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15x06 - Clash! Rukia vs. Rukia!

Posted: 08/20/22 17:09
by bunniefuu
C'mon, I said wait! Hey!

Where are you trying to go?!

I'm talking to you!

Stop a sec

That hurt!

Don't stop so suddenly!

NOZOMI, I don't know.

NOZOMI, Where am I supposed to go?

What're you talking about?!

You mean you were walking around

NOZOMI, without knowing where to go?!

Don't throw rocks!

NOZOMI, Bug off, pervert.

I keep telling you, I'm not a pervert!

NOZOMI, I do havea place to go.


NOZOMI, But I don't know where that is.



YUMICHIKA (REIGAI), Just as I thought.

YUMICHIKA (REIGAI), You look more beautiful covered in blood.

YUMICHIKA (REIGAI), I wanted to try it once,

but I didn't want to damage my own body.

YUMICHIKA (REIGAI), I'm glad you were available!

YUMICHIKA (REIGAI), Looks like they're about done over there too.

IKKAKU (REIGAI), Is this all the power the originals have?

IKAKKU, Damnyou

YUMICHIKA (REIGAI), What should we do? Shall we finish them off?

IKKAKU (REIGAI), It's a bother, but let's do that.

IKKAKU, You're

ISHIDA, Are you guysReigai?

IKKAKU (REIGAI), Oh, you know of us, do you?

ISHIDA, Don't move!


YUMICHIKA (REIGAI), Stop it, Ikkaku.

YUMICHIKA (REIGAI), There's no point in fighting these weaklings anymore.

YUMICHIKA (REIGAI), We should start looking for Nozomi Kujo.

IKKAKU (REIGAI), You're right!


What is it, Inoue?!

ORIHIME, The battles seem to have ended.

Can you tell what happened?

ORIHIME, I'm not sure.

ORIHIME, The only Spiritual Pressures remaining are the weak ones.

ORIHIME, Ishida is also with them.

Does that mean the real Ikkaku

and the others were beaten?

SADO, Ishida is probably attending to the wounded Soul Reapers.

KAGEROZAi, When I have retrieved Nozomi

KAGEROZAi, Then, not only the Soul Society,

but the World of the Living, will also be under my control.

KAGEROZAi, Well then, Substitute Soul Reaper

We will meet again someday.

I'll see to it that he doesn't get his way.

We have to find Nozomi quickly!


SADO, What's that?

What is it?

ORIHIME, A different Spiritual Pressure.

More enemies?

Who is it this time?!

RANGIKU, So it's you, Kira.

RANGIKU, Are you here to fight me?

KIRA (REIGAI), I don't really want to, but given the situation,

I have no choice.

RANGIKU, Don't you remember that you lost once?

KIRA (REIGAI), I remember it very well. But

KIRA (REIGAI), Sorry, I'm not the person I was back then.

KIRA (REIGAI), I suggest you don't take me lightly.

KIRA (REIGAI), Just as I expected, Matsumoto. You're good.

RANGIKU, You don't seem any different than before.

KIRA (REIGAI), Raise your head

KIRA (REIGAI), Wabisuke!

KIRA (REIGAI), You are familiar, of course, with the power of my Zanpakuto, Wabisuke?

RANGIKU, It doubles the weight of whatever it strikes.

KIRA (REIGAI), Correct.

KIRA (REIGAI), The opponent, unable to bear his own weight,

grovels on the ground

RANGIKU, With his head bowed down as if in penitence.

RANGIKU, Thus the name, Wabisuke, “the penitent one, right?


RANGIKU, Aren't you the one who's forgotten the power of my Zanpakuto?

RANGIKU, No matter how heavy it gets, there's no effect!

RANGIKU, Growl, Hai


RANGIKU, What did you do?!

KIRA (REIGAI), How many times did you block my strikes?

RANGIKU, Three times.

RANGIKU, There's no way it could become that heavy!

KIRA (REIGAI), When Kageroza created us, he improved our powers.

KIRA (REIGAI), The original's Zanpakuto was capable of doubling

the opponent's weight.

KIRA (REIGAI), But my Zanpakuto

KIRA (REIGAI), increases it tenfold.

RANGIKU, T-Tenfold?!

KIRA (REIGAI), In other words, if you took three strikes,

it weighs times its original weight.

KIRA (REIGAI), Much too heavy to hold.

KIRA (REIGAI), If you cannot hold it, you cannot do Shikai.

KIRA (REIGAI), You're not getting away!


RANGIKU, For an imposteryou're strong

KIRA (REIGAI), An imposter, you say?

RANGIKU, That's right!

KIRA (REIGAI), We possess the same memories as the originals,

and what's more, our powers are greater.

KIRA (REIGAI), We imposters are superior to the originals.

KIRA (REIGAI), Can you really call us “imposters?

KIRA (REIGAI), Who decides which are real

and which are the imposters?

I wonder.

KIRA (REIGAI), I don't know the answer.

KIRA (REIGAI), What I do know is only the superior will survive.

KIRA (REIGAI), This will be a fitting end for you.

RANGIKU, Can an imposter cut this?

KIRA (REIGAI), Goodbye, Matsumoto.

KIRA (REIGAI), This can't be!

RANGIKU, You're such a dummy.





KIRA (REIGAI), Haineko!



RUKIA, The Spiritual Pressure over that way disappeared.

RUKIA, But there's another, separate Spiritual Pressure.

RUKIA, What?!

RUKIA, Is shemy Reigai?

RUKIA, She really does look like me.

RUKIA (REIGAI), It's like looking in a mirror.

It's creepy.

RUKIA, Back at you!

RUKIA (REIGAI), It's not a fun feeling.

RUKIA, You're right.

RUKIA, One Rukia Kuchiki is enough.

RUKIA, I will defeat you.

RUKIA (REIGAI), You're the one going down.

UKITAKE, Kyoraku, a material witness?!

This has to be some mistake!

UKITAKE, I ask you to release him immediately!

VOICE A, Negative.

UKITAKE, Why not?!

VOICE A, The fact that Squad Captain Shunsui Kyoraku

altered Precipice World traffic records

is sufficient evidence to warrant

regarding him as a suspect.

VOICE B, By controlling the Precipice World at will,

he can cut off the Soul Society from the World of the Living.

VOICE B, If that happens, the consequences would be

UKITAKE, But Kyoraku has no motive!

VOICE C, Motive?

VOICE C, That is why we've detained him.


VOICE D, Captain Ukitake.

VOICE D, Decisions of the Central are absolute.

VOICE D, Once a decision has been made,

you should be aware

that even captains are not allowed to dispute it.

UKITAKE, Pig-headed Central !

UNOHANA, You can't blame them.

UNOHANA, The evidence is there.

UNOHANA, There's no reason

for the Central to listen to you.

UKITAKE, Captain Unohana

UKITAKE, I'm positive this incident is a conspiracy by someone.


This appears to be a very well conceived plan.

UKITAKE, Any idea whose work it might be?

UNOHANA, No, not yet.

UNOHANA, It would appear...

we're up against someone

who won't give himself away easily.

UNOHANA, But we will definitely find him.

UKITAKE, I understand.

UKITAKE, I'm considering conducting my own investigation.

UNOHANA, Captain Ukitake, do be careful.

UNOHANA, You must not trust anyone.

UNOHANA, Though it may already be too late.

SADO, She's not here.

Where could she have possibly gone?

ORIHIME, Why does Nozomi keep trying to leave?

ORIHIME, Is it because she can't rely on us?

ORIHIME, Or because she doesn't want to cause us trouble?

SADO, Maybe she knows some way to escape her enemy.


SADO, That's what I think.

SADO, Why else would she come

all the way to the World of the Living?

SADO, When you think in those terms

What would that be?

Come on,

enough is enough.

What if you get caught by the guys who

are after you again?!

If you stay with Ichigo and the others,

they'll protect you, you know?


NOZOMI, Why would they protect me?

Why? Why, you ask?!

NOZOMI, Is it for the Soul Society?

For the World of the Living?

Not for those reasons!

Man, you just don't get it.

Gosh, you're so much trouble!

I don't care what happens to you anymore!

I'm leaving you!

Got that?

I'm not helping you anymore!

Oh! Damn it!

NOZOMI, What're you doing?!

We're going back! Even if I have to force you!

NOZOMI, Let go of me!

No! I'll drag you back if I have to.

What the?

I'm being dragged!

NOZOMI, Let go of me!

NOZOMI, How long are you going to cling to me,

you lousy pervert!

Go back to Ichigo! Let him protect you!

NOZOMI, That won't be necessary.


NOZOMI, I'll fix things so he won't have to protect me.

What do you mean?

NOZOMI, That's why I came to Karakura Town.

RUKIA, You're not bad, imposter.

RUKIA (REIGAI), I'm honored to be praised by the original.

RUKIA (REIGAI), But this is just the beginning!

RUKIA (M), She does seem to have

greater fighting ability than I do.

RUKIA (M), So what do I do?

RUKIA, Lieutenant Kurotsuchi?!

NEMU (REIGAI), Rukia Kuchiki

RUKIA, You're a Reigai too?!

RUKIA (M), They're teaming up to attack.

RUKIA (M), Lieutenant Kurotsuchi has speed.

RUKIA (M), I don't have a chance against the two of them together.

RUKIA (REIGAI), You're not getting away!

RUKIA, I wasn't planning on running away!

RUKIA (M), She also reacts swiftly.

RUKIA (M), Is there some way I can distract her?

RUKIA, Now's my chance!

RUKIA, Dance, Sodenoshirayuki.

RUKIA, Somenomai, Tsukishiro!

RUKIA (REIGAI), Dance, Sodenoshirayuki.

RUKIA (REIGAI), Somenomai

RUKIA, Too slow!

NEMU (REIGAI), MasterMayuri

NEMU, Is this their main body?

RUKIA (REIGAI), Let that be a lesson, Reigai!

NEMU, Are you all right?

RUKIA (REIGAI), Lieutenant Kurotsuchi.

RANGIKU, Kuchiki!

RUKIA (REIGAI), Lieutenant Matsumoto!

RANGIKU, Looks like you won.


Hey, give it up already.

NOZOMI, You're the one who needs to give up.

My eye is about to come off!

It's dangling, look!


Now what?

NOZOMI, I know nowwhere I want to go.

Really? Where is that place?!

That's really great.

Okay, let's hurry and go there!

And then let's hurry back to Ichigo, okay?

Hey! Be more gentle!

You'll tear off my ear next!

NOZOMI, That gate.


You mean the shrine gate?

NOZOMI, But not here.

NOZOMI, Is there a place

in this town where there are many of these in a row?

Many shrine gates?


That would probably be

The mountain. I've been there before.

NOZOMI, Show me the way.

Oh, so you've finally decided to depend on me!

You should've humbly accepted my help from the start.

That hurt, you!

NOZOMI, Hurry up.

What! Bossing me around like that

It's this way.

SHUNSUI, Good grief, what took you so long?

UKITAKE, We're going to see Master Genryusai.

UKITAKE, We must report this unusual incident and seek his judgment.

SHUNSUI (REIGAI), Man, this isn't a very comfortable place to sleep.

SHUNSUI (REIGAI), My butt is sore.

SHUNSUI (REIGAI), That was a pain in the butt.

UKITAKE, This is no time for jokes. Now quickly.

SHUNSUI (REIGAI), All right, all right.

RUKIA (REIGAI), There are no more enemies in the vicinity.

RUKIA (REIGAI), Let's join the search for Nozomi Kujo.

RANGIKU, Good idea.

RANGIKU, We can't sense her Spiritual Pressure

so I don't have a clue where to look.

NEMU, Yes.

RUKIA (REIGAI), Your guard is full of openings.

UKITAKE, Kyoraku

SHUNSUI (REIGAI), Sorry about this.

RANGIKU, You were a Reigai?!

What's the matter?



UKITAKE (REIGAI), Stop it, Kyoraku.

UKITAKE (REIGAI), That's not our job.

UKITAKE (REIGAI), We have other matters to attend to.

ORIHIME, Kurosaki! I've come up with a plan to get Nozomi's attention!

Really, Inoue?!

ORIHIME, Yup. First we get a cat,

ORIHIME, and then place the cat here, and

SADO, Snuggle, snuggle Snuggle, snuggle


ORIHIME, That's strange, Nozomi's not showing up.

All it did was catch Chad!

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers

ISHIDA (WITH ECHO), You came to. Pull yourself together.

HISAGI, Who's calling me?

HISAGI, White garments? Could it be?

HISAGI, Are angels coming for me?

HISAGI, No, wait a minute!

HISAGI, In the World of the Living,

I've heard there are beautiful women

known as angels in white who care for the ill!

HISAGI, That must be it!

HISAGI, One of them must be caring for me!

ISHDA, A-Are you all right?!

HISAGI., Thisisbliss