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16x22 - Desperate Struggle!? Byakuya's Troubled Memories

Posted: 08/21/22 07:58
by bunniefuu
BYAKUYA,What's wrong?

BYAKUYA,You can't cut me from that distance.

TSUKISHIMA,The fact that you're waiting there means that

,coming any closer puts you within my range.

TSUKISHIMA,I need to think of a plan.

TSUKISHIMA,Did my actions seem meaningful to you?

TSUKISHIMA,What about this?

BYAKUYA,I believe I shouldn't view them as meaningless acts.



IKKAKU,It seems like you've got guts!


SHISHIGAWARA,I haven't lost yet!

IKKAKU,Stop, idiot.

IKKAKU,Why die in a pointless battle like this?

SHISHIGAWARA,It'sIt's not pointless!

SHISHIGAWARA,I'm ready to throw my life away for Mr. Tsukishima!

IKKAKU,Is this Tsukishima guy really worth risking your life for?


SHISHIGAWARA,Mr. Tsukishima is super strong!

SHISHIGAWARA,I would die for him!

IKKAKU,That's not what I meant.

IKKAKU,I'm asking you whether he would die for you!

SHISHIGAWARA,What does that matter?!

SHISHIGAWARA,He may not die for me, but I'll die for him anytime!

IKKAKU,You idiot!

IKKAKU,If you're going to risk your life, it should be on equal terms!

IKKAKU,It doesn't matter if he's your boss or subordinate.

,Only die for somebody who'll die for you!

IKKAKU,Throwing your life away so easily is something a kid would do!

IKKAKU,I'll ask you again.

IKKAKU,If you're to die here right now,

IKKAKU,will your boss risk his life to avenge you?

TSUKISHIMA (FLASHBACK),Aren't you going to share it with Shishigawara?

TSUKISHIMA (FLASHBACK),It's not nice to leave him out.

GINJO (FLASHBACK),I thought it'd be troublesome to increase his power.

GINJO (FLASHBACK),When this fight's over, k*ll him.

TSUKISHIMA (FLASHBACK),I thought he had an interesting ability, though.

IKKAKU,If you're still willing to die for him, come at me.

IKKAKU,I'll k*ll you with everything I've got so you have no regrets.

BYAKUYA,Do you understand now?

BYAKUYA,You cannot cut me or even get close to me.

TSUKISHIMA,Oh, right there.

BYAKUYA,What is this?

TSUKISHIMA,A trap I set.

BYAKUYA,When did you set this up?

TSUKISHIMA,A long time ago.

BYAKUYA,Does that mean you've been in this dimension many times?

TSUKISHIMA,You know about my powers, right?

TSUKISHIMA,I see you've figured it out.

TSUKISHIMA,My “Book of the End inserts my existence into my target's past.

TSUKISHIMA,When I cut the ground back there,

,it made it so I've been here before.

BYAKUYA,So your power works on inanimate objects, too.

TSUKISHIMA,I don't remember ever saying it didn't.

TSUKISHIMA,And I just inserted myself into your sword's past as well.

TSUKISHIMA,Your blade will never hit me again.

TSUKISHIMA,I've seen your sword and all of your techniques

,so many times that they bore me.

TSUKISHIMA,A moment of hesitation sealed your fate.

TSUKISHIMA,You wondered if I knew about your Senbonzakura's

TSUKISHIMA,“safe zone.

TSUKISHIMA,Due to Senbonzakura's unique attack method, there is

TSUKISHIMA,an area where the blades can never enter in order to protect its user.

TSUKISHIMA,The area encompasses an cm radius from its user.

TSUKISHIMA,Once inside, you cannot be injured.

TSUKISHIMA,That is the safe zone.

TSUKISHIMA,The safe zone even exists in its Bankai, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.

TSUKISHIMA,It is probably the only weakness of Senbonzakura's

,invulnerable offensive and defensive capabilities.

TSUKISHIMA,When fighting against your Senbonzakura, one must advance,

,not retreat.

TSUKISHIMA,But without that knowledge,

,taking that action is psychologically near impossible.

TSUKISHIMA,That is why you have not mentioned this fact

,to anybody, with the exception of a very few close relatives.

BYAKUYA,So you're saying

,you uncovered Senbonzakura's weakness

,by facing it countless times?

BYAKUYA,Then tell me, whom did you hear the term "safe zone" from?


TSUKISHIMA,You haven't forgotten, have you?

TSUKISHIMA,I cut you just now.

TSUKISHIMA,Now come get me, Byakuya.

TSUKISHIMA,None of the techniques you've developed will work on me.

TSUKISHIMA,That's because I helped you develop those techniques.

BYAKUYA,I guess that means Senkei and Gokei

BYAKUYA,won't work on you.

TSUKISHIMA,Not even Hakuteiken.

RUKIA,It's no good. I can't cut it!

RUKIA,I'm not sure what kind of animal it is,

RUKIA,but I could never cut it!

RUKIA,I just can't!

RIRUKA,What's this?

RIRUKA,I thought you couldn't cut cute things.

RUKIA,You fool!

RUKIA,Dressers aren't cute at all!

RIRUKA,Oh yeah?

RIRUKA,I guess we have different tastes.

RIRUKA,I should have filled that stuffed animal with rocks!

RUKIA,You finally came out of hiding, huh?

RIRUKA,Are you relieved that you can finally k*ll me?

RUKIA,A Soul Reaper's duty is to protect humans.

RUKIA,I have no intention of k*lling you.


RIRUKA,That's not what I was asking!

RIRUKA,Read between the lines, will you?

RIRUKA,You think you could k*ll me in a fight, don't you?!

RIRUKA,Well here's what I think!

RIRUKA,You're full of yourself!

RIRUKA,Dodging it like it's nothing, huh?

RIRUKA,Cocky little bastard!

RUKIA,Dance! Sodenoshirayuki!

RUKIA,No matter how much you increase its power,

,you are no match for me.

RUKIA,Give up.

RUKIA,Let's end this.

RUKIA,Think of me however you want.

,But I have no intention of k*lling an ordinary human.

RIRUKA,A Fullbringer isn't an ordinary human!

RIRUKA,Addiction Shot!

RUKIA,What is this?

RIRUKA,Rukia Kuchiki!

RIRUKA,I permit you!

RUKIA (M),What?

RUKIA (M),Why am I a stuffed animal?!

RIRUKA,Oh, how cute!

RIRUKA,But you can't hold your Zanpakuto looking like that!

RIRUKA,Come back here, Tiny Devil!

RUKIA,Who are you calling a Tiny Devil, you fool!

RUKIA,This is a rabbit stuffed animal!

RUKIA,At least call me Tiny Bunny!

RIRUKA,It's not a rabbit, it's a devil!

RIRUKA,Can't you tell by looking at the tail?

RIRUKA,What are you, stupid?!

RUKIA,And don't you think you're pathetic for not being able

,to keep up with a stuffed animal?!

RUKIA (M),I can use my Flash Step!

RUKIA (M),I see!

RUKIA (M),When I think about it, I'm only trapped in a stuffed animal.

,I haven't lost my Spirit Energy!


RUKIA,Hado Number :



RUKIA (M),It exploded inside of me


RIRUKA,I don't know what just happened, but you sure are stupid!

RIRUKA,You don't mind if we finish this, do you?

RIRUKA,Now you understand that

,Fullbringers aren't ordinary humans, right?

RUKIA,You seem to care a lot about proving

,that you're not ordinary humans.

RUKIA,Is not being normal that important to you?

RIRUKA,Of course.

RIRUKA,We were able to meet Tsukishima because we weren't normal.

RIRUKA,Ginjo saved us because we weren't normal.

RIRUKA,When asked what rule every animal

,and human in the world has to obey,

,most people would say "survival of the fittest."

RIRUKA,There are clear differences between the strong and the weak.

RIRUKA,But it's not as simple as k*ll or be k*lled.

RIRUKA,You know what true survival of the fittest is, don't you?

RIRUKA,So let me tell you a story

RIRUKA,About how our

RIRUKA,survival of the fittest works.

GINA,Let go, Riruka!

YOUNG RIRUKA,No! It's mine!

YOUNG RIRUKA,Why don't you let go, Gina?!

GINA,Don't be like that! Are you stupid?


GINA,Riruka took my doll!


RIRUKA,I found out I had an ability

,that no one else had when I was five years old.

RIRUKA,When I was six years old, I was invincible.

RIRUKA,When I was seven years old, there was someone I liked.

RIRUKA,He was a young man who moved into our neighborhood.

RIRUKA,He used coarse language, but he had a kind voice.

RIRUKA,If he saw someone in trouble, he would run over to help them.

RIRUKA,I hid him away without a second thought.

RIRUKA,Everyday, I'd bring him sweets and we'd eat together.

RIRUKA,I was so excited because I thought he was going to become mine.

RIRUKA,But that never happened.

RIRUKA,Ever since I hid him in my treasure box,

RIRUKA,he'd become more and more afraid of me.

RIRUKA,I couldn't bear to see the way he looked at me any longer,

RIRUKA,so I let him go.

RIRUKA,I didn't even stop to think

,what would happen if he told anyone about my power.

RIRUKA,The term "Survival of the Fittest" is just an illusion.

RIRUKA,The weak believe that they can become

,the predators if they work hard.

RIRUKA,But they don't get eaten because they're weak.

RIRUKA,They get eaten because they are the minority.

RIRUKA,It's always the incompetent

,and loud majorities who become the predators.

RIRUKA,You and everyone else know this, but you choose to ignore it.

RIRUKA,Separated, we were the prey.

RIRUKA,One who couldn't see the value of her ability

,because she couldn't protect her family.

RIRUKA,One whose mind and the way he used

,his power were twisted from being neglected.

RIRUKA,One whose power convinced him that he was the voice of God.

RIRUKA,Someone who became alone

,because she used her power foolishly.

RIRUKA,When Ginjo appeared before us, he said

GINJO (FLASHBACK),Are you just going to die quietly

,just because there are only a few of you?

GINJO (FLASHBACK),That's absurd!

GINJO,Look at history!

GINJO,Whether it is royalty or warriors,

,it was the minority that controlled things!

GINJO,You haven't done anything wrong.

GINJO,The world is just too lenient towards idiots.

GINJO,Let's change all that.

GINJO,It's our turn to eat them.


RUKIA,Somenomai Tsukishiro!

RIRUKA,Damn it!

RUKIA,I'll be honest with you.

RUKIA,I can understand where you're coming from.


RUKIA,I will not make that an excuse of having to abandon my friends!


RIRUKA,Why don't you just say that it's the majority that matters to you!

RUKIA,Don't make a fuss.

RUKIA,If I use Tsukishiro one more time,

,your entire body will be frozen.

RIRUKA,That's what I mean when I say you're full of yourself!

RUKIA (M),What?!

RUKIA (M),How did I get out of the stuffed animal?!

RIRUKA,I'm really sorry.

RIRUKA,I didn't want to use this power to end our fight, but...

RUKIA,Damn it

RUKIA,Where did she disappear to?


TSUKISHIMA,You made a wise decision to undo your Shikai

,after learning that I've uncovered your safe zone.

TSUKISHIMA,And your sword skills have improved considerably.

TSUKISHIMA,But now that your sword is broken,

,you will have to fight using Shikai again.

TSUKISHIMA,What's wrong?

TSUKISHIMA,Are you unable to use Shikai now that it's broken?


BYAKUYA,Senbonzakura Kageyoshi

TSUKISHIMA,You're going straight into Bankai, huh?


TSUKISHIMA,Whether you're in Shikai or Bankai,

,so long as I enter your safe zone

TSUKISHIMA,you're powerless.

TSUKISHIMA (M),There are blades in the safe zone?!

BYAKUYA,You revealed your weakness too soon.

TSUKISHIMA,My weakness?

BYAKUYA,The fact that you figured out my safe zone

,means I can anticipate where your coming at

BYAKUYA,If I set up my blades from within the safe zone,

,it can cut you.


TSUKISHIMA,I don't remember you doing such training.

BYAKUYA,Things I've trained to do won't work on you, right?

TSUKISHIMA,I get it now.

TSUKISHIMA,It was just a desperate maneuver.

TSUKISHIMA,Trying to cut me with that is ridiculous.

TSUKISHIMA,You can make Senbonzakura Kageyoshi move twice

,as fast if you control it with your hands, right?

TSUKISHIMA,It feels like it's moving even faster than that.

TSUKISHIMA,But you do realize it, don't you?

TSUKISHIMA,The more you train yourself to be faster,

TSUKISHIMA,the narrower your safe zone becomes. It's suicidal.

TSUKISHIMA,The safe zone is meant to give you

,minimal response time to dodge your own blades

,in the event you lose control.

TSUKISHIMA,When you increase the speed of your blades

,and narrow your safe zone,

TSUKISHIMA,if I just disrupt your timing a little,

TSUKISHIMA,you won't be able to dodge them.


TSUKISHIMA,Do you understand?

TSUKISHIMA,You can't defeat me no matter what you do.

TSUKISHIMA,You're using Kido now?

TSUKISHIMA,Before you fall into despair, I'll tell you something.

TSUKISHIMA,I know how to cancel out all of the Kido techniques you use.

TSUKISHIMA,Come on. Why don't you

TSUKISHIMA,try one out on me?


TSUKISHIMA,You grabbed some of your blades

TSUKISHIMA,I never knew you could fight like that.

BYAKUYA,I used to think that battle was something

,you trained for and went into fully prepared.

BYAKUYA,But today, for the first time during our battle,

BYAKUYA,I experienced the ecstasy of

,being in the moment between life and death.

BYAKUYA,Thank you.

BYAKUYA,I enjoyed our battle.

URYU,If what's hidden inside your Combat Pass

,is nothing but a horrible truth

URYU,Then I will cover your eyes

,and ears to prevent you from learning it.

RYUKEN,The Complete Quincy.

RYUKEN,Honestly Going off on his own like that

RYUKEN,He hasn't changed at all.

NURSE,Sir, we have an emergency patient!

RYUKEN,Understood. I'm on my way.

RYUKEN,Do as you please
