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09x12 - Boo's Worst Foul! Gotenks is Absorbed!?

Posted: 08/07/22 13:15
by bunniefuu
"Boo's Worst Foul!! Gotenks is Absorbed!?" What happened to all those high spirits you showed earlier? --What was that? --You say we're afraid!? You don't get it at all, do you!? If we hadn't returned to normal earlier, we would have completely won that fight! I don't know about that.

You seemed to be pretty scared, if that was supposed to be the case.

What was that!? He said we were scared! All right! What a fool! Let's get him! This time, we'll get him for sure, Trunks-kun! Of course we will! Are we going stand here quietly while being mocked by that punk? W- wait! There's something odd about this.

Don't you think it's strange? Why? You think too much, Piccolo-san! What kind of strategy could come from an idiot like that? Yeah! H- hey! All right! Plenty of time has gone by! We can do our Fusion! Don't! You guys just be quiet and watch on.

I am going to defeat him.

You've got to be joking! We can't just sit quietly after having been defied that badly! Big Brother, you just don't know how strong we are when we go through Fusion! We'll show you right now, so just give us some room! That's right! Do it now! That Fusion or whatever thing! All right, let's go, Goten! Yeah! This time, let's start out right away as Super Gotenks! --Fu- --Fu- -sion Ha!! Oh, so this is Fusion? Yea! Dum-dum-dum-dum! It's the Grim Reaper of Justice, Super Gotenks! I- incredible For two people to become one person t- that can't be so! All right! If I can just add those pipsqueaks' power and that Piccolo guy's brains I- is this not a trick? W- what is it, at a time like this? Are you hungry? Tough it out, I'm starving myself.

A-one, two, three, four a-one, two, three, four a-one, two, three, four Well, how about I give it to him now? After all, I'm the one he designated.

But even so it will be no trouble at all putting him away! Very well.

But don't drop your guard! Awright! Y- you dummy! Where are you going? Come back! W- wait up! Where are you going!? Wait! Here goes! W- what!? W- what is this!? P- Piccolo-san! W- why, you! What have you done!? You're mine! D- dammit, no! A- ah, hell! So that's what he was doing? G- get him, Gohan! Get him now! Does that mean? W- w- what was that!? What's happened!? P- Piccolo-san and Super Gotenks were absorbed by Boo! C- can he do something like that? What do you think, Gohan-kun? My strategy succeeded without incident.

Now, look! Wonderful, isn't it? This is that moment which will never come again, no matter the future the birth of the mightiest of Majin! That was dirty, you! How could you pull those two into yourself!? It's your fault! You're the one who was stronger than me, who should have been the absolute strongest! From the time I could feel your existence so far away, I began this strategy.

Perhaps there was someone even stronger than I.

And so I thought that if I were to absorb the Super Gotenks or whoever the runts were I was fighting with at the time into myself, then no matter what matter of fellow might show up, my throne as the mightiest of all would not be shaken.

However, it seemed that those runts' power was limited by time.

That's what they said.

Get on with it! I can only stay this ridiculously strong for a little while longer, after all! It will take another hour before I can become like this again! It wouldn't do for me to have them return back to normal at the moment I absorbed them.

I waited for the next opportunity.

It was apparent that given an hour, they could once again turn into this Super Gotenks.

As such, I disappeared for that long.

So that was it, was it? However, for you to be standing there babbling on like that, your slow-wittedness doesn't seem to have changed at all.

As long as you were out absorbing people, wanting to make yourself first-rate material, it would have been a lot easier to have just absorbed me! You don't seem to understand at all, do you? Without an opponent, what am I to do once I become the strongest? What? The previous Majin Boo said he was definitely going to blow you away, right? That is my greatest goal.

I see, so that's it.

You've convinced me.

Now, then You'll have to allow me to hurry through this fight.

Apparently this Super Gotenks that I've absorbed has quite a short transformation time limit about him.

That's a fairly level-headed determination, coming from you.

Looks like you were right to absorb Piccolo-san as well.

I'm going to k*ll you.

That's for sure.

Before you do I'll k*ll you! U- um Green-faced Kami-sama? C- could you see that just now? Just now? You mean the fight just now? Then they were fighting? For you to be able to see movement that fast, you really are Kami-sama, aren't you? Y- yes.

I am being allowed to serve as such for the time being.

I- I apologize for not saying so before, but I am the world champion of combat sports, Mister Satan.

Pleased to meet you.

Ah, it is I who am pleased to meet you.


It appears you still aren't putting out enough power to k*ll me.

Perhaps you first wish to test my abilities? That's what I would expect from this being Piccolo-san.

You've seen right through me, then? This is going to be hard.

In that case, it's about time I got down to business! Come on! So, what comes next? Gohan-san! Behind you! Gohan, tough it out! Honorable ancestor! Can Gohan-san really win against Boo? What do you think? I don't know.

H- how irresponsible! G- Gohan-san's Ki has disappeared! T- that can't be! Have you been beaten, Gohan? This is pretty bad, huh? What's the matter? Are you trying to buy time by hiding yourself there, while you hold your Ki? Which would mean that you've realized at least this much- that there's no way you can stand up to me like this! Having obtained Piccolo's brains and Super Gotenks' power, Majin Boo has been reborn! What will become of Gohan's fight against this strongest, most evil of enemies? We'll see!