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16x02 - A Dispute in School!? Ichigo and Uryū, Fight Together!

Posted: 08/21/22 07:41
by bunniefuu

Format: Layer,Start,End,Style,Name,MarginL,MarginR,MarginV,Effect,Text

OBUTA,There's a guy named Kurosaki here!

OBUTA,Come on out!

ICHIGO,What is that?

ICHIGO,What era is he from?

ICHIGO,I don't know any throwbacks from another time like him

OBUTA,At any rate, Kurosaki!

OBUTA,Until you come out,

OBUTA,me and my boys from Miyasho High are sealing off the school gate!

ISHIDA,You people

ISHIDA,Enough with the outdated antics.

ISHIDA,Can't you see you're making trouble for everyone?

ISHIDA,Now hurry up and go home.


DELINQUENT A,Are you Kurosaki?!

ISHIDA,What did you just say?

OBUTA,W-What the hell was that for?!

OBUTA,Are you mocking us, you bastard?!

ISHIDA,That's just what I was going to ask you

ISHIDA,What about me says “Kurosaki?!

OBUTA,What's with this Four-Eyes?

ISHIDA,I take back what I just said.

ISHIDA,You don't have to leave.

ISHIDA,In fact, don't any of you think you can leave.

ICHIGO,That idiot!

ICHIGO,Did he just come out to make things worse?!


DELINQUENT,-k*ll him! -k*ll him!

,Ow, ow, ow!

ICHIGO,-Okay, one, two,


DELINQUENT B,-What? Who are you?!

ICHIGO,-three, four,

DELINQUENT B,-Wait, wait, I give up!

ICHIGO,-five, six

DELINQUENT B,-You're going to break my arm!

ICHIGO,What's the big idea, Ishida?!

ISHIDA,That's my line.

ISHIDA,Why did you come, Kurosaki?

ICHIGO,Why? Isn't it obvious?!

ICHIGO,To make you back off!

PURSE NATCHER,I-It's him, Mr. Obuta!


PURSE SNATCHER,He's the one who beat me up!


ICHIGO,You were up to no good, that's why I punched you.

ICHIGO,You only have yourself to blame.


OBUTA,Quit the rambling and get ready, Kurosa-

ICHIGO,These guys came after me!

ICHIGO,It's none of your business, so back off!

ISHIDA,It became my business a while ago!

ISHIDA,So you back off!

ICHIGO,If you get involved, it'll turn into a big deal!

ICHIGO,Don't forget. You're the class president, dumb ass!


DELINQUENTS,What are you guys yapping about?!

ICHIGO,You've been going around hunting Hollows too much lately!

ICHIGO,What're you going to do if you draw the attention of the Soul Society?!

ISHIDA,"Hunting" Hollows? I'm exterminating them!

ISHIDA,Don't make it sound like I enjoy doing it!

ISHIDA,And for the record, I only go when I get a request from Urahara's Shop!

ICHIGO,Maybe you've forgotten that he was a wanted man by the Soul Society

,until just recently?

ISHIDA,This isn't the time or place to bring that up!

ISHIDA,E-mail me later!

ICHIGO,Like I know your email address!

ICHIGO,And since when did you own a cell phone anyway?

ISHIDA,I got it from Urahara after helping out with his shop.

ICHIGO,I'll bet that phone doesn't work in this world.


YOKOCHIN,Glad to see you're still doing well.

DELINQUENTS,You're in trouble now.

YOKOCHIN,You do remember me, don't you?


YOKOCHIN,Why you, bastard!

YOKOCHIN,I'll k*ll-


NAOMI,You seem to be having fun, Ichigo my boy!

ISHIDA,You're being called, Kurosaki

ISHIDA,Who is she?


IKUMI,Always coming up with these lame excuses to skip work.

IKUMI,Well, this is the last straw

IKUMI,Come with me quietly!

ICHIGO,I refuse!

,Ow, ow, ow!


ISHIDA,She hauled Kurosaki off in one sweep.

ISHIDA,Who is she?

OBUTA,What good are we, Yokochin?

YOKOCHIN,Don't call me Yokochin

,That hurts.

ICHIGO,Hey, remove this tape!

IKUMI,I will, if you promise not to run away.

ICHIGO,You're sounding like an actual kidnapper!

IKUMI,Hello! Thank you for calling cheap, fast and reliable Unagiya!


IKUMI,Two orders deluxe?!

IKUMI,You idiot! We are not an unagi eel diner!

IKUMI,Huh?! I answered the phone as Unagiya!

IKUMI,Because that's the shop name, idiot!




ICHIGO,I keep telling you,

,why don't you change the name of this store?


IKUMI,Change my precious name, which has been passed down over generations?!


IKUMI,Absolutely not!


ICHIGO,Lady, I don't care about your family name.

ICHIGO,I'm just saying you should change the store name

IKUMI,I refuse!

IKUMI,And don't call me “Lady!

,Address me as Ms. Ikumi!

IKUMI,Now get to work!

IKUMI,Look after the Kondo's rabbit over on Mashiba Second Street!

IKUMI,Clean up mouse accessories for Ms. Fukushima over on Sixth Street!

IKUMI,And do yard work for Mr. Yamashita in South Kawase over on First Street!

IKUMI,And there's more.

IKUMI,While you've been slacking off, the requests have been piling up!

ICHIGO,What's this?

ICHIGO,You can handle them all yourself!

IKUMI,Ichigo my boy, why do you think I hired you?

IKUMI,Are you a customer?

KAORU,Mom, where are you?

IKUMI,Oh crap

KAORU,Mom, I'm hungry.

IKUMI,Oh, are you okay, Kaoru, dear?

IKUMI,Oh, you came to the office barefooted again!

IKUMI,You mustn't do that!


KAORU,Oh, it's stupid Kurosaki!

KAORU,What are you doing here?!

KAORU,Just because Mom is pretty, don't get too chummy with her!

IKUMI,Okay, okay Now go on.

,I'll be right with you.



IKUMI,Sorry about that.

IKUMI,You're the one person he doesn't warm up to.

IKUMI,I'm sure you'd like to tell him a thing or two,

,but bear with it, okay?

ICHIGO,Tell him a thing or two?

,What, like how I'm not interested in an old lady like you?

ICHIGO,That hurt!

IKUMI,A customer?


IKUMI,Yes, please come in!


ICHIGO,You're that guy from the other day

IKUMI,You know each other?


GINJO,Want some ramen?

ICHIGO,No thanks.

ICHIGO,This is Unagiya.

IKUMI,But we don't serve unagi eels.


ORIHIME,Is it true that Kurosaki has been abducted?!


ISHIDA,I guess it looked that way to a bystander.


ISHIDA,Hey, Inoue!

ISHIDA,He's all right!

ISHIDA,It was his boss from his part-time job who abducted him.


ISHIDA,That's what Kurosaki said. I'm sure of it!

ORIHIME,It wasn't anyone weird?

ISHIDA,Maybe a little odd.

,But aren't most people in Kurosaki's circle a bit weird?

ORIHIME,You're right! Both you and I are like that!

ISHIDA,Huh?! Well

ORIHIME,But ever since the day before yesterday,

,I've been sensing bad vibes around Kurosaki.

ORIHIME,Don't you feel it, Ishida?


ISHIDA,I don't


ORIHIME,Oh! My part-time job!

ORIHIME,I'm going to get chewed out by my boss too!

ORIHIME,See you tomorrow!


ISHIDA (M),She's right.

ISHIDA (M),Kurosaki supposedly lost his Spirit Energy, but there was something around him

ISHIDA (M),And I'm sure it was Spiritual Pressure.


GINJO,Thank you for the food!


ICHIGO,I said hey!

ICHIGO,Hey you!

GINJO,-Watch it, I almost spilled!

ICHIGO,-What's the idea eating ramen right here?!

GINJO,Well, you didn't want any, right?

GINJO,I had to eat it before the noodles got mushy.

ICHIGO,Eat in your own house!

ICHIGO,This is not your break room!

ICHIGO,It's mine!

IKUMI,You mean you were only coming here to take breaks?

IKUMI,Still, what Ichigo says is right.

IKUMI,What do you want? Are you a customer?

GINJO,Of course, I'm a customer.

GINJO,So get me some oolong tea.

ICHIGO,So, what do you want with me?

GINJO,What a strange thing to ask.

GINJO,I don't want anything from you.

GINJO,I'm was looking for a shop that would take on a difficult task

GINJO,and I happened to see the sign.

GINJO,I knocked, and you were there. Sheer coincidence.

ICHIGO,You call it coincidence when you're carrying ramen?

GINJO,Is the young lady there the owner?

IKUMI,Young? Yes, that's right!

GINJO,Can I tell you what I need?

YOUTH A,Jinta Home-Run!

YOUTH B,Bring it on!

JINTA,Quit playing baseball in front of

JINTA,someone's house!


JINTA,The only one allowed to hit a Jinta Home-Runis me!

TESSAI,Do not throw so hard at someone who isn't using a mitt!

URURU,We're sorry. Is your stomach okay?

URURU,Jinta is dumb and immature, but can you play with him sometimes?

YOUTH A/B,-Yes, Ururu! -Yes, Ururu!

KARIN,Are you here, Urahara?


URAHARA,Oh my, if it isn't

URAHARA,Miss Kurosaki.

GINJO,I want you to do a background check on someone.

GINJO,His name is

ICHIGO,Isshin Kurosaki.

GINJO,What? You know him?

ICHIGO,Are you kidding me?

,Isshin Kurosaki is my old man!

ICHIGO,If you want to know something about him, ask me!

ICHIGO,I'll answer any question!

GINJO,He's your pops? What a coincidence.


GINJO,You'll answer "any question"?

GINJO,Are you sure you know that much about him?

ICHIGO,And what is that supposed to mean?

GINJO,Exactly that.

GINJO,I asked a simple question, is all.

GINJO,How much do you know?

GINJO,About your own family?

GINJO,In fact You wouldn't know about your own family.

GINJO,At least, not yet.

GINJO,Go to Urahara's Shop.

OS,,Urahara's Shop

GINJO,There should be something very interesting.

URAHARA,Are your back and shoulders stiff from the burden of spiritual possession?!

URAHARA,Then you need Katakoran Alpha, the anti-spirit potion!


URAHARA,For those times when you don't want a spirit following you

,such as the bath or toilet!

URAHARA,We have Sekirei X, the anti-spirit repellant spray!


URAHARA,Instant escape when att*cked by a Hollow!

URAHARA,Here is Zetaborutan, the electromagnetic restraining pills!


URAHARA,Anything else you need?


URAHARA,How about our newest product, Katakoran Theta?

KARIN,What's the difference?

URAHARA,-It contains Vitamin C.

KARIN,-No thanks.

KARIN,Are you sure I don't need to pay again?


URAHARA,I owe your older brother a lot.

KARIN,I see.

URAHARA,Speaking of which, is your brother the same as always?


URAHARA,And your decision as well?


KARIN,It's okay.

KARIN,He doesn't need to get his Soul Reaper powers back.

KARIN,Brother Ichi's always been fighting.

KARIN,Even before he became a Soul Reaper,

KARIN,there was always something he had to protect, always something to fight for.

KARIN,So it's okay the way it is now.

KARIN,From now on, it's our turn to protect Brother Ichi.

KARIN,I'll be going.


ICHIGO,What's she doing at Urahara's place?

GINJO,Are you worried?

GINJO,You must be.

GINJO,To see your kid sister frequenting the place of a suspicious guy like that.

ICHIGO,There's nothing suspicious about him.

ICHIGO,Urahara, he

GINJO,“Saved all of us, is that it?

GINJO,Just how much do you know about

,Urahara that makes you think you understand him?

GINJO,Here's some advice. Act now while you can.

GINJO,That's if you want to protect your family.

ICHIGO,Tell me your name.

ICHIGO,Who are you?

GINJO,I'm Ginjo.

GINJO,Kugo Ginjo.

ICHIGO,Kugo Ginjo.

ICHIGO,Well, don't go getting the wrong idea.

ICHIGO,It's not like I trust you or anything.

GINJO,I guess not.

GINJO,So I'll hand this to you.

GINJO,See you again.

ICHIGO,Where'd that old man go?

ICHIGO (M),If I had my Soul Reaper powers at a time like this,

,I could trace his Spiritual Pressure

ICHIGO,I haven't gotten over it yet


ORIHIME,Hey, Kurosaki!

ORIHIME,How about some bread? I'll make it cheap for you!

ICHIGO,Why are you so fidgety?


ORIHIME,I didn't expect to be invited up to your room, so

ICHIGO,It's not like this is your first time being here.

,What gives?

ICHIGO,Here you go.

ORIHIME,Thank you.

ICHIGO,I can't eat this much bread!


ORIHIME,Is that right?

ICHIGO,That's right! There are four of us in this house.

ICHIGO,Take some of it home with you.

ICHIGO,Your boss was nice enough to give you scraps, right?

ORIHIME,They're not scraps! They're unsold breads!

ICHIGO,Same thing.

ORIHIME,Not the way you say it.



,Has anything happened to you recently?

ICHIGO,Not really.

ICHIGO,What makes you ask such a question?


ORIHIME,Wellcall it intuition?



ORIHIME,How can I put it?

ORIHIME,Well, for example

,Have you been followed by someone suspicious?

ORIHIME,Is there anything troubling you?


,Being followed?

ICHIGO,Getting involved in a quarrel is understandable.

ICHIGO,But followed? That probably happens more to you.



ORIHIME,Then I guess I was mistaken.

ORIHIME,I'm sorry.

,I must be imagining things and getting worked up.

ICHIGO,Forget it.

ICHIGO,That side of you isn't a bad thing, Inoue.

ICHIGO,Oh yeah.

ICHIGO,Let me return the manga I borrowed.

ORIHIME,Oh, it's okay. No rush!

ISHIDA (M),This Spiritual Pressure belongs to Inoue

ISHIDA (M),She beat me to it.

ISHIDA (M),I hope she can get to the source of this uneasy feeling.

ISHIDA (M),But this is Kurosaki we're dealing with.

ISHIDA (M),Rather than asking face-to-face,

,maybe I can make him spit it out if I take it step by step.

ISHIDA,You're not getting away!

ISHIDA (M),There he is!

ISHIDA (M),He's fast!

ISHIDA (M),No human can run that fast!

ISHIDA (M),I don't see any changes in the reishi surrounding him.

ISHIDA (M),So how is he able to accelerate like that?

ISHIDA (M),What was that light just now?!

GINJO (flashback),I'll hand this to you.


ICHIGO,Must be near by

ICHIGO,Ishida, let me see your cell phone.

ISHIDA,Sure. It works just fine here in the World of the Living.

ICHIGO,Wow Wait, the display is in black and white

ISHIDA,Pretty rare, right?

ICHIGO,And there's no camera or infrared features.

ISHIDA,I'm told it's a vintage phone that can't be found anywhere else!

ISHIDA,Isn't it cool?

ICHIGO,No one sells it because it's so old!

JINTA,Hey, Tessai!

JINTA,How dare you pound on my head like that?!

JINTA,What if I get brain damage?!

JINTA,Come out here, you

TESSAI,I'm here.

JINTA,Ururu, stop it!

JINTA,I'm gonna k*ll you!

TESSAI,Please be quiet!

TESSAI,Miss Karin is still here!

,-Be quiet.

JINTA,-That's why I said to stop!
