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05x10 - The Great Insurance Fraud

Posted: 08/28/22 06:44
by bunniefuu

Now in most places,
having a car crowd you a little

ain't worthy of much notice.

But in Hazzard, forcing the
General Lee out of the way

is right up there with
jumping off a tall building.

It looks like trouble
for the Dukes.

You wanna know
what it is, don't you?

Well, this is a new electronic
device that I've invented.

See, this is the antenna.

If you just... this picks up
the electrical... what's that?

A double whammy!
Boss is gonna love this.

Come on, get back,
darling. And buckle up.

If y'all think that's
somethin', you ought to see

the way Rosco's rigged
his bathroom plumbin'.

Whoever that fella is up ahead,
he sure is making good time.

Yeah, he must've heard
about Boss's traffic traps before.

Wish we could tell him Rosco's
probably after us, not him.

Figure least we can do is
draw Rosco off that fellow's tail.

Never thought I'd live
to see Rosco turn down

a chance to catch us.

It's too bad. Because he never
would've caught us anyway.

Which is more than I
can say for that fella.

Get off!

Listen, boy, you gotta
pick your spots good.

You gotta make hay
while the sun shines.

That's a little joke, Flash.

Oh, I love you,
shorty. Velvet ears.

I love hot pursuit.

Ends in victory. God, gee. Good.


Anything wrong, sheriff?

Are you kidding me,
fella? Get out of the vehicle.

Make it easy and slow,
because I'm very nervous. Easy.

'See, you did a no-no.'

You came through a stop
sign and that's a $ fine.

- Three hundred dollars?
- 'Yeah.'

Well, isn't that kind of steep?

Well, it is if you're
sucker enough to pay it.

I just might be able to get
you off the hook for, say..

A hundred and fifty dollars.

- Hundred and fifty bucks?
- 'Yeah.'

What would I have to do?

Well, uh, you could buy one
of these insurance policies.

A million dollars worth
of accident insurance.

For $ ?

Well, what's it gonna be?

A $ fine or a
$ insurance policy?


I guess I'll take one
of these policies.

I would if I were
you and I'll take cash.

Friends, Boss Hogg's
got more wrinkles

than a bucket of prunes.

And this one's a
world-class scam.

Hey, I didn't expect you
back so soon. Anything wrong?

Same thing that's been
wrong the past couple of weeks.

- What's that?
- Boss's traffic trap.

Well, I might've
known. Hold it, hold it.

I don't see no fence
posts nowhere.

Dang, we got so riled up
over that trap we forgot them.

I can't run a farm without
fence posts. Go get 'em.

- Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir.

For crying out loud.

We'll be right back.

'And that gives us
a total of policies.'

That gives us a grand total of..

, simoleons.

Ooh, I love it. I love it.

And percent of your
percent which comes to...

- Nothin'.
- Nothin'?

Yeah, I'm using all this money
to pay for your grand prize.

- Prize?
- Hm, didn't I tell you?

- No.
- Oh, you're getting a deluxe

once in a lifetime, all
expense paid trip to Hawaii.

- Hawaii? I am?
- Yeah, yeah.

When, as, and if you
meet your sales quota.

Listen, Boss. Don't you
worry about it. I'll meet it.

As soon as you
tell me what it is.

- You'll when you meet it.
- Oh, good.

Meanwhile, you go on and
get out there and start selling.

Because I can already hear
the grass skirts on them hula gals

a whispering in the breeze.

- Whisperin'..
- You know what they're singing?

Come to me, Rosco.

No, no. They're singing

Alright, git, git.


'Oh, Boss!'

Twelve thousand four
hundred and fifty simoleons.

This insurance racket is better
than having a key to Fort Knox.

Well, now, Boss
don't know it yet

but he's just been set
up by two of the best

flim-flam boys around.

Uh, did I say "boys"?

Now, he's gonna be hoisted
on his own petard and that hurts.

How'd it go?

Boy, I gotta hand
it to that Hogg fella.

His phony insurance racket is
cleaning up, just like we heard.

Did you let him
sell you a policy?

Oh, he sold me a policy.

And if y'all like skin,
this is a bunch of it.

A million dollars worth.

Now all we have to
do is fake the accident

and start counting the money.

It'll be the biggest
scam we ever pulled.

Uh, I think I'd better get
into some working clothes.

She don't look like
she's done a day's work

in her whole life.

- Lavinia..
- Yeah?

Uh, never mind.

While the boys were
headin' back to town

them two flim-flammers
were setting old Boss up

for the k*ll.

Here you go, that's
gonna run you $ . .

Will you take my credit card?

Yes, sir, Mr. Davis. Sure thing.

Uh, one more thing.

Could I use your phone
while you're writing me up?

I gotta make a
collect call. To Atlanta.

Sure. Long as it's
collect. Just call Mabel.

Dial zero, she'll
fix you right up.

Thank you.

Boss may be the
one they're setting up

but whatever stew
that they're cooking

the Dukes are gonna wind
up with it all over themselves.

You can just tell.

By the time the young Dukes
got headed back to town

that pair of con
artists was parked

and ready to fake the accident

that was gonna cost
old Boss a million dollars.

Now you can see how the
Dukes get stuck in the stew.

Set this thing for a
minute and... seconds.

That'll give me time to bail
out of this before it goes over.

Alright, I'll wait for
you. But be careful.

Oh, yeah. Something tells me
this isn't gonna be Hogg's day.

Friends, this don't
look none too good.

'Cause Ol' Coy is
driving General Lee

up on the other
side of that curve.

- Coy!
- Look out, Coy!

Mayday! This is Vance
Duke calling the sheriff's office.

A car went off a blind curve
at Bottomless Lake. Repeat.

A car went over the side of
the road at Bottomless Lake.

Rosco, I hope you're listening.

'Ain't got time
to wait for you.'

So just get out here, quick.

I couldn't stop in time.

'You didn't have a chance.'

'Come on, we gotta get down.'

You take care of the place.

Enos, this is Sheriff
Rosco P. Coltrane.

'Get your carcass over
to Bottomless Lake.'

Yes, sheriff, I'm gone.

I don't see the driver.

- You see anything?
- No.

He's been down too long.

Coy, are you alright?

I can't see a thing,
it's too muddy.

- I know.
- I'm going down again.

- No!
- It's too late.

It's gone over the edge.

If they went down, they
been down too long now.

- Come on.
- Back to shore.

We can't leave. We
gotta do something.

Coy, you can't throw
your life away like that.

It's too late. We
can't do nothing.

Whoever's been in
that water is a goner.

Come on, let's go back up to the
road and look for help. Come on.

Hey, what's this?
It's a license plate.

Must've come off the car.

- Coy, come on, hon.
- Come on. Nothing we can do.

I should've known. I should've
known I was gonna get hit.

- Every time I stop you hit me.
- I'm sorry, sheriff, I...

Hush! Hush.

I'm sick of your excuses.
Look at tha... well..

See there? Naughty, naughty.

You scarred your car this time.

Good thing you didn't
hurt my sheriff sign.

Now you see what..

Must be spontaneous destruction.

Come on, leave it
alone. Leave it alone.

'Sorry, sheriff.'

'Need any help?'

No, we're alright, Uncle Jesse.

Is this where the
vehicle went off...

- It-it seems like it.
- Possum on a gum bush!

There ain't nothing left
'cept some marks on the hill.

- You, uh... you kids alright?
- Yes, sir.

Enos, we'll go down the hill,
see if there's any survivors.

Don't bother, Rosco.

There aren't any survivors.

'What happened, Vance?'

'We were coming
around this bend'

'suddenly this car came
straight at us on the wrong side.'

Coy tried to stop.

And the car exploded.

The driver went down with it.

This is all we found, Rosco.

Oh. Well, I'll take this plate to
the motor vehicle department

and find out who that
vehicle belongs to.

'Alright, who was
driving your vehicle?'

I was.

What's your version of it?

It happened so fast.

'All of a sudden,
the car was there.'

I don't know.

Maybe I am responsible.

If there's a possibility of that
then I'm gonna have to hold you.

Alright, Enos. Cuff
him and stuff him.

You can't jump on anything
he says right now, sheriff.

He's in a kind of
a state of shock.

Enos. Until I get to the bottom
of this, I'm gonna lock him up.

Now just... put
him in the vehicle.

Come on, Coy.

Don't that just
bind up the cheese?

The accident's a phony
and Coy's blaming himself.

And the Boss is gonna
be looking for a scapegoat.

Friends, this one's a mess.

- Rosco.
- What?

I don't think you had
any call to arrest Coy.

Somebody's responsible
for this accident.

Until I find out what, I'm
gonna keep him under custody.

But it wasn't Coy's fault.

Will you hush?

You don't mind my business
and I won't mind yours.


Lavinia, it couldn't have
worked out better if we planned

on that orange car to
come around the curve.

Now we got a sucker to blame.

By the time I get done
with Boss Hogg tomorrow..

He'll be too scared
not to pay up.

And then..

I'll be attending a
million-dollar wake.


It would make me plum
nervous if she said that to me.

Ain't that just like
a Duke family?

One person gets in trouble,
and everybody shows up to help.

You know, I kind of like that.

'Enos, could we talk to Coy?'

Uncle Jesse.

I'm glad you're here, he ain't
spoken since we brung him in.

I'm gettin' kinda worried.

Thank you, Enos.

Hey, Coy.

Listen, Coy. You're gonna
have to get a hold of yourself..

And kind of pull
yourself together.

I can't. If I hadn't been
driving the General...

'Stop talking
like that, will ya?

That accident would've happened
no matter who was driving.

Coy. He's right, honey.

You're the best.

And if you couldn't duck that
car, well, then nobody could've.

You tell that to the other guy.
He's at the bottom of the lake.


Uncle Jesse, we can't talk
to him while he's in here.

Uh... how much is it gonna
cost to get him out, Enos?

Well, sir, if it was up to me,
I'd let him out for nothing.

'Well, I'll tell you how
much it's gonna cost, Jesse.'

Exactly $ , .

Five thousand dollars...

And it'd be cheap
for twice the price.

Boss, that's highway robbery.

How we gonna get
that kind of money?

Well, you already have, Jesse.

On account of, I took
the liberty of drawing up

a second mortgage on your farm.

At a simple % interest.

So come on over here
and sign on the dotted line.

Don't do it, Uncle Jesse.

I'd like to see
somebody try to stop me.

- Where do I sign?
- Right there.

- 'Uncle Jesse.'
- 'It's his decision, Coy.'

Look, the whole
thing's my fault.

Throwing away everything
Uncle Jesse worked for

ain't gonna make up for it.

There you go, J.D.

Well, thank you
very much, Jesse.

It's always nice doing
business with old friends.

Maybe that's why
all your old friends

are now your old enemies.

- Thanks, Enos.
- Yes, sir, Uncle Jesse.

Well, we're gonna
pick up some groceries.

Anything special, Coy?

'We'll see you out there.'

Come on. We ain't got all day.

I keep seeing that
car go over the side.

I just can't do it... I can't.

You're gonna have
to take over, Vance.

Ever think you'd see the day a
Duke would be afraid to drive?

What burns my hair is that
the accident was a phony.

'Y'all find anything?'


Head on home
y'all. Thanks a lot.

Let's head back to town.

Enos, don't worry about it.
You did the best you could.

- See you later, buddy.
- Yeah.

Take it easy, you hear?

Just heat it up, just..

This stuff's no good.

Thank you.

'Oh, Coy, you haven't
even touched your plate.'

I ain't hungry.

'Say, I know what he'd eat.'

Give him a piece of that
fresh rhubarb pie you made.

I'm sorry, I'm just
not feeling too good.

Uncle Jesse, he just
keeps blaming himself

more and more every minute.

The worst part is, he's not
responsible for that accident.

I mean, anybody that
saw it could tell him that.


Trouble is, Daisy and
me was the only ones that..

Hey, wait a minute.

Maybe there was another witness.


- I was talking on the CB.
- Yeah.

'And when Daisy
was talking to Coy'

I saw a yellow car driving
off heading towards town.

Maybe that driver saw somethin'.

Now, why wouldn't they
stop and help us though?

That's something we'll
ask 'em when we find 'em.

Let's go. Maybe somebody
out there saw somethin'.

It's a long sh*t, but it's
the only thing we got.

Uh, I'll stay here
and talk to Coy.

- 'Okay.'
- 'Goodbye.'

And... rid up the dishes.


Oh! I hear it!

You know it too. Good
for you. Would you..

Move over. Get over. Get..


'Okay, Flash.'

- It's Rosco.
- So, what's new?


Enos, this is your superior
officer Rosco P. Coltrane.

You got your ears on? Come back.

Sure have, sheriff.
What can I do for you?

I want you to create a roadblock

at Miller Junction, you
got that? Come back.

Yes, sir. I'd be happy
to, sheriff. I'm gone.

I can see those
Hawaiian grass skirts

waving in the breeze
at this moment.

Those pretty little things
going, oh, wiki, wiki..

Well, Flash, I guess
we're never gonna get

to see those grass skirts
floatin' in the breeze.


So the Dukes set out talking
to everybody who might

have a lead on that yellow car.

Since Hazzard folks
communicate a lot with each other

uh, like these two, the Dukes'
chances were pretty good.

Hey, Dixie. Dixie Lee!

Watch out! You're gonna crash..

Oh, God.

What's wrong, Coy?

It's that same
thing all over again.

The General came
bearing down on that car..

I tried to warn them,
but they couldn't hear me.

Then they..

Look... you're just
having a nightmare.

Everything's alright now.

Just try to go back
to sleep, okay?

- I can't sleep.
- Try. Come on.

Look, tomorrow we're gonna
go back out to Bottomless Lake

and we're gonna
search that place

'until we find out
exactly what happened.'

'Do me a favor, will you?'

Try dreaming about
chasing some girls

we can both get some sleep.

Right after breakfast, the boys
headed out to Bottomless Lake..

To see if there's anything
about the accident

that they mighta missed.

And as bad luck would have it..

If they'd left the
farm a minute later

Vance would've
spotted that yellow car

and saved everybody
a mess of trouble.

Miss Lavinia called Davis
and told him about the Dukes

snooping around
the Bottomless Lake

and for him to take care of it.

Now, what do you
reckon she meant by that?

Could I disturb you
for a minute, Mr. Hogg?

Oh, well, of course
you can. Come right in.

Well, what can I
do for you, honey?

I'm Lavinia Grey, the
attorney representing

the estate of my fiance,
the late Ward Davis.

Hm. Well, I never heard
of your fiance, honey.

But, uh, what's your
reason for sashaying in here

between my grits
and my pancakes?

Well, actually, I have
a million reasons.


You see, he
mailed me this policy

a few hours before
that accident.

- A policy?
- At Bottomless Lake.

You trying to tell me he
bought a policy before..


Let me tell you how it is.

Since I'm the
beneficiary on this policy..

You owe me exactly $ million.

No, I don't. That policy
ain't supposed to pay off.

I mean, it ain't supposed
to pay off that easy.

Anyhow, you're bluffing.

Because ain't no
way you can prove

that he's the fella in the car.

- Can't I?
- Uh-uh.

Just check the license
plate they found.

It was issued to Mr. Ward Davis.

It was?

I can also prove
that he gassed up

at Cooter Davenport's garage.

He did?

And my answering
service will confirm

that he made a long-distance
collect call to me from there

just a few minutes before
he went over the side.

Listen, I don't care
about any of these things.

Because like I said,
no insurance company

is gonna pay you off
that easy or that quick.

No, siree, Bob. I
mean, we all fight.

We get ourselves a
bunch of fancy lawyers..

Then we fight all the way
up to the Supreme Court.

That's the American way.

Really, Mr. Hogg?
I don't think so.

Because you know and I know

that your Hogg Insurance
Company is a complete fraud.

And all I have to
do is make a call

to the State
Insurance Commission

and you'll spend the next
years in state prison.

You wouldn't do a
thing like that. Would ya?

Just wait and see.

If you don't have that
money within hours..

Until then.

Enjoy... your breakfast.

By this time, the boys are
checking out that wreckage

without knowing that
that conman Davis

was checking them out.

Come on, partner.

Maybe we'll find something
else that fell off that car.

Broken part that might've
made it go over the cliff.

Forget it, Vance. You're just
trying to make me feel better.

There was nothing wrong
with that car till I clobbered it.

You can think what you want.

I'm gonna follow
through on this thing.

Hm, boy howdy!

You talk about standing in the
wrong place at the wrong time.

Look out!


The boulders
couldn't get any closer.

I know. It's almost as if
somebody was aimin' at us.

Come on. Let's take a
look up on top of that hill.

Look at this.

Now, will you believe me?

Boulder must've been
sitting in this hole right here.

Look at this. There's no
way it could've rolled over.

'Had to have been pushed.'

By who? Someone
in that yellow car

you've been talking about
that nobody else has seen?

You're reaching, Vance... I
mean, it don't make sense.

A lot of things been
happening around here, lately

that don't make any sense.

'Stay there.'

- Good news! Good news.
- 'Got some news?'

Yes, Boss. Listen, I just got
a phone call from the DMV.

- You did?
- Yes.

Listen, they traced that
car that went into the drink..

And the license
and-and the registration

was a Ward S. Davis.

A Ward? Oh, no! No, no, no.

Oh, that's bad news.
Bad news, dodo.

- What's wrong?
- What's wrong?

Everything's wrong now.

And as usual,
it's all your fault.

- My fault?
- Yeah, it's your fault.

- What did I do?
- What did you do?

You sold a million-dollar
accident insurance policy

to that same Ward S. Davis

just before he took a flying
leap into Bottomless Lake.

"Coy Duke Refuses to
Deny Guilt in Accident."

Oh, no.

No need to hide it.
I've already read it.

He says it all.

Hey, Coy, not to us he don't.

I'd like to get this fella
and put him over my knee

and b*at some sense into him.

- He was telling the truth!
- Only about you not denying it.

- Isn't it the truth?
- Yes, it is.

But he didn't write about
the accident. If it was one.

You've got some imagination.

'What're you talking about?'

I suppose I imagined that
boulder they shoved at us.

Somebody out there's after us.

You can't prove it was shoved.

Get off my back and quit
trying to alibi for me, okay.

Oh, no.

Oh, now, baby, that..

That wasn't the
real Coy talking.

No, that's just somebody
that's so scared..

He's afraid to look back
at what really happened.

Till he does..

I'm gonna keep looking
for that yellow car I saw

if I've to turn over every
inch of Hazzard to find it.

'I'll see y'all later.'

They'll be alright.

Meanwhile, Old Boss
had come up with a plan

to avoid paying off
on that phony policy..

On the phony accident..

On the dead man
who weren't dead.

I gotta get in and
put everything I own

in the name of somebody else.

Somebody who'll
look after my interests..

Uh, in case, I gotta go away.

- Like who?
- Like who?

- Who?
- Well, you.

- Me?
- Yeah.

You're my
brother-in-law, who else?

That's right, too.

- So I'm gonna write it up now.
- I'm the only one.

For the sum of one dollar..

One dollar.

I hereby sell everything I own..


- To Sheriff...
- Rosco P. Coltrane.

- I know your name.
- Oh.


Signed, Jefferson Davis... Hogg.

I know my own name too!

- There we are.
- There we are.

- There we go.
- Yeah.

- That does it.
- Oh, good, good.

- Give it to me.
- Duh-duh-duh..

Let me see your dollar first.

Oh, a dollar? Well,
you just... well, let me..

- Let me have that.
- There it is.

- Done.
- Alright.

Now, good.

You're sure this is
all legal and binding...

Yeah, it's legal.

And everything that you own,
used to own, belongs to me?

Yeah, well, for the
time being, that is.

- Anything else you wanna know?
- Yeah, fathead.

I want to get out
and wash my car.

- I may give you cents.
- What?

You ought to take any job
you can as poor as you are.

- I don't...
- A-ah! That sandwich is mine.

Well, just get on out
there and start swabbing.

After hanging
old Boss out to dry

that pretty little
con lady gassed up

so she wouldn't have to waste
time getting out of Hazzard

after she took a million
dollars out of his hive.

Meanwhile, seein' as how
he hadn't had no luck at all

finding that yellow car, Vance
was headed to the garage

to see if old Cooter
could help him out.

And that's when Vance's
luck hung a big .

It was about time.

- Hey.
- How are you doing?

Doing good. How about you?

Not bad.

That yellow car
that just drove out..

Who's driving it?

Huh. Real nice looking
lady from Hotlanta.


I ain't sure.

I think it was the one I
saw leaving the accident.

I better talk with
her. I'll see you later.

Holler if you need me.

Looks to me like that flim-flam
lady is a fair country driver.

Vance didn't have too much
trouble finding where she was

since he did know
Hazzard pretty well.


Howdy, ma'am. My
name's Vance Duke.

I was wondering if I could
ask you a few questions.

Sure, I was just fixing
on havin' some lemonade.

Would you like to join me?

Yes, ma'am.

- Have a seat.
- Thank you.

Now, how can I help you?

Wanted to ask about an accident
you might've seen yesterday.

My cousin Coy and I were
driving out on Bottomless...

Well, at least Vance didn't
have to drink her lemonade.

'Cause you know that a woman
who looks like that can't cook.

How much do you think he knows?

Enough that he followed me
here, I tried to give him the shake.

If he's figured things out,
somebody else could too.

'We should use our backup plan.'

Good idea.

I'll phone Hogg and make a quick
deal so we can get out of here.

I'll call Ringo and tell him
to pick us up in his chopper.

Throw me that piece
of rope in the cupboard.

Tell him to meet
us at the Boar's Nest

and that he ought
to leave right now.

Back at the Boar's Nest, old
Rosco was trying to get back

years of grief from old Boss.

And he was doing
a pretty good job.

I want to see my
face in those boots.

Yeah? Keep that up and
you might be able to see

your teeth on the floor.


- Oh!
- Don't you do that.

Come in!

Oh, Daisy.

- You wanted this bucket, Rosco?
- Oh, yeah, darling.

Fetch it here and
give it to chubbo here.

He's gonna do the floors
after he gets through polishing

Flash's toe nails.

- Uh, paw nails.
- Ugh.

Well, whatever.

'Calling Mr. J.D. Hogg.'

'Calling Mr. J.D. Hogg.'

'This is your mornin'
breakfast partner.'

You know who I mean.

Come back.

I don't know who she means.

It's that blackmailin'
lady swindler.

'Calling J.D. Hogg, come back.'

'This is J.D. Hogg.'

Ain't you hassled me
enough about that accident?

What do you want now,
besides a million dollars?

I've been thinkin' I might
have been too rough

on your insurance
company, Mr. Hogg.

So I thought I might not
have to be making that call

'to the State Insurance
Commission after all.'

Oh, oh, you won't?

Ah, you say you won't?

Well, it's up to you.

I might be persuaded to
take cents on every dollar

if... you can have it
ready for me in minutes.

That ain't enough time
to raise , clams.

You'll do it. I just
know you will.

Or I'll have to make that call.

No, I'll get the money!
I'll get the money! I'll get it!

I knew you would.

Remember, minutes,
and I'll be there to get it.


'Yeah, over and out.'

He'll have the money
ready in minutes.

The exact amount of flying
time it takes from Tri-City Airport.

And Ringo's on his way.

And we are on our way to
a quarter of a million dollars!

Okay, okay, now

see if the keys are
in the car and hide it.

I'll get him inside.

Lost Sheep? Lost
Sheep. It's Bo Peep.

Are you out there?

Shepherd, it's Bo Peep.'

'Are you there? Come on back.'

Uh, Bo Peep, this is Shepherd.

'Uncle Jessie, some lady
just called Boss on the CB

'and said that she wanted
$ , for some accident.'

I thought it could be the
one at Bottomless Lake.

And I figured Vance
ought to know about it.

You know where he is?

He left here going
looking for that yellow car.

'Breaker one. Breaker one.
Crazy Cooter coming at you.'

Vance just left here a
little while ago chasing

a real good-looking
lady in a yellow car

down the Old Mill Road.

Thanks, Cooter. Coy
and me will head him off.

You got that, Daisy?

I sure do, Uncle
Jessie. I'm gone.

I'm gone, too. Holler
if you need me, hear?

And so, while Uncle Jessie and
Coy went out hunting for Vance

that chopper them
crooks called was heading

full tilt for Hazzard.

Get out of that chair and
hightail it over to my bank.

- Who the heck is...
- I got to get the money ready.

Are you kidding me?

Listen, I own that bank
and I own the money.

- You sold it all to me.
- That was only temporary.

Yeah, now, I'm
taking everything back.

Can't do that, I've got
the bill of sale right here.

Says right here you
signed it over to me.

What are you doing?

Boss, listen. Don't eat that.

Boss, Boss, give
me.. Take that out.


- Don't..
- Ah!

Now you ain't got no more
bill of sale, knucklehead.

And you ain't gonna have no
more job neither, if you don't

hightail it out of here and
come back with that money.

Give me that.

Uncle Jessie, over
there behind the camper.

Let's check that out.

Well, it was a good
thing them flim-flammers

was in such a hurry to get
Boss's money and clear out.

Or they'd have done a better
job of hiding the General Lee.

That's the General, alright.

Get the gag, I'll cut him loose.

- Yeah. You alright?
- They hit me from behind.

That girl and her boyfriend
are ripping off Boss

for a quarter million dollars.

And they know
about the accident.

- How long have they been gone?
- Been gone a while.

They've got a helicopter coming
to pick 'em up at Boar's Nest.

So the General's got to
fly. Here, Coy, you drive.

I'm sorry, Uncle
Jessie, I can't do it.


I guess it's up to you, Vance.


- You know what you gotta do.
- Yes, sir.

I know what you mean.

I'll follow you in the pickup.

Come on, let's go.

You alright?

'My head's spinning.'

I got hit harder than I thought.

You're kidding, aren't you?

No. I'm hurting.

You better take
me to the hospital.

Now there's a test.

Coy's fear of driving against
Vance's need for medical help.

Them Dukes do get gritty.

Uncle Jessie, follow
us to the hospital.

He's got him.

Boy is drivin'.

Well, now..

I reckon you ain't afraid
of driving as you thought.

You ain't hurtin' at
all. You've been fakin'.

I ain't the only one
who's been fakin' it.

I got a feelin' that
Ward S. Davis

that was supposed to be in
that car that hit us... wasn't.

You mean to tell me he
didn't wind up in that lake?

And , and ,

and , and
, simoleons.

Well, you made a
slight mistake, Boss.


See, you jumped from
, to , .

You didn't put the , in.

- No, I didn't.
- I saw you not do it.

- Oh, thank you very much.
- You-you didn't.

Remember, I can still call the
State Insurance Commission.

I know, I know. There!

Boss, I just talked to Vance
on the CB and he thinks

someone's trying to swindle you.

What! Swindle me?

Okay, get 'em up.

Doh, ho, ho!

Guess we now know
who's trying to swindle us.

Take care of his g*n.

- Listen, that's pearl..
- What's she doing?

She's taking my
pearl-handled p*stol.

Oh, can't you do nothing?

Ringo should be here any minute.

You two. Into that closet.

Or this thing will go off.

- Don't sh**t!
- No.

I'm too young to die.

And I'm younger than he is.

You've got your elbow..

'You bubblehead!
Get us out of here!'

What do we do with her?

Bring her along. We'll need her.

Come on.

'Go on, move it fast!'

'We gotta get out of here.'

'Alright, let's see, come on.'

'We got to push against
it because got to get out..'

'One, here we go..'

'Three. Go!'

Floor it, Coy.

That chopper passing over us is
gonna pick up those con artists.

Right on the dot.

Somebody help! Let go!

No! I'm not getting in there!

Now, that dude hadn't
ought to hit Daisy.

Okay, let's go.

They got Daisy.

Go. We got to get
underneath them.

No! No!

Look at Daisy.

The way she's beatin'
on that copter pilot

ain't no way he can
gain any altitude.

Come on.

Hey! No, no!


- Get her off me.
- No!

Quick, we gotta try
and catch up with them.


Hang on there, Vance.

He's gonna try and
bring 'em down some way.

No! No!

Hey, we're losing fuel fast.

That crazy fella out
there must have done it.

Shake him off!




No! No.

'We're hitting empty.'

I better set her down.

He's coming down.

Ward, watch out!

You alright?

I got him.

Watch out!

Alright, hold it!
Hold it right there.

- You know what she called him?
- That's right.

That's the late Ward
S. Davis right there.

He never was in that car.

Put it there, Birdman.

'My money.'

Where's my money?
Give me my money.

He took my money. There it is.

Give me that p*stol.

Alright, you two. Just get
over here 'cause I'm gonna..

You okay, Daisy?

Now that I'm on the
ground, I never felt better.

How are you, Coy?

Feel great. Thank you all for
standing by when I needed you.

Isn't that what families
are for, to help one another?

Yeah, now, listen
before we break our arms

pattin' ourselves on the back

let's get up there and help
Rosco lock them people up.

So everything
worked out for the best.

Them flim-flammers got
just what they deserved.

Boss got back his $ , .

That is, most of it.

This time it was the boys who
threatened to blow the whistle

to the State
Insurance Commission

unless old Boss closed
down his operation..

Made a big donation
to the children's hospital

and tore up that second
mortgage that Jesse gave him.

Rosco never made
his trip to Waikiki Beach.

He never even got his
dollar back from Boss.

As for Coy, well, now
that he is his old self again..

He just couldn't keep his
hands off of General Lee.

Which means everything
is back to normal.

And you're looking at normal..

In Hazzard County.