
three monthsJerry.

Aw, you'll be better
in no time, Bob.

Uh, listen, where's Emily?

- She at school?
- No. She's down at the travel agency.

She's changing our tickets to Saturday.

Are you still planning
to go to Mexico?

Well, we still have two weeks left...

and I think I'll heal
a little faster down there.

Only thing is,
I can't do the hat dance.

- [ Laughing] Here.
- Thank you.

- Oh. Hi, everybody.
- Oh, hi, Emily.

- How are you?
- Terrible.

- As soon as Bob's back on his feet-
- No, no.

I mean I really feel terrible.

- You're right. You look lousy.
- I do?

All of a sudden,
I just felt so hot and achy...

like, if you don't lie down,
you'rejust gonna fall down.

- Emily, you ought to get to bed.
- I thinkyou're right.

- Hey, can we- Can we do anything?
- Uh-uh.

No, no. We can, uh-
We can manage.

[Carol] If you're sure, Bob, then I guess
we'lljust get on back to the office.

Bye, Bob.


Hiya, Dr. Hartley.

Listen, I'm sorry
to bother you at home.

I just heard that you canceled your vacation
on account of me, and I just felt awful.

Well, don't feel bad, Mr. Trevesco.

We're, uh- We're leaving
in a couple days for Mexico.

Oh, that's great. Ah.

Listen, I got the truck double-parked,
and I gotta get back to the store.

But I wanted you to have
this little present. Here.

- [Yelps]
- Don't mention it.

How do you feel?

Not good.

- How about you?
- Not good.

I hope we don't have a fire.

[Phone Ringing]

Well, one of us
should answer that.

[Ringing Continues]

- You wanna arm wrestle for it?
- It's on your side.

I know.


Oh, hi, Mort.

- Dr. Dorfman.
- Oh, good.

Yeah, she still feels dizzy.

- No. Woozy.
- Woozy.

- And my eyes hurt.
- And her eyes hurt.

And my hair.

I'm not gonna tell him
your hair hurts.

- Well, it does.
- Then you tell him.

Hello? Oh, hi, Doctor.

Yeah, well, I'vejust never
been sicker in my entire life.

My hair?

Yes. As a matter of fact,
it does hurt.

Uh-huh. Oh- Oh, that's
what you think it is, huh?

Uh-huh. Well-Well, thank you.

Bye, Mort.

- What'd he say?
- He said I have a cold.

He's gonna send over
a prescription.

He said I should have some ice cream
to settle my stomach.

He didn't say who should go
to the kitchen for the ice cream, did he?

Doesn't matter.
We don't have any anyhow.

Door Slams]

Bob? That was our front door.
Somebodys in our living room.

Let 'em take whatever they want.
We can't do anything about it.

Y Howard
Bob? Emily?

Oh, Howard?
We're in the bedroom.

I'll come back later.

Howard! It's all right.
Come on in.

Well, well, well.
How are we feeling tonight?

Well, some of us are still sick.

Good. I brought you a little something
to cheer you up.

There's a crossword puzzle
in there, some cards...

some newspapers, some books
and some magazines.

Oh, Howard, that's very sweet of you.
You shouldn't have bothered.

That's okay. Lot of people
leave stuff on the plane.

Look, uh, can I
get you guys anything before I go?

No. I think we got
everything right here, Howard.

If you need anything,just write it down.
There's a pencil and paper in the bag.

- I'll be back in about three and a half days.
- [Emily] We '// still be here.

- [ Bedroom Door Closes]
- Ice cream.

- Ice cream!
- [ Front Door Closes]

- Well, I guess we missed him.
- Guess we did.

Bob. I just had a thought.

What time is it?

: .

It's : on the th.

- Bob?
- Oh, no, Emily.

Bob? Are you sure
you still wanna go?

Honey, O clays
are better than no clays.

- How do you feel?
- Queasy.

That's the way we're supposed
to come back from Mexico.

That's right.

You know, we're gonna
have a great time...

but there-there's only
one thing I regret.

The baby.

Oh, Bob, we'll have other times.

Oh, yeah, ours too.
I meant Stephanie andjason's.

[ Mews]