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09x11 - Has He Done It!? Majin Boo's Great expl*si*n

Posted: 08/07/22 13:15
by bunniefuu
"Has He Done It!? Majin Boo's Great expl*si*n" ret*rd, you say? ret*rd!? H- he called him that!? H- he's gotten too carried away, regardless! Y- you called me a ret*rd!? You can't win! So, that was you after all? What? What do you mean? I knew it! Ever since I was fighting those runts! Far, far, in a very faraway place, I felt a strong power.

I will not stand for any power stronger than mine! So that's it.

You were testing me, just to make sure that I really was greater than you That's too bad, huh Majin Boo? Y- you mean that even during the height of that battle, he had already become conscious of Gohan's existence? I- in that case, what in the world was the meaning of that fight with Gotenks!? Listen, and listen well! I will not stand for you! Absolutely not! Absolutely not, absolutely not! I won't stand for you!! I'll k*ll you!! k*ll me, you say? You must know better than anyone else that such a thing is impossible.

I'm looking forward to this! Watch out! I'm so thirsty B- beer!! Looks so good! Hold on, hold on, I'll find some milk for you.

W- we owe you one, Gohan.

You saved us.

Not at all.

Whew! That was close! T- to think he would blow himself up! Big Brother, you're incredible! Way to know that Boo was blowing himself up! Is Boo dead, then? No.

He blew himself up, didn't he? He tried to take you with him, Gohan-san! If he had been trying to take me with him, he would have made it even bigger- so much so that there would be nothing left of Earth.

What does this mean? Has he fled? I don't feel his Ki! He is capable of muffling his Ki.

S- so he's hiding, looking for his next chance! I don't know.

But it does seem as if he's planning something.

Ha! Even if he is really alive, there's no problem! That jerk was powerless to stop Gohan-san! He's as strong as we were as Super Gotenks! Even stronger! Really? Yeah, just a little.

Tell me, Gohan, how is it that you've become so powerful? Wow, such an incredible old man, huh? By the way, Piccolo-san, who has the Dragon Radar? Ah, we gave that to Piccolo-san! Y- yeah.

It's true that I do have it.

However with Dende having been k*lled, the Dragon Balls are mere stones now.

The Dragon Balls are what!? It's okay.

Dende is alive.

See? You can faintly feel his Ki, right? What!? I- it's true! I feel him! --Yeah! I can tell too! --He's over that way! Come on! Let's go locate Dende while we can! We don't know when Boo will appear again, after all.

All right! Let's go! That jerk! He really has k*lled everyone! There isn't a single person anywhere! Yeah What? Do you see something? Yes.

Isn't that? I- I want some beer water would be okay too It's Mister Satan! Why is he the only one who has survived? He's sure a tough one.

Let him be, let him be! No, let's bring him with us.

Even given all that, he's still a good person at heart.

He did try to save the Earth, in his own way.

Juice Cola Oolong tea Huh? You're! Good day.

G- good day Still, why is it that Dende alone survived? Boo had plenty of time.

Enough for him to seek him out and k*ll him.

Father said that you were fighting in the Room of Spirit and Time, and that Boo was the first to come out, right? That's right.

He broke through the wall between dimensions.

Even so, Piccolo-san, afterward you all came out as well, almost immediately, right? One day here is the same as a year within the room, so Piccolo-san, you and the others came out just one moment later, didn't you? T- that's right! How can this be!? I got so distracted that I've misunderstood everything! That's right! It was completely the opposite! You sure do get reckless sometimes, Piccolo-san! T- thanks Oh! Kami-sama! Everyone! How good of you to have gotten away, Dende! Well done! P- Popo-san said that I at least absolutely must not die! When it looked like everyone was going to be eaten by Boo, he immediately flung me toward the Lower Realm! I choose choco!! Kami-sama at least must not die! He was right.

If you had d*ed, the Dragon Balls would be ordinary stones.

The Earth would have remained a ghost town.

That's our Mister Popo! He's made an excellent determination! H- hey, who is he? That kid over there with the sickly complexion? Now see here! What do you mean, kid!? That's Kami-sama! Kami-sama! W- what did you say? Whew, thank goodness! Um What are these Dragon Balls that you have been talking about for a while now? Never mind that, what in the world does Majin Boo plan to do? There's no way he can win! W- w- w- what!? V- V- Videl has been k*lled!? B- Boo k*lled V-Videl!? T- t- that can't be!! Videl! Videl! Hey, you! Why didn't you protect Videl!? Why didn't you!? I'm sorry It's okay, Pops! They can come back to life, after all! C- come back to life? Really? Videl can come back to life, right? Really! Really! Really! You're not lying to me, are you? If you're lying, I'll make you swallow a thousand needles! It's Majin Boo! What!? Boo, you say? T- that can't be! Is he already intent on fighting again? What could have changed in just the hour or so that has gone by? I'll finish him off this time for sure! Everyone, be careful not to get caught in between us! Okay, show me what has changed! Boo! Why have you k*lled everyone!? You promised me, didn't you? That you wouldn't k*ll any more? Boo! Don't you know who I am? It's no use! He's not the same Boo he was before! L- look! This is the cute little guy you saved! See how lively he's gotten? I told you, it's useless! Stop it, already! You'll get in the way of Gohan's fighting.

What does he want me to do? Damn Strange.

I don't think there's a single thing about him that has changed.

What is it with him? What the hell is he thinking? Yeesh! He's bluffing, he's bluffing! He's just going to go right off running away again! Hey, pipsqueaks! Come on out! I want to fight you! What? You've got it backward, Boo! I'm your opponent now! First I'm going to settle things with the pipsqueaks! I'll fight you afterward! Why!? Why do such a roundabout thing? You wanted to defeat me, didn't you!? What's the matter, pipsqueaks? Are you afraid to fight me? What happened to all those high spirits you showed earlier? Once again, Majin Boo challenges Trunks and Goten to a fight.

Just what exactly do you have planned?