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08x31 - You're Kidding, Right!? The Z-Sword is Broken

Posted: 08/07/22 12:02
by bunniefuu
" You're Kidding, Right!? The Z-Sword is Broken" Fu-sion! Once again! Fusion Ha! No, no! How many times do I have to say this before you get it!? Match your timing together! Listen! Fusion is a merging technique.

No matter how well you learn the pose, unless you make your breathing as one, you will not master Fusion.

Yeah, but Goten's being too slow! Am not! Trunks-kun is too fast! What was that!? Oh, yeah!? Enough already! We don't have any time for this! If you want to fight, you can do it all you like, after you defeat Majin Boo! All right.

Let's continue training! Right Fusion Ha! Once again! Fusion Ha! Fusion Ha! My, my, and they were doing so well with it, too.

Yoink! Okay So do you really suppose they'll be able to merge together? It's okay, they'll do it! There's no reason Son-kun would lie to us.

Awesome, awesome! You've done good to be able to wield it that well in just a day! Incredible, Gohan! Indeed, quite wonderful, Gohan-san! So, I'm sure it's awfully sharp, that Z-Sword.

Say, let's test it out a bit! Very good! Let's see okay First will be this rock.

All right, here goes, Gohan! Try cutting this clean in half! I'm sure it will cut right through it like tofu! If I know the Z-Sword here! You did it, Gohan-san! Yes Wow! That's awfully sharp! Goku-san Let's try something even harder this time.

Goku-san, here.

Oof what's this? This is katchinko, said to be the hardest metal in the universe.

Whew, that's hard! As long as you're doing this, try it with that! That's great! All right, Gohan, here goes! Leave it to me! Ready, set Go! Y- you're kidding! It broke! I- i- it can't be! T- t- the Z-Sword! T- the strongest blade ever! Look at that! Kaioshin-sama, this is your fault for telling us to try testing it against that something that hard.

B- but, it's said that whoever takes it in hand will hold the greatest power in the world! T- t- the Z-Sword was the legendary blade of this holy region! It appears it was something of an exaggerated legend, huh? B- but still, because of it, my strength has risen considerably.

That Z-Sword was incredibly heavy, after all.

See? Perhaps it meant that if you came to be able to use that sword, you would have the greatest power in the world, maybe.

T- that's it! If you've gotten that much power in your regular state, once you turn Super Saiyan, you should experience a considerable power-up! That's it! That's the legendary greatest power in the world! But whether that power is greater than Majin Boo's I don't know B- but Goku-san, there isn't any other way.

That's not so-o! Huh? What's with the old guy? U- um, and you are? Me? You'll be so surprised to hear this! I'm, y'know Who am I, who am I, but your, y'know y'know, Kaioshin here! F- fifteen-generations previous!? K- Kaioshin-sama!? U- um Great King Yama-sama? What is it? Er, can we please ask you to allow us to go home, oni? What!? We have been working so long now without any rest, and hardly any time for meals.

If this keeps up, I fear we will find it hard not to get in line ourselves.

I'd like to get some rest right along with you, but we can't very well leave these dead people here, right? Oni Passing judgement on these lost dead and then leading them to the world they are proceed to is our duty! G- Great King Yama! This is terrible! What's wrong!? A- another million-and-a-half dead have just arrived from Earth! What did you say!? Just what in hell is happening on Earth? Fifteen-generation-previous Kaioshin-sama!? That's right.

Long, long ago, y'know, there was this terribly strong, y'know, bad guy, y'know.

Well, not so bad as this Majin Boo now.

So this guy, y'know, sealed me up inside that sword, here.

I'm sure, y'know, he was all nervous by how fearsome I am, y'know, so he did it.

Mm hmm.

Finally, I've been allowed out! He doesn't look like that awesome an old guy.

Right? Not really Say, should we put him to the test? Huh? I'm not too sure H- honorable forefather! A- are you all right!? Please, shake it off! Honorable forefather! You ignorant fool! What are you doing!? You dung dangle! You tinkle trickle! Dimwit! Scum! That you could do that to a majestic Kaioshin! And you have an outie, too! He's just a blowhard old man after all.

He's not that strong at all, is he? It wasn't my power, y'know, that made my opponent nervous! It was the fearsome ability I have that he was nervous about! Fearsome Ability? What's that? Nyah nyah nyaaaah! I'm not telling you any mo-ore! I guess there ain't any choice.

If that's the case, I'll give you a dirty book next time I see you, so tell us! F- Father! Goku-san! How could you say that!? Hmph! I don't have to see any book! With my godly eyes, I can see gals bathing and change their clothes and stuff just fine, you know! H- honorable forefather! Well, in a little while, I'll let you touch a real woman's boobs and behind! R- really!? Yeah! Sure thing! That's got him! I knew it, he's the same type as Old Man Turtle Hermit! Father, when you say that, what do you intend to do? What will I do? Since I can't go down to the Lower Realm any more You've got a girlfriend, right, that girl Videl? I hate to ask, but for just a bit, have her let him touch her.

W- w- what are you saying!? That isn't funny! Oh yeah? This is a problem Still, with Super Saiyan 3 and Fusion and everything, circumstances are getting far beyond anything on a dimension we can handle, huh? It looks as though we won't get a turn this time around.

That's not so! I'm sure there's something we all can do.

And that's the game! Ta-da! Say, would it be okay if she's kind of a middle-aged woman? Well, if she's sexy, I suppose that would be fine.

All right! Let's make it Bulma! You explain the situation to Bulma and ask her to do it for me! I- I have to ask Bulma-san to do such a thing!? So, this ability, can it b*at Majin Boo? Well, I can't say absolutely, y'know, but I think it will.

See? Just by allowing him to touch someone's behind and boobs, the Earth no, the whole universe can be saved! Isn't that sexual harassment? And besides, I'm the one who has to ask her, right? Even if the universe does get saved, I'm going to get k*lled by Bulma-san! Fine! Okay! It's settled then.

So, what is this " ability" then? I, y'now, can take anyone who's good at what they do, y'know, and with my mental power, y'know, draw out their hidden power wa-ay, wa-ay past their limits, here.

Ever heard of such an incredible ability? Hey, that's an ability you hear about rather often, ain't it? What are you talking about!? Past their limits, you know, past their limits! There's absolutely no one else like that! N- now that you mention it, I guess not.

Hey, you're the one that pulled that sword out, aren't you? Go stand over there.


If anyone was able to pull that sword out and be able to swing it around, y'know, once I set him up, y'know, he's sure to be the strongest in the universe.

However, y'know, I had thought that whoever pulled out that sword, y'know, and let me out, y'know, would have been a Kaioshin.

Who would have thought that I would be saved by a human? What is the world coming to? M- my sincere apologies All right! Stand there, and you can't move too much! Right! Okay then, here goes.

Go defeat Majin Boo! Um, is that? Quiet! We're in the middle of an important ceremony! Ceremony? This? S- say, uh, how long does this take? The ceremony is five hours.

To power him up takes another twenty hours.

I'm going to go take a little nap.

Hang in there, Gohan! T- this can't be! I- it wouldn't do for us to not stay awake, would it? Indeed.

T- this is lousy.

Fusion Ha! Fusion Ha! All right! Good, you're just about perfect! Okay, it's about time when we can see whether or not you can do this.

All right, you two make your Ki exactly the same! Right! A- am I really going to be able to merge with this guy? Unbelievable.

It sounds fishy to me.

Okay, begin! Right! Has Fusion been mastered at last? And can Gohan really power up through the mental abilities of the 15-generation-old Kaioshin? The annihilation of the Earth is drawing close before our very eyes!